10 Signs Someone Has A Crush On You

By on August 23, 2013

Are you suspicious that someone might be crushing on you? Are you just not sure how to tell? Sometimes, it can be extremely hard to find out when someone has crossed over the ‘just friends’ line and jumped onto the ‘I like you more than friends’ side. Whether you want that someone to be totally crushing on you or you just want to know so you can let them down super easy without looking like a fool, here are 10 almost definitely positive signs that this someone has a big old crush on you!

Sign # 1. You may have someone crushing on you if… they jump at every chance they can to help you out. Most people (a majority of the time)don’t take time out of their days  to drive someone home, do them a favor or get them something they need more than once for a someone they absolutely have no interest in. Someone who is set on looking after you, truly likes you and wants to make you happy.


Sign # 2.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they talk pretty highly of you to friends, family or even talk you up  to your own friends. They most likely want to let the people around them know what they think of you themselves and wants them to think the same. It’s very important that if they like you that the people in their lives to like you as much as they do.

Sign # 3.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they tease you lightly, but often. This is often a strong method of flirtation. They’ll poke fun at you, but not enough to hurt your feelings. They will always laugh at your jokes, usually even your terrible ones that aren’t funny.


Sign # 4.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they  smile at you all the time, grin when you grin and look you directly in the eye while talking to you. Someone who likes you will try to mirror your body language to relate to you more. They, more than likely, do this so that you feel more comfortable around them.


Sign # 5.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they start noticing when you change things in your appearance or clothing. If  they like you they may compliment you more than often and they tell you the things they like about you. It’s a good sign you have someone crushing on you if they pay close attention to most, if not everything, about you.


Sign # 6.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they do their absolute hardest to pay attention to everything that you do or say. They’ll listen intently to your stories, complaints and jokes. He’ll always keep track of your likes, dislikes and will converse back with you while you’re talking to make you aware that he is actively listening.


Sign # 7.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they will go above and beyond to figure out everything they can about you. They’ll ask about your person life, family, friends, childhood, ex-boyfriends, what your favorite food is- you get the picture! He’ll then in turn try to tell you person information about himself. He wants to get to know you and wants you to get to know him. Definitely a sign he’s interested!

Sign # 8.  You may have someone crushing on you if… Do they get awkward around you? Do they blush or fidget while talking to you? All in all do they just seem nervous when you’re around? If you find someone doing these things then they may be quite worried about embarrassing themselves in front of you. People with a crush tend to be affected by the person they likes looks, what they think and how that person reacts to what they say.


Sign # 9.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they ask you about the interest you have in other people. Are they curious to know whether you’re crushing on someone? Do they make it very clear that they aren’t interested in any other people themselves? Do they seem jealous when you talk to other guys and not just them? That’s more than a good sign that they have a definite crush on you.

Sign # 10.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they may want you to get to know the other people who are close to them in their life. People like their friends and family. They’ll try to introduce you to their family and friends so that you can all get to know each other. After you all meet, your secret admirer will work very hard for both you and them to make good impressions on each other because he wants you all to get along in case you are a future girlfriend!



  1. Kassandra

    November 14, 2015 at 4:28 am

    OK, I have many questions about my crush. I am currently in the eigth grade and I like this boy name Calvin.And he is a good dancer. We have met in the end of seventh grade and I started liking him then, but like the crush went away. And it started the BIG crush when I told him to join cheer with me. And I have been cheering since seventh grade but anyways off topic. So I convinced him to go and he did. And we both made the team. And I helped him with everything and when we had to hold hands he like caressed my hand and looked at me and winked and I giggle and blushed. And we talked about this guy that I used to l like and I only did it to get him jealous and it kind of worked. Every time I talked about the guy he like would like give me advice then he would be like he’s not worth it. And one day before cheer practice I was sitting down on a lunch bench and he was standing in front of me and looked at me and he told me that he wanted to kissed and he got close and my dumb self backed away. And I only did it because he told me he still kinda liked his ex. So I didn’t want to get in between that. And all of a sudden he just stopped talking to me for 2 months. And I kept texting him and wouldn’t respond. Until the past few weeks, we have been talking in text but at school we cant even look at each other I don’t why but before he stopped talking to me he would hug me when i was on my way to class. And sometimes when I needed to cry he was always there. And by the way I already told him that i liked him and he told me did too but he doesn’t like me anymore, so what should I do? stop talking to him? tell him that i still like? please respond I really need help?!!!

