herinterest.com » Lifestyle http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:22:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Taurus Traits http://www.herinterest.com/taurus-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/taurus-traits/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:22:01 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2052 People born under the zodiac sign Taurus, are known to have been born with extremely well developed aesthetics, as they truly know how to admire beauty. They enjoy a good reputation in terms of monetary matters and finances, and known to be very practical, trustworthy, sensual and determined.

Apart from their significant features, Taurian’s also have positive and negative traits that set them apart from other sun signs, such as:


Positive traits:
Charitable and Big hearted:

The Taurus people are known to be very generous; they can easily provide help and support whenever asked. Even if it means that they will have to take some pains and go through hardships they would still keep their word.

Taurus people are extremely dependable, whenever there are people’s expectations directed towards them, they will do everything in their authority to fulfil them. Their reliable nature enables them to be the ideal, trustworthy employees and dependable friends. They never let their loved ones down.

Taurus people are very down to earth and humble. They mostly have polite, reserve and

Amusing personalities. They are so down to earth that, even if they become highly successful it does not bring any change in their attitudes, and they remain equally humble.



Another salient feature of Taurians is Patience, they believe in getting the job done, instead of risking it through rushing.

The Taurians like being independent and strong willed both emotionally and financially, they want to rely on themselves, so that they don’t have to search for support elsewhere.
one more important aspect about taurians is that, once they have decided to achieve something, as a goal, they will make every effort possible to get it. Even if they fail at first attempt it does not weaken their morale, but in fact it only makes them stronger.



Negative Traits:

Even though Taurus people are very easy free spirited and reverential, the Taurus can also be extremely intractable and stubborn at times. It comes up to the extent that if they disagree with the logic in an argument they will just not listen to it.
The Taurus is often very dedicated towards their goals in life, they also like to believe that the whole world focuses and revolves around them. This self indulgence, often makes them come across as rude, little insensitive and bit arrogant.


No matter how patient Taurus people are, they are also very lazy, at times when they are asked to do something; they will not do anything, until and unless they are motivated to do that.

In their effort to have their future secured and to uphold a certain image, they tend to become a bit materialistic.

Taurus-born people are marked with Jealousy and Possessiveness, which often leads to resentment. It is the fear of betrayal, which can cost them perfectly genuine relationships.


It is one thing to value money for what it is worth, but very often the Taurus-born takes it too far and tends to become frugal, in the name of keeping their savings and building a better future.

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Aries Traits http://www.herinterest.com/aries-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/aries-traits/#comments Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:18:59 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2062 Have you ever noticed why Aries sign has the picture of a Battering Ram? That’s because Aries believe in living life head first and in the fast lane only. Optimism, perseverance, and vitality form the core essence of Aries. People born between March 21 and April 19 fall into the horoscopic category of Aries and tend to display the following top six personality traits:


  1. Confidence: Although Aries is a sign that do not gel well with this particular attribute because its ruling planet is Mars, the ever eluded and isolated one, but still Aries personalities are confident in their own peculiar manner. Aries can venture on to any journey but don’t feel very comfortable in social gatherings. Social wildernessis a hallmark trait of Aries however, they will never think twice before initiating a hiking plan or taking risky decisions.
  2. Adventurousness: This definitely connects with the kind of confidence that Aries inhabits. Aries happens to be accommodating the most adventurous group of people out of all 12 signs. Aries are eager for trying something unusual, and their innate confidence triggers this natural urge. They believe in exploring newer horizons and bridging the gaps between known and the unknown.
  3. Action-oriented: Never underestimate the energy reserves of Aries as they have plenty of wit, will and vivacity. Aries are always on the move; you cannot expect them to sit back and become a couch potato, it’s just not their thing. They will plan about something and will instantly materialize it.
  4. Spontaneity and straightforwardness: Aries is a fire sign and that’s why they are straightforwardand spontaneous simultaneously. As fire is unpredictable, warm and not always logical, so is Aries, no one can ever predict their next move.
  5. Pioneering: Pioneering is certainly a great quality of Aries. Not many star signs support pioneering capability as strongly as Aries does. They are fully capable of taking an initiative and pursuing their goal with utmost conviction. Although Aries are impulsive to some extent but they are indeed creative andfront-runners at all their jobs.
  6. Competitive: This quality when combined with the impulsive and spontaneous traits makes them hungry for success and that too within a short while. Of course, the battering Ram’s horns are a prominent part of Aries symbol for a reason. However, Aries personality has a subdued amount of competitiveness, and they are definitely good sport.If they cannot achieve success they will never pull anyone down to pave the way for their victory.

