herinterest.com » Weight loss http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:22:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Top 20 Ways To Tighten Up Loose Skin After Weight-Loss http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-ways-to-tighten-up-loose-skin-after-weight-loss/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-ways-to-tighten-up-loose-skin-after-weight-loss/#comments Sun, 01 Sep 2013 05:40:15 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2193 Weight-loss can feel amazing, but may lose its glory when you’ve worked so hard losing weight just to end up getting an excess amount of sagging skin in return. That can definitely be a downer. Don’t fret, though! There are plenty of things you can do to tighten up your loose skin and they’re easy things to do, too. You can finally shed off that flab just by trying out any or all of the methods we’ve compiled to help you out below. Here are 20 of the best ways to tighten up excess skin:

1. Start Building Muscle


When you lose a dramatic amount of weight, whether from dieting, surgery or exercise, if you don’t tone up your muscles as well, you will lose muscle mass and weight together. That combination is not a good one. You want to lose the weight, but you definitely want to keep that muscle mass! You can fill in some of that saggy skin by introducing your body to weight-lifting and weight-training.

2. Consume Nutrients That Promote Elasticity 


You’d be surprised at how far just a few nutrients go when it comes to skin. Vitamins A, K, E and C, Selenium and Zinc all help to improve collagen production within your body, therefore tightening your skin. You can buy supplements, multivitamins or you can consume the right types of food such as: Nuts, seeds, bean and fish.

3. Stay Completely Hydrated


H2O is your skins best friend. Drink water all day, everyday. Consumer 1-2 liters everyday and see your skin change right before your eyes. Just staying completely hydrated will keep your skins elasticity levels up and also will give it a refreshing glow.

4. Stay Out Of The Sun


Unless you apply sunscreen, of course. UV rays from the sun and tanning booths cause the skin to loosen. The exposure decreases collagen and elasticity, but increases wrinkle production. So, wear that sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy!

5. Avoid Skin Damaging Toxins


Besides UV rays, there are plenty of other toxins to stay away from. Check the ingredient labels of all the soaps, body washes and shampoos you buy. Most of those items have sulfates in them. Sulfates reduce the amount of moisture your skin has and slows down collagen production. Another thing to beware of is chlorine. When you swim in a chlorinated pool make sure you are thoroughly washing it off afterwards immediately. Chlorine is extremely skin damaging if not rinsed away.

6. Collagen Creams


Of course, any sort of cream or lotion with collagen in it is specially made to help tighten up your skin. You can find a cream like that almost anywhere. The pricing all depends. It can get quite expensive buying the creams if the cheaper ones aren’t working (which, unfortunately, they usually don’t work) and therefore, we are forced to spend more money than we’d like to remove our excessive skin problem.

7. Do Not Crash Diet


When you throw yourself on a hardcore diet where you find yourself losing weight rapidly and then abruptly stop your diet and return to old eating habits, you are setting yourself up for a lot of loose skin. What happens is that you gain weight and lose weight repeatedly and your skin stretches out, but doesn’t have time to tighten up again before the next dieting binge. So, do not do that, at all. You have to maintain the same kind of healthy diet if you want to see not only weight-loss results, but skin tightening solutions, too.

8. Workout


Besides weight-lifting and weight-training, add in some muscle-building exercises like squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, strength-training or other anaerobic exercises.

9. Watch What You Eat


Yes, you’ve already dieted and lost the weight, but you’re not finished yet. If you want to see that loose skin disappear into thin air, you have to keep eating healthy. Avoid foods that are high in fat, greasy fried foods and sugary foods, too. Not only do those types of junk foods give you acne and reduce your skins resilience, they are also addicting and complicate diets by filling you with persistent cravings.

10. Start Getting Massages or Doing Massage Therapy


Not only does getting a massage reduce stress, but it can reduce loose skin, too. Massaging the skin actually helps get circulation going and betters it. The better your circulation, the tighter your skin.

11. Don’t Smoke/Avoid Being Around Smoke


Smoking is bad for you in a lot of ways, but it’s extremely bad for your skin, too. It decreases your elasticity a lot and causes wrinkles, too. Quitting will not only help your lungs, heart and circulation, but it will help you keep your skin firmer. You may want to avoid being around someone while they are smoking, as well. Even the toxins coming into contact with your skin can damage it.

12. Butter It Up


Okay, not just with butters, but coco butter, Shea butter, Aloe Vera and soy protein are all amazing things to help tighten up skin. Using them daily will help increase skin moisture, collagen production and overall skin health. Plus, they smell really good, too.

13. Skin Brushing


Skin brushing or exfoliating your skin on a consistent basis will help you get firmer skin. You can buy either a body scrubbing exfoliation pad or brush. Use it once or twice a day to get the best results. It helps shed old, dead skin cells and encourages fresh cells to form.

