Sagittarius Man in Love

By on May 3, 2014


“In seeking wisdom, the first step is silence, the second listening, the third remembering, the fourth practicing, the fifth – teaching others”. This was a quote once said by Ibn Gabriol, and the saying couldn’t be truer to the personality and life of a Sagittarius man. He is always seeking an adventure, no matter where it takes him. He takes the time to listen contently to other peoples’ wisdom so he may apply it to his own life, and isn’t afraid to ask questions. He is a lover of all things wisdom and is always seeking answers in life, whether it comes to relationships, religion, mythology, or some other interesting aspect of life. This genuine curiosity and adventurous attitude creates an enthralling man that is both highly intellectual and charming, something that every man looks for in a friend and what every woman wants in a man.


The Type of Woman Sagittarius Needs

The Sagittarius man needs a special type of woman. He doesn’t want the ordinary- in fact, he wants everything but. He needs a strong, secure, and confident lady who won’t mind giving him the independence he needs on a regular basis. A lady who can handle herself in all situations and doesn’t require a good deal of time. Needless to say, a needy and demanding woman would never work with a Sagittarius man.

He also craves an intellectually stimulating gal- someone he can sit down with and have an in depth conversation about life for hours on end. The regular hum and drum conversation about celebrities and music artists simply isn’t enough to keep this type of man engaged for long, if at all.

Aside from beauty, confidence, and a very intelligent mind, this man is also seeking a woman who is a lover of travel. Obviously he will want to take his lover on all of his exciting trips around the world, so anyone who isn’t endearing of a good adventure won’t last with this adventurous man. She should be ready for simple trips to the beach as well as fascinating journeys to other countries for exploration and adventure.

0b695bc58be7eea30ffcc9e36e828b8eSagittarius in a Relationship

There are two sides of a Sagittarius man. For one, he can be the incredibly flirty and charming man that every woman loves. On the other hand, he can be a very shy and internal man who hides his feelings a great deal. And with this type of zodiac sign, you really never know what to expect. And while most women see this as a flaky trait, it’s really just the Sagittarius trying to show off both aspects of love, from the enticing and sensual side to the beautiful romantic side, and he wants to show his partner both sides.

The Sagittarius man is a fun one to date. He is always coming up with new and exciting things to do and places to go. His constant need for adventure and travel means he will gladly take his woman to other realms in a heartbeat, and therefore having a woman with a lust for travel is an essential trait. You can expect the Sagittarius boyfriend to want to take you on an exploration to a nearby park one day, and the next day have a journey to Italy to discover the county’s immense history.


Aside from excitement day after day, a woman involved with a Sagittarius man can also expect to learn a lot. As this type of man is always seeking out new and enticing information, he will want to relay his new found knowledge onto his lover. Of course, he is always interested in learning new things as well, and is therefore a remarkable listener who will actually want to hear about new things you did that day or something interesting you noticed about the earth. daf45ebaa6a45d0e338762388e3de2c5

Sagittarius in Bed

As we’ve said multiple times already, the Sagittarius is a lover of adventure. And this love for excitement and adventure continues into the bedroom. What does this mean for you? A seriously wild time that has virtually no bounds. The Sagittarius man loves to create an adventurous and passionate night in the bedroom and doesn’t want to do the same thing twice.

It may come as a surprise, but a Sagittarius man actually loves when the lady is the first person to make the move. This shows him that she is a daring individual who may be able to keep up with him between the sheets. However, once the initial move is made, this man isn’t shy to take over and ravish his woman.


Negative Side of a Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius men tend to be a bit on the careless side. You wouldn’t think that a man so involved in philosophy and knowledge could be so careless, but that’s just one of the downsides of a Sagittarius. This type of carelessness is obviously a problem in day to day life, especially when it comes to a relationship in which the woman doesn’t feel cared enough for. (That’s why having an independent woman who isn’t needy is crucial).

Adventure is a must in this man’s life. And when we meet it’s a must, we mean it’s something that he needs to be doing constantly or he will get bored. This restless attitude and constant need for adventure makes the Sagittarius man out to be a bit inconsistent, and nobody likes an inconsistent individual.


