20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like
When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:
Question #1.) What makes you smile?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.
Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!
Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?
Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.
Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!
Question #6.) What’s your family like?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.
Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.
Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!
Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.
Question #10.) What is your favorite food?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!
Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.
Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.
Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!
Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.
Question #15.) Who was your first crush?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.
Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.
Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!
Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!
Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.
Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.
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June 2, 2016 at 4:21 am
I really like this guy and he even likes me back but the only problem is that he is in America and I am in London so I don’t know what to do
web admin
June 4, 2016 at 1:14 pm
Long distance relationships are just as likely to work out as regular ones, but they can be more stress. Before you do anything, you should decide if you want to deal with the stress of a long distance relationship. Once you decide, talk to him about it and see what he wants to do. If he does not want to have a long distance relationship, then you will just have to hope that you guys can live in the same country some day. Good luck, Gina!
May 30, 2016 at 11:39 am
I like this guy and we talk a lot. I don’t know if he likes me or not. What can I do?
web admin
June 4, 2016 at 12:31 pm
Talk to him more. The only way you will get him to like you is to let him get to know you. Plus, you will never find out about how he feels unless you connect with him. Talk to him more often, get to know him better and just tell him how you feel. Best of luck, Anon!
May 30, 2016 at 8:04 am
I am dating a guy who has never had a girlfriend. We hugged fro the first time on the second day we were dating but he’s told me that since he’s never done the dating thing before that he doesn’t know what to do sometimes with me. He’s told me he feels weird to be the one to hug me first whenever we see each other and I just want him to know that it doesn’t matter and that he should just do what feels right. I’ve told him and he agreed. He sits with me at lunch and he never puts his arm around me or when I put my head on his shoulder he doesn’t do a thing. Should I talk to him about what I’ve been trying to do or should I just let him figure out by himself. I just want us to cuddle once in a while that’s all! Thanks!
web admin
June 4, 2016 at 12:31 pm
Just tell him what you are trying to do. It sounds like he likes you, but is pretty clueless about what to do in a relationship. As long as you are open and kind about it, he will probably appreciate you giving him tips on what to do and what you want. Good luck, Joanna!
Mia Veering
May 30, 2016 at 5:47 am
Hi! So I met this guy recently (He lives in Vermont and I live in Mississippi) We were texting a lot and stuff and he asked me if I wanted to be more then friends.I do really like him (we have a lot in common and he’s so nice and sweet) but At the time, I declined because I’m struggling with some things right now and I don’t think it would be fair to the relationship. I told him that it was nice of him to ask, but that I really just need a friend right now. I’m doing better with the thing I’m struggling with, and I was wondering how to let him know that I’m interested or something.
P.s- We are both in our teens (16)
web admin
June 4, 2016 at 12:29 pm
You should reach out to him and see if he is still interested. He may have thought you were trying to let him down easy before, so it is unlikely that he will ask you out again. If you want to be with him as more than friends, you will have to make the next move and ask him out. If he had feelings for you before, there is an excellent chance that he still has feelings for you, so you could end up with a happy outcome from this. Good luck, Mia Veering!
May 25, 2016 at 1:46 pm
So i like this guy and we talk regularly but recently he’s been getting kinda teasing and sending heart emojis.. Is that a sign that he likes me?
web admin
May 26, 2016 at 9:29 am
It sounds like he could like you. He started by getting to know you better and talking, and now he is trying to gradually start flirting with you. Respond similarly–tease him back, send heart emojis and flirt with him. Good luck, Missy!
May 28, 2016 at 10:51 pm
Yes, if he is sending heart emojis he does like you
web admin
June 3, 2016 at 9:39 am
May 21, 2016 at 11:25 pm
I really like a guy that I’ve known for about a year, and lately we’ve been hanging out more and we talk 24/7. I was talking to my friend and she Said he liked someone else. But then he is really flirty with me. My friend said he mentioned he was trying to stop liking the other girl because he knew she would never like him back, but when I was playing 20 questions with him he said he still likes her-strongly. Does this mean I should back off more? Is there a chance he even liks me?
web admin
May 25, 2016 at 9:30 am
You might want to back off in terms of getting a relationship with him, but still be a friend to him. He may just like being friends with you, he could be somewhat interested in you or he may have just become friends with you to get closer to the girl he likes. Whatever the case, it seems like you are not his first choice at the moment. Stay friends, flirt a bit and see if he becomes more interested in you as his feelings die down for the other girl. Best of luck, Mariann!