14. Oil It Up


Oils, well the right kind of oils, lock moisture into your skin. Keeping your skin hydrated on the outside is as important as consuming water to hydrate from within. Pick up some almond oil, baby oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil or olive oil at your local store to help you get better, firmer skin.

15. Scrub Away


Besides exfoliating with a brush or pad, you can exfoliate with sea salt scrubs, mineral scrubs or take a soak in a sea salt bath.   These scrubs not only exfoliate the skin, but they also draw toxins out of your skin in the process. Taking a sea salt bath will clean your skin of any harmful residue, ensuring it’s at its healthiest!

16. Remember Not To Lose Weight Too Fast

slow down

Yes, it’s very tempting to shave off those pounds quickly, but in reality you are hurting your body more by doing so. That’s a lot of stress for you body to handle. Losing weight should be a slow, healthy and careful process. The faster you lose a large amount of weight, the more your skin will sag.

17.  Get Your Beauty Sleep


Your skin rejuvenated itself while you’re sleeping.   The more sleep you get, the more time your skin has to relax, refresh and rebuild.

18. Eat Protein Packed Food


Protein builds muscles within your body and will help your skin rebound after weight-loss, too. You can find protein in lean meats like turkey and chicken. Try to fit protein snacks or meals in after you’re done working out to really see that skin tighten!

19. Get Your Daily Dosage


Fruits and vegetables are such an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And they are even more important if you are trying to firm up your loose skin. Eating the recommended servings everyday will absolutely kick-start that process. Eating raw fruits, veggies and even raw fish like sushi, will give you more nutrients and benefits than if you were to eat them cooked, too.

20. Surgery


If all else fails you can go for this option. Sometimes, genetics prevent us from regaining elasticity in our skin. Or sometimes after going through a 9 month pregnancy your skin just doesn’t snap back. Surgery may be the only thing that will help. There are lifts, tucks and staples you can get to help reduce excess skin.



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10 Tips To Lose Leg Fat Fast http://www.herinterest.com/10-tips-to-lose-leg-fat-fast/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-tips-to-lose-leg-fat-fast/#comments Fri, 30 Aug 2013 18:42:52 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2175 1. Drink Water


And lots of it! Your legs are very prone to retain a lot of water. Drinking water will not only keep you hydrated, but it will also help keep your body, especially your legs, from holding onto to too much water in the first place. It will also help flush toxins thoroughly through your body at a better rate than drinking juice, milk or soda would.

2. Eat Well


Stop taking in super high calorie food, foods high in fat, processed foods and flour, refined sugars, etc. You get the point! Surely, you’ve been taught what is bad for you and what isn’t, right? So, just take everything that you know is bad and throw it right out of your everyday diet. Replace those horrible foods by introducing leafy greens, fresh fruits, yogurt, whole grains and overall lower-calorie foods. It may be hard to quit the junk food at first, but soon you will savor every bite of delicious health food because it really is better in taste and in wellness.

3. Nutrients 


Not only should you be rearranging your diet, but you should also be keeping an eye on what nutrients you need to be consuming, as well. Here is a list of the right stuff to get sculpted legs in not time:

Vitamin D. No, not Sunny D, that’s all sugar. Instead get real citrus fruits like lemons, oranges or limes that are packed full of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps keep your insulin levels steady and the steadier they are, the more weight you’re bound to lose.

Protein. I cannot stress enough about protein. Protein, protein, protein… say it with me, now! Protein is the best at helping your body build muscle. The more muscles you can build and tone, the more fat you are obviously losing. Protein makes sure you don’t lose any muscle, either, while you’re shedding those pounds.

Nuts. Walnuts, almond, etc… as long as they have their skin still on them, of course! These fiber filled snacks will keep your tummy feeling fuller longer, reduce cravings and build up those desired muscles.

Caffeine. I’m not saying you should start downing cup after cup of coffee, but caffeine actually does help boost your metabolism because it is a stimulant. One or two small cups of black coffee a day or drinking green tea will actually help fight fat effectively.

Omega- 3 Fatty Acids. Soybeans, flax seeds, walnuts, fish like salmon and even olive oil can get Omega-3s in your body to melt away chub.

4. Sleep


Did you know you actually burn quite a few calories while you’re sleeping? You can burn anywhere between 44 calories – 112 calories an hour while you’re sleeping, depending on your weight. Getting a good nights rest will help keep your body refreshed and energized throughout the day, which will keep things like your digestive system and metabolism at their best.

