herinterest.com » Love http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:22:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 20 Awkward Questions that Guys ask Girls and How to Answer http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 08:00:13 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3431 Awkward is in the eye of the beholder…at least when it comes to guys and girls. To guys, a question along the lines of how long it takes to get ready isn’t that awkward and most will answer with “five minutes”. However, to a girl, some of these questions are very awkward for a variety of reasons. Be ready for some of these awkward questions with our clever answers!


What happened in your last relationship?

This is awkward because if you answer bashing them, it looks bad on you and the guy might think you will say the same about him someday.

Best answer; “We just weren’t meant for each other.”


How many guys have you been with?

The trouble with this question is that it is never asked out of curiosity.

Best answer, “Enough to know what I’m doing.”


What age do you hope to be married by?

Tell your real friends the truth, tell a guy a generalized answer.

Best answer, “Whenever the time is right. I’m in no hurry.”


Would you ever be a stay at home mom?

Some guys prefer their wives stay at home with the children, while some cannot fathom supporting a woman who is perfectly able to work.

Best answer, “That is something I will have to ponder when the time comes.”


When did you lose your virginity?

Along with the number of guys you have been with, this question is never asked out of innocent curiosity. It is a “feeler” question.

Best answer, “Last week.” Then laugh and change the subject.


Do you want kids?

Guys ask this to size you up. Unless you are in a serious relationship, there is no reason to answer this question right away.

Best answer, “Maybe someday.”


Do you believe in women’s rights?

Discussing this in a serious relationship is one thing. Talking about it in a new relationship or something that you hope develops into a serious relationship is risky.

Best answer, “I believe that everyone has the right to an opinion and I respect all views.”


 Have you been in a lot of relationships?

People who have been in a lot of relationships or very few send out the vibe that something is wrong with them.

Best answer, “It depends on your definition of “a lot”. I’ve been in some.”


Have you ever cheated?

This is an awkward question because if you answer yes, you are automatically assumed guilty of always doing it.

Best answer, “What I’ve done before doesn’t define who I am now.”


How much do you make?

While this should be one of those questions that everyone knows not to ask, sadly people still do ask it.

Best answer, “I make enough.”


What are your thoughts on *insert controversial topic*?

After being in a relationship awhile, this is a perfectly acceptable question. In the beginning, it is awkward.


Best answer, “I think that issue is up for debate. There are good points for both sides.”


How long does it take you to get ready?

Guys ask this question to try to see if you are high maintenance without actually asking you just that.

Best answer, “It depends on the situation.”


How much did that cost?

Guys size up women by how much they spend on certain things.

Best answer, “I got it on sale for a good price!”


Have you dated any of your friends?

If you remained close with any of your ex-boyfriends and your new guy asks, you have to be honest. If he finds out later, it will be a big deal that you lied. Tell the truth, but change the subject quickly.

Best answer, “Yes, but there was no spark or chemistry at all.”


Would you consider a threesome?

You should never say never because some day you might be interested in trying new things. However, starting off a relationship with a man thinking you want to do more than you do is never good.

Best answer, “I am open to consider different things with the right man.”


What do you consider cheating?           

First of all, you should be very careful with a guy who asks this question. He is trying to see what he can get away with in the relationship.

Best answer, “Any kind of betrayal, even just emotional.”


Have you ever been called crazy by an ex?

Considering this is always the go to word of ex-boyfriends, most of us have probably been called crazy.

Best answer, “I’m not really concerned with what people call me. I know who I am.”


Do you pleasure yourself?                      

This question is awkward no matter who asks it, but especially a guy. Truth is that very few people do not so the guy asking most likely knows the answer, he’s just being a dirt bag.

Best answer, “I get my needs satisfied.”


Do you fake orgasms?            

Even if you have even just once in your life, do not answer this question.

Best answer, “I don’t think I would need to with you.”


Does size really matter?

Yes. Yes it does. This question is awkward though because guys don’t want to hear that. Just lie and say no. No harm, no foul.

Best answer, “No.”

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10 Ways To Get Over Him http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-get-over-him/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-get-over-him/#comments Sat, 05 Oct 2013 06:35:24 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3220 Getting over a break-up is a lot tougher than most think. When the break-up takes place, well, it’s like a slap in the face. Are you not sure what to do right now? Do you want to stop thinking about him and just move on? It may be an easier process if you follow these 10 following ways to get over your ex:

Way # 1.) Take A Vacation.