Sagittarius and Aries: The two of you are both thrill-seeking, adventurous, fun individuals who are constantly seeking new and exciting activities to engage in. The two of you will be able to keep up with each others active lifestyle and enjoy every moment of it. It’s a match made in Heaven!

Sagittarius and Aquarius: You are a very active individual, constantly seeking knowledge while the Aquarius is a forward-thinking individual who can be on your level. The two of you will engage perfectly not only in conversation but other aspects of life as well. Plenty of fun to be had in your relationship,

Sagittarius and Leo: You both love to explore and have a great time, but you will have to accept each others differences for the relationship to stay strong.


Sagittarius Man in a Nutshell

This type of man just wants to have a good time, and no trip to the bar with his guy pals is going to satisfy his crave for adventure. He always wants to learn and investigate the deeper things in life, which leads to him enthralling trips to enchanting places where he can learn. He loves to be taught and to teach what he’s learned about life to others, therefore making him a charming and intellectual man who can certainly keep you engaged in conversation for quite some time. He needs a smart woman who can keep up with his intellectual level while also being an avid travel lover, just like him. If he can find this special lady, he will definitely take her on all of his amazing excavations and have her by his side through the journey of life. Not to mention he will keep her on her toes (perhaps even literally) when it comes to playing in the bedroom!



  1. preggo Leo

    November 27, 2015 at 9:53 am

    Plz reply. I’m a Leo woman and I’m currently in a grey area with a Day male. We’ve been together for almost two years and have a baby on the way. He said he wanted a child but when I became 7 months preggo he started to stray. He claimed he didn’t want to be serial because I was pregnant and he was scared that it would hurt the baby. Then he blindsided me and broke up with me stating that he wasn’t sure if I was the one he was supposed to be with long term. shortly after he began to start seeing a woman that he worked with. I was devastated. I wanted to move out and have the baby on my own but he keeps stating that it isn’t like that and he doesn’t want me to move out. I checked his phone records and he talks to her everyday for at least 20-30 minutes at a time. He will not tell me anything as far Asia he’s in love or wants to be with her. He invited me to Thanksgiving dinner but I feel that was only because his family would be upset if they found out that he was dating someone while I was still pregnant. At this point I’m just looking for closure because this is too much stress for me and I’m currently 9 months pregnant and I need to come to some resolution before my son is born. Please give me some insight.

    • web admin

      November 28, 2015 at 12:22 am

      Talk to him and tell him what you want and need. If he is unwilling to commit to just you and be with you, then you may have to move out and strike out on your home. It seems terribly shortsighted and selfish of him to decide to have a child and start to stray at such a late date. If you do move out, I would let his family know the reason behind it. It seems like he cares about what they think more than he cares about your feelings, so that may have an impact. Currently, it seems like he is just keeping you around as a convenience and to prevent getting shamed by his family. Share your feelings with him and what you want. If he is not willing to commit again, leave him and file for child support when your baby is born.

  2. SDot

    November 20, 2015 at 3:55 am

    I have a question. Me and this Sag has been knowing each other for years. He recently asked me to visit him. When the time came he disappeared haven’t heard from him ever since. Help what should I do?

    • web admin

      November 20, 2015 at 9:08 pm

      I think that the only thing that you can do is to try to get in touch with him again. Call him on the phone, text him or message him online. It is always possible that he got busy or lost his phone, so it is worth it to try to communicate with him through different styles. If he does not respond to any of them, then it is a sign that he is not interested and took the coward’s way out. If he does respond to one or more of your messages, then it may just be an indication that he lost his phone or something similar and was not able to talk to him. If you guys are close friends, you could also sqing by his house to make sure that everything is okay. Good luck, SDot!

  3. GarimaPisces

    November 7, 2015 at 8:09 pm

    Hello. I’m a pisces and I’m dating a sag. I know him since almost 3 years but we have been dating since 6 months by now. At the first 2 months he was absolutely perfect and then he kind of changed a bit. He get mood swings, a lot ! He has never showed his bad temper on me exactly. It’s like, sometimes he doesn’t care bout me(doesn’t replies or lately replies me) and sometimes he is the same old lover. He is actually a jealous type but then doesn’t express out anything and then brusts out it’s always after weeks or months. I also find him shy expressing bout sex(in theory). He has lot of responsibilities on him. He has buisness and then college and family, plus a nagging girlfriend(me) who is always pissed on his carelessness.
    My issue here is; though I know he loves me but he is handsome,charming and everything that women are all attracted to him and he is not public enough bout our relationship. I’m insecure. I’m worried thinking “what if he is hooking up with other women”. I need to keep tjis relationship right. I am too messed up right now, you gotta help me out.
    ps. We’re in long distance relationship.
    Thank you.