5. Don’t Stress Out


Stress is one thing you need to cut out to properly lose weight. Being overly stressed can cause you to crave and eat sugary, fat filled food. Stress can also cause your metabolism to slow down, increase the rate of fat absorption and cause you to lose sleep. If you find your life stressed filled try taking up an activity like yoga, exercise more or introduce yourself to meditation and breathing exercises.

6. Don’t Overwork Yourself


Overworking your body when it comes to exercise, everyday activities or a job can cause weight gain and stress. And yes there is such a thing as too much exercise! Do not, I repeat, do not workout everyday. It sounds effective, but it’s really not. If you don’t give your body time between strong workouts then your muscles have no time to heal. You know how you get sore when you do a hard workout? That soreness is the muscle fibers that have tiny microscopic tears in them. You have to give your body time to let those small tears heal themselves and that’s what creates muscle. Once they’ve been repaired, you may notice your sore calf muscle is now a little more muscular than before.

7. Speaking Of Exercise 


Although you may not want to exercise excessively, you should still workout quite a lot to lose leg fat really fast.

Incorporate a cardiovascular routine into your daily life and do the routine 30 minutes a day or an hour every other day. Cardio workouts are proven to be the best when it comes to losing fat such as the fat in your thighs and legs. Walk for 15-20 minutes in the mornings and then complete a strong  20 minute run every night. Get into the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator or actually using stairs to do step-up exercises.

Ensure you are stretching and warming up before any exercise at all and that you are ‘cooling down’ after every workout. Once you’ve completed your run you can slow to a jog for a few minutes before stopping completely to let your body cool down.

8. Do These More Specific Exercises


Squats- Put your back straight against a flat wall and place your feet a shoulder width apart. Then move your body down, bending your knees and stop when you’ve bent them as much as you can. You should look like you are sitting in an invisible chair.

Lunges- Place your hands on your hips and your feet a foot apart symmetrically. Then put one leg out, bend the knee and move forward. Do with the other leg and repeat.

Step Ups- Use stairs or boxes to complete this exercise. Put one leg up on the platform you’ve decided to use and then quickly put the other leg up there at the same time you bring the first leg down. Do this fast and repeatedly.

9. Watch Your Calorie Intake


I know we’ve gone over food already, but it’s not just about what you’re eating, but also about how much you’re eating, too. Keep in mind that even healthy foods have calories in them. First, shave off 500 calories of your daily intake to begin with. If you consume 2,000 calories a day, make it 1,500 now. Keep track of your calories by starting a journal of all the food you eat and their calories or getting a calorie counter app of some sort. To efficiently lose weight on your legs you will need to burn more calories than you consume in a day.

10. Stay Motivated and Determined


Motivation and determination are the two key factors if you want to lose that leg fat as fast as possible. Stay motivated, create a daily routine, stick with a healthy diet and set goals for yourself.

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Top Steps To Get Abs (For Girls) http://www.herinterest.com/top-steps-to-get-abs-for-girls/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-steps-to-get-abs-for-girls/#comments Fri, 30 Aug 2013 01:41:19 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2160 adfs

Maybe you’re ready for a rockin’ beach bod, maybe you want to impress that cute guy that runs on the same trail as you or maybe you just want the self-satisfaction of having great abs? It doesn’t matter! You can achieve amazing abs in just a few steps, too. Though, these steps do take time to accomplish. Don’t worry, though, you’ll get there in no time- as long as you have a little determination! Here are the top steps needed to get abs:

Step 1- Exercise That Fat Away

Unfortunately it’s pretty difficult the spot train and exercise. You cannot choose just one area to slim down. You can, however, do exercise that will help one area a bit more than the other areas, but not completely. To target your abdominal area you can do a lot of great and even simple exercises that will tone up those abs in no time.

1. Lunges

2. Crunches

3. Curl Ups

4. Leg Lifts/Raises

5. Planks

6. Scissor Kicks

7. The Bicycle

8. Leg Drop

Those are great exercises that you can take and put them into a routine to get the best results when it comes to your abs. And, like I said, you can’t spot train so it will help tone up other areas, too! Try to use an exercise ball or even an ab roller to get faster results.

To ensure you are getting enough exercise and make it fun, too, you can also join a community sport or fitness organization. Track and Field, Zumba (Dance Aerobics), regular aerobics, biking or swimming are all very good activities to get those abs!

Step 2- Set a goal for yourself


Or, actually, set more than one! Ask yourself the following:

How many inches do I want to see melt off my abdomen?

Doing so will give you a clear idea on what your vision is.

How much time can I put into this effort?

You will need to put in a lot of time to get the abs you want. Allocating slots of time for dieting and exercise will help keep you organized and on track to your goal.

When do I want to see results?

Set a time-frame that you want to see abs appear. Setting a deadline gives you motivation to accomplish the goal by making the whole thing competitive.