Caring and Sincere: Aries are definitely family-oriented. They are extremely sincere, loving and kind hearted.  They are good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries and are generous as well. They are emotionally balanced and you can expect perfect intimate connection with your Aries partner as they tend to be great lovers.

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Virgo Traits http://www.herinterest.com/7-best-virgo-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/7-best-virgo-traits/#comments Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:56:11 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1792 People born between August 23 and September 22 are Virgos and display introverted behavioral traits to some extent. In a nutshell, Virgos are similar to those creatures that dwell under the deepest core of water and presumably are the most valuable as well. Virgo is ruled by planet Mercury and therefore, is like your direct ticket to the league of praiseworthy scholars and intellectuals. Here is an overview of seven of Virgo’s best personality traits.


Intelligence: All thanks to Mercury, the supporter of extraordinary intellect, intelligence is by far the most envied trait of Virgo. Virgos are extremely intelligentand always eager to expand their knowledge reserves. No one can ever give them tough competition when it comes to sharing general knowledge. Better watch out for some Virgo classmates in case you are facing any difficulty in studies.

Perfectionism and Conviction: Words like compromise and adjustment cannot be found in the dictionary that Virgos usually follow. They are highly analytical and evaluate everything and every aspect extremely critically. Moreover, Virgos are doersand not laid back type and therefore, they happen to be great achievers as well.

Sublimity and Modesty:Virgos are modest and sublime to the core despite the fact that they are highfliers and go-getters. They are naturally down-to-earth individuals and are flexible. Emotionally, they are composed and from a realistic perspective, it is only the forte of people having a stronger personality.

Honest and Reliable: As a friend, Virgos are the most dependable among all signs. Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to rely on in the time of need, search for a Virgo in your contact list. Virgos are generally sincere people and they use their head and heart both to think and have a balanced emotional persona, which makes them the best choice for pep talk.

Disciplined:Virgos follow a disciplined and organized lifestyle. They believe in self-approval only, and consider themselves as the perfect schedulers, which is generally true as well. Work ethics are strictly followed and punctuality is very important for Virgos. They become excellent managers and ensure that work is not just done but well-done.

Sensitivity: Virgos are extremely sensitive individuals and think about the society and domestics issues pretty seriously. They want to bring happiness in everyone’s life and are generally good-natured people. For a Virgo, it’s all about transforming relations into connections of heart and keeping them intact for the entire lifespan.

Sharp Observant: Nothing can escape the watchful eyes of a Virgo since they are key observers. They are perfectionists and that’s what compels their sharp observatory prowess. Moreover, attention to detailing is among the hallmark attributes of a Virgo personality.

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Cancer Personality Traits http://www.herinterest.com/7-best-cancer-personality-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/7-best-cancer-personality-traits/#comments Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:53:38 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2102 No ocean in the world can be regarded as deeper than cancer personalities actually are. They are realistic individuals but at the same time they like to dream along but seldom go out of their way to materialize them. They set practical targets, but tend to choose the long route instead of a shortcut because they are just so honest and truthful. They indeed are valued greatly at home and workplace for their good mannerisms, enthusiasm, loyalty and charm. Individuals born between June 22 and July 22 come under the umbrella of Cancer sign and depict the following main personality traits.

cancer zodiac

  1. Sensitivity: This is one of the trademark traits of cancer. If you want to hire someone for social work, look for a Cancerian. They have loads of sympathies for people facing wrongdoings, injustices and calamities anywhere around the world and want to do their bit in eradicating some amount of misery from a person’s life. They actually want to bring about a positive change wherever required.
  2. Levelheadedness: Cancer sign embraces the most levelheaded group of people you may ever learn about.  Usually, cancer individuals do very well at strategy, tact, and spontaneity oriented professions such as computer programming, flying an aircraft or sports. Their decision-making power is very strong and they also know how to use it appropriately.
  3. Love and Warmth: Cancerians are ideal partners and friends. As a spouse, they tend to be accommodative, understanding and extremely intensive in expressing their emotions. Similarly, as friends, they can be your best bet in trying circumstances.
  4. Emotionally Strong: Cancerians are definitely one of the most emotionally reliable people. You can totally count on their insight and mental capabilities in the most difficult situations and also expect them to make a wise decision. Emotional strength and their command on nerves are some of the best traits found in Cancerians.
  5. Knowledgeable and creative: Cancerians are more inclined towards creative arts and increasing their knowledge reserves than on making money. Money does not really matter for them but inner satisfaction and peace counts.
  6. Generosity: Need a loan—contact a Cancerian friend or relative. People born under cancer sign possess the heart of gold. They are extremely generous but not unwise spenders by any means or ways. They generally choose to save their earnings for later but the moment you ask for a loan they will give you without thinking twice.