Surprisingly, getting away from your normal everyday life can really help you also escape thoughts of your dreaded ex-boyfriend. Vacations are stress relievers and when getting over him, a stress-relief is just what you need! Your vacation doesn’t have to be somewhere spectacular like Paris or Rome (though that would be nice, wouldn’t it?) it can be virtually anywhere, whether your going to the cabin on the lake outside of town or even just to the state right next door. If you do get yourself to somewhere like Cancun, you may even meet a cute cabana boy!

Way #2.) Take 24 Hours.


Take 24 hours just to yourself. Mope around in your pajamas, rent your favorite movie, grab a box of tissues and buy yourself a box of chocolates! Let it all out and reminisce for a night. Keeping your sad and angry emotions pent-up will only make things worse. Let yourself breathe! It is best that you only do this for one day, though, you don’t want to mope for too long. You gotta get back up on that horse!

Way #3.) Make A List.


Sit down and make a list of all the reasons why you don’t need him! Write (or type) as much as you possibly can. Include all the cons about him and why you can do better. Doing this exercise will actually help you feel better by helping you realize that you are much, much better off without him in your life and it can give you the motivation to move on.

Way #4.) Start Cleaning.


Gather up everything that reminds you of your relationship with him and throw it in the trash right away! Immediately getting rid of all that clutter will truly help you move on. That way you don’t have to look at all the memories and have an emotional relapse on a day-to-day basis. While you are de-cluttering your life of him, you can also organize and clean whatever else- cleaning is a stress-reliever and can give you the feeling of being ready to start fresh.

Way #5.) Have A Girls Night.


Get all your besties ready for a night out. Being around your closest friends and mixing in some fun, social activity can take your mind off of everything that has been going on. Going out with the people you care about most will give you confidence, reassure you that more people than him care for you and also make you realize that there is more to life than him.

Way #6.) Go Out And Mingle.


When you are out on the town with the girls, interact with some boys, too. Don’t dive into something serious right away and don’t try to take anyone home (unless you want to!) Mingling will help boost your self-esteem and give you hope that there are plenty of other fish in the sea! And, hopefully, flirting with new faces will keep the ex out of your head and help you get over him.

Way #7.) Delete Him.


Yes, delete him right from your life. First with the stuff that reminds you of him and you both together, delete his number from your phone (un-memerize it!!) and delete him from any social networking sites that you have him on. This may be hard, but remember that doing this will help you from relapsing and calling/texting him. It will also keep your eyes from seeing what he is up to when he posts on social networks. Do you really want to see if he is hanging out with another girl and moving on? Probably not. Get rid of him ASAP!

Way #8.) Keep Yourself Occupied.


Keep yourself busy and keep your mind off of him! Pick up shifts at work, volunteer at the soup kitchen or pick up a hobby. Try out crocheting, sign up for a Zumba class… Whatever floats your boat!

Way  #9.) Get A Puppy.. Or Cat… Or Whatever Your Heart Desires.


Getting a new pet can help you focus your mind and energy elsewhere… Meaning not on him! Baby pets especially can keep you busy and give you unconditional love- making you feel like you don’t even need a boy in your life.

Way #10.) Remember.


Remember who you were before him and without him. Remember that you don’t need a guy in your life to live. Remind yourself you are strong and you can be your own person! Keep in mind that you do not need him. Just smile and move on! It may take sometime and feel impossible, but you will forget him and you will find someone better someday. Don’t rush, though, everything comes at its own time. Enjoy all the possibilities and opportunities that come along with the life of a single girl!

http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-get-over-him/feed/ 0
10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-boyfriend-is-cheating/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-boyfriend-is-cheating/#comments Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:44:56 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3170 10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating

You have that uneasy feeling in your stomach. You think your boyfriend might be cheating. Are you just being paranoid or is he truly being unfaithful? If any or all of these signs fit, don’t question your intuition, just go.


1. He Accuses You

If you have never given him any reason to doubt your fidelity and all of a sudden you find yourself defending your faithfulness to him, he might be cheating. This is the number one sign of unfaithfulness. The guilty party blames and accuses to take the heat off of him. Then, when you call him out on his cheating, he can claim that you are trying to turn the tables on him. I cannot emphasize this enough, if he starts accusing for no reason, he is cheating.


2. He Locks His Phone

If he has a lock on his phone and never lets it leave his sight, he might be hiding something. Chances are that thing he is hiding is another woman. Men who have nothing to hide will not lock down their phone tighter than Fort Knox. If he has always had a lock on his phone since before he met you, that might not be a reliable sign, but if it is a sudden thing, this is a red flag.