Step 3- Create A Diet


Not only does getting sexy abs take exercise and effort, it also takes having the right diet. If you think exercising a lot and just barely eating will get you slimmer, you’re wrong. You are going to need to set a fairly strict eating schedule. You should plan to consume 5 or 6 small, proportionate meals a day. Healthy meals!

Introduce these ab sculpting foods into your everyday diet:

Eggs- Eggs are full of protein. Protein helps your body build muscle. Also, eggs are chalked full of protein building blocks called amino acids!

Anything Green- Well, leafy green that is. Broccoli, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts or whatever you fancy better! Salads, soups, delicious stir fry mix-ins… Ah, there is so much to do with those (hopefully fresh) veggies. These goods are packed with fiber which is not only healthy for your digestive track, but also keep you feeling full longer and prevent over-eating.

Lean Meats- Like turkey. Here we are again talking about protein. Protein, protein and more protein! Perfect to build those abs up quick.

Any with Omega-3 fatty acids- Like salmon. Not only is that delicious, but your body will be thanking you. Omega-3 fatty acids help your body’s metabolism speed up.

Whole Grains- So much healthier than all that white enriched stuff, anyways. Whole grains slow your body’s fat absorption by quite a bit if they are a constant thing in your diet.

Yogurt- Greek or regular… it doesn’t matter! They are both yummy, right? Yogurt has what are called probiotics in it. These are good bacteria that help fight and regulate the bad bacteria in your body. When they beat down those bad bacteria, they are helping by reducing digestive problems and bloating.

Beans- These are pretty easy to throw into your lunch or dinner. These little guys are fat burning heroes!

What you shouldn’t be consuming at all:


Salts because they cause water retention.

Refined sugars.

Fast food/processed foods.

White enriched flour foods.

Soda, juice or milk. Prior to what you’ve been taught, juice and milk are not all that healthy. Yes, milk has calcium and juice has fruit. But, really there are barely any fruits in juice and it has just as much, if not more, sugar in it than soda does. Milk is soaked with saturated fats and all in all doesn’t help you lose weight even a bit.

Instead drink freshly juiced fruits if you have a juicer at home. Drink almond or soy milk. Cow’s milk is full of carbohydrates, cholesterol and fats that will ruin your diet. Soda should be cut out altogether (yes, even diet soda) and you can replace that with healthy, refreshing water.

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How To Lose Thigh Fat (For Women!) http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-thigh-fat-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-thigh-fat-for-women/#comments Sat, 24 Aug 2013 02:24:58 +0000 Jasmine Spoors http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1982 thi
Ever since the fad of the “thigh gap” girls are more set on losing the inner thigh weight than ever. Losing thigh fat can be extremely tough, though! For some girls it’s the hardest place to lose fat from altogether. The thighs seem to hold onto more fat than most other parts of your body and can even make your body look disproportionate. Thigh fat can become a very irritating problem if it gets to the point that it’s causing chaffing while you walk, leading to pain. Don’t worry, though! That pesky area is easier to slim down than you think, it just takes the right kind of diet, exercise and determination.


Step 1: Start Cutting Back


Start on the path to skinny thighs by first cutting out all of the things that are going to prevent you from losing that weight. Cut back on or cut out these : Sugar, trans fat, excess salt, white enriched foods, processed foods and carbohydrates. Especially cut out salt! Salt is one of the worst consumables when it comes to water retention. Excessive amounts cause a lot of water retention in places you’d rather not have them(Like your thighs!!) One of the main reason for bigger thighs is that they are known for hanging to unwanted water weight. After you’ve cut out or reduced the bad calories and foods that cause your thighs trouble, start incorporating healthy foods. I’m sure you hear this from every weight-loss blog, but eat more veggies! Well, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein. Protein is a great source to help you build up muscles. That’s exactly what you need when slimming your thighs down!

Step 2: Exercise


I bet you saw that one coming, huh? Of course! You do not want to starve yourself to get result. If you want long-lasting, healthy results, you need to exercise. The question is: What kind of exercise works best for losing thigh fat? Full body exercise is good for losing weight anywhere and if you plan on trying to slim your inner thighs, plan on slimming everything. Also, focus on lower body exercise.

Use these more specific exercises you can do to tone thighs:  Lunges, scissor kicks, leg kicks, leg lifts and squats. Try doing exercises involving a medicine ball, too.


Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective ways you can burn off those unwanted calories! Try kickboxing, dancing,(Zumba!), bicycling, swimming, running or stairs. Get your heart pumping to get the calories off. You are going to need to burn off more calories than you burn if you want to lose weight.