    • web admin

      November 14, 2015 at 4:29 pm

      It looks like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to answer and approve each comment manually, so it can sometimes take a little while for me to get around to all of them. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions!

  2. Kassandra

    November 14, 2015 at 4:27 am

    OK, I have many questions about my crush. I am currently in the eigth grade and I liked this boy name Calvin. We have met in the end of seventh grade and I started liking him then, but like the crush went away. And it started the BIG crush when I told him to join cheer with me. And I have been cheering since seventh grade but anyways off topic. So I convinced him to go and he did. And we both made the team. And I helped him with everything and when we had to hold hands he like caressed my hand and looked at me and winked and I giggle and blushed. And we talked about this guy that I used to l like and I only did it to get him jealous and it kind of worked. Every time I talked about the guy he like would like give me advice then he would be like he’s not worth it. And one day before cheer practice I was sitting down on a lunch bench and he was standing in front of me and looked at me and he told me that he wanted to kissed and he got close and my dumb self backed away. And I only did it because he told me he still kinda liked his ex. So I didn’t want to get in between that. And all of a sudden he just stopped talking to me for 2 months. And I kept texting him and wouldn’t respond. Until the past few weeks, we have been talking in text but at school we cant even look at each other I don’t why but before he stopped talking to me he would hug me when i was on my way to class. And sometimes when I needed to cry he was always there. And by the way I already told him that i liked him and he told me did too but he doesn’t like me anymore, so what should I do? stop talking to him? tell him that i still like? please respond I really need help?!!!

    • web admin

      November 14, 2015 at 6:12 am

      If he does not like you anymore, there is nothing that you can really change that. You could try being close friends with him again because it could bring his feelings back to light, just don’t come on too strong. I think that you should keep talking to him though because he could misunderstand if you stop talking to him, think that you hate him and have a chance to get over you completely. Stay friends and see what happens. Good luck!

  3. Keekee

    October 31, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    Hey, it’s me again! I finally got your reply since I forgot about sending in my last comment. Also, sorry about the bad grammar I was typing fast. So, I wrote a note that I’ve corrected many times until I finally got the one I like. I’ve been telling myself to give him the note but every time I try to he’s always with his friends, he’s never there, or when I get exactly what I want which is him being alone and it’s literally just us, I back out. The thing that I really wanted to ask is, can a guy who is loud, talkative, immature when he wants to be, can talk to anyone without fear, a joker, and outgoing be shy around a girl? Because I literally can’t seem to comprehend a guy like him with his personality being shy around me. Everyone knows I’m extremely shy especially around people I really don’t know or talk to. I’m that “shy and quiet five foot girl” who keeps to herself. For example, sometime at least two weeks ago, we saw each other in the hallways and I kept trying to avoid eye contact with him but I’m pretty sure he was looking at me but was also trying to avoid eye contact. I mean there have been many times we’ve made eye contact but that’s it. He’s no where close to the shy or nervous type, in all honesty I feel if he liked someone he would tell them.

    • web admin

      November 2, 2015 at 2:35 pm

      Anyone can be shy around a girl–especially if it is a girl that they like. Although he could be confident enough to tell a girl that he likes them, the fact that he is shy around you makes it seem a little less likely. There is no reason to be shy if he does not like you, so it looks like you have an excellent chance that he is interested in you after all. Good luck!

