herinterest.com » Beauty http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:22:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Make-Up Tips for Purple Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-purple-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-purple-eyes/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 15:26:24 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3190 Being amongst the rarest color of eyes, purple eyes are normally only an appearance; although, the deep blue eyes of some people, like Elizabeth Taylor, can appear violet at certain times, “true” violet-colored eyes occur only in those whom have albinism. By “true” we are referring to “real” eye color and albinism is a condition characterized by full or partial lost of pigment in skin, hair and or eyes.

To obtain the look for purple eyes, many opt for the use of colored contacts. Colored contacts are available  in practically every color and varying styles. If you are looking to change the color of your eyes, colored contacts are an option to be consider.


Choosing eye shadow for purple eyes

For every color of eyes, there are sets of colors that pair best. These colors can be worn in lighter-darker shades and or from completely different color pallets. For instance, a blue color pallet will offer shades such as periwinkle, liberty and navy and a pallet of varying shades will offer colors such as gold and green.

Colors that pair best with purple eyes are shades of the following; greys, yellow and green. Greys and black can be used to create a smoky eye and yellow and green can be used in combination with one another or both colors can be paired with shades of purple to capture a more dramatic look.

By using green and purple on purple eyes you can create the look of fantasy like in “The Little Mermaid.”  To capture this look, refer to the image below:

purpl 3

Applying eye shadow to purple eye

Applying a smoky eye can be difficult; however, by practicing you can achieve the desired look. Start by applying grey to the entire eyelid; this is just your base color. Highlight with white on your brow bone (under your eyebrow); this will make the color “pop.” Take a deep black and add it into the crease. It is suggested to use more eye shadow on the outer “V” of the eye. Lastly, take a big blending brush, or big eyeshadow brush, and blend the eye together ensuring that the black is well-blended )from the eyelid to the cease of the eye).


Photo credit from weheartit.com

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Make-Up Tips for Brown Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-brown-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-brown-eyes/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 14:18:24 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3130 Brown eyes, statistically the least favorite color of eyes, may be under hyped in popularity. Most with brown eyes wish to have blue eyes and many will go as far as to change their eye color by wearing colored contacts. What’s strange about this, is that brown eyes can appear to be the prettiest of all colors provided make-up is applied properly.

Making their mark on society, brown eyes have been wrote about in songs that have been sung by some of the best-known artists. These songs include Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison and Ebony Eyes by Rick James and featuring Smoky Robinson. Another notable fact pertaining to brown eyes was the making of a film in 1936 titled “Big Brown Eyes” featuring Gary Grant and Joan Bennett.


Choosing an eye shadow for green eyes

Colors that look best with brown eyes include darker shades of; grey, brown, black, gold, rose and green. These colors can be worn in combination or on their own. For instance, with brown eyes, black and brown pair well and gold, rose and green pair well. Greens are particularly ideal for brown eyes as they enhance the color an allow for the eyes to “pop.”

Other colors to consider when applying make-up to the eyes are as follows; cobalt blue, dark purple (such amethyst) or deep reds (like cranberry).


When choosing make-up for the eyes, you will want to purchase a color pallet includes a light, medium and dark based color. These colors can be of the same shade or varying shades. You will also want to purchase an eyeliner and “volumizing” mascara that will enhance the overall appearance of your eye make-up.

Applying eye shadow to brown eyes

When applying make-up to brown eyes, after selecting your color pallet, it is suggest to first cover the eyelid with your lightest based color. Next, on the bottom of your eyelid, starting in the lower corner of your eye, apply a thin line working outwards with your brush. Nest, apply a thin line of your medium based color across the crease of your eye. To soften and high-lighten, last, apply another coat of your lightest based color over your entire eyelid to complete the look.