3. His Excuses are Detailed

He comes home late and his excuse is extremely detailed. “First there was a red car driven by an older lady blocking all lanes for 45 minutes because of a flat tire that took 4 guys to change. When they finally got the new tire on, the old one rolled out into traffic and it took 32 minutes to get it into her trunk.” People who are telling the truth omit unnecessary details. People who are lying throwing in every detail possible to make it seem like they are telling the truth. They overcompensate. If he says traffic was blocked, he might be telling the truth.


4. His Looks Changed Overnight

He decides to go for the clean-shaven look after years of saying he hated that, he grows his hair out but you’ve only ever seen it super-short, he starts wearing cologne or after-shave overnight, etc. People change their looks sometimes, but if it seems to be something he would never do or you think it’s more like he’s trying to impress someone, he might be cheating.


5. His Sex Drive Drastically Changed

Whether he starts having way more sex with you or way less sex with you for no apparent other reason, you should be suspicious. Cheaters who start having way more sex with their partner are doing it out of guilt and to overcompensate. Cheaters who starts having way less sex are doing it because they are getting it somewhere else. Ask yourself if there is any other reason his sex drive changed so much (such as due to medication or illness). If not, there is a reason; he’s cheating.


6. His Interests Changed

Did the man who used to make fun of pop music suddenly become the biggest Justin Bieber fan? Did his music taste change overnight by coincidence or because he is trying to impress someone else? Most likely it’s to impress someone else. In new relationships, people will branch out and try new things to impress their new love. If you aren’t his new love, he’s trying new things to impress someone else.


7. He Walks Away on Phone

If he walks away whenever he gets a phone call or text message, you should be very concerned. There is never an excuse for this behavior and it ALWAYS means he is hiding something. A man never has a good enough reason to hide his conversations. End of story. If he is just walking around on the phone, that’s one thing. If it is obvious that he doesn’t want you to hear, something is wrong….he’s probably cheating.


8. He Has a New Credit Card

If he has been discussing getting a new card for whatever reason and then lets you know that he decided to sign up, no big deal. If you stumble across a credit card that you knew nothing about, big problem. A cheating man will get a new credit card to have the ability to make purchases without your knowledge. He can easily hide a few bucks to pay the minimum payment. Hiding the purchases of dinners, presents, hotel rooms, etc gets harder to hide. If you find a mystery credit card, he’s more than likely cheating.


9. He Starts Going Over Cell Limits

Is he going over his minutes or message limits on his cell? Is this normal? If not, be worried. A man who suddenly starts talking on the phone more than ever or sending more texts than he ever has, is possibly cheating. If he is working on some business deal or has another valid excuse for his sudden phone usage, then you might want to do a little extra investigating. Check out the numbers on his bill. If they all correspond to his story, then you’re good. If not, you have some walking to do.


10. He Starts Working Late

The last one is such a cliché reason to be suspicious, but it’s the #1 lie that cheaters tell, so it’s a cliché for a reason. Thankfully this excuse is easy to check out. Call his work or drop by for a surprise. Bring him a meal to help out with his late night work. Doing this will either ease your mind or prove your suspicions and you won’t come across looking like a crazy girlfriend. Problem solved.

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10 Clues That He’s using you http://www.herinterest.com/10-clues-that-hes-using-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-clues-that-hes-using-you/#comments Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:40:01 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3155 A real man has no ulterior motive for being with you. You could be broke with not a thing to offer and he would still love the real you. Another kind of man uses women. Whether he is using you for sex or money, here are the top clues that he might not be into you for just you;


1. You Always Pay


If he forgets his wallet every once in a while, no big deal. If he seems to ALWAYS forget his wallet, it’s not a coincidence. He’s using you for money. Forget your wallet once in a while and see what happens. If he gets angry, he is not only a hypocrite but he’s practically shouting that he’s into you for something besides your wonderful self.


2. You Never Go On Dates


He claims to just want to stay in, but all that translates to is sex. Staying in from time to time is fine, but when it’s every single night and all you do is have sex, he’s using you for just that. Don’t fall for the lack of money excuse. There are lots of free date ideas. He should want to do more with you if he likes you for you.


3. He’s VERY Interested in Who You Know

If he spends a lot of time hinting that your dad should get him a job, your sister should introduce him to her celebrity friend, or that your boss should see his invention, etc., he might be using you for your connections. Sure, it’s great when one’s significant other knows the right people, but if he won’t stop pushing you for your connections, he is probably interested in who you know more than who you are.


