50 Cute Boyfriend Quotes
Whether you need to text your boyfriend a cute message or just want a quote about him for a post, these 50 cute boyfriend quotes are well-suited for the job. Each quote is matched up with a description of why it works and instances where you could use it. Ranging from short texts to long and loving messages, these quotes are ideal for any relationship length or type.
1. You are like a favorite movie to me. I could watch your body move and hear your voice over and over and over again without ever tiring of it. If I could, I would play the sound of you speaking on a loop. You are all that I need each day.
Romantic and endearing, this quote is a great way to express your feelings. It may be slightly too intense for shorter relationships, but it works well for relationships that are a few weeks or months long.
2. Before we met, I never knew what it was like to just smile for no reason when I looked at someone.
This quote expresses both the uniqueness and the intensity of your passion.
3. Whenever I look into your eyes, I see priceless gems that sparkle in greeting. I see my face reflected from the depths of your irises and know that I could never harm this relationship.
When you have used and reused every other cute boyfriend quote, this is the quote to use to mix it up a bit.
4. If kisses were water, than I could give you the whole sea. If embraces were leaves, I’d give you a tree. If love were time, then I’d give you eternity.
This rhyming quote is one of the cutest messages that you could send your boyfriend. With beautiful imagery and a poetic resonance, it is the perfect message.
5. If you end up living to be one hundred, I would wish to live for one hundred minus one day just so that I would never need to live without you.
Cute and poetic, this cute quote for him is heartwarming enough for a Hallmark card.
6. If someone told me to choose between taking a breath and loving you, I would have to use my last remaining air to say how much I love you.
Although it might be slightly melodramatic, this quote definitely manages to get the point across.
7. No matter how far away I traveled, I always knew my way back because you are my compass star.
For the nautically inclined or naturally poetic, this is the ideal message.
8. Falling in love is like hearing your favorite song on repeat. You cannot see what is about to happen, but you can feel the power of what is to come coursing through your veins.
The meaning of this might not be exactly clear, but it certainly sounds nice.
9. Holding you makes me day, a hug makes my week and your love makes my life. You are all that matters to me.
If you want to show him how important he is, try sending him a cute, loving message like this.
10. When someone loves you deeply, it gives you strength. When you can love someone deeply, it gives you courage.
Faced with danger or impending doom, everyone feels a little more courageous when they have their loved ones to defend.
11. Only the heart can see correctly that which is invisible to the eye.
Based off a quote by Antonie de Saint-Exupery, this quote is a great way to say that your hearts are connected. Through love, you see things which were impossible for you to ever realize through just your senses.
12. Never waste being in love, because you may not be able to get that love back.
You are likely to just meet a few people in your life who could ever be considered your soul mate. When that lucky moment arrives, you must be careful not to waste it.
13. All I wanted to say was that, whatever happens, I will always think about you and our hours together as the happiest time of my life. If I had to know everything and do it all over again, I would.
This quote works well if you recently had a major argument or are trying to decide the fate of a long distance relationship. Even if the relationship ends, you can still let him know that none of the time was wasted.
14. Through love, I became a kinder, less selfish person. From being irritated and upset, I became considerate and happy. Love changes people in ways that even the person cannot realize.
This message is a testament to the enduring power of love.
15. Love is not about finding the perfect person. Rather, it is about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
The people that we love are far from perfect. When you are looking for a boyfriend, you are not trying to find someone who is completely perfect in every way. Instead, you are trying to find a guy who is perfect for you.
16. You have changed my life. Knowing you, I am know capable of tackling everything.
If he is important to you, let him know it.
17. Come be with me, love, and we will explore new pleasures, have exciting adventures and take on the world.
To personalize this quote a little more, you can always try adding an emoticon.
18. Just wanted you to know that I miss you. Not in the “we haven’t talked in a while” kind of miss you, but in the “why can’t you be here right now” kind of way.
Cute and slightly awkward, this message is intended for someone whose boyfriend is just away at work or dashed out to the store.
19. Although I like that you are funny and attractive, what matters most is how you make me feel.
If he makes you feel like a million dollars, let him know!
20. If I walked away from you, it’d be like shooting myself in the foot. If I had never met you, I have no clue what I would have done with myself. Rather than live my life, I suppose that I would have just spent my time trying to find you.