  4. Keekee

    October 27, 2015 at 3:01 am

    Hello! Sorry to be a bother, but I have a HUGE crush on this guy in my grade. We actually talked more in 9th grade when he would start a conversation, tease me, joke around, more physical contact, if I dropped something he would be there to pick it up or hand it back to me, he would hold doors open for me, and I’m pretty sure he would flirt with me but I’m not positive on that. On some occasions he would compliment me especially on my hair bows. After that year it all stopped but I don’t know if it is my mind playing tricks or reality, but I feel like he looks at me especially when I’m not looking. Like today in home room after we said the pledge as we (all the students) were going to sit down, I could of sworn in the corner of my eye, he was looking at me. Throughout the day, people kept saying how nice I looked, they like my shirt, or that I even looked cute today and it made me think back to him and if he was probably thinking any one of those. Flashback: one time in 9th grade I was feeling horrible on day. I finally decided to got to the nurse but it was around 7th or 8th period. I went up to my Alegebra teacher and asked her if I could go to the nurse and explained I felt I would pass out. She asked me if I might need someone to go with me and I replied yes. She asked the class if someone would walk me to the nurse (a bunch of my friends were in my algebra class, just clearing this up) and he is the only one to offer. I literally passed one of my friends (BFF) and gave her a “I hate you look” and walked to the door where he waited for me. As we left the room he was offering me his arm saying if I feel like I might fall could hold his arm. I didn’t know if he meant it or was just being polite because his tone of voice had a hint of I want to saying joking to it but I’m not truly sure. I’m not a mind reader. After that day a few days later because I’m pretty sure it was close to the end of school. Again, we were in Alegebra and we didn’t have to do anything so some of the boys were dancing and playing around while the rest of us watched and laughed with them. I was at one of the boards which, my crush, ended up sitting by at one of the Windows. I called his name to get his attention and when I did I thanked him for walking me down (sorry don’t remember what he said) and after that I went to the chalkboard on the other side of the room where some of my friends were drawing on and I’m pretty sure he kept watching me. Whether I was watching the guys dance or with my friends he would always walk extremely close by me. I dropped a book one time and he ran back to pick it up for me. One time in middle school (8th grade) in bio class we were playing a game our bio teacher taught us and he was laying with me, my friends and a couple other students. I was on a roll just beating everyone, including him and he looked at me (again forgot what he said) and he put his hand up for a high five but I didn’t give him a high five and he just put his hand down but was still smiling. He said, “no?” I shook my head and he put it down. He then did it again a second time but this time I did high five him and when our hands touched it lingered. Now none of this happens. We don’t really talk, he doesn’t compliment me a lot, but I feel he looks at me when he can. I want to tell him that I liked him for over five years now but I’m scared I read all the signs wrong. I really like him with a passion that I think I’ve fallen in love with him. I just don’t know whether to tell him , but even then I don’t know whether to tell him face-to-face or give him a note. However, if I decide to do either one I don’t know one, when to tell him because I only see him during school and rarely out of school. Two, how to even tell him without having a panic attack and three, how to give him the note. My friend gave her crush the note at the end of 8th period this year sometime last week during current events. She gave him the note when the bell rung and ran to her next class. She told me after school that she gave him the note telling him she liked him but also said it felt good and she doesn’t have to worry about it. I told her I wish I had her courage I mean, I’m blunt but…I just really want to tell him because if he likes me then all my worrying was for nothing but I feel like if I don’t, then I’ll never know what could of been.

    Flashback: in middle school I had a friend who moved before 9th grade but after 8th grade ended and she too had a crush on the same guy. She would always ask me in classes we had with him when he was at least a few feet away if I still liked him and I would freak on her. I was always scared he would hear and find out. However, in the middle of the school year he found out she liked him and we truly don’t know how he did. But I over heard say he knew she liked him and that he didn’t like her. I would always tell her this but she never believed me. A few days later I was at my locker because I asked to go there. So I was the only one out in the hallways and I was on my knees at my locker. A few minutes (or seconds) later he leaves the same room I guess to go to the bathroom. When I looked at first I was just doing it to see who it was and realized it was him. We made eye contact but I turned to concentrate on my locker again. He walked passed me and when he did I couldn’t help but try to take a quick glance and when I did it was the exact same time he turned and we made eye contact again. But I always think back to if he knew she liked him, does he know that I like him too? (One time in 10th grade one of my friends told me in global she was talking to our other friend about something and how he ended up jointing in. Some how I was brought up in the conversation and he said to them “I think she likes me.” She told me she laughed and kinda said yeah right. When she told me this however I freaked and tried to not show any obvious signs I like him).