4. What’s His is His and What’s Yours is His

After things gets serious in a normal relationship, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. If in your relationship, you aren’t free to use his things but he uses yours freely, he is probably using you for your things. He should be willing to share if he’s willing to use your things. If not, he’s not into you for you.


5. You’ve Never Met Anyone

If you have been together for months and haven’t even been introduced to as much as his mailman as “my girlfriend”, he is using you. Maybe he’s using you for money or sex or whatever, but he is definitely with you for the wrong reasons. Anytime a certain amount of time has gone by without any introductions at all, there is always something wrong. He isn’t with you for you.


6. He Constantly Uses Your Place

If he has his own place but throws massive parties and get-togethers at your house as if it’s his own, he might be using you for your pad. This is especially true if he barely even gets your permission, invites only his friends, and then bails as soon as the party is over. If he wasn’t using you, he’d throw the parties at his own place. You’re his girlfriend, not his event rental location.


7. He’s Hard to Reach Until Late

You text and call and email that you want to spend the day together, but he never responds. Then, like magic, late in the evening he finally is available to spend time with you….but only for sex. If you can’t reach him during the day, you are basically a booty call even if you do not intend to be one. He isn’t into you for you, he’s into you for your booty. Find someone who wants you at all hours of the day, not just at midnight.


8. You’re Never His Date For Any Event

He goes to his friend’s wedding…without you. He goes to his Grandma’s birthday party…without you. He goes to work functions…without you. If you are new in this relationship, it might be excusable, but after a few months there is no excuse worthy anymore. He’s using you for something. If he was into you, you would be invited to anything.


9. He Drives Your Car More Than You Do

If it’s unclear whether your car is yours or his, he might be using you for it. Sure, you might not have that exciting of a ride, but if it’s better than his or he doesn’t have one at all, he probably likes it a lot. He might even like it more than he likes you. If it seems like every time he comes over, it’s to ask to borrow your car, he is probably not into you as much as he’s into your car.


10. He ALWAYS Needs Something

He calls to say hello, “Oh and can I borrow $20?” He stops by to spend time, “Oh and can I use your Internet?” He drops by your work to see you, “Oh and can you watch my dog this weekend?” If he ALWAYS has an, “Oh and…” he is using you. A respectable man rarely asks for favors and spend more days without that little, “Oh and…” This user is into you for what you can do for him. That’s all.

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10 Signs He Wants A Relationship http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-a-relationship/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-a-relationship/#comments Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:16:30 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2940 Here’s an age-old problem: It is hard to read men. But, that’s why this article is here for you to read today to help you decide if your man is ready for that next step. Determining the difference between a guy who is ready for a relationship and a guy who is just messing around can be really tough. But, when you break it down- it’s not that difficult at all! You just have to know what to be watching out for. Here are 10 signs that a guy wants a relationship:


Sign #1.) A guy who pays attention to you is a guy who may just be ready for the next step. Men aren’t truly attentive creatures unless with someone or something they really care very deeply for. So, if you’re boy has been displaying quite a bit of his attention towards you, you may have a winner! But, how can you tell? Well: He will look at you and make eye contact you when he is talking or when you’re talking. He will ask you questions and always reply when you two are conversing. He will always try to relate and be involved fully into your discussion. He will also ask you for his input when it comes to him talking to you.


Sign #2.) A guy who wants to get to know you on a personal level may be ready to have a real relationship with you. Men don’t usually waste their time getting to know people they don’t have future intentions with. If he is trying to get to know you he won’t just ask, “How’s your day been going?” or “What do you do for a living?” He will go deeper and ask you what you like or dislike about your job, what your hobbies are, favorite foods, music and he might ask about your family or past relationships. If this guy is intrigued, he’ll most likely try to get to know everything about you.


Sign #3.) If he is ready to be your boyfriend he won’t keep hanging around other girls. Let’s forget about his sister, his mom and maybe that best friend he’s had since preschool… No, I’m talking about all the other girls that he flirted with before or that try to flirt with him now. He will put an end to that or just ignore them. He will, all in all, stop paying attention to all girls that aren’t you!


Signs #4.) Does your favorite guy keep you in the loop about his future plans? Good! He may  just be ready for commitment then! Guys only keep girls they considered a big part of their lives in their personal loops. If he does let you know about what his work schedule looks like, if he is taking any vacation or if he is going out of town or to an event, then he probably considers you more than just a friend.