May 15, 2016 at 10:57 am
I have a problem of not being able to maintain my conversationso with potential guys that have interest on me I sometimes don’t know what to say or sound desperate to that person they lose interest in me what can I do
web admin
May 16, 2016 at 9:16 am
Keep practicing. If talking to someone you like and flirting with them is hard, try practicing on someone that you do not like as much. Honestly, your crush may be just as worried about talking to you. If your crush likes you, then he is probably so worried about looking ridiculous that he will not even notice if you seem awkward or uncomfortable. Keep practicing and it will get easier over time. Best of luck, Lucky!
May 14, 2016 at 11:16 am
So there is this guy that ive met online we were together for sometime but i eventually broke it off because we never talked to each other. We stopped talking to each other foor a while but he said he still misses me and that he still loves me then out of nowhere he stopped talking to me, stopped texting me. He now changes his username on this app to “Taken” like wth, is he making me jealous. Im confused does he still like me or not?
web admin
May 14, 2016 at 1:46 pm
He might just be trying to give you a hint. He may be afraid of confrontation or disappointing people, so he went the coward’s way out and just stopped talking to you. It is not the right thing to do, and it is a rather cowardly option to take. It looks like he is probably done with the relationship though, so all you can really do is move on. Even if he is trying to make you jealous, he is probably in a relationship for real. Making someone jealous is not particularly effective online, so it seems more likely that he has just moved on, wanted to break things off without saying it directly and possibly get some revenge since you originally broke things off before. All you can do now is move on and forget about him. Good luck, Jessica!
May 14, 2016 at 2:09 pm
Na he doesnt he prolly decided he found someone better and didnt wanna tell you so he just cut u off and went with a diff girl better off not texting him at all trust me
web admin
May 16, 2016 at 8:36 am
May 14, 2016 at 9:41 am
I really like a guy who is 8 years younger than me. He is still in school and im already working. I just met him through my best friend on her wedding and instantly we became friends. We are miles apart as he is living abroad. Conversation is very conatant, we talk everday. We go to the same church, we have the same best friend, basically we are like the same person, different likes but same core values. I never had a boyfriend. I really like this guy to the point that im thinking he is the one ive been waiting for. But im so afraid to enter into a relationship with him because of the following:
1. Our best friend doesn’t approve because of his age. Shes telling me that the guy is still studying and he should focus on that for the meantime and she knows that i will still find the right guy.
2. We live apart, i wanted a partner who will be with me
3. He is still young and marriage is far from his plans. Im almost 30 and having a family might be the next step for me.
Would appreciate your thoughts on this.
web admin
May 14, 2016 at 11:23 am
Your friend may be right. The distance would be hard anyway, but it would also detract from his studying time. And if he ends up stressed out about his schooling, it would put additional strain on the relationship. Plus, being stressed and trying to carry on a long distance relationship could mean that he ends up with lower grades, which would ruin his future options. Age is not necessarily a factor as long as you guys are at the same point in your lives and want the same things. Unfortunately, he is still in school and not in a place where he can help to support a family. It seems like you are in a Romeo-Juliet type relationship where you both want to be together, but other things and life get in the way. Although it can be hard to move on and get passed your attraction, it can and will happen. The logical choice is not to pursue a relationship, but you should do whatever you want–after all, you could beat the odds. Just keep in mind all of the things that he would be losing out on or risking to be with you, and think the relationship through. Good luck, Kail!