For a better understand of color pallets and where to place each color, please refer to the image below:


Photo credit from weheartit.com

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Make-Up Tips for Blue Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-blue-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-blue-eyes/#comments Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:10:58 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3109 Being amongst the most common color of eyes, blue eyes are also the most desired and spoken of. One way to enhance the appearance of blue eyes is to add a thin line of eyeliner in shades of blue, green, brown or black. It is also suggested to use a “volumizing” mascara. If you have short or thinned out eyelashes, it is also suggested to use “falsies” (false eye lashes).

In order to further enhance the appearance of blue eyes, suggested below are tips for choosing an eye shadow color and applying eye shadows to blue eyes.


Choosing an eye shadow color for blue eyes

Colors that pair best with blue eyes are lighter shades of; pink, purple, green and yellow. It is suggested to dabble around with the colors and choose more than one to apply. For instance, yellow pairs well with each pink, purple and green and pink pairs well with purple. For more dramatic results, choose shades of grey, brown and or black. These colors are also ideal for evening wear.

Another suggestion when choosing an eye shadow color is to consider what you are wearing. You can match your eyeshadow to the color of your top or dress or you could use a different color that pairs well with both blue eyes and your outfit color. Either way is fine; however, it is suggested to consider this pairing of apparel and make-up before applying.

Blue eyes also pair well with darker colors such as; gold, rose and green. Please refer to the image below:

blue 1

Applying eye shadow to blue eyes

When applying make-up to the eyes you want to first start with a color pallet from the shades previously suggested. First, apply a base coat of your lightest shade to lighten the area. Next, add one color (such as pink) to the lower, corner of the eye. Next, add a different color (such as purple or yellow) to the lower, outer eyelid. Using your light base color, lightly cover the entire eye to enhance and soften colors.

Other colors that pair together nicely with blue eyes are as follows; pink and silver, pink and brown, blue and silver, blue and brown, purple and grey and purple and black.

The image below offers another technique for applying eye shadow to blue eyes:


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Make-Up Tips for Green Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-green-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-green-eyes/#comments Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:11:42 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2972 green 1

Depending upon eye color, when applying make-up there are certain colors that should be used and others that should be avoided. Green, being amongst the rarest colors of eyes, pairs well with shades of gold, silver, copper and bronze. Other colors to consider for green eyes include shades of purple and brown.

If looking for a more dramatic appearance, use darker shades such as brown, titanium or black. These colors are ideal for evening wear and can also enhance the overall appearance of green eyes.

green 2

Choosing an eye shadow color for green eyes

The most obvious eye shadow colors for green eyes are shades of; gold, silver, copper and bronze. These colors allow for green eyes to sparkle and enhance their overall appearance. Also consider shades of gray and deep reds such as cranberry or brick red.

When choosing an eye shadow color for green eyes, shades of gold, silver, copper and bronze can be worn both in the day or at night. These shades are also ideal for casual attire or glamorous. The same can be said for shades of grey and reds. Green eyes have an uncanny ability to  illuminate at all hours of the day.

When applying make-up to the eyes, it is suggested to use an eye liner and “volumizing” mascara to achieve the best appearance. If you have short, or thinned out, eye lashes it also our suggestion to use “falsies” (fake eye lashes).

Lastly, consider the color of your apparel before applying make-up. You will want to use eye shadow(s) that matches or coordinates with the colors you are wearing.

green eyes 3

Applying eye shadow to green eyes

When applying eye shadow to green colored eyes, first, select a pallet of colors from the shades previously stated. Start by applying a light based to the whole eye. Using soft strokes, go back and forth until the eyelid is covered with your base color. Next, apply a medium based color to the outer eyelid smoothing inward. Using a dark based color, place your eye shadow brush in the lower corner of your eye and gently pull outward (making a dark line of color on along the bottom of your eyelid). Lastly, starting in the up corner of your eye and using your base color, gentle cover your eyelid highlighting the colors previously applied.

Photo credit from weheartit.com


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Make-Up Tips for Hazel Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-hazel-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-hazel-eyes/#comments Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:43:36 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2956


Make-Up Tips for Hazel Eyes:

When applying make-up to the eyes, depending upon skin tone and eye color, there are particular shades and applications that work best for each eye color. Hazel colored eyes are amongst the most common color and pair well with shades of yellow, green and purple. Other shades that pair well with hazel colored eyes include; gold, orange and brown.


