100 Love Quotes For Him

By on April 18, 2014
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51. The Notebook


And we’re back to the Notebook again (and will be a few more times before I finish this list) but only because it’s so incredibly good! Here Noah’s words are simply heart-warming. It doesn’t matter what else we’ve got in our life, so long as we’ve got love that’s enough. Once we learn that we’ll be a whole lot happier.

52. The Notebook


While we’re on the subject of the Notebook I thought we might as well keep the ball rolling. I think I just swooned over that quote! What I wouldn’t give to have a man say that to me… But it’s true, whether our partners admit it or not. Without our other halves we wouldn’t be the people we are and they wouldn’t be the people they are without us. We complete each other, sappy as that may sound.

53. Anonymous



When distance separates a happy couple, this is often how they endue feeling. I know, I’ve been there myself. It’s an awful feeling. If you ever find yourself in this situation thought just remember that if you’re unlucky enough to miss someone it only means you’re lucky enough to have someone worth missing.

54. Lana Del Rey


What make shim happy makes me happy and vice versa. That is essentially what love is. You share everything, the good and the bad, and take it all in your stride.

55. M Hammond


It doesn’t matter how much you have to offer or what you have to give, what matters is that you care enough to open up and give your other half everything you have to offer. What’s more, it’a about them appreciating that and doing the same in return.

56. Anonymous


Before I met my fiancee I didn’t know that your lover could also be your best friend but let me tell you know it makes for the best type of relationship. It’s like suddenly the world is in colour, a love worth waiting for.

57. Uncle Kracker


Smile by Uncle Kracker is exactly how I feel about my fiancee, I’ve already decided that it’s going to be our wedding song. It’s upbeat and silly but it describes my love for him perfectly. I used to envy people with a relationship like that, not I hope for all the ones who don’t

58. Anonymous


Okay, so I know this isn’t why we have hands but it’s so true. Holding hands just makes a relationship feel that much more. It’s so personal and intimate…

59. Snow Patrol


Surely we all remember Snow Patrol’s hit song Chasing Cars? If not, I suggest you get your iPod out and download it. It’s all about the simple things in life, namely having someone to lie down beside you and help you forget the troubles of life.

60. Moulin Rouge


Okay, so other quotes on this list have almost said this but none sums it up quite so well as  Moulin Rouge. It’s a heartwarming, heartbreaking story about love that teaches you an incredible amount about love.

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  1. Tabitha

    March 15, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Number 58 is actually from an Owl City song :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:01 pm

      That is very cool–it has probably been used in multiple artistic pieces. The best quotes have a habit of getting used and reused over time, so they appear in multiple locations.

  2. Anonymous

    February 15, 2015 at 12:07 am

    I just want to point out that #50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is not an anonymous quote, and should be credited to Jason Robert Brown, the composer of the musical “The Last 5 Years,” in which these lyrics are featured (the song is “Schmuel Song”). I love this article but I thought I would point it out because I immediately recognized the lyric, and while some people might not I think it is important that credit is given where credit is due ^_^

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:02 pm

      That is an excellent point. Thank you for making one of our anonymous quotes a bit less anonymous.

  3. zoe

    January 20, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Number 50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is a quote from “The Schmuel Song” from the musical, The Last 5 Years by Jason Robert Brown :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:03 pm

      Thank you for pointing that out!

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