Signs #5.) He should be a shoulder to cry on at all times, if he’s relationship ready.  If a guy is always there for you and is a constant shoulder to lean on- you have found your future boyfriend. No matter what, he will always try to be there for you. He will give you his best advice when you ask for it, he will bring the tissues when you are sad and he’ll always try to cheer you up when you are feeling down. Keep in mind, though, that if he is ready for you to be his girlfriend, he will expect you to have the same shoulder to lean on for him!


Sign #6.) A man ready for a relationship with you will make sure you are involved with his family and close friends. He will do everything he can to get you guys to meet and know each other and he will also do his best to get you to like each other. You all liking each other is very important to him and if he is trying to make that happen then he is definitely ready for that next step. A guy only brings a girlfriend-type of girl home to his family.


Sign #7.) A relationship-ready fella will display his trust towards you. He will treasure your thoughts and opinions about his decisions and what you have to say altogether. He will respect your advice.


Signs #8.) Patience is something huge to look out for when trying to figure out if a guy is ready for a relationship or not. If your guy doesn’t spend his time rushing you into anything, whether it be skydiving, running away to mexico, trying sushi or …. well, you know! A man who is patient with you, waits for you to be ready and respects the pace you want to take with things,  is a man ready to make you his girlfriend.


Signs #9.) You can tell a guy is ready for a relationship if he is trying to spend a lot of quality time with you. That means he is spending more than 1o minutes at a time with you. It means that he doesn’t just come around to sleep with you and that you see him in broad daylight. A guy ready to date won’t mind running errands with you or going out in public with you- he will actually enjoy spending any time with you!


Sign #10.) Any guy who looks at a girl as girlfriend-material, will keep in good contact with her. He will consistently message, call or text you everyday. He will reply to your texts or messages right away (unless he really is busy), but he won’t keep you waiting for long. He will make you a priority and make sure you stay in touch.



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10 Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Man http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-of-an-emotionally-unavailable-man/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-of-an-emotionally-unavailable-man/#comments Thu, 03 Oct 2013 18:35:41 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3151

You think you can change him because you’re cute, because you’re nice, or because you are good in bed right? You can’t. He might change but only when he’s ready, not when you are. Personally, I’d say to just avoid this type of guy altogether, but stay and play the waiting game if you want. Here are some signs that he might be emotionally unavailable;


1. “I’m Not Ready For Commitment”

Guy say this all the time and instead of taking it at face value, the woman involved assumed that he doesn’t want commitment RIGHT NOW, but that he will soon. “I know if I just stick around long enough, he’ll come around!” No he won’t. He is emotionally unavailable and he probably won’t ever be…at least not for you. Cut your losses. Stop wasting your time with this one when you can give your energy to someone worthy.


2. You Haven’t Met Friends/Family

While this is okay in the beginning, if it’s been a reasonable amount of time and you still haven’t met anyone close to him, he is emotionally unavailable. Men in love and attached are excited to introduce you to their friends and family. They want your approval and also the approval of their loved ones. Unless there is a solid reason why you haven’t met anyone such as you both live across the country from them, move along. This is a major red flag.


3. Everything is in Your Name

You’ve moved in together and share everything but for whatever reason, everything is in your name alone. Now, if he has bad credit, it’s understandable to put things into your name AND his…not just yours. When he has nothing in his name, it gives him an easy out when he needs one. A man without emotional hang-ups has no problem putting things into his name as well.


4. He Never Buys Anything With You

Along with the previous sign, an emotionally unavailable man will never make any joint purchases. He will insist that everything be in one name or the other. Things will be divided into your things or his. Things such as televisions and other semi-big purchases will never be “ours” but instead one or the other. This too allows for an easy out when he needs one.


5. He Doesn’t Know You

If he never asks questions about you or attempts to get to know you on more than a superficial level, he is probably not emotionally available. A man like this will try to keep you distant to prevent both of you from falling in love. If you don’t go beyond likes and dislikes, it’s hard to REALLY be in love. If it seems like you aren’t going past the first date talk, he is probably doing that on purpose.


6. He Doesn’t Make Future Plans

Sure, years from now is hard to plan but a month or two in advanced isn’t too much to ask unless you’re a brand new relationship. An emotionally unavailable man will have problems making plans a week in advanced even. At first that spontaneous, spur of the moment dating will be exciting, but eventually life will kick in and you will want a relationship in which you can plan a date a month in advanced. Find that guy and lose the unavailable one.


