20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like

By on September 20, 2013

When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:


Question #1.) What makes you smile?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.


Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!


Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?



Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?


Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.


Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!


Question #6.) What’s your family like?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.


Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.


Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!


Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?

fav car

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.


Question #10.) What is your favorite food?

fav food

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!


Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.


Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.


Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question:  A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!


Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.


Question #15.) Who was your first crush?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.


Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.


Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!


Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!


Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.


Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.


Question #21.) What’s your favorite restaurant?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Who knows, maybe you’ll both sharing a passionate love for sushi rolls. Also asking him this may just get you the info you need to set up his idea of the perfect date in the future.


Question #22.) What would you do if you won the lottery?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Get a look inside of your man’s financial priorities by asking him this question. Does he have a greedy heart or a kind one? Will he spend his money wisely or be completely reckless? 


Question #23.) Most embarrassing look?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Get a few giggles out of your crush by getting him to open up and reminisce about his most embarrassing looks when he was younger. Maybe he didn’t rock that mullet his mom gave him when he was 5, you’ll never know unless you ask!


Question #24.) What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Scope out how he would entertain you cooped up inside when there is bad whether. This goes for snowstorms or any bad weather that you may want to curl up inside all day for. 


Question #25.) What is your favorite video game?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Just like with sports, most of the time, men get pretty pumped up about video games. Be careful, he may go on and on and on…


Question #26.) Are you superstitious?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Get the creativity flowing as you discuss what gives you the heebie jeebies!


Question #27.) Are you religious?7

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is an important question to ask someone you may want to pursuit a relationship with. It’s best if both of you come to a mutual understanding of views to make any sort of relationship work. He may appreciate you diving into this question, so you two can really see if you click on all the right levels. 


Question #28.) Favorite time of the year?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: You two can bond over whether you love laying on the beach in the summer or drinking hot cocoa in the winter.


Question #29.) Name a few things on your bucket list?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe he will share a few of the same ideas and together you both can dream up how you’ll strike them off of your lists!


Question #30.) What is your favorite band/musician?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Who doesn’t love discussing their favorite music? This question is sure to open up the door to a lot of great conversation between you and your beau.


Question #31.) What makes you nervous?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The best way to get to know someone is finding out what makes them comfortable as well as what makes them uncomfortable. Figuring out a prospective partner’s weaknesses is just as important as finding out what their biggest strengths are.


Question #32.) What was your first kiss like?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Because who doesn’t adore the story of a first kiss? 


Question #33.) What do you want to do for a career?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Watch the guy you like as he opens up about his dreams for the future. Get to know him on a more personal level and find out what he strives to be.


Question #34.) Can you dance?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This may seem like a silly question, but if you are a lady who loves to dance, it may be a must that your guy can dance with you. If you’re not a huge dancer, then it’ll be good to know if he will expect you to have moves or not.


Question #35.) What is your biggest pet peeve?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This may decide whether you want to continue to see this guy or not by telling you if you both are turned off by the same things. Maybe you both hate cigarette smoke or neither of you can stand broccoli! It’ll also help you avoid doing things that may really get under his skin and vice versa. 


Question #36.) Who is your celebrity crush?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: As strange or pointless as this question may seem, the answer will give you an idea of what kind of women he finds attractive.


Question #37.) Do you like to read?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The two of you can get cozy discussing which books you like or dislike.


Question #38.) Favorite job you’ve had or would like to have?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The way he talks about work can help you map out his work ethic and what motivates him. 


Question #39.) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Ask him this question to see if he matches you in your lifestyle. It may get him to open up about how he likes to spend his time. Hopefully you both love spending time the same way!


Question #40.) What qualities do you want in a girlfriend?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Find out what drives him crazy! It’s a good idea to feel out what he is really searching for in a potential partner. His answer will give you the clues you need to discover if you are the right woman for him! 


  1. Janna

    February 29, 2016 at 11:36 am

    To be honest if you like a guy don’t act nervous. The guy always wants the girl to be herself. Don’t touch around a question just ask, and the guy will be more open if you just come out with it. It has worked with every guy I have every dating. My exes like it when I wasn’t shy to say something and just came out with it. So if you like someone tell him you like him and tell him how you feel from the start

    • web admin

      March 1, 2016 at 9:56 am

      That is excellent advice, Janna. You must be very confident because I know a number of people are too afraid to even talk to their crush. Thanks for commenting!