May 14, 2016 at 6:59 pm
Thank you for the reply. It is much appreciated. Given that, should I stop the communication? Or we can still be friends? I already mentioned to him that let’s wait until you finish your school which is in 2 years time and let’s see if we can be together. Is that okay? Or should I really end it up? He really is responsible and mature person for his age and I really feel that his intention for me is very genuine.
web admin
May 15, 2016 at 12:47 pm
Staying friends, but not pursuing a relationship, is probably the best option. If you stay friends, you will at least be in a place where you could reach out again in the future. I would not do anything past that until later though because it would be too hard to get a relationship going and maintain with the distance and school. Good luck, Kail!
Samantha Feutz
May 12, 2016 at 7:51 pm
Ok so there is this guy I like we both talk ALOT but he was dating my best friend and broke her heart. They dated for 3 years and they still like each other but only as friends. Should I date this guy or should we just stay friends?
web admin
May 14, 2016 at 9:21 am
You should probably talk to your friend about it first. Your friend may be over him, but there are surely some feelings still there after three years of dating. Before you do anything, you should clear it with her or you could end up losing your friend. If she is fine with you asking him out, then go for it. It sounds like you two have a lot in common and he may like you, so you could end up with the perfect boyfriend as long as your friend is fine with it. Good luck, Samantha Feutz!
May 8, 2016 at 7:02 pm
What if you really like this guy, but he’s like wayyy older than you ?¿
web admin
May 9, 2016 at 8:06 am
As long as you are both out of high school, age does not matter unless you let it. The main concern is that you are at similar points in your life with similar goals. If you are already in similar situations in your life, go for it! My sister is 11 years younger than her husband, and they have been together for nearly ten years now. Good luck!
April 29, 2016 at 3:04 pm
I like this guy a lot. He is 22 and I am 18 going on 19. He is an amazing person. A devote christian and he make me want to be a better person really. He used to live in my neighbourhood but we never ever talked because I was a shy girl who did not converse with my neighbours plus his friends would tease me so I kinda tried to avoid them. Now he says he is falling for me. He now lives miles away by the way and we chat almost daily. Our conversations were great at first but now they are so boring. He even asked if I felt annoyed by him or something but I so dont. Actually I really like him too. Thats why I looked up questions to make up conversation. Could this be a sign that we arent meant to be if we can’t even formulate decent conversation. Plus last year he told me he would like to be my first (yah sleep with me) and I was flattered. He then said he has never been with a virgin and that part made me question a lot. Does he just want to sleep with me? Or does he genuinely like me. Another thing is he wants me to move where he is for varsity which he thought would be this year but I am still in my last year of high school but he assumed I was done and now I am too chicken to let him know. I am lying to him actually I just ommited that info but I still feel awful whenever he asks when I am moving ther😕😐😦 please help
web admin
April 30, 2016 at 10:40 am
Being able to make conversation or not does not mean that the relationship is doomed–it is actually normal for both partners to be uncomfortable speaking until they get to know each other better. It certainly sounds like he likes you, but it does seem like he is more interested in you for sex and wanting to be your first. He may want more than just that–especially considering he wants you to move there–,but be prepared for the possibility that he just wants to take your virginity. As for your lie to him, you should just tell him and get it over with. He will obviously figure out sooner or later that you are a year further back in school than you said, and it would be better to tell him earlier instead of waiting. If he finds out in another year or two (or from someone else), he will probably be upset.
Karina Fernandez
April 23, 2016 at 6:56 pm
So I had thing with this really guy but we ended things because we could never talk in person because it was super awkward. but everyday we snapchat and he’s send me i guess like sexyish photos they’re not like nudes or anything but yeah. Im just confused does he still like me or what?
Karina Fernandez
April 23, 2016 at 6:56 pm
really cute guy*
web admin
April 25, 2016 at 8:09 am
Don’t worry—I understood. Thanks for commenting and let me know if you have any other questions!
web admin
April 25, 2016 at 8:09 am
He may still like you–after all, feelings do not just go away after a relationship (or a potential relationship) ends. At the same time, you guys did discuss ending any type of romantic connection, so he is probably just flirting with you for fun. I would not read too much into it because you guys already decided what you want, and he is probably just flirting for enjoyment rather than an end goal.