Choosing an eye shadow color for hazel eyes

Hazel eyes are a lighter shade of brown to the human eye; however, upon close inspection hazel colored eyes have specks of yellow and green. By applying shades of yellow and green, it helps to bring out these colors in the eyes. The secret to applying the correct color of eye shadow is ensuring that you are using colors that enhance and brightening the eyes.

When applying shades of purple to hazel eyes they will appear to “pop.” Shades of brown and purple naturally pair well together and extrude a mystic appearance. Some shades of purple to consider; lilac, lavender, violet, plum and eggplant.

The most obvious shades of color for hazel colored eyes are gold, orange and brown. These colors are suggested for outdoor events in the sun, and or, an “evening out on the town.” Shades of gold and orange are known for brightening the skin and creating a glow. Darker colors, such as black and brown, are best known for creating a dramatic appearance; an appearance one may try to capture for an “evening out on the town” or on a “date night.”


Applying eye shadow to hazel eyes

When applying make-up to hazel colored eyes, it is suggested to start with a light based color. Light colors help to enhance hazel and green colored eyes. Next, starting at the outer edge of the eye, apply a medium based color keeping in mind the shades previously spoken of. Lastly, apply a dark based color along the outer edge of the eye working inward down the bottom of the eyelid and finish with a touch of the light based color on the enter eyelid to further high-lighten.

When applying make-up to the eyes, it is suggested to apply particular colors according to eye color. This way, it is the eye color that stands out, not the eye shadow color(s).

Photo credits from: weheartit.com

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Tips To Get Pretty Eyes Without Makeup http://www.herinterest.com/tips-to-get-pretty-eyes-without-makeup/ http://www.herinterest.com/tips-to-get-pretty-eyes-without-makeup/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 05:19:40 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2637 It may seem impossible, but there is actually a way to make your eyes look prettier without having to apply any makeup at all. Shocking, right? The best part is that it really doesn’t take all that much effort to get your eyes looking gorgeous without cosmetics. You could start seeing prettier eyes staring back at you in the mirror in not time if you incorporate these next couple of tips into your everyday routine that we’ve laid out below to help you get gorgeous eyes :

Tip # 1. 

To keep eyes looking fresh and beautiful or to achieve naturally beautiful eyes, make sure that you aren’t sporting any unwanted puffiness or bags under your eyes. The first step to ridding of those awful flaws is to check to see if it’s because of genetics, lack of sleep, an illness or if you are just retaining water.

For water retention: Morning and night, apply either cold tea-bags, cucumbers or a cold compress to help reduce swelling and get circulation moving better. You can also just apply icy-cold water to them when you wake up and right before you go to bed at night.

For lack of sleep: Get some sleep! The more you sleep, the better your skin and the better your skin, the better your eyes will look.


Tip # 2. 

If you don’t already own an eyelash curler, get one! Just using an eyelash curler can really make a difference when it comes to the beauty of your eyes. The better your eyelashes, the prettier your eyes- it’s that simple!


Tip # 3. 

Eyebrows play a major role in the prettiness of not only your eyes, but your entire face. Plucking, threading or waxing your eyebrows will really help to accentuate your eyes and face. This can help you achieve the best look for your eyes in no time.


Tip # 4. 

Using an eye-cream can really brighten your eyes. Eye-creams can tighten and brighten the skin around your eyes. Using one until the desired look is achieved can make your eyes look prettier without makeup.


Tip # 5. 

Eye-drops can be a life-saver when it comes to bettering the look of your eyes. Especially if you have allergies! Even if you don’t have allergies, you’d be surprised at how refreshed your eyes will look after applying a steady amount of eye-drops to them. Not only will it give you a rejuvenated look, but a rejuvenated feel, as well.