Family-oriented: For cancer personalities, home is where the heart is. They entirely focus on nurturing a family and keeping it safely intact. They are dedicated individuals and try to keep everyone at home happy even if they have to sacrifice their personal desires for attaining mutual happiness.

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Aquarius Traits http://www.herinterest.com/aquarius-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/aquarius-traits/#comments Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:51:52 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2050 The Water Bearer Aquarius is always light years ahead of its time; it is ever changing like ripples of water and longs for novelty and creativity.  They have both negative and positive traits such as:


Humanitarian and Friendly:

Aquarians are known to be the humanitarians of the Zodiacs; the Aquarians are full of charitable energy and spirit of giving. They like to make this world a better place to live for everybody in it. They always extend a helping hand, their hearts bleed when they see injustices and atrocities and people suffering around them. They want to take the pains away, from their loved ones.

Inventive, creative and Modern:

Aquarians are quite interactive individuals. They are very broad minded and creative people who are true researchers and honest truth seekers. They are full of veracity and investigative spirit. They have an aura of novelty around them, and like to invent new and innovative things.



Amiable and Friendly:

Aquarians do have a tendency, to make new friends and meet new people. Aquarians are quite popular people in their circles. They have a magnetic charisma around them, they have many friends but in fact, they have innumerable acquaintances and very few friends.

Lively Loyal and Honest:

Aquarians are extremely lively individuals; they are live wires and have a pleasant and adorable personality. They would rather be honest than fake and superficial.

Original and Blunt:

Aquarians are legitimate individuals; they are full of spirit and enthusiasm. They exhibit candour, zeal and candidness in their attitude. They are often out spoken and blunt and would prefer a direct approach, rather than confusions and ambiguity. They are honest to the core and are not afraid of biting the bullet.

Trying to Be Different:

Aquarians are born to be different, they are like chameleons, and they are bored with tedious and routine things. Aquarians demand change, and go to great measures, to bring about that change in their life style.



Aquarians lack consistency; they need to bring more stability in their life styles. It is the main reason they tend to lose out on major projects, because they just cannot stay focused for too long, due to their demand for change.


One quality that stands out about Aquarians is that, they are often very close and extremely detached at the same time. They might seem very close knit, but do lean to deviate in their spirit and tend to look emotionally detached.

Rebellious and Chaotic:

Aquarians might just be rebels without any particular cause, they just don’t want to follow the norm of the day, and they want to be different and unique.

Unpredictable and Inefficient:

Aquarians tend to get very unpredictable and moody, so sometimes they cannot fulfil their obligations and end up being in efficient and clumsy.









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Gemini Traits http://www.herinterest.com/gemini-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/gemini-traits/#comments Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:01:21 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2055 Like every zodiac sign, Gemini- born people also have both negative and positive sides to their personalities. People born under the Zodiac Sign Gemini, have some very diverse traits to them as well. They can be very clever, intellectual and sharp, but at the same time they can be very restless and tense. It is essential to understand a Gemini that one understands his traits to get along well with him/her.

Positive traits

Extremely Adaptable
Gemini people are very easy going and free spirited, they are quite flexible and tend to adapt very quickly to the circumstances they are dealing with. Their aim in life is to make each moment count and get maximum fun, out of the smallest details of life.

Very Versatile
To a Geminerian variety is the spice of life, as there is a whole array of subjects that catches their fancy. Hence, the Gemini will strive and try their expertise, at plenty of different things. They hate getting stuck, in a fixed and tedious scheme of things.

Extremely Enthusiastic
The Gemini love enthusiasm, they are always up for new and exciting adventures. Their enthusiasm is so infectious that people around them are stimulated by it, and they motivate others to join them.
Gemini’s have a gift of exceptional skills of communication, the Gemini are so well spoken, eloquent and articulate people. They can be excellent marketers as well.
Entertaining and Witty:
The Gemini can easily be entertaining and amusing to others. They have a natural ability to amuse others. Their spontaneity adds up to their other worldly charm.