April 22, 2016 at 2:05 am
So me and this guy just started dating and is it alright if I am the one that asks the questions first?
web admin
April 23, 2016 at 10:56 am
Sure! There is no reason for the guy to always make the first move. Both partners are generally just as nervous as each other, and I am sure that he will be happy to have some of the stress of carrying on the conversation taken over by you. Ask him these questions, get to know him better, flirt a bit and see where things go. Good luck, Michaela!
April 24, 2016 at 10:03 pm
Of course it is.
web admin
April 28, 2016 at 7:49 am
April 19, 2016 at 4:14 pm
I’m talking this boy and is our second time talking and he everytime I see him I smile alot and when ever I talk to him I get so happy. But it makes me mad when he treats me like his friend and when he play fights with other girls, it makes me so mad that he’s doing that to me because don’t boys just treat the girl their talking to like their girlfriend? I’m really mad about that and confused! HELP!!
web admin
April 23, 2016 at 8:50 am
It seems like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to answer and approve each comment individually, so it can sometimes take a little while to get around to answering all of them. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because it will eventually appear. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!
April 19, 2016 at 4:07 pm
I’m talking to this boy and is our second time talking and everytime I see him, I smile so much and also when I talk to him I get so happy. But he makes me mad whenever I go up to him he talks to me like I’m just his friend and I hate that and he be play fighting with other girls and I’m a jealous girl so it makes me even madder when I see him do that. I don’t what to do about this problem. Help!
web admin
April 23, 2016 at 8:49 am
He may be trying to make you jealous to see if you like him. It could also be unintentional–he could seriously view you as a friend and not realize that he is hurting you by flirting with the other girls. Until you know how he feels, you will not be able to decode his behavior. It may be worth it to just tell him that you like him. Even if he is not interested in you, at least you will know to move on and stop wasting your time. And if he is interested in you, telling him how you feel is the fastest way to starting a relationship. Good luck, Karen!
April 9, 2016 at 2:28 am
So my friends cousin is texting me and we always text and he’s really nice and he sent me a lot of heart emojis so does that mean he likes me like a friend or more than that cause he kinds teases me as well so
web admin
April 9, 2016 at 10:21 am
If he teases you and regularly sends heart emojis, then it sounds entirely possible that he likes you. Even the fact that he is texting you often is a sign that he could be interested. Although nothing is for sure yet, it seems more likely than not that he is interested in you. Best of luck, Luli!
April 6, 2016 at 5:46 pm
Alright you need to ask him more questions about the other girls that he has dated to get to know if he said yes Bc he didn’t want to hurt there feelings. Ask him how long would you guys relationship last and make sure he’s being truthful . And most of all talk to him in person so that you know his real personality … All the things he’s been texting you and emailing you could all just be his fake personality….
web admin
April 7, 2016 at 8:15 am
The talk-to-him-in-person advice is a good idea. It will be much easier for her to gauge his reaction and real feelings in person, and it will hopefully allow her to see if he seriously wants to date her or just does not want to hurt her feelings. Thanks for commenting, Madison!