  2. maddie bek

    February 23, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    okay so like this guy & i have been texting for a while and we agree’d that we like each other, and multiple people have told me that he is gonna ask me out soon, but i am very awkward and nervous all the time. how can i fix this so i can be myself around him?

    • web admin

      February 26, 2016 at 10:27 pm

      Over time, you will naturally become more comfortable with him. It is normal to feel awkward at the start of any relationship. Fortunately, he probably feels just as awkward and shy around, which means that he probably will not even notice that you are being awkward. If you heard that he will be asking you out soon, all you have to do is wait and say “yes”. Good luck, Maddie Bek!

  3. Jolie

    February 23, 2016 at 4:05 pm

    Theres a guy that I think is really attractive and we both go to the same college. We have never spoken irl but he is totally out of my league and on the main sports team at my college. I am an infp personality type and although i know there is no chance of anything happening, i cant help but wonder what if? what is the best way to get over this unattainable crush? -Anon

    • web admin

      February 26, 2016 at 10:06 pm

      Although you may think that he is out of your league, you may be judging yourself too harshly. Love knows no bounds, and it is entirely possible that he could like you. The only way you will ever find out what could be possible is to talk to him. He may not have noticed you in the past, he may be afraid to do something or he may just not want to bother you since you don’t actually know each other yet. Whatever the case, it may be up to you to make a move. At the very least, you will find out that nothing is possible. Even being rejected would be better than wondering forever what could have happened. Good luck, Jolie!

  4. Katy

    February 21, 2016 at 1:21 pm

    There’s this guy and we’ve chatted for a while now he’s quite funny and i like him but not as a boyfriend and he keeps on making all these comments about kissing me and stuff and he’s made it obvious that he likes me. I want to tell him that i just want to be friends but i’m worried i’ll offend him and then we wont even be friends. What should i do?

    • web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 2:01 pm

      You should go ahead and tell him that you want to just be friends. No matter what you do, he may leave and be upset when he finds out that you do not like him. If you tell him earlier, at least it will prevent him from getting hurt even more. Just make sure that you stress that you value him as a friend and want to be with him. There is a chance that the only reason he was your friend was to date you some day, so be prepared for him to just leave. At the same time, you do not want to hurt him even more, so you need to tell him soon that you just want to be friends. Hopefully, he will take the news gracefully and still want to be close friends with you. Good luck, Katy–I hope that everything works out for you!

  5. Maddy_Elaine

    February 20, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    Hi I’m currently dating this guy and we have been dating for exactly a month. I still feel as though we are on a close friend Basis. How do I fix this? Can I change this without making him bad about the situation? Should I even be worried about this? Thank you for your help and time

    • web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 1:03 pm

      It can take some time to develop a close relationship with someone. For the relationship to be genuine, it has to develop naturally. Spend more time with him, talk to him and get to know him better. The closeness of your relationship will happen naturally if you let it, so don’t worry so much. Good luck, Maddy Elaine!

  6. Carra

    February 18, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    So yea there is of course this amazing guy. I’ve liked him since 5th grade and now I’m in 8th. His name is Pate. I can’t stop thinking about him 24-7. I know it sounds stalkerish but I really cant. I’ve talked to him a little but I get so nervous any time someone mentions his name or he tries to invert in a conversation with me. I fell for his crooked smile and amazing laugh. But see the problem is that he is in the popular group and im just the outsider.

    • web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 11:16 am

      Whenever you get a chance, talk to him more often. From asking about homework to dropping something near him, there are many ways that you can find excuses to talk to him. Although he is in the popular group, that does not mean that he does not like you. People love regardless of what group they are a part of, so it is entirely possible that he is interested. Right now, just focus on getting to know him better. If you are feeling particularly confident, you can even try flirting with him. Good luck, Carra!