    • web admin

      November 8, 2015 at 6:59 pm

      It looks like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to approve of each comment individually, so it can sometimes take a little while for it to appear. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. GarimaPisces

    November 7, 2015 at 7:57 pm

    Hello. I’m a pisces and I’m dating a sag. I know him since almost 3 years but we have been dating since 6 months by now. At the first 2 months he was absolutely perfect and then he kind of changed a bit. He get mood swings, a lot ! He has never showed his bad temper on me exactly. It’s like, sometimes he doesn’t care bout me(doesn’t replies or lately replies me) and sometimes he is the same old lover. He is actually a jealous type but then doesn’t express out anything and then brusts out it’s always after weeks or months. I also find him shy expressing bout sex(in theory). He has lot of responsibilities on him. He has buisness and then college and family, plus a nagging girlfriend(me) who is always pissed on his carelessness.
    My issue here is; though I know he loves me but he is handsome,charming and everything that women are all attracted to him and he is not public enough bout our relationship. I’m insecure. I’m worried thinking “what if he is hooking up with other women”. I need to keep tjis relationship right. I am too messed up right now, you gotta help me out.
    ps. We’re in long distance relationship.

    • web admin

      November 8, 2015 at 6:58 pm

      It could be that he is considering breaking up or is not as interested, but it is just as likely that he just feels comfortable around you now. Once someone is comfortable in a relationship, they are more likely to just be themselves and show their real feelings. In a long distance relationship, it is normal to have some jealousy worries. Communication is the key to making a long distance relationship work, and you also have to be able to trust him and not worry about being jealous. This is obviously easier said than done. Try to trust him and give him some room. It sounds like he is going through a difficult time right now, so just let him figure things out. Once the other stress is over in his life, you can see if he goes back to normal or not.

  5. CoverGirl

    November 6, 2015 at 8:49 pm

    Hi, I am 36F Gemini. I have been on a project in a foreign country where I spend my weekdays, for 3 months. This Sag guy about 30-31 crazy, talkative and gregarious started paying attention to me. Always trying to butt into conversations and always trying to attract my attention. He is loud and says thinks to shock and doesn’t care that it’s an office environment. Anyways he disappeared for 3 weeks on vacation and then leave for sickness. I have come to know that he has a gf and was traveling with her. But he doesn’t stop trying to crack jokes, make me laugh and appears accidentally everywhere in the office where I’m around. Recently he was being rude to me in his attempt to hijack a conversation at an office party and I just walked off, he came running after me and apologising and making stupid jokes. He kept trying all evening to talk to me etc. he never mentions his gf in front of me. He is constantly watching me from the corner of his eye and consciously gets agitated when I’m cold in my interaction with him. What’s goin on? Problem is I have started liking him and being a Saggi ascendant actually secretly love his humour despite my outer poise and dagger looks at times. Also I find home physically very attractive — this is a rare thing for me as although a lot of men like me as I look much younger and am pretty and professionally very successful, I am physically attracted to hardly anyone!!!

    • web admin

      November 8, 2015 at 4:24 pm

      It sounds like he could like you, but he is still in a relationship. As long as he is with his girlfriend, you should hold off on doing anything. Their relationship is serious enough for them to vacation together, so it would not be a good idea to rock the boat. If he is ever single, you could always try asking him out. It seems like he is interested in you and could like you, so there is an excellent chance that he would be interested in dating you if he were ever single again.