Scholarly and Intellectual:


Gemini people are more into academics; they are passionate about gaining as much information as they can regard various subjects. The Gemini is the intellectual kind, they are smart and sharp individuals and they will not hesitate to express themselves, or shy away from getting their voices heard.
Negative traits

The Gemini are so sharp witted and quick in their actions that it is not possible for them to stay focused and engaged in the projects they have started off with. Their inconsistency and instability is the biggest hurdle that a Gemini has to come face to face with.
The Gemini-born are mostly perceived as fake or superficial individuals, because they are unable to go deeper, and pay attention to or give importance to details.

The Geminis are mostly indecisive and in two minds, when it is time to take important decisions in life. This fickleness and indecisive attitude, costs them many golden opportunities in life.


Lack of Focus
The Gemini has their energies scattered most of the time, as a consequence they get bored very easily due to their lack of focus.

Edgy and Panicky:
The Gemini has a lot of energy but they tend to take up more than they can deliver. It often leads to anxiety and makes them fickle and erratic.







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SAGITTARIUS Traits http://www.herinterest.com/sagittarius-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/sagittarius-traits/#comments Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:30:44 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2042 zodiacs3

Positive traits

Buoyant and Full of optimism:
Sagittarius born is naturally gifted, very enthusiastic and full of energy. The glass for Sagittarius is always full as they see it. Their clear cut optimism always helps them to survive even the toughest of situations.

The Sagittarius has the guts to call a spade a spade, as they are very straightforward, so you have an idea that when they say something, they actually mean it and not just bluffing. They may even be all too harsh and brash to handle for some people’s liking.
Sagittarius born is very rational, logical and intellectual people. They are mainly interested in a wide range of subjects. They have flair to be extremely, remarkable conversationalists.

Sagittarius born people believe in their ideals, as they are philosophical and devout, pious individuals with a keen sense of ethics, morality and transience. They are always enthusiastic about sharing their views on spirituality, higher power and religious virtues.

The people born under the sun Sign Sagittarius are very generous and have a heart of gold. They are dedicated towards and, try their very best to achieve their goals. They believe in finding solutions to the problems, so that they could lead a better life.


Sagittarius born people are extremely adventurous, and always extremely eager to take risks and keep the excitement levels, in their lives to the maximum.

Negative traits

sloppy and Careless
The Sagittarius is always taking things for granted, by employing the risk element more than they should. Their careless attitude brings forth, condemnation from all corners.


It is one thing to be frank and straightforward, but sometimes it comes close to the point of being tactless for Sagittarius. Being honest and straightforward is one thing, being tactless is another thing altogether. A guide to how to tactfully handle things will be a great source of help for Sagittarius born people.
The individuals born under to Zodiac Sign Sagittarius, often tend to get extremely intolerant edgy and fidgety, especially when their energies are not engrossed or they lacked direction.

Some times Sagittarius born people may come across, as phoney and superficial. Exterior appearance holds a lot of importance to them. Moreover, they don’t have tolerance and tendency to go beyond the surface, and cant dive deeper to see the reality.
Their fickle nature compels their interests, to switch with regular intervals. This kind of inconsistent behaviour affects their interest levels, and makes them less reliable.
The Sagittarius tend to believe, that their understanding of things is always right and justified, which makes them more prone to making mistakes

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CAPRICORNS Traits http://www.herinterest.com/capricorns-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/capricorns-traits/#comments Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:28:05 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2040 Capricorn is often termed to be the Sign of constancy, tranquillity and mellowness. People born under this zodiac Sign are quite sensible, secure, insightful comfortable in their own skin. They never take hasty and un-insightful decisions, at the same time they will take well timed and calculated risks, to have things done their own way. Here we have a look at some negative and positive Capricorn traits.


Positive traits:

Practical and Pragmatic:
Capricorns are known for their realistic approach towards life, the Capricorn assess the situation and carefully take into account, all the facts before going ahead with the plan.

Go-getting, Determined and Ambitious:


Capricorns are extremely confident personalities, who tend to aim high towards their target and put in all their effort to achieve their target. Their highly ambitious nature may be accredited to their aspiration to build, a better future for themselves and their loved ones.
Cautious and Far sighted:
The Capricorn is prudent, judgmental, astute, level-headed and never over-the-top. People trust their instinctive and sound judgemental attributes, and mostly come seeking their valuable and worthy advice.