  7. Kathryn C

    February 18, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Well I am twelve and there is this guy I like and he obviously likes me too. He bought me a rose, asked for my number, asked me out and on his bday he asked me for a bday kiss. The people in my class are the kind of people that would laugh and annoy me for the rest of my life if I said yes to a date but I don’t want him to think I am not interested. Also my parents dislike him and don’t want me to date him! What should I do!!!!!

    • web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 11:08 am

      If you like him, don’t worry about what other people–you will regret it for a long time if you miss out on a great relationship because you are worried about other people think. He obviously must care about you a lot because it sounds like your classmates are most likely picking on him for buying you a rose and being so obvious about his feelings. The only thing you have to figure out is what to do about your parents. If they will not let you date him, you can’t date him. If you can convince them to let you go on a date, then tell him “yes” and become his girlfriend. He is obviously extremely interested in you, so it sounds like something you should go for. Good luck, Kathryn C.!

  8. curious

    February 17, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    There is this guy I like, but I don’t really talk to him. Recently we decided to become friends and I asked if he wanted to talk to anyone and he said he was trying to get over his ex. How do I try to not make it awkward because he knows I like him? I really want to date him and I told him I would wait till he was ready and he was happy that I would wait, does that mean he likes me? We were texting a littpe while ago and I was amazed to see how much of a gentleman he is. I told him goodnight and he said sweet dreams.

    • web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 9:35 am

      It means that he could like you–he might just be trying to decide how he feels about you, or he could be delaying because he wants to get over his ex. If that is the case, he must genuinely like you because otherwise he could just use you as a rebound relationship. Keep texting him and talking to him. Before long, he will hopefully reveal what he wants and ask you out. Good luck!

  9. Anomous

    February 14, 2016 at 8:02 pm

    I like this guy but his “girlfriend” once told that if he asked anyone to date,etc, she would fight that person. What do I do??

    • web admin

      February 15, 2016 at 8:47 am

      If he is in a relationship right now, then the answer is clear: don’t do anything. Other than the girlfriend saying that she will beat you, you should not be going after guys who are in a relationship anyway. Even if he left her to be with you, you would always worry that he could just do the same thing. Respect his relationship, and hope that he ends up being single. Once he is truly available, you can start to talk to him, flirt with him and ask him out. Good luck, Anomous!

  10. Anissa B

    February 11, 2016 at 9:17 am


    4years ago i met a student in my school and we didn’t get so close with each other.That same year he left school.I saw him a few times on different party’s (in the past 4years) and he was friendly and always made time talk to me , even on social media he asked my number 3years ago , he aksed it for about 3times . I always replied that i was the one who would call him but i never did . After all he still chats with me every now and then.He’s very busy in his life but willing to make time ( thats what he said while texting last month).A month ago he told me while chatting that he always kinda liked me even if he act that he didn’t at school.I told him the same thing and now he give me his new number ( he changed his number a few times the last years..) and aksed me 2weeks ago when did i wanted to hang out and i reply with ‘no idea’ . Since i’ve said that i haven’t heard from him at all… i waited a few days and send him a text that my message didn’t come out well. Still no respond from him. i’m afraid i scared him? or he might think i was playing games.. What should i do?


    • web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 2:08 pm

      Perhaps you should go ahead and give him your phone number. If you are terrible at calling him, it seems like a good time to give him the opportunity to call you. It seems like the student has developed a massive crush on you over the years, so you could have an excellent relationship on your hands if you made a move. The fact that you did not call him ever and you told him you had no clue when you wanted to hang out may have been viewed as a rejection. When someone is not interested, they often say they are too busy or don’t know when there is time to hang out. I think you should go ahead and text him or call him to ask him on a date. He obviously likes you, but he probably thinks you are not interested. If you want him to like you again and go out with you, you have to start calling him, hanging out together and showing him that you are interested. He has hung in there for a long time without being encouraged a lot, but it does not seem like he is willing to wait around forever. If you like him that much, go after him! Good luck, Anissa B.!

    • Sammy

      February 13, 2016 at 7:24 pm

      You shouldnt have played games with him. You should talk to him and get everything sorted out

      • web admin

        February 14, 2016 at 5:31 pm

        Communication is always a good idea in relationships–any person who has been married for over 50 years says the same thing. Thanks for commenting, Sammy!