  6. liza

    November 2, 2015 at 2:47 pm

    Please dont ignore my comment. Please reply. It is very important to me.
    I am a shy Leo girl and when I was in my 10th class I had a sagittarius classmate. He tried talking to me but as I was a shy girl, I never talked to him properly, I just used to smile at him when he approached me. He is popular in school, liked by everyone and many girls were back of him. We never really talked and after completing my 10th, I moved to a different city and we started chatting on facebook and whatsapp n became best friends. We used to crack jokes on sex n all. And then,one day he proposed me and I accepted. He asked me to come to his hometown so that we can talk and I agreed. We were doing great for few weeks and then one day he asked me to have sex and as I wasnt prepared for such stuff and I declined him. But, eventually I agreed as I love him soo much. He knows very well that I like him soo much and I cant stand his disappointment and so he started giving me silent treatment for small things. When we met, I told him to wait a couple years for sex, and he agreed. He treated me well and even shared his personal things which he generally never tells anyone. And after I came back to my city, after few months, I asked him to come to my city as I missed him, then he said he would come if I do sex and as usual I asked him to wait for two years and asked him to come just to meet me. Then he said that it is of no use coming to meet me if I am not prepared for sex. As I was so eager to meet him, I agreed but later I realised that I am not actually yet ready for sex and so I called him and said that I wont do sex and he cut the call. I called him again but he rejected. I got angry and felt so sad and dint feel like giving up. So, I kept calling him continuously. I even texted him saying him to block me if he doesnt want me. But, he didnt do such a thing and so I called him again. I kept calling him and eventually, he answered my call. Then I told him that if having sex is the only way I can make him to come and meet me, then I’ll do it but I wont be his girlfriend anymore and he agreed. We agreed to be sex partners. I told him that it would be only a one night stand but he wants to do sex with me more than once. Even after breakup he keeps telling that he loves me. Then when I asked him if he loves my body or me, he told that he loves my body. When we were together, he told that he wants to marry me but after breakup, he told that it was a lie and he can’t marry me. It is just so difficult to understand this guy. At one point, he hurts me knowingly and gives silent treatment and at another point, he talks in a loving manner. He keeps teasing me occasionally. Once when I texted him like after 3 weeks, he replies: “Wow!! You actually remember me! Asshole!”. Then I replied “What the hell” Then he replied: “Was joke :D”. I really got angry and I replied that I dont wanna be friends with him or anything anymore as I was unable to withstand his teasing and I told him: “as many girls are back of you , you can get any girl for sex, u want me only for sex, u dont even like me as a friend and u hate me soo much, so there is no point in being with you, so I’ll leave. Byee!”
    Then his reply was: “What the hell!! I am sorry! I am really sorry! I love you very much that’s why I scold you. I am soo sorry if u felt tat bad :(”
    I accepted his apology and I started talking normally. He always keeps telling me that he is interested in me only and wants to have sex first with me only(he is a virgin). I told him that I’ll do only once but he said that he wants me till he gets bored of me. After few days he told he cant come to my city because of some problem and asked me to come. And after few days when I texted him, he told that he will not talk to me untill I go come to his city. When I asked him how long he can wait, he told that he would wait till I come.
    And after that he dint reply to any of my messages. So, I called him after 2 days and he answered and started talking normally and he told that he didnt reply because he dint like chatting. He asked me to come fast and told me that he wants me to take to different places which I have never seen. He told that he wants to spend time with me travelling. Then I asked him ” Why are you trying to impress me by saying all these even after I agreed for sex. No need to do all these. We can just do sex!”
    Then his reply was ” Oh my God!! you think that I want you only for sex! Noo! Thats not true. You are my best friend. I want you to be with me forever. I’ll do sex only till a certain period. But I want you as my friend forever”.
    I just dont understand his intentions. Who the hell would want to have sex with their best friend. I am so confused. I really like him soo much. I want him to be my soulmate. When we are normal, he is actually very nice, sweet and kind. I never tried to control him. If he does something wrong, I explain it to him in pleasing manner with patience and tell him to take my advice or else leave it. At first he doesnt listen to me and gets angry but eventually ends up doing the thing I say and becomes all sweet and caring again. We are really open with each other and talk about anything. Excluding the sex part, he actually cares for me. It is just that he tells that he wants to do sex with me as he cant control himself. He feels like doing it whenever I talk to him. He is just so stubborn on the sex part. He tells that he never got such kind of feeling for anyone except me till now. I really do want him, I cant imagine anyone else in his place. I dont know what to do. Is he a correct person for me?? I just dont wanna be only a sex partner or best friend but I wanna be his soulmate. What can I do about this. Should I stick with him or should I move on??? Please help me…give me some suggestion.