    Another time I brought in cupcakes for algebra and of course it was for the class. Usually when you bring in something for the class it’s for whoever wants it and you don’t have to ask for it. But, he asked me if he could have one and I said yes. Unfortunately, I forgot what happened and he didn’t get one. When three came everyone went to there lockers to get there stuff to leave and go home. That was the same day I was staying after with my friend and had time to get the cupcakes no ate. So, we went to the room where I got the cupcakes and left and as I was leaving he entered to get his sport bags out the room. I quickly told my friend wait for me and turned to go back in the room. I called him and when I got his attention I offered him a cupcake. He said “no it’s okay and that he had gum, see” and he showed my the gum in his mouth that he was chewing.. I told him I feel bad because he was the only one who asked but didn’t get one and agin he said it was okay. I said okay then goodbye and left. The whole time though he was smiling and we were looking each other in the eyes.

    He has always been nice to me and most of my friends because some he didn’t like that year. They literally were annoying him. But I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore and want to tell him and I talked to my friend about this many times and she said the only thing is, she feels if I give him the note saying I like him and blah blah blah that he may confront me about it and I’m really shy around most people in school and he is at the very top. I was thinking of writing him a poem but I don’t know if that would be a little weird.

    I need help! Please and thank you.

    • web admin

      October 27, 2015 at 3:12 pm

      I think that you should just tell him how you feel. If you are too nervous to talk to him in person, then you can always just write a note. Handing it to him may be nerve wracking, but it is a lot less scary than telling him in person. Plus, you will be able to completely format your writing and make sure that you state your feelings perfectly. I would see if one of your good friends could read through and make sure that it sounds right before you send it.

      It sounds like he likes you, or at the very least, it seems like he could like you if you gave him a chance. He may just be as nervous around you as you are around him, so he might be too shy to actually make a move. Even if you do not give him the note, you should start talking to him more often so that you can further develop a relationship with him. Good luck!

  5. Julia

    October 19, 2015 at 11:36 pm

    I know him since last year of high school, but we don’t talk until I have AP class with him this year. I’m sure we noticed each other because I always caught him looking at be from across the room frequently, I don’t know for how long because I always be the firstone looking away. I have a feeling he really wants to talk to me as much as I do but we never had a chance. Finally, we got to get close together through a group project, our feeling is awkward and shy(literally don’t know what to say except for basic questions and groups work). But whenever we communicate, we ALWAYS look at each other eyes. Also his foot accidentally touch my foot multiple time(he usually look under and apologize). Is this some type of sign that he could have his eyes on me? FWI to help you more understands the background, he is very smart/talented/handsome/sweet and I’m kind/good looking/smart

    • web admin

      October 20, 2015 at 2:39 am

      It looks like you may have commented twice on this article. I have to approve of each comment individually, so it can sometimes take me a little while to get around to answering each comment. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

  6. faith

    October 16, 2015 at 8:28 pm

    So there was this guy in my college class, he is the guy that always answers questions is loud. Anyways he started to talk to me which i found odd since i am a shy person and hardly ever talk. We mostly talked about the class. Then another day we both came early and he saw the book i was reading and he said that he like it and for more than 30 minutes we talked about the book and other things untill class started. He made eye contact the whole time was facing me. Then i found put he dropped the class(personal reasons ) i saw him again in the school and he called my name we talked a little he said ig i noticed he wasnt in class them before he left he said he would hug me but was sweaty so he just high fived me. Could it be he just being friendly?

    • web admin

      October 16, 2015 at 9:17 pm

      He could just be being friendly, but it sounds like he could be interested. He went out of his way to say hello to you and talk to you. Plus, he engaged you in conversation after you were out of the class and offered a hug, in a way. I think that it is at least a 50/50 chance that he likes you, and it may even be higher than that. Keep talking to him and see how things go–perhaps, you could ask him for his phone number and see if he wants to hang out with you sometime. Good luck, Faith!