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5 Best Makeup Ideas For Brown Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/5-best-makeup-ideas-for-brown-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/5-best-makeup-ideas-for-brown-eyes/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 04:51:33 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2625 Brown eyes can be hard to complement when it comes to applying makeup. It may be more difficult for women with brown eyes to pick out the right makeup because it’s challenging to match the right colors along with brown. To help, here are the 5 best makeup ideas for you girls out there with brown eyes:

1. Get Your Eyes To Pop  


How? You can really make those brown eyes of yours stand out by applying a light, electric color of shadow or eyeliner around them. The bolder the color, the more your dark eyes stand out. Brown, surprisingly, goes with a lot of the colors there are. Most women say that they choose a bright purple or plum to accentuate their brown eyes. Brown and purple are perfect together!

2.  Don’t Leave Out Your Eye-lashes! 


When it comes down to brown eyes and making them look their best, most leave out the worry about mascara and focus more on eye-shadow and the eye-shadow colors. It’s definitely important to remember mascara when bringing out those golden eyes. Instead of always applying the same old black mascara, which can give you an unwanted look of sunken eyes if you are not careful, go more for golden mascaras and purple, eggplant or plums.

3.  Brown with Brown?


Confusing right? Unlike blue shadow with blue eyes, it’s actually very ideal to match up different shades of brown with your brown eyes. If you have darker brown eyes, avoid dark brown shadow and go more for a golden-bronze shadow. Lighter and darker eyes are complemented by not only a variety of golds and burnt browns, but also with neutral colors and even sparkling shades of champagne colors.

4. Go Green… or Purple… or Blue!


Green is a great color to pair up with those dark eyes. Forest greens can really bring out every detail of your eye-color and give you a look of subtle, yet exciting beauty.  Purple and brown, as mentioned above, is the perfect combo for the most part. Suave purples and deep burgundy will truly get your eyes a very sexy and very desired look. Blues, especially navy blue, will also bring out brown eyes of all shades.

5. Get Your Metallic On


Nothing goes better with brown eyes than metallic colors. Since brown really is lost on the color wheel, it doesn’t have any set rules for what other colors it really goes with. This makes it pretty easy to dress up those eyes. But, the really get them to stand out, try to go for more pigmented and more metallic shadows. The most metallic, the better and the more your eyes will pop!

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How To Dress For A Pear Shaped Body http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-dress-for-a-pear-shaped-body/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-dress-for-a-pear-shaped-body/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 02:04:47 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2541 Pear shaped figures are a fairly common shape upon women across the world. At times, those who sport a pear-like physique can look short, not  proportionate and even frumpy. This is usually due to the fact that they aren’t dressing themselves the right way to accentuate and complement their given figure. If you have a pear-shaped body, don’t fret! There are so many things you can do to really pull your look together. You may not even need to go shopping at all! You may just need to rearrange your wardrobe a bit. Here are some helpful tips to dress a pear-shaped body correctly:



1. Shirts:

When it comes to pear figures and the shirts they sport, it is all about elongating your torso and waist. To properly achieve this, it’s vital to avoid wearing any shirts that end above your hips. Always dress for success by ensuring your shirts and sweaters end below the hip-line. If not, then always make sure you are wearing along tank-top underneath the shorter shirt to still produce that longer look. Any shirts or sweaters that end above the hip-line will just make your hips and booty stick out even more and look short and frumpy. Bright, fun, patterned and unique tops will really draw attention from the lower half to the top half with no problem!


2. Neckline:

When it comes to necklines, surprisingly the type of line you wear can change your entire appearance. Avoid wearing: Sabrina necklines, boat-shaped necklines, square necklines and turtle-necks. You are going to want to put scoop-necklines, v-necks, off-the-shoulder necklines and strap-less necklines into place. The more flattering and cute the neckline, the more attention you draw upwards instead of downwards. Certain types of necklines can also shorten your appearance and that’s definitely something you are going to want to avoid when it comes to dressing your pear-shaped figure.