Step 3: Stay Hydrated 


No, not with soda or juice, with water. Water, water, water! Drink lots of it. Water is the healthiest drink choice, especially if you’re going to be exercising. It will help you lose weight faster, too. Drink a full glass of water before each meal. Doing this will help keep you from over-eating!

Also, drink green tea. Green tea has all the right stuff in it to help keep fat from being absorbed by your body. It slows down the process and is a fat fighting wonder!


Step 4: Count Your Calories


Like I mentioned earlier, you need to burn more calories than you take in. You should aim to burn off at least 500 calories a day. Once you’re used to that you can shed anywhere from 500-900.  Cut back on the calories your letting in everyday and alter your diet. You can use an actual calorie counter to figure out how much you should be consuming to lose the amount of weight you’re aiming for. It’s recommended to only start off trying to lose 1/2 lb. a week and if necessary, you can go up more once your body has adjusted to the new routine.

Step 5: Build Muscle


Remember how protein helps you build muscle? Good, keep that in mind as you tone your thighs. Losing weight is good, but toning while doing so is even better! Not only will you get thinner thighs, but you’ll get definition and firmness, too!


Step 6: Plan Your Meals


Keep almonds or any kind of nuts around as a snack instead of chips. Nuts have a lot of fiber in them and they will keep you fuller for much longer. Anything with fiber will, including veggies and fruits. Don’t eat so much that you get full. You want to stop eating just before that point to keep your stomach from over-extending. Don’t skip any meals, either. Actually, you should eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. Your biggest meal should be breakfast! That’s the meal that keeps your body running for the day and it gives you the right kind of calories to burn off until your next meal.


 Step 7: Stay Confident and Determined


Don’t let yourself get down if you don’t lose weight as quickly as you’d like. Some lose it faster than others. It takes work and time. Try to stay focused by setting a goal of how much fat you want to see come off of your thighs. Don’t stop eating to do this, either and keep in mind, no matter how big or small your thighs are, you are beautiful!

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10 best weight loss smoothies http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-weight-loss-smoothies/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-weight-loss-smoothies/#comments Sat, 03 Aug 2013 16:07:29 +0000 Irene Miller http://herinterest.com/?p=728 Smoothies and weight loss is a topic that can be discussed the whole day. Mothers and daughters are trying out all possible weight loss exercises including detoxification to get back to their celebrity like figures.
Since no one likes to be called fat, or to be told they are adding weight, the continuous exploration of weight loss alternatives has increased and smoothies, which are blended fresh fruit drinks make it part in the recipe category. The following list describes the 10 best weight loss smoothies and recipes that you can try out and lose excess belly and body fat.

mango smoothies
Mango this smoothie is a complete blend of mango cubes, mashed ripe avocado and mango juice all added at the rates of quarters.

Blueberry smoothies

Blueberry this blend of skimmed milk, frozen and unsweetened berries and a table spoon of flaxseed oil is perfect for flat belly diet that could also act as a jumpstart for the day.

Peanut butter and bananas smoothies

Peanut butter and bananas this blend is usually taken for breakfast and includes a cup of fat free milk, plain yogurt and table spoon of creamy natural unsalted peanut butter.
Vanilla yogurt and blueberry as the phrase denotes, this is a blend smoothie of vanilla and blueberry hence all you need is a cup skim milk, or soy milk if accessible. Vanilla yogurt as well as fresh blueberries can also be added to complete the recipe.
Chocolate raspberry for this smoothie, a cup of soy or skim milk blended with vanilla yogurt and some chocolate tips toppings would make a perfect weight loss smoothie to be taken for breakfast, or lunch or even as a snack.

Peach a favored option for a flat belly diet jumpstart, this is a delicious snack made by blending skim milk, unsweetened peaches and organic flaxseed oil.
Lemon-orange citrus for a tropical flat belly, this smoothie make an amazing weight loss experience. You will be required to mix in equal portions skim milk, lemon yogurt and peeled orange sliced into small sections. This is also taken chilled.

apple smoothie
Apple if you consider losing weight fast with a cup of skim milk, some vanilla yogurt and a piece of apple pie added to spice it up. To make it the apple smoothie, a peeled chopped apple and cashew butter completes the recipe.
Pineapple makes it in the category of weight loss smoothies since it’s categorized as a flat belly diet jumpstart snack and skim milk and canned pineapples are all you need.
Strawberry a cup of skimmed milk, unsweetened strawberries and cold pressed organic flaxseed oil will make amazing jumpstart treat for flat bellies.

