70+ Most Likely to Questions 

By on March 7, 2016

If you need some game ideas, “Most Likely to . . .” questions can be hilarious. These are great to play at a sleepover, a group dinner or while drinking. You can play as a part of a large group or in just a small group of friends. You can also have people write out their guess for the person that everyone will choose before people answer and award points to the people who guessed correctly. The options are endless, so be creative!

Christmas 1

18 Most Likely to Questions for a Holiday Gathering

Spice up your boring Christmas and holiday gatherings with these questions. Print them out or write down your favorites and get ready to play!

1. Who is the most likely to receive nothing for their Christmas this year?
2. Who is the most likely to hide when their godchildren or nieces and nephews arrive?
3. Who is the most likely to sing along to every Christmas carol?
4. Who is the most likely to know the lyrics to every Christmas son?
5. Who is the most likely to watch Home Alone before Christmas?
6. Who is the most likely to spend the most money on buying Christmas presents?
7. Who is the most likely to spend money on buying Christmas decorations?
8. Who is the most likely to get drunk at their office Christmas party?
9. Who is the most likely to spend Christmas Even drinking alone?
10. Who is the most likely to to be a cheapskate when it comes to buying gifts?
11. Who is the most likely to be voted the “Scrooge” of Christmas?
12. Who is the most likely to end up looking like Santa Claus because they ate too much?
13. Who is the most likely to receive the most expensive present?
14. Who is the most likely to be removed from Santa’s list because they were naughty?
15. Who is the most likely to go to Disneyland this Christmas?
16. Who is the most likely to be thoughtful about the gifts they buy?
17. Who is the most likely to skip out on celebrating Christmas?
18. Who is the most likely to go to a tropical island or a beach during the holiday season?

video game

20 Most Likely to Questions for Geeks and Nerds

If your circle of friends includes more than a few geeks and nerdy types, these are the most likely to questions that you should use.

1. Who is the most likely to have a collection of Batman or Superman comic books in high school?
2. Who is the most likely to win a rapid chess competition among your friends?
3. Who is the most likely to win a price during the Collegiate Inventors Competition?
4. Who is the most likely to be a millionaire from creating an Android or iPhone game?
5. Who is the most likely to know how to decipher a code?
6. Who is the most likely to sleep with an Optimus Prime robot?
7. Who is the most likely to be the first person from the group to travel all around the world?
8. Who is the most likely to create an Artificial Intelligence machine to take over the world?
9. Who is the most likely to get the top score in a math class?
10. Who is the most likely to marry his computer and have his Xbox as the best man?
11. Who is the most likely to have the most technologically advanced gadgets and computers in college?
12. Who is the most likely to get a job at Microsoft?
13. Who is the most likely to become an engineer at NASA?
14. Who is the most likely to be the first person in the group to kiss a girl?
15. Who is the most likely to create the next gadget, smart watch or other tech accessory?
16. Who is the most likely to be kicked out of the house by their parents for watching online porn?
17. Who is the most likely to to get a perfect score on the SAT?
18. Who is the most likely to hack the SAT to get the best score?
19. Who is the most likely to have every War Hammer army?
20. Who is the most likely to learn a second language?

vampire diaries

11 Most Likely to Questions for a Scary, Halloween Sleepover

Zip up your sleeping bags, hunker down and prepare for these Halloween themed questions!

1. Who is the most likely to be murdered by an ax in a horror movie?
2. Who is the most likely to to kill her/his boyfriend or girlfriend?
3. Who is the most likely to to drown in a pool of their own blood? (Side note: this is probably impossible. You would most likely die of exsanguination before you could ever drown in your own blood. Just an FYI.)
4. Who is the most likely to fall in love with a werewolf or a vampire?
5. Who is the most likely to be burned alive? Or roasted at the stake for witchcraft?
6. Who is the most likely to to die first out of the group?
7. Who is the most likely to to find a rotting corpse in their basement?
8. Who is the most likely to cut off their leg or other appendage with a chainsaw?
9. Who is the most likely to meet a ghost?
10. Who is the most likely to to be bitten by a vampire?
11. Who is the most likely to open the door to the evildoer in a horror movie?

do your best in school or work

16 Most Likely to Questions for Children

If you are looking for a more age-related list of questions, these most likely to ideas are ideal for children.

1. Who is the most likely to attend a Justin Beiber concert?
2. Who is the most likely to throw up after eating fried okra or broccoli?
3. Who is the most likely to get lost from the group at Disneyland?
4. Who is the most likely to to be taller than 7 feet when they grow up?
5. Who is the most likely to be a Star Wars character for Halloween?
6. Who is the most likely to become president someday?
7. Who is the most likely to try escargot (snails) first?
8. Who is the most likely to become an astronaut and live at the International Space Station?
9. Who is the most likely to marry a celebrity?
10. Who is the most likely to beg their parents for a new toy this Christmas?
11. Who is the most likely to be extremely wealthy when they grow up?
12. Who is the most likely to have a crush on the school’s most popular girl or guy?
13. Who is the most likely to live in a zoo?
14. Who is the most likely to be grounded for things they look at online?
15. Who is the most likely to run away to join the circus?
16. Who is the most likely to read every book in the school’s library?

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9 Romantic Most Likely to Questions for Partners and Lovers

If you wanted something spicier for a group of couples, these questions were designed for you. Ranging from questions to get to know each other to lovemaking topics, these questions are just what you were looking for!

1. Who is the most likely to be cheated on in the group of partners?
2. Who is the most likely to break up after winning the lottery?
3. Who is the most likely to reach their Golden Anniversary together?
4. Who is the most likely to have children first?
5. Who is the most likely to gain marriage weight in the next three years?
6. Who is the most likely to own the biggest home?
7. Who is the most likely to go into labor twice in the same year?
8. Who is the most likely to have the healthiest and most frequent sex life?
9. Who is the most likely to have the most children?


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