7. He Doesn’t “Do” Labels

We’ve all met this guy. “I don’t like to put labels on us. Let’s just enjoy each other and the moment.” In reality, this guy doesn’t want to put labels on the two of you because he doesn’t want the responsibility of the relationship. You know, where he has to be respectful and thoughtful. He’s emotionally unavailable to you. Find a more mature man that will happily call you his girlfriend and eventually wife.


8. He Avoids Emotion

A man in love will have no problem discussing any emotion whether it be sad, mad, or disappointed. An emotionally unavailable man won’t discuss any kind of emotion. Thus; emotionally unavailable. Some men are better at talking about their feelings than others, but all men can talk a little. The man you want to avoid is the one who leaves without discussing anything.


9. He’s Unreliable

He breaks promises, he doesn’t call when he says, he forgets to do things, he forgets dates, etc. He is unreliable. This is a major sign of being emotionally unavailable. They might not seem related, but they are. An emotionally invested man doesn’t want to disappoint the love of his life. He doesn’t want to risk losing her trust. An emotionally unavailable man couldn’t care less. Find a man who is emotionally invested instead.


10. He Never Spends the Night

He might stay until 4 am, but he leaves before morning every single time. Never once has he spent the night has he? That’s because he can’t risk getting attached. If he treats you like a booty call, you’ll feel more like a booty call and less like a relationship. Any man who cares will spend the night. He will WANT to spend the night. Find that man. Lose the emotionally unavailable one.

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10 Signs He’s falling in Love with You http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/#comments Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:30:01 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3167

It’s very hard to tell if your man is falling in love with you or not because the puppy dog love in the beginning very much imitates true love. The further into the relationship, the clearer it becomes that the nice stuff he does is not just infatuation but true love. Here are some sure-fire signs that he is falling in love with you;


1. You’ve Met Everyone

If you have met his grandma, parents, best friend, and all of his third and fourth cousins, he is probably falling in love with you. A man in love will find events to introduce you to everyone he knows. He will gladly go to his dreaded high school reunion just so everyone can know that you are his.


2. He Says “We”

When a man stops saying “I” and starts saying “We”, this is a good indication that he is in love. If he talks about the future in this tone, he wants to be with you long-term. “We should go on vacation there someday.” A man who isn’t in love will say, “I want to go there someday.” When he says “we”, he is really saying that the two of you are becoming one.


3. He Says, “I Love You”


Some men do jump the gun on this one and say it right away, but most men will hold it in until they mean it…and sometimes longer. A man will only say that when he means it because #1, he wants to be sure you feel it too and #2, he doesn’t want to risk having some girl cling to him that he doesn’t feel the same about. Be forewarned though ladies, “Love ya” is not the same. As silly as the small difference sounds, it makes a big difference. Love ya is for friends. I love you is for real.


4. He Remembers

If he remembers the little things that you’ve mentioned, he might be falling in love. If you mentioned once that you like lilies and he surprised you with them, it’s a good sign for you. If he makes dinner and remembers to leave out the onions that you mentioned make your stomach hurt, he might be falling. Extra points for him if you said these details a long time ago and he remembered all this time. A man in love will pay attention to even the smallest details because he knows that they matter.


5. He Does Things Just Because

He cleaned the entire house or made you breakfast in bed or bought you a present just because? Yes. He’s falling for you. Doing little things just because means that you are on his mind and he is trying to make you happy. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t care and he wouldn’t think about it. He’s in love.


6. He proposes

Duh. Unless he’s trying to get citizenship, this is a no-brainer. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t want to marry you. If he wants to marry you, he’s in love. Again, unless he’s trying to become a citizen. Then, this might not be the best sign. But he might still be in love.


7. You’re Automatically Invited

When he makes it clear that you are automatically invited to wherever he is invited, he is falling in love. If he’s going to a wedding, Christmas Party, or whatever and implies that you will be his date to everything, you’re good. He’s in love.


8. He Holds Your Hand Everywhere

If he isn’t afraid to hold your hand everywhere you go, he is falling in love. This gesture speaks to everyone that the two of you are together. An arm around the shoulder can be for friends, but holding hands is pretty universal. If he does this around friends, family, and strangers than he isn’t holding anything back. He wants the world to know. He isn’t hiding that he is taken.


9. You’re Always the Main Event

Whether you are at a fundraiser or a New Year’s Eve Party, he only has eyes for you. His eyes are not wandering around the room, they are locked on you. This is a very good sign of his feelings. Sure all people look around from time to time no matter how much in love, but if you are the main event in his eyes, he is in love.