  7. Lizzie

    October 13, 2015 at 7:07 pm

    I knew there was something going on. With this guy…my freshmen year…he would look at me… Touch my desk and smile at me…or stare at me….then I did something unthinkable… It was a day after we went to see a chick flick and well the girl was like me…so I decided to make a dare on one of my friends to go up at him and call him a doushebag….and they recorded it…I knew it was TOTALLY NOT me to do such kind of things…and I wanted to apologize…but he said it was fine….or something like that..we started our sophomore year and he suddenly had a girlfriend… I was fine back then…but now I’m not so sure anymore… I see hi. Everywhere and its getting me really mad because I’m scared of being the one with the crush…but here’s the thing…I have after school practice and he does a sport… And whenever I come late…he doesn’t leave till he sees me leave…and I don’t understand… Is this something or just something he’s probably trying to get back at me for what I’ve done….because he broke up with his girlfriend and then we started junior year and he’s back with her…

    Help ME!!!! I would appreciate this

    • web admin

      October 15, 2015 at 4:38 pm

      He might just like the other girl, and that could have been why he dated her. Although it was not nice to play that trick on him, he obviously knew you for more than just that one action. It sounds like he could like you though, but the fact that he is in a relationship means that he will probably not make a move. You should respect the fact that he is in a relationship and wait until he is single again to try doing anything. Waiting is not fun, but it is the right thing to do.

  8. Jess

    October 13, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    How do I get my friend to go out with her crush. I know she like him and I can tell he likes her but I know she won’t admit it.

    • web admin

      October 15, 2015 at 4:15 pm

      You could just tell her that you want to ask him out for her. If she seems embarrassed, tell her that you will just say that it is a joke if he says no–or that she can say that you were just trying to play matchmaker and your friend is not actually interested. You could also talk to him and see if he wants to ask her out. If he asks her out directly, then you do not have to do anything else–all your friend would have to do is say good luck.

  9. Jackelyn

    October 8, 2015 at 10:48 am

    I have this MASSIVE crush on one of the guys in my class and the other day he began to walk towards me and it seemed like he came to start convo but my friend and I kept walking he hasn’t really done the same thing again. We talk sometimes on kik but not much. He stares at me in class but when I look over he turns around I look at him to and when he looks at me I either some times smile or just look back. And today I was told that he likes another girl and her boyfriend broke up with her a few weeks ago. What can I do. I really love this guy

    • web admin

      October 8, 2015 at 5:39 pm

      Next time that he seems to approach you to talk, talk back to him! Even though he likes the other girl, it is always possible that he likes you as well. If you planned on making a move, you may need to do it fast–if he asks the other girl out, she may say yes and end up dating him for a long time. Right now, he might just be waiting a bit for her to heal so that he is not the rebound boyfriend. If you want to be with him, now is your chance to actually win him over.

  10. Ram

    August 23, 2015 at 8:28 am

    Thanks.. a lot.. I am gonna man up and talk to her.

    • web admin

      August 23, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      Good luck! :)

  11. Ram

    August 22, 2015 at 4:35 am

    I am a 19 year old guy. There are and were many girls who liked me. I could easily read their signs and figure out that they liked me.. some of them have confessed their feeling. (sorry I’m not being cocky.. I just wanted to be accurate so that I can get a good advice.)

    And there is a girl in my college who I like. we have never talked to each other. I often glance at her. she knows that i like her. And she glances and stares at me when I am not looking at her. She looks away very quickly when I look at her. She doesn’t make eye contact when we are closer to each other. she pretends like she doesn’t know my existence. she becomes quiet when I’m around. are these good signs?

    so… do I have a chance? I’ve never asked a girl yet.. I like this girl very much and I think she is perfect for me. but I am afraid of rejection. what should I do?


    • web admin

      August 22, 2015 at 6:25 pm

      Before you ask her out, try just talking to her. She could think you are cute, or she could be just curious about the guy she heard is interested in her. If I were you, I would start with talking to her–perhaps you could sit next to or near her in one of your classes? Or talk to her at a party? Since you are good at knowing when someone likes you, you would have a better chance of figuring out her feelings if you talk to her more often. Even something as simple as the “accidental” bumping into each other or dropping something near her would be a decent starting point for a conversation. Good luck, Ram!

    • mavis nyamayaro

      October 20, 2015 at 5:43 pm

      you should never be afraid of being rejected ,such is life

      • web admin

        October 24, 2015 at 4:05 pm

        That is a nice way to look at things. :) Thanks for commenting, Mavis!

