10 Least Painful Places to Get a Tattoo for Girls

By on September 17, 2014

The thought of a needle digging into your skin seems pretty darn painful, right? But what if I told you there’s actually some tattoo locations with very minimal pain? That’s right! There’s not only 1 or 2, but 10 different places where you can get a tattoo without even as much as a single tear. Think of it like this: it doesn’t really feel like a needle being drug through your skin, it really just feels like someone poking you with a pinprick in an annoying fashion. That being said, here’s 10 least painful tattoo locations that won’t make you shriek in pain, just be a little annoyed for a lengthy amount of time!


1. Outer Shoulder

Outer Shoulder

You have undoubtedly seen outer shoulder tattoos, whether they were small, stand alone tattoos or something much grander (better known as a half sleeve). There’s three reasons for this. One, these tattoos are visible 99% of the time. Secondly, there’s plenty of flesh space to draw a masterpiece. Thirdly, it’s the least painful place to get a tattoo. If you’re in the market for an adorable tattoo that will look great with minimal pain spent, I recommend an outer shoulder tat.

2. Thigh

thigh tattoos

You’ve probably seen a recent influx in the amount of thigh tattoos on women. This is because of the simple reason that thigh tattoos are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. Much like the outer shoulder, there is plenty of space to paint your canvas on. The pain amount is definitely tolerable with a thigh tattoo, and best of all: thigh tattoos look absolutely ADORABLE paired up with your favorite short shorts. Need I say more?

3. Wrist

Wrist tattoo

Were you thinking about getting a cute, little tattoo on your wrist? Well, you’ll be happy to know that wrist tattoos aren’t just feminine and cutesy, but they are also one of the least painful places to get tatted. So go ahead- rock that little heart you’ve been dreaming of or get that short quote you love- it won’t hurt a bit!

4. Upper Back

Upper Back tattoo

The back is another excellent area for tattoos because of the huge space available. Many people opt to get tattoos crossing the entire length of the upper half of their backs while others choose a smaller tattoo on one side of the back. Either way, back tattoos are fairly minimal when it comes to pain- as long as you stay away from the spine and armpit area. Then you might find yourself squinting and squirming in pain!

5. Shin

Shin tattoo

Below the knee and above the ankle is an excellent spot to get a tattoo- especially if you choose to place it on the outer area of your shin away from the bone. Whether you choose a large tattoo that covers half your leg or something small and cute, you can rest assured that you won’t be bothered by an intense amount of pain. Not to mention shin tattoos look really lovely with cropped jeans and shorts!

6. Neck

neck tattoos

Much like back tattoos, neck tattoos are really easy to handle- as long as you stay away from the spine. And no, you weren’t seeing things: neck tattoos are becoming incredibly popular in the female tattoo world, just like thigh tattoos. Many woman are breaking into the tattoo world and choosing this location for their first, the most common place being directly behind the ear. Don’t worry yourself thinking a tat that close to the head HAS to hurt- that mindset couldn’t be any further from the truth.

7. Ribs

rib tattoos

Now, I am not going to sit here and lie to you: the ribs are a bit more painful than the other 6 locations listed, but it’s definitely not an area that will lead to tears. You might be under the impression that rib tattoos HAVE to hurt- I mean, the ribs are a rather sensitive area, right? On the contrary! Ribs are thick and ready to rumble when it comes to pain. So I invite you to finally get that quote or flower blasted on your rib cage. It will look amazing and super hot when it comes time for bikini season!

8. Hips

hip tattoo

You know those adorable hip tattoos? The one with the matching set of artwork on both sides? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. And I KNOW you love them- how could you not? Hip tattoos aren’t just sexy and trendy, they’re also pretty painless! Whether you’re opting for the matching set of tats on either side or want something across your lower abdomen, rest assured you won’t be in for the worst time of your life. And when it’s all over and done with, you’ll love how sexy the tattoo looks against your jeans and shorts.

9. Stomach

Stomach tattoo

Stomach tattoos are just plain cool. Plus they’re hidden out of sight 95% of the time, which is a major selling point for those who don’t want visible tattoos. Stomach tattoos are also pretty painless no matter where you put them-on your lower abdomen, on your side, even around your belly button!

10. Chest

Chest tattoo

You might see chest tattoos more commonly on men, but females are definitely breaking into the chest tattoo world. Chest tattoos are hot, plain and simple. You can come up with an amazing design that covers your entire chest and it will look amazing. Plus they’re easy to spot, look awesome with shirts and bathing suits, and you won’t have to deal with any crazy amount of pain. Just stay away from the armpit area!


Remember, everyone’s pain tolerance is different- what might be painless to some can be gut-wrenching to others. But these 10 locations have been reported as being the least painful by the majority of individuals who have been tattooed in those spots. So what are you waiting for? Don’t let the fear of pain keep you from getting the tattoo you have always wanted. Venture out and get that ink!


Ladies, have you ever had a tattoo in one of these particular locations? Would you agree that they are the least painful, or did you have a painful experience? Let us know!


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