10. He Has Your Stuff at His House

This little sign speaks volumes for two reasons. First of all, it shows that he doesn’t have other women at his house. If he did have other women around, he wouldn’t want your stuff there. Second of all, it shows that he is moving towards being completely committed. He is saying that he knows you two are moving towards a serious future together.

http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/feed/ 0
Top Ten Places To Meet a Man http://www.herinterest.com/top-ten-places-to-meet-a-man/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-ten-places-to-meet-a-man/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:02:40 +0000 Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3137 Ladies, let’s move along from the bar/club scene and meet a better quality of men. Sure, maybe there are some upstanding men to be met at these places, but chances are that most will be duds. Here are 10 better places to meet a worthy man;



1. Mutual Friends

Ask some of your friends if they know any available great catches! Your friends know you better than anyone else. They will know if their boyfriend’s buddy, co-worker, or distant relative will potentially be a good match. Also, don’t miss out on any event thrown by friends such as Super Bowl Parties, Christmas Parties, etc. Unless it’s a Tupperware Party, there will be a single fellow or two there!


2. Outdoors

Whether you go to the lake, park, beach, forest, or any other outdoors place, there will be plenty of great single guys around. Most men enjoy being outside whether they are skiing, hiking, swimming, etc. Any kind of outdoor physical activity is usually a great bet to find a variety of available men.


3. College Class

English 101 might be filled with only 18 year old single men, but more advanced classes or hobby-type classes will be filled with single men that are a bit more mature. Check out classes on something like photography or guitar lessons. Not only will there definitely be single men worth snagging, but you will also learn a new skill in the process.


4. Grocery Store

This one is surprising but plenty of women meet single men at the grocery store all the time. To up your chances of snagging a date, don’t go to the store in your yoga pants and sweatshirt straight out of bed. Dress nice, fix your hair and make-up and not only will you feel more confident but you will catch the eye of every single man in the place.


5. Gym

If you go to the gym often and don’t meet lots of single men working out, you are doing something wrong. Meeting a man at the gym is almost too easy. They will be everywhere! Basically you will have too many to choose from, or so it will seem. While the grocery story suggestion was to look your best, the gym look is a bit different. If you show up looking like a beauty queen, it will appear that you are JUST there to meet a man. Try to balance looking good and looking like your actually there to workout. And do workout as well, it’s very sexy to see a woman who takes care of herself.


6. Library

There are plenty of things to browse besides books at the library, such as single, intelligent men! Men go to the library for a variety of things; to read the paper, hang out on their laptops, research something they are interested in, or just to check out a new book. To fully take advantage of this opportunity, get a library card and experience the library for yourself. Who knows who you might bump into while browsing the latest best-sellers.


7. Volunteer Events

A great place to meet a kind-hearted man is at any kind of volunteer event. Unless he has some kind of hidden agenda (such as meeting a kind-hearted single gal), chances are that he is a self-less person. One exception of this is if he needs to get some community service hours in as a result of a crime.


8. Your Personal Hobby

Do your thing. Whether it’s the theater or politics, anytime you engage in something that you are passionate about, you will ooze attractiveness and any single men around will notice. Another good thing about meeting men at places you are passionate about is that you will automatically have similar interests to share. While opposites sometimes attract, similar tastes help to cement a bond.


9. Sporting Event

If you’re serious about finding a single man quickly, frequent local sporting events. No matter where you are, you will be able to find something. High school football games even work. If you go to a sporting event, there will be more single men than you know what to do with. A word of caution though, if you pretend to be an avid fan and you’re not, you may be stuck going to every sport with your new man should you snag him.


10. Work

Many successful relationships began as co-workers. It’s pretty obvious why; you spend a lot of time together, get to know each other in a less stressful environment than a first date, and probably share a lot of interests depending on your field. Meeting men at work is usually a great idea. A word to the wise though, be careful. Never date a superior or someone you supervise and be prepared to leave or suck it up should the relationship go bad. It’s awkward as heck working with an ex. Have a back-up plan.

http://www.herinterest.com/top-ten-places-to-meet-a-man/feed/ 0
10 Signs He Wants To Marry You http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-to-marry-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-to-marry-you/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:01:23 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2806 Men are definitely  hard creatures to read and it can be challenging to figure out when the man in your life is ready to take that next big step. No, we’re not talking about moving in together or getting a cat- we’re talking about marriage. When you have been in a relationship for quite a bit of time, after getting to know your love pretty well, you may be able to pinpoint that something about him is different. But, it is not always that easy! So to help you lovely ladies out there figure out if your boyfriend is feeling pretty comfortable about putting a ring on that finger or if he is actually going to pop that question soon, here are 10 signs he wants to marry you:


Sign #1.) Finances:

Wedding rings and money

A man ready for marriage might start suggesting that you, as a couple, should open up a joint bank account. He might ask you to go in on a car together or even start looking into actual houses to buy with you. Or, he is suddenly concerned with saving a lot of money and won’t explain why (it could be for a ring or a wedding!) These are major signs that your significant other is ready for more. He wouldn’t be taking such big steps of commitment if he didn’t plan on being with you for the rest of his life and sharing finances… And, who most commonly share finances? Married couples!