  12. Kelly

    August 19, 2015 at 12:12 am

    …There was this boy in my class. I did some of these things, like teasing him often, listening to him, talking to him. But that was because I thought we were friends! Isn’t this was friends do?
    Later on, he asked me out, and I declined. He was heartbroken. Maybe he thought I had a crush on him? I’m aromantic, and just wanted to be friends with him. We don’t talk anymore…

    • web admin

      August 19, 2015 at 9:01 pm

      That is unfortunate that it turned out like that. When it comes to romance, it can be extremely, extremely difficult to tell if someone is interested unless they are very obvious and blatant about how they feel. It sounds like your friend just misread your behavior. Talking, listening and teasing are all things someone does when they have a crush, but they are also done when someone is just a friend as well. If you let him down easily, then perhaps you guys will be able to be friends later on. Good luck, Kelly!

  13. Vikki

    August 2, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    I work at a school and i believe this guy likes me. I also have a huge crush on him. However, i’m sometimes doubtful because he seems really shy and becomes rather nervous around me. Whenever we see one another we both look away quickly. I used to talk to him when i first started working at the school, but over the last 2 1/2 months.. I didn’t see/talk to him that much and we started becoming awkward with one another. i feel there is a heck of a lot of tension between us. You can feel it in the air. This past week though, i finally did speak to him again! I was with one of my students and he made a joke towards me. I was so surprised, but it finally re-broke the ice. I’m still having a hard time figuring it out…

    • web admin

      August 3, 2015 at 1:45 am

      Your interpretation definitely sounds like it could be the right one! If you guys talked a lot and things became awkward, then there is an excellent chance that he started liking you as well. Being shy and nervous around someone are definitely signs of interest. The best way to find out if this interpretation is correct is to try talking to him more often. Finding the opportunity and getting over your nerves may be hard, but it will be the only way for you to explore having a possible relationship together. Good luck, Vikki!

  14. Kaeya

    August 1, 2015 at 2:55 am

    I had crush wth my clssmte.he seems felt the same way on me too.last year,i asked him if he ever likes me and he said yes.I was really happy dt tme,there’s too much imagination in my mind if we bcme as a couple,but this year,he got a new girlfriend.i dunno but i feel like there’s smtimes he staring on me (we are in the sme class at school) and everytme i try to talk or try to approach him,he’ll smiles (showing his teeth).i got his 6ber and i texted him,he replied but the thing that frustrates me is he never texts me first.He did bring me to bcme his friend-like-girlfriend but not a real grlfrnd,help me but i dun want to bcuz i think it’s will hurt me more :( what actually plyin’ on his mind.*sorry for my bad english*

    • web admin

      August 1, 2015 at 8:15 pm

      Sometimes, guys are just not good at texting. The fact that he does not start the conversation first does not always mean that he does not like you. His behavior makes it sound like he very well could like you. Since he has a girlfriend right now, you should probably not doing anything about it. You should respect his relationship with his girlfriend and wait for them to break up to make a move. Good luck, Kaeya!

  15. Mysia

    July 22, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    I feel that my husband has a crush on our neighbor. They constantly say hi to each other with eye contact and somehow make signs at eachother with doors being sound out loud or my husban yells at the dog and she comes out. He feeds the dog at night to see her at the window with the light on. I did what he does with the door and she came out and went back in when she saw ME. He is always watching time when she arrives and leaves her home. I cant take it anymore this been going on for a year. What should I do. I already confronted him and said its my imagination.

    • web admin

      July 23, 2015 at 6:55 am

      He could be just being a good neighbor toward her. Although, from your description, it sounds like there could be more going on. Do you know if there are ever at home at the same time? Would it be possible for you to randomly show up at that time, just to see if something is going on? It can be really harmful for a relationship to show your jealousy, but it also sounds like you have more than enough signs to make you worried. See if you can return home as a “surprise” some day without telling him. Or, tell him that you will be working at a set time that you actually have off–you could just return home in your uniform, and if nothing is going on, say that you got the day wrong. Try to make it seem as innocent and unintentional as possible because you still could be wrong about this. I would still try checking things out though because it sounds like you may have something to worry about.