  11. Abigail

    February 10, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    I am a teenager and I know I’m too young to get involved with a guy, but I can’t help be attracted to a guy I have classes with. He’s not the type to “date” many girls and is very shy. How do I get his attention? I’ve tried talking to him, but he makes me so nervous. I don’t know what to do. Guys are my weak spot and I’m not very good when it comes to them… I’m not sure if he’s interested or not. Do you have any tips on how I can find out without ruining any chance we have at being good friends? He’s such a good guy and we have so much in common…I just don’t know if he feels the same way or not…

    • web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 1:23 pm

      If he is shy, then he is probably just as nervous around you as you are around him. Due to this, you can relax and say whatever you want–he is probably too nervous to even notice if you say the wrong thing or make a mistake. If you like him, go ahead and talk to him. He could be interested or he may not have realized what a good match you would be for him. Get to know him better, try chatting him up online or ask him out. Until you take the risk of asking him out, you will never find out what could be possible between you two. Good luck, Abigail!

  12. Unknown

    February 3, 2016 at 7:14 pm

    So I’m dating this guy and I’m 14 and we love seeing each other but when we are apart it’s really awkward because we don’t know what to talk about. What can I do to make it less awkward since we both don’t know what to say.

    • web admin

      February 6, 2016 at 1:38 pm

      Over time, you will naturally start to become more comfortable around him. Other than planning date ideas that make talking easier (like a movie, hiking trip or pottery painting class), you just have to wait and get to know him better. If things are incredibly awkward, you can also try to hang out with him in a group as you get to know him better.

  13. What should i do :/

    January 31, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    Hi so Im 14 and i started going out with This 17 years old Guy and i really like him and He’s so kind and perfect and we’ve been going out for about 2 months now and oh by the way Im really mature i have 2 older sisters who Im really closed with so my mind kinda adjusted to theirs ( one who is 17 and the other 20 ) but the thing is i Just cant Tell my parents Im too scared they’re the super judgmental and strict kind and they pretty much control my Life so it makes dates and being able to see each other really hard so thats one problem and the other one is he used to like my sister who is 17 This Summer and he didnt like her for a Long Time like a month cause he told her he liked her but was going to get over her since She is in a happy relationship and i get that Its in the past and It could have been anyone and he got over her quickly but we are basically the Same like we look the Same and think the Same tho when we started liking each other we didnt see each other yet so Its not for the physique but anyway It still bothers me and i Talked to him about it and he doesnt Know how to reassure me and he keeps telling me he couldnt get over me like he got over my sister but it makes me kinda jealous of my sister and just sad and i Wish it wouldnt bother me but it does. What the heck should i do ?

    • web admin

      February 6, 2016 at 9:16 am

      If he is with you now, it is because he likes you and not your sister. There is nothing that he or you could do to alleviate your fears because they are just in your mind. As for your parents, it sounds like you do have a problem on that front. If they find out that you have been dating him secretly, they may ground you or force you to end the relationship. It would be better for you if you just have your parents meet him and get to know him. Perhaps your sisters could even vouch for him being a nice guy since at least one of your sisters already knows him. It will not be an easy talk with your parents, but you need to tell them now because things will not go well if they discover your secret on their own.

    • ashley

      February 7, 2016 at 9:12 pm

      okay, I’m not her to judge you, I have once hid my relationship from my parents, and it didn’t end to well. My friend had once gone exactly what you are, for her situation he was trying to get her sister jealous, but your sister would never get back with him I would think since you said you were close. It could be that or he’s just looking for a girl to get something with and once he got what he wants hell leave.

      • web admin

        February 10, 2016 at 9:36 am

        I think that you are probably right–hiding a relationship is not a good idea. Her parents would probably not like her boyfriend automatically if they find out that the relationship was hidden from them. As for the boyfriend, he could genuinely like her–there is no reason to assume otherwise since he has been a good boyfriend so far. Thanks for commenting, Ashley!

  14. secret

    January 27, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    can you be 14 and in love?