3. Accessorizing The Neck:


Scarves, scarves, scarves and more scarves! Or really fun, (non-tacky!) bold necklaces . Wearing cute, fun and outstanding necklaces and scarves will also draw attention away from your bottom half. Plus, they can be just so darn cute and really make an outfit stand out.

4. Pants:

Pants, slacks or shorts are the big, big things when dressing a pear-shaped body. Avoid straight boot-leg jeans, super clingy jeans or short-short shorts. If your shorts are too short, they may accentuate all the wrong parts or your pear-shaped bottom half and make it look HUGE. Straight-cut jeans will shorten your legs and hips, which is something you want to stir clear of. To elongate those legs and really accentuate those hips, always swing for mid-rise jeans or shorts. This will definitely give you the look you’ve been yearning for. Flares can also be a really good type of jean to try out when it comes to dressing that pear-shape. Flares will not only elongate your bottom half, but they can also draw attention away from your hips and butt by equaling them with the flared out bottoms.


5. Skirts:

Tailored skirts and pencil skirts are an absolute must for pears! Tailored skirts will help disguise that bottom-half really well and keep your shins and below looking thin. Pencil-skirts will help accentuate and smooth out your hips and bottom, all while elongating. You can bring more attention to your bosom by finding a shirt that you can tuck into either skirt, too. When it comes to picking out the perfect shirt, go for a shirt that will hang slightly over the skirt to make your top half seem almost slightly bigger than your bottom, giving you a balanced, cute look.


7. Sweaters: 

Off-the-shoulder sweaters are a major necessity for this body type! Over-sized sweaters or longer sweaters will help elongate and bring more attention to the top of your body and make your lower-half seem way smaller, too. Avoid wearing sweaters or sweatshirts with short necklines.


8. Shoes: 

]Stick with stilettos or a higher-heeled pump (especially peep-toed!) to never appear frumpy. Shorter pumps will cause a shorter, unflattering look. Also wear strappy or heeled sandals because they are perfect for pear-shaped figures. Never wear sandals that have straps that will cut off at the ankle. That will only make your legs look shorter. Go for sandals that have straps that will wrap elegantly around your leg, as well.  Wedges are also perfect for this body type and will really make a huge difference.


9. Dresses: 

Dresses are essential for most girls and when it comes down to it, for pear-shaped bodies it is hard to find the right type of dress. Empire-waists are life-saves for those with pear figures. That taken in waist will flatter both your top and bottom by drawing attention to the mid-section and it will make your body appear proportionate. The same goes with empire-waist shirts!


10. Jackets: 

Avoid (at all costs!) wearing jackets or cardigans that end above the hip-line and, therefore, are too short. Wear jackets or blazers that flare out a bit more towards the bottom and with cardigans, keep them longer and flowing down past the hips.

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Top 20 Ways To Tighten Up Loose Skin After Weight-Loss http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-ways-to-tighten-up-loose-skin-after-weight-loss/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-ways-to-tighten-up-loose-skin-after-weight-loss/#comments Sun, 01 Sep 2013 05:40:15 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2193 Weight-loss can feel amazing, but may lose its glory when you’ve worked so hard losing weight just to end up getting an excess amount of sagging skin in return. That can definitely be a downer. Don’t fret, though! There are plenty of things you can do to tighten up your loose skin and they’re easy things to do, too. You can finally shed off that flab just by trying out any or all of the methods we’ve compiled to help you out below. Here are 20 of the best ways to tighten up excess skin:

1. Start Building Muscle


When you lose a dramatic amount of weight, whether from dieting, surgery or exercise, if you don’t tone up your muscles as well, you will lose muscle mass and weight together. That combination is not a good one. You want to lose the weight, but you definitely want to keep that muscle mass! You can fill in some of that saggy skin by introducing your body to weight-lifting and weight-training.

