Behati Prinsloo Diet and Workout
Namibian supermodel and Victoria’s Secret Angel since 2008 Behati Prinsloo has a undeniably gorgeous figure. At five foot ten, she’s got beautiful shapely lets, lush yet slim curves and the face and hair or a true beauty. Her looks caught the attention of Seafolly’s Summer and, in addition to being a Victoria’s Secret Angel, she followed int he footsteps of the likes of Miranda Kerr, a fellow Angel, and Jessica Hart to become the 2012 to 2013 face of the iconic brand. But what exactly does it take to look so good? What’s her secret to her sexy body that women everywhere envy? The answer? Well, you may be shocked to know that there is no great secret! Unlike many of her fellow models, Behati Prinsloo doesn’t put herself through tough workout routines day in and day out. In fact, she’s quite relaxed about it all. She has a personal trainer but tends only to use his help when she feels she really needs kicking back into shape or she has a very important job coming up. That said, let’s see exactly what exercise she does do and what she eats to maintain her trim figure…
Practising Pilates
Pilates is fast become fames as one of the most common practises of models and actresses everywhere and Behati Prinsloo is no exception to this rule. She says that the exercises make her more flexible and help to develop her core strength along with making her leaner and stronger. The mix of stretching, warm up exercises, mat exercises, exercise balls, bands and everything else included in Pilates gives Behati Prinsloo a full body workout. It’s also great for quietening the mind and brining peace to the body.
Swimming to Stay Slim
Swimming is Behati Prinsloo’s favourite exercise so it’s her favourite way to stay in shape. She swims regularly and the cardio exercise is fab for working her entire body. It requires a lot of power due to the water resistance and as a result this helps her to build strength in her arms, hips, legs and torso while toning her entire body. Swimming is also a great way to ease stress too so it’s benefits go beyond physical for the supermodel. The beach is where Behati Prinsloo feels most at home and she says that whenever she steps on one (or simply sees a pool) she can hardly resist going for a quick dip. She’s even joked that she’s a mermaid at heart too.
Water Sports
Behati Prinsloo absolutely loves water sports and loves the way they help her to become physically and mentally strong and leave her feeling refreshed afterwards. She’s constantly looking for new water sports to try but her favourite so far is paddle boarding. It helps her to learn to balance, stretches her arms and legs and also strengthens her torso muscles. The only downside is that it’s not considered to be a good stand alone workout. In addition, spending time in the sea means that the salty water draws out some of the bad toxins in Behati Prinsloo’s body.
Behati Prinsloo’s Diet
While Behati Prinsloo has a reasonably good diet now it’s not always been so. Early in her career she got into the terrible habit of just smoking and eating very little food which, in 2006 at the Madrid Fashion Show, caused her BMI to plummet to less than eighteen, despite eighteen point five being seen as the minimum it should be for you to be healthy.
While she still smokes (something which curbs the appetite and causes weight loss), Behati Prinsloo has a much better diet now and her BMI is now at a healthy level. The majority of her diet is made up of avocados which provide her body with potassium, Vitamins B and Vitamin E, heart healthy oil and fibre, scrambled eggs which is a low calorie protein source and can also protect against breast cancer and macular degeneration and simply toast for breakfast. She also drinks plenty of water daily to keep her appetite low and to aid her in terms of keeping any excess weight away. She does however still indulge in her favourite foods now and again, her favourites being pizza and pasta, but tries to keep it in moderation. She loved to get fast food now and again though and admits that she gives into the cravings more than she probably should (this is where her personal trainer usually helps her work it off).“I’m not a huge believe in strict diets or crazy juice cleanses.” she once told the press. “I tried it once and I almost killed somebody! It was the worst feeling ever!” (Finally, a model that talks my language!).
All in all Behati Prinsloo follows a varied yet relatively healthy diet and is moderately active to keep her trim, supermodel figure.