100 Love Quotes For Him
51. The Notebook
And we’re back to the Notebook again (and will be a few more times before I finish this list) but only because it’s so incredibly good! Here Noah’s words are simply heart-warming. It doesn’t matter what else we’ve got in our life, so long as we’ve got love that’s enough. Once we learn that we’ll be a whole lot happier.
52. The Notebook
While we’re on the subject of the Notebook I thought we might as well keep the ball rolling. I think I just swooned over that quote! What I wouldn’t give to have a man say that to me… But it’s true, whether our partners admit it or not. Without our other halves we wouldn’t be the people we are and they wouldn’t be the people they are without us. We complete each other, sappy as that may sound.
53. Anonymous
When distance separates a happy couple, this is often how they endue feeling. I know, I’ve been there myself. It’s an awful feeling. If you ever find yourself in this situation thought just remember that if you’re unlucky enough to miss someone it only means you’re lucky enough to have someone worth missing.
54. Lana Del Rey
What make shim happy makes me happy and vice versa. That is essentially what love is. You share everything, the good and the bad, and take it all in your stride.
55. M Hammond
It doesn’t matter how much you have to offer or what you have to give, what matters is that you care enough to open up and give your other half everything you have to offer. What’s more, it’a about them appreciating that and doing the same in return.
56. Anonymous
Before I met my fiancee I didn’t know that your lover could also be your best friend but let me tell you know it makes for the best type of relationship. It’s like suddenly the world is in colour, a love worth waiting for.
57. Uncle Kracker
Smile by Uncle Kracker is exactly how I feel about my fiancee, I’ve already decided that it’s going to be our wedding song. It’s upbeat and silly but it describes my love for him perfectly. I used to envy people with a relationship like that, not I hope for all the ones who don’t
58. Anonymous
Okay, so I know this isn’t why we have hands but it’s so true. Holding hands just makes a relationship feel that much more. It’s so personal and intimate…
59. Snow Patrol
Surely we all remember Snow Patrol’s hit song Chasing Cars? If not, I suggest you get your iPod out and download it. It’s all about the simple things in life, namely having someone to lie down beside you and help you forget the troubles of life.
60. Moulin Rouge
Okay, so other quotes on this list have almost said this but none sums it up quite so well as Moulin Rouge. It’s a heartwarming, heartbreaking story about love that teaches you an incredible amount about love.
61. Oscar Wilde
This is so true. You should love someone who grates you like you’re their who world, someone who dotes on you, someone who thinks you’re amazing, incredible, and who knows their life would be a dull place without you. In short, they should love you.
62. Anonymous
Love is about accepting the good and the bad in someone. It’s about seeing them at their absolute worst and still loving them fiercely. It’s about not walking away just because the sun isn’t shining. You’d want them to do the same for you after all.
63. Train
Titled Marry Me, this is an absolutely epic song from Train. From start to finish the song is a beautiful work of art but these lines in particular really set it off for me. It’s similar to the Twilight quote holds so much more emotion in my opinion.
64.Emma Stone
In the end your choices in life and love come down to you. Do what’s right for you, not other people.
65. Anonymous
A lot of people have asked what the point of love is and to be honest I’ve found no quote that sums it up so well as this one. It give you a lot to think about and makes love seem that much more worthwhile to me.
66. Tarzan
From the moment someone special walks into your life they’re a pice of your heart and from that day on that’s where they’ll stay.
67. Game of Thrones
It’s no secret that Game of Thrones is my favourite thing…ever…and quotes like this is exactly why. It pretty much says that life is nothing without love and if it ends, it ends, so long as we’ve loved and therefore lived first.
68. Forrest Gump
Even the dullest of us like poor old Forrest Gump are capable of love and of recognising it. It’s a feeling like no other, something that’s pretty hard to miss when it comes your way.
69. Bridget Jones
Love is about finding someone who loves you as you are. Exactly as you are. I know for a fact I’ve found that someone, as have countless others, but let’s admit it, we all dream of our other half’s saying this to us…
70. Anonymous
Going back to the perfection thing, this also sums t up nicely. We may think people are perfect when we first meet them but soon enough we realise that’s not the case. What matters is that we keep loving them.
71. Emily Bronte
Do you ever feel like you and your partner were simply made for each other? Emily Bronte did and she’s summed that feeling up perfectly with this fantastic quote. We’re one in the same, two halves of a whole, opposites that have attracted…
72. The Beatles
It doesn’t matter what shape or form love takes or at what time, what matters is that love is love. Love is the two of you, together, forever.
73. Ed Sheeran
Love is about helping each other, about putting each other back together, sheltering each other from the storm, weathering the hard times together, being there for each other, and making it through all those things as a stronger couple.
74. A. A. Milne
For those of you who are struggling to define love, I’m sure you’ll love this. This is great because it’s so simple yet it’s so true! I can’t put my feelings for my partner into words, I just feel it, that’s how I know I’m in love. Ask me to prove it with words however and I’d be at a loss as I’m sure most people would.
75. The Wedding Date
Sometimes it’s easy to feel empty until that certain comes along. In many senses we do miss them even if we’ve never met them. We know they’re out there and we know they’re waiting for them, that’s enough.