    • web admin

      November 2, 2015 at 10:19 pm

      I would completely give up on him and move on. Even if he is telling you how much he wants to travel together and be friends with you now, the fact that he demanded sex from you before means that he does not really care for you that much. If he liked you the way you like him, he would never force you to have sex. By saying that he won’t hang out with you, date you or take to you without sex, he is trying to pressure you into doing things that you do not want to do. Whenever a guy does this, the best thing that you can do is run the other way immediately. Stop talking to him, block him and move on in life. He obviously is not worth the time and love that you have devoted to him, and you deserve a lot better.

  7. Ariesgirl:)

    October 27, 2015 at 6:39 pm

    So i like my best friend’s brother and hes a sag and i really wanna talk to him normally but i cant and whenever i see him at school he looks at me for a moment while passing by then looks straight again and i have a strong feeling for him but i dont know what to do… I added him on snapchat but when i say hi or something he just ignores or open the conversation but dont answer… He answers 5-10 mins later…. Uggghhh i just don’t know what to do i wanna tell him but i dont have the confidence or courage to :/

    • web admin

      October 28, 2015 at 3:20 pm

      I would just keep trying to talk to him and get to know him better. If you tell him that you like him right now, you may end up dealing with a rejection–after all, you guys have not really gotten to know each other yet. Instead, I would get to know him better and try talking to him more often. Once you can carry on a conversation decently in person, then you can see if he likes you back. We also have an article called “How to tell if a guy likes you” on Her Interest, so you may want to check out the signs in the article to see if your crush does any of them in real life. Good luck!

  8. KG

    October 26, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    I know this post is a bit different from the others… 35M Taurus and he is 32 Sag. We’ve been getting to know each other for the past 2 months. Things have been going really cool with us, up until last week. He decided to get a piercing (nipples) and I wanted to be there to be supportive. I’d just finished dinner with a friend and was going to ask my friend to drop me off to where he was and have him bring me home. He basically refused to bring me home citing that the place was closer to his home. It did make me feel like I wasn’t worth an add’l 25 mins to bring me home. (I would have done it for him). Well we talked about it later that night and he explained that it just didn’t make sense to do it with him already being so close to his home and I was okay after his logical explanation. The next morning I got a text msg from a friend (who didn’t know that we had something going on) about him getting a piercing. I was instantly mad to know that he’d sent pix of his piercing to other people and I hadn’t even seen it. So at this point not only had I not seen, you denied me the access to be there. Well I texted him shortly after I was told about it. We decided to do lunch and he broke it off stating he doesn’t like confusion. He has since texted me stating that he feels it’s best that we be friends but have also texted on a separate occasion “I miss you. Please don’t think I don’t care.” I feel like I’m receiving mixed signals from him. I have truly apologized for my actions. Like others here I’ve read numerous forums. Do you believe that all is lost?

    • web admin

      October 26, 2015 at 10:58 pm

      It sounds like he probably liked you before, but he may not want to deal with the continued confusion and controversy. He did not want to drive 25 minutes out of his way when he already lived next to the piercing place, and I doubt he really thought about sending the pictures to other friends–he was probably just excited to get the piercing done. When you reacted in anger, it probably made him uncomfortable and extremely confused because he did not feel like he had done anything wrong. For the moment, your best bet is to just be friends with him and regain his trust. He needs to know that you are a stable, logical person–and normally, stability is something a Taurus excels at, so you should be able to do this. Once he regains his confidence in your stability and the confusion ends, he may start to have feelings for you again. Good luck!

      • KG

        October 27, 2015 at 4:45 pm

        Thanks for your insight on the situation. Although this is sort of a hard pill to swallow, at least I’ve learned a valuable lesson about myself and how to handle situations like these more tactfully (with patience).

        • web admin

          October 28, 2015 at 3:03 pm

          Good luck! I hope that everything works out for you, KG!