Leanna Hosea
April 5, 2016 at 9:55 pm
So I met this guy in school, he just came here and hasn’t been here for a full month yet. He has already had 2 or 3 girlfriends and then all of the sudden he starts talking to me on facebook and this definitely caught be by surprise because no cute boys or popular boys like him rarely notice me. So we started talking and then we started talking about who we liked and while he was dating this girl, he told me he liked me. Then after that we started talking a lot more and some about his relationship. I told him that if he really liked her then he needs to stop telling girls he likes and then he broke up with her the next day! I never told him to do that but for some reason, it made me happy. Then we started talking A LOT more! Playing 20 questions (why I used this website!) truth or dare and just mainly talking. I got to know him a LOT and he got to know me a LOT too! I feel like I know him really well. Well ig then since we were talking a lot, his feelings got stronger. This talking and stuff became and everyday thing and lasted over a course of a month. We never talk in person because we’re super nerovus to but constantly I see him in one of my classes (we only have one class with each other) and he flirts with tons of girls and talks to a bunch ig because he has a lot of girl bestfriends. Well my bestfriend Jocelyn has been with me through the whole journey of this “crush”. Then next thing I know it, we’re texting heart eye emojis and then I found out he started liking my other bestfriend Marley (who only knew that he liked me and nothing else) and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings and I told him that. Then everything went back to “normal” and sending heart emojis. Then the next day i found out he had a girlfriend! But she asked him out (all of his past relationships they asked him out) and I asked him about it and he said it was true (i found out from a friend) and he said he was going to my locker to ask me out that day and this girl (one of his close friends) asked him out and he said he didn’t want to hurt her feelings so he said yes and I said don’t bother asking me out and he said he could tell I was mad and I was!! Then he kept saying sorry and that he hated himself and then afterschool we were texting and he told me personal stuff about his family and kept saying he made a mistake and wouldn’t stop texting me until i had forgavin him. I did of course because it seemed like he really wanted me to forgive him and that he cared a lot if I did or didn’t! Then we were talking a lot and then he said he was talking to my best friend jocelyn and then I said what about and he said oh nothing. Then I facetimed my friend Marley and she told me that he texted her and said that he still liked her while we were texting that day and she showed me proof. I asked him about it and he said it was true and then told me he had a surprise! I was super mad because last time he said he liked marley I cried and I never cry over a boy!!! Then I said just tell me the surprise and then after a while of convincing him he said Will you go out with me? Apparently he was going to ask me this over spring break and my friend Jocelyn was helping him set it up but I convinced him to tell me earlier. I didn’t say anything I was appalued. then he kept asking me to talk to him and said at least talk to me please and was blowing up my phone with text messages. Then Jocelyn told me to talk to him because he kept asking her to ask me to talk to him. At school the next day he emailed me and I said that I just didn’t know what to say and then he said that he would give me time to think about it. It’s been almost 2 weeks now since he asked me that and we still talk everyday and he always brings up what I’m going to tell him for my answer. I always say idk and then i guess a bunch of people at school found out and keep asking me what I was going to say and I just ignored them or told them to leave me alone. Then a bunch of people were telling me to say yes and a bunch of people told me to say no. Jocelyn told me to say yes but my 2 older sisters told me to say no and that he’s a player. Idk what to say I really like him but he is a player– I think? I don’t know I really need someone’s help! I hope you can help me sorry this was so long! Please help!
-Leanna Hosea
web admin
April 6, 2016 at 12:31 pm
He is certainly a player. Tell him no and move on. He told you he liked you when he was dating someone. He started dating someone else when he intended to ask you out–and still told you about his feelings while he was dating the new person. And while he was technically dating the new girl and telling you he wanted to be with you, he texted your friend Marley to say that he liked her. Run. Run fast and far away. This is not a guy that deserves your attention or love. He deserves to have his heart broken by the many girls that he strings along, but as a player this is unlikely to happen. Unless you want your heart broken and a continuous stream of drama, do not date him.
April 6, 2016 at 5:48 pm
The one above is for you …
web admin
April 7, 2016 at 8:16 am
Oops! Hopefully Leanna will be able to figure it out. Thanks!
April 3, 2016 at 11:06 am
so me and this guy used to talk but he doesn’t like me anymore but his friend wanted my snapchat so we snapchat text all the time but he doesn’t flirt or anything but he always replies. he asks me random questions like what is my favorite color and we talk about random stuff but I don’t know if he likes me?
web admin
April 4, 2016 at 5:13 pm
It seems like he is only friends with you still because his friends are friends whit you. It does not sound like he likes you anymore. He may have tried to experiment or test the waters initially to see if you two were compatible, but it seems likely that he has decided that you are just a friend. He may change his mind later, but his lack of flirting makes it unlikely that he wants anything more from your friendship at the moment.