    • web admin

      January 28, 2016 at 4:33 am

      It is possible to be in love at any age, so yes. At 14, you are unlikely to meet the person that you want to be with for a lifetime. Your brain does not actually stop growing and changing until you are almost 25 years old, so there is still a lot of your personality left to figure out and discover. Due to this, you never want to commit to someone for life too young because you have to be sure that your personality and theirs will continue to work well together as you age. Once you reach your mid-20s, your personality and mental patterns are fairly set for life. At this point, it is fairly safe to assume that two people who get along with each other will continue to get along with each other. Nothing–as the global divorce rate shows–guarantees lasting happiness, but maturing and knowing the person better helps.

    • Isabella

      February 5, 2016 at 11:06 am

      yes i am in love with this guy his name is alex

      • web admin

        February 6, 2016 at 9:25 am


    • aint nobody gonnaknow my name

      February 9, 2016 at 7:27 pm

      gurl im 12 and i been in luv

      • web admin

        February 11, 2016 at 10:02 am

        It is possible to be in love at a young age. You just want to be careful about making future plans or long-term commitments because your mind and personality are not actually done forming until you are about 25 years old. Thanks for commenting!

  15. Help

    January 22, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    Tomorrow im gonna meet this guy that iv’e been texting with for a while now but im feeling that it’s just going to turn out really awkward… i want to keep the conversation flowing but do you have any more tips what i can talk to him about and what shall i do if its getting awkward..

    • web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 9:06 am

      Have these questions in mind when you meet him. Try to draw him out–people naturally like talking about themselves, so ask him about his life, his interests or his favorite things. You could also try making your hang out location somewhere easier to talk. A coffee shop could be good since you can always leave whenever things feel awkward (unlike a dinner or a movie). You could also go on a hike, do pottery painting or watch a movie so that you have something to naturally start the conversation.

    • Isabella

      February 5, 2016 at 11:09 am

      ask him stuff like what makes him smile when YOU are around him.

      • web admin

        February 6, 2016 at 9:26 am

        That sounds like excellent advice. Thanks for commenting, Isabella!

  16. Lia

    January 18, 2016 at 9:13 pm

    Ok so I’m in eighth grade and this guy I like have known each other since the beginning of seventh grade. We didn’t know each other at all and we were locker neighbors and had a few classes together. I ignored him because I was just going to stick with who I knew, but he started talking to me more and we began hanging out in study hall with a couple of our other friends. Long story short, he asked for my number and we became even better friends. He was constantly asking who I liked and I would always say no one, even though it was him who I liked. Then one of my friends said that he told her that he liked me so I asked him and he said he did :) and I told him I liked him too. By the end of the year we were boyfriend and girlfriend and we stayed that way all summer and the first month or so of school. We don’t have any classes together and we didn’t like that we couldn’t see each other all day. A week after, he dated a girl who I was somewhat friends with because she liked him, he had no interest in her. They broke up after three days and a couple of weeks later he texted me and said he misses me. I had just started missing him so I told him that. We text almost everyday now for hours at a time. We know everything about each other so that makes a dull conversation. I don’t know what to do…We have like each other again for a few months now even though we haven’t spoken face to face in probably a year. I don’t want to ask him out because he said he wanted to wait until next year to get into a serious relationship. But he also told me that he hopes we never grow apart even if we can’t see each other…he leaves sweet comments and messages too. I don’t know. Please help.

    • web admin

      January 20, 2016 at 4:50 pm

      Continuing to ask you who you like and telling your friend (and you) that he is interested sounds like a positive development. His recent string of text messages and interest seems to be promising. It seems like he is being honest about what he wants right now. He does not want to grow apart, but he does not want to have a serious relationship for now. As long as you are okay with the current state of affairs, keep talking to him. After all, being single gives you more time to focus on improving yourself and working on school. If you are not okay with the current situation, you can always tell him to try talking to you next year and forget about it for now. It all depends on what you want.