Sign #2.) Children:


Although he may not be ready just yet to actual have those mini-yous running around, he might bring it up often. He may joke about you and him having kids together or what your kids will be like and how you will raise them. If he is discussing and joking about having kids with you, then he really does plan on having that happen someday. Children are a big commitment to even just talk about. He most likely is ready kids, marriage and a  long-life with you when the time for each arises.

Sign #3.) You Are It:


You may hear a guy ready to get married start saying, “You are the one” or “You are the only one who….” Why? Your beau has stopped considering any other girl as an option for anything at all. That means he doesn’t plan on looking anywhere else to compare. You are the most important person in his life and he doesn’t plan on that changing. Can you hear the wedding bells? I can!

Sign #4.) Family:


Does your boyfriend invite you to all of his family get-together events, weddings, picnics or holidays? If he does, he already considers you a part of the family. He wants you to get to know his family and the people he loves and for them to get to know you. He may even want to tag-a-long to all of your family events and get to know your family, too! That is a definite sign of a marriage-ready lad.

Sign #5.) Trust:


Of course, even at the beginning of the relationship it is important to start developing trust. But, what I mean by trust is at a certain point, once a guy knows he wants to be with a girl forever, he will give his trust over to her completely without any hesitation. This means he will confide in you about almost anything, he’ll ask for your advice on important subjects, he’ll keep you informed on pretty much everything that he finds is important to him and he wants those important things to matter to you, too. He trusts your opinion and will take your word on anything over almost anyone else. Since most men are very prideful, they don’t usually completely take anyone’s advice unless based upon their judgement. But, with a girl who is wife-material, he may not even blink at anything you advise him to do.

Sign #6.) Say Goodbye To Jealousy:

the one

Well, all men get jealous if they see something too suspicious going on with their women… but, when it comes to a man who is with the girl he wants to marry, like mentioned above, he will trust her completely. So, therefore, he won’t feel the need to be so jealous over little things. He will be more confident that you love him and would never do anything you shouldn’t, even if it is just flirting a little too much, he trusts you not to make bad decisions. So don’t get worried if your boyfriend doesn’t try to kill every man who looks at you! He may just have confidence in your relationship.

Sign #7.) He Pushes Through It:


Does your boyfriend hate sitting at the doctor’s office with you, waiting for your appointment? Does he absolutely dread going over to your sisters for lunch? Maybe he is always complaining about having to go to that pot-luck your neighbors throw? No matter what it is, once he realizes he wants you to be his to marry, he will suck it up and push through anything as long as it makes you happy. He may still complain about it and be a bit irked, but he will put his best foot forward to handle it by your side.

Sign #8.) The Future Planning:


A guy ready to pop that question any day now may always include you when he talks about his future plans. Whether it’s buying a new house, moving to a different city, getting a different job… etc. You may hear a marriage ready guy worrying about how any decision he makes in the future will affect you and how you feel about it, where you will be and how/if it will benefit you, too.

Sign #9.) Sudden Changes:

last one

If he suddenly changes (in a good way!) and starts showing a lot more love, is going out of his way to do special things you like and is saying ‘I love you’ a ton more- he may be getting ready to pull out that ring. When a guy is about to propose he may start becoming slightly more clingy (again, in a good way) and showing you more attention than usual.

Sign #10.) With Words:


Has he asked you your ring size? Does he ever talk about what your dream wedding would be? Where? Does he bring up any factors of a wedding at all? If so, you can almost be definitely sure he is getting ready to get down on one knee!

http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-to-marry-you/feed/ 0
20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:52:16 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2781 When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:

Question #1.) What makes you smile?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.


Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!


Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?


Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.


Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!


Question #6.) What’s your family like?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.


Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.


Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!


Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?

fav car

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.


Question #10.) What is your favorite food?

fav food

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!


Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.


Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.


Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question:  A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!


Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.


Question #15.) Who was your first crush?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.


Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.


Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!


Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!


Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.


Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.

http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/feed/ 0