Tidy and Disciplined:
The Capricorns are highly disciplined and hold with esteem, those people who are extremely focused and meticulous. They can absolutely never be careless about the matters imperative to them.



Once they set a target for themselves, they will set out for achieving their target. They have all the patience in the world, which they need to get to their goals. They completely understand that dreams and aspirations, take thorough time and effort for materialisation.


Capricorns are extremely cautious, and guarded by their own selves. Uncalculated risks and mindless decisions are just not their cup of tea.

Negative traits

The Capricorn-born most frequently have the tendency, to get very pessimistic. They also lack the courage and ability to fight the consequences, and go against the tide. No matter how far they get in life, they will always consider themselves under achievers.

Capricorns tend to e very stubborn and believe that, their perception regarding things and their actions taken are perfectly justified, so they become highly inflexible.

Capricorns are basically very shy and recluse and need time to open up


The Capricorns are very selfish and self absorbed and more interested in grinding their own axes.


Emotionally Detached
The Capricorns often seem as emotionally devoid and detached individuals, who will not be able to get close to people beyond a certain point.
The Capricorn can be extremely funny at times, but mostly they tend to get grumpy, irritable and short tempered.

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Pisces Personality Traits http://www.herinterest.com/pisces-personality-traits/ http://www.herinterest.com/pisces-personality-traits/#comments Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:24:21 +0000 silverhope http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2038 Impressionable:

Pisces born are extremely impressionable, as compared to the other zodiac signs. They mostly exhibit an extremely gentle and patient temperament. They seek inspiration in everything. They are also very compassionate and affected by the circumstances around them.

Generous and Amiable:

Pisces are highly affected by the situation at hand, as they are extremely concerned about what others are feeling and the impact of situation on them.

Kind, Emotional and Large Hearted:

Pisces are very generous, affectionate and positive people with a sense of gratitude and compassion towards people around them.


Easy Going, Socially Likable and Reflexive:

Pisces born people are very responsive towards environment and reflexive as well. They let events unfold, and then let their reflexes to respond accordingly.

Idealistic and Impractical:

Pisces are extremely sensitive and intuitive individuals, and believe in their ideals which they consider above all practical possibilities. Their sensitivity is never bookish or perfunctory.

Positive Pisces Personality Traits

Excel In situation where the demand is of their Intuition:

Pisces quite excel in situations, where they require leveraging their imaginary skills and foresight. They often learn through observation, and absorption of environment.

Loyal and Family Oriented:

Pisces born people are very reliable and full of family spirit. They are extremely responsive towards novel ideas and challenging circumstances.

Gifted and Artistic:

Pisces are extremely skilled and well versed, in a lot of things and subjects. They have a natural ability to learn, excel and nurture people around them, by providing them benefits due to their crafts.

Vivid Imaginations:

Pisces born people are blessed with, a graphically vivid and visual imagination. They are the perfect choice for performing arts such as: drama, art, music, literature etc.

Love for Travel:

Pisces born people love the life of luxury, and they are fond of travelling to new places and meeting new people. Pisces have an immense need for luxury, style and pleasure; they are always up for unique and exciting new adventures.

Negative Pisces Personality Traits


Faint Hearted:

Pisces often turn into scatter brains and confused on highly demanding and tense situations and may come across as lazy and impractical.

Unreliable and Unmotivated:

In business related matters Pisces are often considered as unfocused, untrustworthy and distracted. They are often believed to be unnecessarily naive and injudicious.

Easily be fooled:

Pisces often believe in empty promises and hence led astray by them. They lack conviction and decision making skills and pay the price for it. They can also be very cynical and optimistic at the same time.

Main negative personality traits: idle, unreasonable, idealistic, apprehensive, psychologically restrained, and downhearted.





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10 Books Every Woman Should Read in Her 20’s http://www.herinterest.com/10-books-every-woman-should-read-in-her-20s/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-books-every-woman-should-read-in-her-20s/#comments Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:39:44 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1797 If, like us, you don’t really have a lot of time to read a good book these days, it makes sense to find out the 10 books that you MUST DEFINITELY read in your 20’s. Rather than talking the talk, we decided to just jump right in…. Starting with 10 and heading right down to the NUMBER ONE book that all women should read in her 20’s.

Are you ready for them?

10. The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help by Kathryn StockettWe decided to step away from the pink, fluffy looking covers and dive right on in to something gritty, gripping and definitely a bestseller! The Help is a book that tells the perspective of three different women – Skeeter, Minny and Abileen.