  17. Vicky M

    January 17, 2016 at 8:09 pm

    Hey there…
    so there is this woman (I am an adult) whom I have had feelings for, for quite some time now. I have never told her how I feel about her because she is older than I am and I am afraid that she will be in disagreement with this and will stop talking to me and avoid me…I feel very deep for this woman and would rather have a friendship with her than to lose her over feeling this way for her…but I feel like these emotions I feel for her are going to eventually consume me…because what if she does like me? Any ideas on what I should do?
    Please help me…I really need to know what I should do about this situation.

    • Vicky M

      January 17, 2016 at 8:12 pm

      PS, I know this is a website for guy advice, but I am desperate. I am a girl by the way. Any advice will help

      • web admin

        January 20, 2016 at 2:53 pm

        Don’t worry–actually, this website is primarily aimed at giving girls advice, not guys. If you need any more help, just let me know. Thanks for commenting!

    • web admin

      January 20, 2016 at 2:32 pm

      Has she ever done anything to make you think that she could be interested? There is always a chance that she could be, but it might not be worth risking your friendship to find out. Is she currently dating someone? If she is, then the answer is clear: don’t do anything until she is single. If she is currently single, then you just have to decide if you want to take the risk of losing your friendship. If you do tell her how you feel, you should just make sure that you emphasize the fact that you want to remain friends with her no matter what her answer is. Good luck, Vicky!

  18. hannah

    January 16, 2016 at 3:12 am

    i told my crush that i liked him and why i liked him and all he said was ‘k’.he also kind of flirts with me. what does it mean????

    • web admin

      January 16, 2016 at 12:05 pm

      He may not be sure about how he feels yet, he could be interested in someone else as well, he may be worried about getting into a committed relationship or he may be nervous about asking you out. It is also possible that he is just flirty and is not interested after all. On the bright side, he knows that you like him know, so that should be enough encouragement to get him to make a move if that is what he wants to do. Good luck, Hannah!

    • Isabella

      February 5, 2016 at 11:17 am

      HELP!! There is this guy i have been liking on for a year and this girl walked up to me yesterday and told me that she is best friends with him and that she knows he likes me so then i got in my car turned the ignition and there was a note from him and it said:”Hey, Izzy i like you alot and i was wondering if you’d go out with me?” so, then all day i as wondering what to say i mean im gonna say yes but at the date what will i say?

      • web admin

        February 6, 2016 at 9:36 am

        If you like him, tell him yes! It seems fairly straightforward. He likes you back, so now you guys just have to go on a date together. Congratulations!

  19. Mary

    January 3, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    There is a guy who goes in my school and is 2 years older. A few months ago he started teasing me and then we started talking (and kinda flirting) a lot.We both felt something for each other but we just did not have the courage to admit it, so in the last month we started losing our contact a little. And right after that he told me that his best friend has a crush on me. My question is: What can I do to make him want me back and get rid of his friend(without hurting him or making him to fight with his bff) ??? :-(

    • web admin

      January 5, 2016 at 5:35 pm

      It looks like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to manually answer and approve each comment, so it can sometimes take a little while for me to get around to all of them. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

    • secret

      January 6, 2016 at 4:23 pm

      well you can start by talking to the guys bff and tell him you don’t like him that you like his friend or you be straight forward and tell the guy you like that you like him and you don’t like his bff

      • web admin

        January 6, 2016 at 9:13 pm

        That sounds like decent advice–I am sure that Mary will appreciate it. Thanks for commenting!

  20. Mary

    January 3, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    ok, there is a guy in my school who is 2 years older. One day he started teasing me and since then we used to talk (and kinda flirt) a lot, but only in school. We both liked each other but we just could not make a move. A fev months ago that we started losing our conection a little, he told me that his best friend has a crush on me. Now I want an advice to win him back and get rid of his friend (without braking his feelings or making him fight with his bff). What should I do??? :-(

    • web admin

      January 5, 2016 at 5:34 pm

      You should just ask the guy out. If you wait any longer, you guys will be firmly in the friend zone and he will be afraid to make a move because he will not want to upset his best friend. As for the best friend, he will take the hint if you start dating your crush. If the friend does ask you out, just tell him that you like him as a friend, but you do not feel romantically attracted to him–and remember to be nice about it. Good luck, Mary!

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