  9. Gemgirl

    October 26, 2015 at 6:11 am

    I’m in question, about this sag guy at my work. We are in a training academy together I noticed him noticing me from the start. Lots of questions, comments,and long gazing stares. Not to mention he is a very attractive guy (whom women constantly flirt with while in class). After a long day of PT, I receive a text from him, (through class phone list) saYing he’s willing to help me with parts of my pt I’m struggling with. My heart instantly melted.. We now text back and forth. He wants to see me Outside of work, I agreed but only for PT purposes. I must admit I’m very attracted to him, but I don’t wanna be that weak for him and end up in bed. I know I’m a challenge for him BC I’m a very private mysterious woman, who too gets a lot of attention from men. I don’t wanna sleep with him right away but I do wanna keep him interested. For jumping in the sack too soon, is not a smart decision. Any suggestions will be appreciated. BTW I’m 3f5, him 26 😉

    • web admin

      October 26, 2015 at 9:44 pm

      I think that you are heading in the right direction. You are more likely to keep his interest by holding off for a while before you become physical. Perhaps you guys could just go on a date or plan some type of hiking adventure together? Since your relationship is currently work-based, it may help for you to take your relationship outside of work and really develop a personal connection. Otherwise, it seems like you have the right idea, and you already have gotten him to become quite interested in you. Good luck, Gemgirl!

  10. Ariella

    October 25, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    thanks for a great advice. It’s my 4th date with a 38 sag…it’s has been going so far good as I expected. On the 3rd date he cooked a very nice meal for me. Of course, towards the end of the night we shared a great intimacy but I didn’t stayed at his place that night so I keep things as natural as it is…4th date very casual as he wanted to see me after, I was out with friends on one Friday night. Came to his place had a few drinks, talked and had a great night with him and I did stayed the night at his place. Prior to meeting I supposed to invite for dinner at my place over the wknd. But he decided to me on the Friday when I was out with friends so I came by to see him after drinks with friends. My question is I am not sure if I doing it the right making myself to vulnerable when I’m with him. I supposed to keep things slowly as I don’t want to feel like we just using each other to be around and shared that intimacy. It’s hard to open up to him cause I felt like his very reserved with feelings, likewise too. I’m unsure where this relationship may end up. But I’m trying my best to keep things slowly as possible although being intimate with him it’s scares me cause not sure if we kinda of both in the same level. Obviously, it shows his also keen but emotionally I found it hard to believe if things are going smoothly. I need a little advice, whether keep it simple and how do I make him open up to me emotionally down the track. The dinner at my place has been cancelled as he felt under weather atm. So I leave it as it is and told him maybe do it next time.

    • web admin

      October 25, 2015 at 4:59 pm

      I think that you are doing just fine so far. If both of you have problems with opening up, then it will take time for you to naturally share your feelings with each other. At this point in the relationship, there is no reason to force an emotional connection or deeper communication. Instead, just focus on getting to know him and enjoying your time together. Either you guys will naturally start to have a deeper level of communication or you will realize that he is not for you. From the sound of it, it seems like everything is going well for now, so don’t worry so much. Good luck!

  11. a scorpion

    October 17, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Hi…im a scorpion girl and i’ve been bestfriends with this Sagittarian guy since like forever. Now i know that he has strongg feelings for me gut i dojt feel the same way and i never will be ale…he’s a nice guy and a bit immature too…he totallyyy likes me and i dont knoe what to do…,i told him how i felt…and that broke his heart…we’re still friends but it feels so awkward around him that i cant even look him in the eye….he is soo in love with me…he says that with me around him, he’ll be okay but if i everr leave him, he’ll just end up becoming a totallyy messed up person and probably a drug addict….sometimes i consider ending my friendship with him because thats how hes gonna get over me….i have no idea what to do…

    • web admin

      October 19, 2015 at 2:35 pm

      If he actually means that he would become a drug addict if you stopped being friends, then he is either misguided, unstable or extremely manipulative. You are right to think that the only way he will ever get over you is if he is no longer around you all the time. Trying to heal from a rejection while constantly being around someone is not easy. If you are willing to lose his friendship, it might be worth it for his own mental health to stop seeing you. You could also try to just gradually hang out with him less so that the break is less difficult for him to bear.