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10 Best butt exercise to lift, tone and shape http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-butt-exercise-to-lift-tone-and-shape/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-butt-exercise-to-lift-tone-and-shape/#comments Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:19:06 +0000 Irene Miller http://herinterest.com/?p=729 exercise butt

Butt workouts are conducted to tone and shape up the rear to a model featured rear. The hips and the entire streamlined body of a model can easily be achieved by focusing on exercises that will work to bring out the desiring look. Young women discover new entities to acquire model like bodies hence why we are going to focus on the 10 best butt exercises to lift, tone and shape the rear!

The most common exercises include the hip-lift progression, toe taps, single-leg front raises, and squats with kick-backs, single-leg squat with towel, dumbbell squats, plie, explosive lunges, sun salutations and clam dig with rotation. These are among the killer best butt exercises for sensitive women that want to fit in the category of those with not only lift but also tone and classically shaped butts!
The hip-lift progression¬ this is a classic workout that is aimed to relieve tension from the lower back, however, other than relieving tension to restore the relaxing moment, the exercise is also renowned for working butts at the same time.

Toe taps this is where you maximize on your toes to and likewise use them to tap the floor as you lie flat on your back with the arms aside.
Single-leg front raises also known as the exercise of balance and involves a solid stretch to the thigh while it’s tightened, since it’s an exercise that does not invite a lot of moves, it is easily achieved as there is less coordination and hence its objective to tone the rear as needed.
Squat with kick-back when you are strong, your quads and butt will be toned. Also referred to as a powerhouse move, standing on one leg and shoulders spread wide apart as though making a dive and further alternating that with squats is all about the kick-back with squat!
Single leg squat with towel become a fitness queen by maximizing on a folded towel. More like a goalkeeper preparing for a dive on a ball, the single leg squat is easy but requires determination.
Dumbbell squats turn a normal butt workout to a gym like experience


Plie simple but requires a lot of practice to do correctly. It’s associated with the Brazilian butt and lift workout.
Explosive lounges just as the term denotes, this is the best stretch you can get that also incorporates balance.
Sun salutations this is yoga that actually works every part of the body including the butt
Clam dig with rotation this comprises of an outward hip rotation with some little weight on the arm.

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6 fastest ways to lose belly fat http://www.herinterest.com/6-fastest-ways-to-lose-belly-fat/ http://www.herinterest.com/6-fastest-ways-to-lose-belly-fat/#comments Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:17:45 +0000 Irene Miller http://herinterest.com/?p=726 To get a cute body that every man would like gaze while sitting across the table while on a date is not an easy thing to come by. One of the most difficult questions that I come across all the time during my research to understand a great toned female body is belly fat. Here are 6 fastest ways to lose belly fat if at all this has been one of your worries.

Fight stress


Other than those large waist lines and athletic challenged body appearance, the overall gesture that follows belly fat is disease. While crunches on a daily basis, at least every morning or evening could help ensure that the body is in fit condition, they are not enough to get rid of belly fat. Stress is the leading factor associated with belly fat due to secretion of cortisol secretion. Therefore, if you can find ways to fight stress, then you can be on your way to fighting belly fat.

Sleep works too


Lack of enough sleep can be the causal factor of stress and thus secretion of cortisol, which again would lead to increased belly fat. About seven hours of sleep can help fight belly fat at great levels

Exercises are a better choice


If you are determined to perform up to 1000 crunches every night, the answer to your most difficult question could be answered. Generally, these will get you strong and toned, but will they help fight belly fat? Well, at some point they could but not as effective as ensuring that your cardiovascular system is in good condition and this includes increasing your heart rate.

Take vitamin C and look out for the changes


Stress plays a huge role in secreting more cortisol hormones, which is responsible for increased belly fat. Vitamin C is renowned for balancing the cortisol multiplication when you are under stress. Therefore, if you are in an emotional state, ensure that you have enough supply of vitamin C.

Eat good fats


Good fats like omega 3, salmon and avocados among others are very helpful and they help burn excess cholesterol accumulation. Sugar gets you fat and these fats can aid in the process of reducing bad fat from the body.

How is your breath?

Research has pointed out that slowing down of your breath can help restore your normal belly and prepare the road to a toned body that every man would want to see.

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Look Great: Burn Mega Calories, Build Lean Muscles & Sculpt Sexy Curves! http://www.herinterest.com/look-great-burn-mega-calories-build-lean-muscles-sculpt-sexy-curves/ http://www.herinterest.com/look-great-burn-mega-calories-build-lean-muscles-sculpt-sexy-curves/#comments Thu, 07 Feb 2013 19:17:22 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1041 Summer is almost upon us and it’s time to kick start your butt into getting that beach body you have been telling yourself that you will achieve every year… and not quite made it. We aren’t going to lie to you girlies – you are going to need to work hard, follow a plan and actually dedicate yourself to the cause but with this step by step guide on getting the body you have always wanted, you will be on the right track to getting there!