2. Consume Nutrients That Promote Elasticity 


You’d be surprised at how far just a few nutrients go when it comes to skin. Vitamins A, K, E and C, Selenium and Zinc all help to improve collagen production within your body, therefore tightening your skin. You can buy supplements, multivitamins or you can consume the right types of food such as: Nuts, seeds, bean and fish.

3. Stay Completely Hydrated


H2O is your skins best friend. Drink water all day, everyday. Consumer 1-2 liters everyday and see your skin change right before your eyes. Just staying completely hydrated will keep your skins elasticity levels up and also will give it a refreshing glow.

4. Stay Out Of The Sun


Unless you apply sunscreen, of course. UV rays from the sun and tanning booths cause the skin to loosen. The exposure decreases collagen and elasticity, but increases wrinkle production. So, wear that sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy!

5. Avoid Skin Damaging Toxins


Besides UV rays, there are plenty of other toxins to stay away from. Check the ingredient labels of all the soaps, body washes and shampoos you buy. Most of those items have sulfates in them. Sulfates reduce the amount of moisture your skin has and slows down collagen production. Another thing to beware of is chlorine. When you swim in a chlorinated pool make sure you are thoroughly washing it off afterwards immediately. Chlorine is extremely skin damaging if not rinsed away.

6. Collagen Creams


Of course, any sort of cream or lotion with collagen in it is specially made to help tighten up your skin. You can find a cream like that almost anywhere. The pricing all depends. It can get quite expensive buying the creams if the cheaper ones aren’t working (which, unfortunately, they usually don’t work) and therefore, we are forced to spend more money than we’d like to remove our excessive skin problem.

7. Do Not Crash Diet


When you throw yourself on a hardcore diet where you find yourself losing weight rapidly and then abruptly stop your diet and return to old eating habits, you are setting yourself up for a lot of loose skin. What happens is that you gain weight and lose weight repeatedly and your skin stretches out, but doesn’t have time to tighten up again before the next dieting binge. So, do not do that, at all. You have to maintain the same kind of healthy diet if you want to see not only weight-loss results, but skin tightening solutions, too.

8. Workout


Besides weight-lifting and weight-training, add in some muscle-building exercises like squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, strength-training or other anaerobic exercises.

9. Watch What You Eat


Yes, you’ve already dieted and lost the weight, but you’re not finished yet. If you want to see that loose skin disappear into thin air, you have to keep eating healthy. Avoid foods that are high in fat, greasy fried foods and sugary foods, too. Not only do those types of junk foods give you acne and reduce your skins resilience, they are also addicting and complicate diets by filling you with persistent cravings.

10. Start Getting Massages or Doing Massage Therapy


Not only does getting a massage reduce stress, but it can reduce loose skin, too. Massaging the skin actually helps get circulation going and betters it. The better your circulation, the tighter your skin.

11. Don’t Smoke/Avoid Being Around Smoke


Smoking is bad for you in a lot of ways, but it’s extremely bad for your skin, too. It decreases your elasticity a lot and causes wrinkles, too. Quitting will not only help your lungs, heart and circulation, but it will help you keep your skin firmer. You may want to avoid being around someone while they are smoking, as well. Even the toxins coming into contact with your skin can damage it.

12. Butter It Up


Okay, not just with butters, but coco butter, Shea butter, Aloe Vera and soy protein are all amazing things to help tighten up skin. Using them daily will help increase skin moisture, collagen production and overall skin health. Plus, they smell really good, too.

13. Skin Brushing


Skin brushing or exfoliating your skin on a consistent basis will help you get firmer skin. You can buy either a body scrubbing exfoliation pad or brush. Use it once or twice a day to get the best results. It helps shed old, dead skin cells and encourages fresh cells to form.

14. Oil It Up


Oils, well the right kind of oils, lock moisture into your skin. Keeping your skin hydrated on the outside is as important as consuming water to hydrate from within. Pick up some almond oil, baby oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil or olive oil at your local store to help you get better, firmer skin.