  16. annie

    July 11, 2015 at 4:25 pm

    i hv a crush in my class he seems to be intrested in me too but has never told me. we chat samtyms hangout bt am afraid of dating him if he ever asks because my friends think its wrong dating someone your in the same class with

    • web admin

      July 11, 2015 at 9:06 pm

      What is wrong with dating someone that you are in the same class with? I think that that seems like a perfectly good way to enjoy time around your boyfriend. Plus, the guy does not always have to be older than you–being the same age is perfectly fine. I would do whatever feels right for you instead of listening to your friends. If you spend your entire life just worried about what your friends think, you could end up missing out on some really great guys.

  17. aysha

    July 4, 2015 at 8:12 am

    Heya .. I need help Plz:(
    Dis guy is ma college .. We met whn i was organizer n he was participating n thn he askd me to b part of his dance also .. Frm der we strtd chattin .. But i get dis feeling whn his around me .. I feel happy n feel horrible whn his not around me .. He do ask me abt ma past n ma plans for future n family n guide Me n plus he gets anger When i Hurt myself or somrt off stuffz.whn we r together he hold ma hands .. Whn we walk his hands around ma shoulder ..always try to b close to me ..
    But he never reply to ma chats
    N i wait lyk hell for his replies ..
    I just cant stop thnkin of him.
    Frm our mutual frnd i came to knw he does lyk me
    But he said if we date thn dis thrill will go but he doesnt want me to date any other guy ..
    I dont knw wat to do ..
    Plz help

    • web admin

      July 4, 2015 at 6:59 pm

      It sounds like he is really interested in you. The reason for not being together sounds like an odd one. He is afraid of being together because the thrill and infatuation of first meeting will leave? If you can, try to get him over this sentiment. Even when the thrill and infatuation of a new relationship fades, it is replaced with a wonderful sense of love and affection (at least, it is in good relationships). Since he likes you, why don’t you try asking him out? See if he will go on a date with you and try to convince him that the excitement will still remain.

  18. Ericha Gover

    June 5, 2015 at 5:10 am

    This guy is someone I work with and hes always staring at me and smiling and he teases me and he will always take my work stuff from me while were working and he will make sure I know hes by me and he makes me laugh and he always talks to my mom and his ex about how amazing I am and I think he likes me but I dont want to assume anything i need help please :/

    • web admin

      June 6, 2015 at 5:05 pm

      It really sounds like he does like you. If he is telling people how amazing you are, then he must be head over heels in love with you. He smiles, stares and teases you. Short of just telling you that he is interested, I cannot think of another way to be more obvious about his interests. Do you like him or see yourself having a relationship with him? What do you want to do? He seems really interested, so if you are afraid to make a move, you should not have to wait long for him to ask you out. You can also speed things up by making sure that he has time alone with you–this will give him a chance to ask you out without an audience. Good luck, Ericha!

      • Ericha Gover

        July 22, 2015 at 8:10 am

        Thank you so much for this. I took the advice and now me and him have been together for a month and almost 2 weeks :)

        • web admin

          July 23, 2015 at 6:18 am

          Thank you! It makes me so happy to hear that my advice helped you. Congratulations and best of luck in your future relationship! Thanks for commenting!

  19. gurubairavi

    May 14, 2015 at 7:39 am

    help me….

    • web admin

      May 15, 2015 at 12:02 am

      I just answered your first message–you can see it below this one. If you have any other questions, just comment on one of the articles on Her Interest. Thanks!

  20. gurubairavi

    May 14, 2015 at 7:34 am

    a guy always look at me trying to get my attention I think he loves me
    but his friends told me he loves another girl but I think he was interested in me help me please…………

    • web admin

      May 15, 2015 at 12:01 am

      If you think that he likes you, then you should just go with your gut feeling–especially considering that he is not in a relationship. His friends could be wrong about who he likes, or he could have a crush on multiple people. If you think that he likes you, start talking and flirting with him more! He is not a mind reader, so there is no way for him to know how you feel unless you let him know. Flirting, long talks and hanging out more will all help you to catch his attention. Good luck, Gurubairavi!

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