  12. malynn

    October 16, 2015 at 4:28 am

    I met a Sagittarius guy at a huge multiple day camping event. He came with a big group and I noticed him immediately. Should have known he was a Sag as he was so talkative and gregarious with everyone. We hung for a bit together with a few others and then split up later. I liked him so I was flirty with him and he flirted back (picking me up and carrying me, chatting about small things) until the next time I saw him hours later when playfully took his jacket and he chased me to get itback and we ended up talking and kissing a bit. We then went our separate ways for the night. Next morning he was extremely tired but before I left the venue he insisted on walking me back to my car and helping me with my bags before kissing me and saying he wished his phone wasn’t dead so he could get my info. I had paper and a pen so we exchanged numbers and names and he kissed me goodbye. I know he didn’t lose the paper because he added me on Facebook but its been six days and not a word or text and I’m wondering if I should throw in the towel. Also complicating things is that we both belong to the same fight group. One of his friends added me and extended an invitation and I plan on going as soon as I get a weapon. He attends frequently and idk what to do since he has not messaged me but took the time to be nice and kiss me when we parted.

    Idk if he is feeling things out, busy, not interested or what. I know how elusive Sags can be. What would your advice and opinion be? Btw I am a Leo female born August 4th, age 28 and his bday is December 3rd and he is 27. Apparently we have really similar hobbies but idk what to expect and my gut tells me i may have blown it.

    • web admin

      October 16, 2015 at 7:44 pm

      It does not sound like you did anything to blow it. He added you on Facebook, which means that he was at least somewhat interested. Perhaps, you should just text him instead of waiting for him to message you. Just send him a basic text message to see how things are going or what he is up to. If he does not respond or does not seem interested in continuing the conversation, then you can assume that he may not be interested. For the moment though, it seems possible that he could be interested. He kissed you, walked you to your car and added you online. You also have a lot of shared hobbies, which makes it more likely for a relationship to work out. I think that you should just send him a text message to see how things are going before you throw in the towel.

      • Malynn

        October 19, 2015 at 5:25 am

        Thank you for this comment!! I just saw the gentleman in question at fight practice recently and we talked and played some shooting games. He was very polite but waited for me to come out of the restroom before walking me out to my car. No touching or anything this time. It was a very nice evening and I am taking things slowly. May send him a text to let him know I had fun with him. Very useful advice you gave and thanks for responding so quickly!

        • web admin

          October 19, 2015 at 2:05 pm

          You are very welcome! I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck!

  13. ariella

    October 5, 2015 at 3:45 am

    Hi, im seeing 38 sag male and im 36 female aqua. We only caught up twice. At first date very casual drink at the cafe. Second, supposed to be dinner date but ended up meeting his closed family friends on second meeting as they celebrating football games. But, at the end of the night. We went out just the two of us and hit off the city where we can both have drinks and maybe talk. With 6 attempts of looking for a nice place unfortunately some pubs or bars are closed as it approaching midnight. That night ended up went to a club and a drink there and stayed for an hr. He suggested if we could go to his place after and i said yes maybe its a good idea. Anyway, went to his place first time and he made me some coffee and we talked about anything from music to career in his balcony while starring at the stars. Anyway, after that we went inside and show me some of his music collections and we have similar taste of music. Then we sat together and he decided to hold my hands and he decided to make a first move to kiss me and i kinda reciprocated that kiss back. Was magic at the same time feeling so weak everywhere. He said to me to stayed at his place that night and i said its ok i will go home. He said its too late 4am i rather you stay here. So i did. My question is? I know its so early stage and i dont want to ruined this friendship we have and i do hope so that this not just like one night thing. Im hoping he will make an effort to see me again after that night. I have not sort off open up my feelings just yet cause it is too early and we have not talk about other things like in general stuff like when two ppl dating. He asked me the next day if i did enjoyed that night and i said very much and meeting his friends was good. Im a sort of person dont show too much emotions so im hoping is not going to be problem for both of us. I dont text him everyday cause i know we just friends first. But we already shared that first intimacy together. What do i have to do to keep things going and not making it too hard for myself and for him and keeps things natural for us as individual. I kinda like him as we both aliked and have similar things in common.

    • web admin

      October 6, 2015 at 2:55 pm

      I think that you are already doing everything right to keep the relationship going. If he is as interested in you as you are in him (and it seems like he is!), then he will go ahead and ask you on another date. Just be yourself! He is obviously starting to fall for the person that you are, so don’t worry about just being yourself and relaxing a bit. Go on a few more dates, text him every few days and see where things go! It may end up that you are better as friends, but it looks like you could have an excellent relationship starting out right now. Good luck!