15. Scrub Away


Besides exfoliating with a brush or pad, you can exfoliate with sea salt scrubs, mineral scrubs or take a soak in a sea salt bath.   These scrubs not only exfoliate the skin, but they also draw toxins out of your skin in the process. Taking a sea salt bath will clean your skin of any harmful residue, ensuring it’s at its healthiest!

16. Remember Not To Lose Weight Too Fast

slow down

Yes, it’s very tempting to shave off those pounds quickly, but in reality you are hurting your body more by doing so. That’s a lot of stress for you body to handle. Losing weight should be a slow, healthy and careful process. The faster you lose a large amount of weight, the more your skin will sag.

17.  Get Your Beauty Sleep


Your skin rejuvenated itself while you’re sleeping.   The more sleep you get, the more time your skin has to relax, refresh and rebuild.

18. Eat Protein Packed Food


Protein builds muscles within your body and will help your skin rebound after weight-loss, too. You can find protein in lean meats like turkey and chicken. Try to fit protein snacks or meals in after you’re done working out to really see that skin tighten!

19. Get Your Daily Dosage


Fruits and vegetables are such an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And they are even more important if you are trying to firm up your loose skin. Eating the recommended servings everyday will absolutely kick-start that process. Eating raw fruits, veggies and even raw fish like sushi, will give you more nutrients and benefits than if you were to eat them cooked, too.

20. Surgery


If all else fails you can go for this option. Sometimes, genetics prevent us from regaining elasticity in our skin. Or sometimes after going through a 9 month pregnancy your skin just doesn’t snap back. Surgery may be the only thing that will help. There are lifts, tucks and staples you can get to help reduce excess skin.



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5 Best Pencil Eyeliners Of 2013 http://www.herinterest.com/5-best-pencil-eyeliners-of-2013/ http://www.herinterest.com/5-best-pencil-eyeliners-of-2013/#comments Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:28:55 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2111 When it comes to eyeliner there are a variety of different kinds. Oh, how to choose? Well, that’s up to you, but pencil eyeliner is one of the easiest types of eyeliner to use. Why? Well, compared to liquid and cream eyeliner, they are much easier to apply because they don’t take such a steady hand to form a straight line. The softer, thicker pencil line is easier to blend, create a smokey-eye look with and you can use these on your bottom lash line. Trying to apply liquid or cream eyeliner on your bottom lid and lash-line can cause burning, stinging and watery eyes that will make your eyeliner run. Do you love pencil but you aren’t sure of what kind to get? Here are the top 5 pencil eyeliners of 2013:

1. Sephora Kohl Pencil 


Best For: Pigment



Who doesn’t love an eyeliner with gorgeous color? This long-last liner has amazingly high pigment and an absolutely smooth application.

Mac Eye Kohl 


Best For: Not Fading


Surprisingly, it’s hard to find a lot of pencil liners that don’t fade to a lighter color after a few hours. Mac has got you covered by bringing you an eyeliner that doesn’t fade away. Besides its super long- lasting powers, it produces a very defined line that really defines your eyes.

3. Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Pencil


Best For: It’s boldness


This pencil comes in around 40 different colors and let me tell you, they are all bold, vibrant and beautiful! This is a quality eyeliner that not only goes on easily, but the removal process is quick and simple, as well. This eyeliner is waterproof, but it has a nice, creamy texture that makes it a true ‘glide on’ product.

4. NARS ‘Larger Than Life’ Long Wear Eyeliner


Best For: Long Wear


This pencil eyeliner delivers nothing but awesome. With its long-lasting wear and bold, vivid coloring, what’s not to love? It also comes with a sharpener built into it. That will definitely be convenient when you’re on the go! With the beautiful color choices you can really make your eye color stand out.

5. L’Oreal Paris Extra Intense Liquid Pencil Eyeliner

Best For: Definition


This intense eyeliner gives your eyes a dark, defined line that you will absolutely love. With a smooth liquid appeal and it’s smudge proof abilities you may just find yourself never shopping for another pencil eyeliner again. The best part is this liner can usually be found at almost any drugstore.


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