Burn Mega Calories

In order to burn mega calories, you need to burn off more than you are putting into your body. This means that you need to eat less and workout more. By eating less, we don’t mean starving yourself; we mean eating the RIGHT foods.

We will start with the really good news though – to burn mega calories, you don’t have to work out for hours on end until you physically can’t stand anymore. In actual fact, to burn the most calories you will need to look for a workout plan that will increase and then decrease your heart rate and one of the best workouts for this is on the treadmill. You will need to use this gym machine for 20 minutes and you will start with 2 minutes of slow walking, followed by 2 minutes of very fast walking with an incline. You will continue these 2 minute bursts until you have reached 20 minutes. It really is as simple as that.


You will need to make changes to your diet too, but this doesn’t mean cutting out a whole bunch of foods. Sometimes swapping the full fat varieties for lower-fat/low-calorie ones will do the trick. For example, swapping white bread for whole-meal will increase fiber and decrease calories. Low fat cheese instead of full-fat options can save up to 100 calories in one sitting, and choosing turkey burgers instead of their beef counterparts. It is simple as knowing what to swap and when, and you will be on your way to a calorie deficit, which is what you need to burn mega calories.

Build Lean Muscles

You may think that building lean muscles will require hour after hour or strenuous exercise in the gym with weights, but it could be your diet that is stopping you from achieving rock hard abs this year. Brown rice, for example, will help you to have more energy during the day so you should swap white rice for this brown, healthier option. It has also been shown to help increase the growth hormone in the body and these are essential for building lean muscles.

Cottage cheese is great for adding much-needed protein into your diet and this protein will help to avoid your muscles being used as an energy source by your body when you sleep at night. This means that you won’t have to work as hard to achieve the muscle because the body won’t be wearing it down at night.


When it comes to working out, you want to be hitting the lighter weights for longer, rather than the heavier weights for shorter periods of time. The bigger weights will cause beefier muscles to grow, whereas the smaller weights will allow smaller, stronger muscles to grow at a better speed.


Sculpt Sexy Curves

If it’s curves you’re after, you could try your hand at pole dancing or even hula-hooping. Weights are also a good idea after your aerobic exercises – moderate weight lifting will help you to slim down while still embracing your feminine curves and you will also find that your leg appearance will be better, alongside your arms too!


Sexy photos sourced from Weheartit.com!

http://www.herinterest.com/look-great-burn-mega-calories-build-lean-muscles-sculpt-sexy-curves/feed/ 1
The Vitamin D Diet – Get Slimmer & Happier! http://www.herinterest.com/the-vitamin-d-diet-get-slimmer-happier/ http://www.herinterest.com/the-vitamin-d-diet-get-slimmer-happier/#comments Wed, 06 Feb 2013 16:26:51 +0000 Kimberley http://herinterest.com/?p=1008 Vitamin D – it’s one of those little vitamins that isn’t mentioned that often, isn’t it? Well, if you have recently overlooked this rather valuable nutrient, it’s time to start paying attention – apparently scientists have proven that it not only makes you feel happier, but also helps you to lose weight! In recent studies, it has been shown that those people with increased Vitamin D levels in the body lose weight the fastest and with less effort, and as a whole, are slimmer than those that are Vitamin D deficient which, if the studies are to be believed, is up to 80% of our population.


People are so consumed with the foods that they ARE eating when they are trying to get slimmer, they often forget to focus on the foods that they AREN’T eating, and foods that are rich in Vitamin D are often the ones left out of the shopping list.

Vitamin D is responsible for so much in the human body – it can help to fight against cancer and various heart conditions, diabetes, depression and much more. The link isn’t clear as yet; it is not well known if a lack of Vitamin D causes obesity, or the other way around, but one thing definitely has been proven and that is the fact that more Vitamin D = a slimmer and happier you!


When vitamin D is nicely mixed together with a dollop of calcium and just a pinch of sunlight, the body works properly – the food is broken down as it should be and the right nutrients are grabbed from it. A lack of this means that the body will turn more calories in the body into fat – something you most definitely don’t want if you are trying to lose weight! Not only that but the vitamin also helps to regulate the blood sugar levels, leaving you less inclined to snack on bad foods in the middle of the afternoon.

So we know that Vitamin D is good for our brains and our bodies, but how do we increase the levels of it in your bodies? The easiest way is sunlight but with the all the SPF sun lotions we are slapping on, and the fact that we rarely see daylight sunshine because of our mental schedules at work, it would seem that another way for the vitamin to get into our systems is necessary.

*Mushrooms – dried Shitake mushrooms contain plenty of Vitamin D as this is believed to be because the funghi is adept at grabbing and storing sunshine. There are other vitamins in these mushrooms too, which overall will cause your body to be in better physical condition.