76. Moulan
This one made me laugh because it’s how so many relationships start. All too often you go to dinner or invite them round and suddenly they’re their forever. It’s amazing how someone can just walk into your life and never leave. It’s the simple things, isn’t it?
77. James Morrison
This is one hundred percent the feeling you get when you’re in love. You just sit there wondering when on Earth life got so good. It’s a great feeling!
78. The Wedding Date
Here’s another one from the classic film the Wedding Date. This one applies to all loving relationships, even if you won’t admit it. Sometimes you’re better off fighting with the one you love that cuddling up to someone you only like. It all comes back to weathering the storm.
Once again we’re beautifully reminded of use how important love is. It really is everything when you get down to the nitty gritty of it.
80.Paul Walker
Of course, when you’re in a relationship it’s important that you’re both healthy and happy. You always want the best for the other person and all too often you would give anything to make it so.
81. Anonymous
All of us have been broken at some point and a lot of us are still putting ourselves back together but it’s an amazing feeling when someone hugs you and suddenly you seek whole again, suddenly you feel like they’ve mended you.
82. The Lumineers
When in love, you always risk getting hurt but it’s better to risk the pain that risk the emptiness you’re left with otherwise.
83. The Simpsons
Even when there’s no one there to love you, just remember that it’s possible for someone to love you. Your perfect someone is out there just waiting for you to find them. You’ll find them, I promise, it might just take a little time.
84. Alfred Lord Tennyson
This is so romantic and oh so sweet. When you’re in love, no matter how long you’ve been together, your other half is never far from your thoughts. They never leave you.
85. Tagore
Some ives seem to last forever, it’s as though you were meant for each other. Sometimes love is so strong it’s hard to imagine it ending at death. And who’s to say it does? Maybe it goes on and those two soles will love each other in life after life…
86. Anonymous
Being loved is only half the battle, you have to love someone in return to truly be blessed. having both makes you feel warm, alive, and free all at once. It truly is a remarkable reeling.
87. J. K. Rowling
Even after the person you loved is gone the warmth of their love stays with us. It wraps us up in cotton wool, give us hope, fait, and happiness even through distant memories.
88. The Notebook
We may not be able to define love but we can define how it makes us feel. Here Nicholas Sparks has woven words magically once again to sup up just how the best love makes us feel.
89. A. A. Milne
This quote always makes me feel sad but it’s so beautiful all the same. We never want to let the person we love go and it’s a horrible feeling contemplating even spending a single day without them. A. A. Milne has worked his magic once again with this wonderful quote.
90. John Green
Whether or not true love actually conquers all is irrelevant. It’s the fact we have hope that it will that matters.
91. Tyler Knott Gregson
Falling in love helps us realise our dreams and helps us strive to become the people we have always wanted to be. It changes us but in the best ways possible.
92. Ben Sweetland
This is a quote that’s true of life and love. It’s not about where you’re going, it’s all about how you get there and the memories you make on the journey. Take your time, drive slow, enjoy the ride.
93. Anonymous
This is a great reflection of the technical age in which we live. It’s so simple yet it always makes me smile. We’re meant to be together. One without the other would be pointless.
94. Anonymous
When you feel like this about someone that’s when you know you’ve met your true love. They should make you feel alive, free, and head over heels every time you set eyes on them.
95. Peter McWilliams
When we fall in love there’s every chance we may get hurt and have our hearts broken but at the same time it’s a risk worth taking. Just imagine if everything works out. Love is a gamble worth taking.
96. Miley Cyrus
Like I’ve said before, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. If you’re happy and it feels right then go for it. Love who you choose.
97. William Shakespear
When it comes to life, everything else may be a lie or a trick but what does it matter, so long as you can count of love?
98. Anonymous
It doesn’t matter how much the idea of love scare you, you need to grab at it with both hands or else you’ll never truly live.
99. Sigur Ros
Until you’ve loved another with all your heart and soul you can’t possibly imagine how amazing it feels. It’s the best feeling ever, one you’ll never want to let go…
100. Newton Falkner
And finally we come to our last quote, lyrics from the song Dram Catch Me by Newton Falkner. It’s about wanting nothing more than being with your other half and how love grabs you when you least expect it, about how you can’t stop thinking of them and how it changes you as a person.
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March 15, 2015 at 5:30 pm
Number 58 is actually from an Owl City song
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 8:01 pm
That is very cool–it has probably been used in multiple artistic pieces. The best quotes have a habit of getting used and reused over time, so they appear in multiple locations.
February 15, 2015 at 12:07 am
I just want to point out that #50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is not an anonymous quote, and should be credited to Jason Robert Brown, the composer of the musical “The Last 5 Years,” in which these lyrics are featured (the song is “Schmuel Song”). I love this article but I thought I would point it out because I immediately recognized the lyric, and while some people might not I think it is important that credit is given where credit is due ^_^
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 8:02 pm
That is an excellent point. Thank you for making one of our anonymous quotes a bit less anonymous.
January 20, 2015 at 9:29 pm
Number 50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is a quote from “The Schmuel Song” from the musical, The Last 5 Years by Jason Robert Brown
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 8:03 pm
Thank you for pointing that out!