If you need a way to apologize poetically, this is probably it.
21. Your voice makes me think of the best song I ever heard while your eyes make me think of the most beautiful stars in the sky. Never change, beautiful.
This is an excellent message to send him before he falls asleep at night or when he wakes up in the morning.
22. Most people only realize what they have when it’s gone. I’m lucky because I already know just how much you mean to me—I will never let you go.
Really, this says it all.
23. A man is a magical creation. You can lock him out of your house, but never out of your heart.
If your boyfriend is always on your mind, let him know!
24. Two souls share a single thought as both hearts beat as one.
As your relationship becomes more serious, it may start to feel like you are really one soul consigned to live out life in two separate bodies.
25. Your cuteness burns brighter than the sun. Should I call you a dove or my sweet angel?
If you plan on him responding to any of your messages, you should try ending them with a question mark. Perhaps he will send you a cute quote back!
26. The things that you need in life are something to hope for, something to do and someone to love.
People make life extremely complicated, but all that you really need are these three things.
27. Every time that I hear your voice, I have another reason to love you and keep you forever.
For a touching, heartwarming endearment, try this.
28. The bees will always collect honey, the birds will always sing and I will always love you.
This quote for him manages to be both cute and loving at the same time.
29. Every time you say, “I love you”, it melts my heart like chocolate. A glance from your eyes lights my cheeks aflame. Each day from you is like a page out of my dreams.
If your relationship is becoming more serious, a more intense quote may be just the ticket.
30. Flowers move in the evening breeze just like I dance in the waves of love that roll from your heart.
Tell him how you really feel and wait to see what his response is.
31. All I need is you.
Sometimes, the best quotes are the shortest ones.
32. Love is impossible to refuse. I’ve tried to run for long enough, but cannot escape the strength of your love.
Don’t avoid it! Let yourself love and be loved!
33. Before I fall asleep, I think of you. When I dream, I think of you. As I wake up, I think of you. Basically, all I do is think of you.
Hopefully, he shares the same sentiment.
34. Love is a feeling that is more powerful than any action.
Weird, but as anyone who has been in love can attest, true.
35. My love is as deep as the ocean and infinite as the skies. Seeing you is the best sight that can ever greet my eyes.
For extra points, this quote rhymes.
36. Just saw a kitten. It’s cuteness made me think of you.
For a funny, cuter text, this quote is sure to please.
37. Love is life. When you miss out on love, you miss out on life.
This quote is reminiscent of the old adage, “Better to have loved and lost…”.
38. It feels like I have loved you in infinite ways over thousands of past lives.
When you meet your soul mate, it can feel like you have known them forever.
39. There isn’t a reason for why I love you. I do not need a reason to be alive, to love or to believe. All I know is that I do.
Let him know how you feel before it is too late. If you are lucky, he feels the same way.
40. Someone in love can be a poet by day and a singer by night. He can be anything and nothing at once. Everything becomes possible through love.
When you are in love, it often feels like nothing is impossible any longer.
41. Once you know you want to spend forever with someone, you want the rest of your life to start quickly.
Modified from a “When Harry Met Sally” quote, this is the perfect way to describe how you feel after getting engaged.
42. Each time I see you, I fall in love again.
Short but sweet, this quote conveys the exact message that you want.
43. The number one thing that I wish for is for you to be in my arms.
Spending some time apart? Let him know that you still want him close by!
44. You are the one. Once I have you, I will never let you go.
A little mushy, but it works.
45. Even if I scoured the entire world, I could never find anyone as perfect for me as you are.
Let him know exactly how you feel about him.
46. Just wanted to say that I love you.
Sticking with the tried and true is always a good technique.
47. Today, I was smiling for no reason. Then I realized that I was smiling because I was thinking about you.
Find yourself smiling and humming a tune all of a sudden? Let your boyfriend know!
48. Your laughter drew me to you, but your caring heart is why I want to spend forever with you.
Someone’s looks may draw in a date, but it is their personality that keeps you intrigued.
49. Just wanted to tell you that I really, really, really love you.
When in doubt, add more reallys.
50. If someone gave me a flower every time I thought of you, I’d be able to walk in my garden forever.
Beautiful and cute, this is a surefire way to express your love for your boyfriend.