*Mackeral – it might stink a bit, but this fish is great if you need a Vitamin D boost. According to statistics, just a 3 and a half ounce portion of this fish will give you almost ninety percent of your daily dose of Vitamin D. You can’t forget about the healthy Omega-3 stuff either!

*Tuna – sticking with the fish theme, it would appear that fish such as salmon, tuna, herring and even sardines are very good for you if you need a Vitamin D injection. Wild tuna, around three ounces, will contain half of what you need in the form of Vitamin D for the day.


There are plenty of foods that are high in Vitamin D – eggs, cod liver oil capsules, and even fortified foods can bump up your D-volumes. The benefits that these foods are going to give you include:

*The prevention of many serious diseases

*Good bones, hair and teeth

*Healthy cell activity is promoted within the body

*The links between Vitamin D and weight loss are screaming out!

Images tastily grabbed from Weheartit.com!

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Shape up Shortcuts: 8 Tricks to melt fat and tone muscle faster http://www.herinterest.com/shape-up-shortcuts-8-tricks-to-melt-fat-and-tone-muscle-faster/ http://www.herinterest.com/shape-up-shortcuts-8-tricks-to-melt-fat-and-tone-muscle-faster/#comments Mon, 04 Feb 2013 19:13:19 +0000 Kimberley http://herinterest.com/?p=984 We all want easier, quicker, faster ways to lose weight and for most of us, that means crash diets, heavy working out sessions at the gym, and a whole ton of weight loss pills, patches, creams, motions, potions, appetite suppressants and much more besides. What if we were to tell you that there was actually 8 tricks to melt fat and tone muscle faster and it didn’t involve cracking out your credit card for dodgy pills on the internet, or spending a small fortune on a personal trainer to make you hate your life when you get grabbed from your bed every morning to go for a run. Ladies… Read more to find out!


  1. Eat more foods that are rich in fiber. Rather than focusing on what you should cut out of your diet to lose weight, you should pay more attention on the food groups that you should eating more. Fiber is just one of those food groups. Fruits are the best foods to eat for this, and as well as containing enough fiber to keep your insides working fast to flush out waste products, you will increasing the amounts of minerals and vitamins that your body needs in order to survive. Ideally you will want to look at fruits such as avocados, kiwis, papaya, oranges, apricots and strawberries.
  2. Drink green tea. This helps to speed up your metabolism, if scientific studies are anything to go by, and green tea has actually shown benefits on body fat – antioxidants help to burn off the weight and the goodness will give you more energy to make you work out harder should you do decide to hit the gym.
  3. Carry water with you everywhere you go. Woman Drinking WaterWhen you get hungry or fancy something to eat, drink ice cold water instead. The water will fill you up, making your tummy and your head think that you do not need to eat, and the ice cold water will need more calories burned within your body to enable it to be warmed up and passed through your system. Technically, by drinking more water, you are killing two birds with one stone.
  4. Make your plate more colorful! 04ab8d18a25d41d50400558dfe805684_largeThe more colorful your meal, the healthier it is likely to be for you so start treating your plate like the blank canvas it should be and get creative! Think about all the foods with bright colors – peppers, tomatoes, spinach, peppers, etc. These are all foods that are very high in nutritional content and will be doing more good than a McDonalds ever will.
  5. Speaking of McDonalds, the fastest way that you are going to melt fat is by cutting out fast food for a little while. This food is not exactly great for your body girls. In fact, you are putting basically empty calories in your body – there is no good nutritional content to be had for them.
  6. Eat! One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to melt fat and tone muscle faster is by starving their body and this has been shown in plenty of studies to be very bad for you AND your weight loss! Starving yourself causes your body to stockpile on the stuff it already has within it so losing any weight at this point is going to be practically impossible.
  7. Give in to your urges. 553359_544053175606295_1737057564_n_largeIf you want a piece of chocolate cake, have a piece of chocolate cake. Who really cares? Just do a few minutes extra on the treadmill tomorrow. Denying yourself your favorite foods is just going to leave you craving it more so every now and again, give in and have yourself a very sweet treat.
  8. Eat little and often. People are so focused on the three meals of the day – breakfast, dinner and tea, that they often forget that this is not exactly the best way to eat. You should be aiming to have 5 or 6 meals a day, smaller in size than the three you usually have, to set your blood sugar levels at a steady level and to ensure that your body is trained as to when the next batch of food will be coming. Try having a smaller breakfast at 7/8, a fruit snack plate at 10, lunch that consists of a healthy salad at around 12, a whole-wheat sandwich at 3, a smaller supper at 5 and then a light piece of fruit at 8. It sounds like you are eating a lot of food but we promise you, it will be good for you!
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