Skeeter is the daughter of a wealthy family (white) and has maids. Abileen and Minny tell the story of the maids themselves. You’ll go through a whole range of emotions too – you’ll reach the full gamut of the ways that females were once suppressed by the males living amongst them. With a twisting story between feminism, sexism and racism, you might just find that you can’t put this book down.

9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre by Charlotte BronteThis is a book that you probably should have read in school but if you hadn’t, you definitely need to get yourself a copy (digital or otherwise) immediately, if not sooner!

This is one of the best books ever for women out there – it describes the emotional rollercoaster that combines being a fiercely independent woman in a world where she wasn’t always allowed to exert her feminine rights. Oh and to boot, it’s also a romance novel!

8. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid SundsWith the war on terror in the media on a daily basis, it makes sense to see things from another perspective and in A Thousand Splendid Suns, you are getting the perspective of a woman that lives in a war-torn country, and follows her courage and hope through quite the emotional journey. Heartbreaking, courageous and magnificent are all words used to describe this international bestseller. It might just be time to get yourself a copy.

7. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar by Sylvia PlathA woman that seemingly has everything she wants, Esther Greenwood is the hero of this story and you will follow her battle with depression after getting what she’d wanted – the internship at one of New York’s hottest magazines. I think we’ve already figured out that not everything is always as it seems and this is definitely the case in Sylvia Plath’s semi-autobiographical book that will have you gripped from start to finish. If you are a woman that has ever felt that she is being pressured into conforming to other people’s ideals, this is definitely a book that you must read.

6. Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin

Delta of Venus by Anaïs NinYou’ll never really look at the whole 50 Shades of Grey book in the same way again after you have read this incredibly raunchy and sexually stimulating book, offered to us by one of the sauciest writers of all time. If you didn’t like the almost amateur way that 50 Shades of Grey was written, you will definitely fall in love with this literary marvel! It’s beautifully written and has you gripped from start to finish – every saucy little page!

5. Self-Help by Lorrie Moore

Self-Help by Lorrie MooreIf, like most of us women, you are not really into the self help section of the book store and find the books more patronizing than stimulating, Self-Help is a book that you must pick up at once! It will teach you more about being a woman in this crazy world than you first may have thought you already knew, and with a witty, playful style of writing, you will probably find yourself cracking up with laughter at this rather amazing book. This is definitely one of the hottest 10 books every woman in her 20’s should read!

4. Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James

Fifty Shades of Grey by E L JamesCome on – we’ve all read it, right? It might not have been one of the best written books of our time, but it certainly helped millions of women all over the world open up about their sex life and, if nothing else, that was a pretty astonishing point to make, if nothing else.

You instantly fall in love with Ana and Christian Grey – the focal points of the book, and you will find that the saucily written BDSM-style sex scenes will soon have you thinking some rather naughty points. It’s not the best book ever written, but it’s definitely one of the most fun!

3. Men Are from Mars, Woman Are from Venus by John Gray

Men Are from Mars, Woman Are from Venus by John GrayWritten by a relationship counselor, this is one relationship self-help book that you should most definitely not turn your nose up at. Selling more than 50 million copies and ranked the highest ranked work of non-fiction in the 1990’s, it also spent a pretty astounding 121 weeks on the bestseller list, making it definitely a book that you must read, just to say that you have read it if nothing else.

You’ll learn a lot from this book, especially if you are seemingly hopeless in relationships. For example, did you know about the man-cave…?

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne CollinsWritten in 2008, this is a book you simply must read, especially as the second film is set to be released soon! Following the rather interesting, almost sci-fi like of Katniss Everdeen, you wouldn’t believe the situation that she gets herself into.

When we read this book, we were slightly concerned that we wouldn’t like it because of the slightly science fiction element to it, but stick with it – we promise you that it is a very entertaining read! If you don’t believe us, this book has been sold in 38 territories around the world, and has been translated into over 20 different languages!

1. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

If you like a good naughty read, this one must beat all of them! Originally published in 1955 in Paris, it was originally written in both Russian and English. It’s a very controversial book and has been banned in a few countries along the way. It follows the life of Humbert Humbert, the lead role, and his weird, slightly off-putting relationship with a girl aged just 12. Although controversial, it certainly brings about a few questions and will definitely get you thinking!

So there you have them – the 10 books every women should read in her 20’s. Why not have a read and let us know what you thought of them? And, of course, we would love to hear if you think any other books should have made the cut! We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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