  14. Confused Pisces

    September 14, 2015 at 12:33 am

    I agree with everything you said. Thank you so much for your time and advice.

  15. confused Pisces

    September 13, 2015 at 10:07 am

    Hi….I’m a 44 yrs old Pisces woman, who fell in love with a 57 yrs old married sagittarius man. And that is the problem! We used to work together 25 yrs ago. He was my supervisor, and I had a crush on him; but respected his position and kept it to myself. I ended up leaving the company, got married and had 3 children. I’m now divorce. I ran into him a few months ago, and we reconnected. I explained to him that I was recently divorce after 20 yrs of marriage and was enjoying my new found freedom. He said that we can be friends who eat and see a movie together. I said no problem. However, it didn’t stay as friends..because we shared intimacy, just no intercourse. I fell in love with him; his charm and tenderness just made me want him more. The problem is; he’s married and I started hesitating about going forward with a relationship with him. But then I changed my mind and decided that I don’t mind being in a discreet relationship with him, being that I need time to be by myself right now anyway. Now he said that I’m indecisive and unpredictable and I scare him. He said that it’s best that we move on because he know how much he’s willing to put into me and I’m becoming unpredictable! I said to him that I’m sorry that he felt this way and now he can truely say that I’m indecisive because I’m beginning to ask myself why did I felt for him and he doesn’t deserve me feeling this way about him! I told this to him using WhatsApp messenger. He read it and immediately blocked me and we haven’t commuicated sinc. I miss him and want him back in my life. Please advice me and what to do. Should I give up or should I call him?

    • web admin

      September 13, 2015 at 6:32 pm

      Hmm…it sounds like he should be the one to throw accusations at, not you. It sounds pretty understandable that you were hesitant to get into a relationship with a married man–seriously, I think anyone should be able to understand that. The fact that you did means that you must really like him. As for him, he carried on a relationship outside of his marriage after he said that he was only interested in friendship and then accused you of being the unpredictable, scary one. Personally, I would probably just give up. The accusations against you are unfair, and he is married–you will never have a chance of being with him unless he goes through the horrible, long experience of a divorce. And as long as you are with him, you won’t get to enjoy time being by yourself or just playing the dating game. After getting out of 20 years of marriage, you deserve time to be yourself, have fun and date around without someone telling you that you are “unpredictable”. You can try to get him back, but I think that it would be best to just forget about him.

  16. Brianna

    September 10, 2015 at 6:11 am

    I’m a Taurus and I’ve been involved with a Sag for almost a year now (speaking of when things actually “took off”). Although, at the beginning he did “seem” to be “interested” because I would hear lfrom him a lot and we hung out a lot. But you know, almost a year later I don’t hear from him as much and I have told him that I care so much for him but I do hate that he essentially isn’t there and so I always threatened (like a million times, it was a lot) that I was done and I’m not talking to him again. Well.. I still see him. He still helps me with things I need done, or takes me where I need to go. And there’s been this pattern of where he will act like an a-hole and I’ll get mad and react, then after a week he’ll suck me right back in by being sweet and cunning. I mean he has talked and hung out with my roommates, and vice versa, everybody knows there’s a “thing” going on between us.. so we’re not hiding anything. But at the same time he does say he’s not going to be in a relationship in college? But I strongly feel he’s keeping me on a leash and isn’t letting me go just incase (he graduates this year and he’s said he’s hanging around for a few years so, maybe huh?). But I don’t know, most forums says Sagittarius and Taurus are NOT compatible at all, but I’ve literally experienced everything listed here. He’s literally everything I’ve ever hoped to find in a guy. He’s sarcastic, but he’s sweet. He’s slightly geeky, but he’s a bad boy. You can tell he cares, but there are some times where you can’t tell at all (which I’m not too thrilled about, but ya know). We share a ton of memories and a ton of laughs. I love the guy, but it’s hard to tell coming from the other side. #plottwist

    • web admin

      September 11, 2015 at 4:27 pm

      Although the forums say that you guys are not compatible, individuals do not always match up with their horoscopes. Especially in cases where both partners are good at communicating their thoughts and feelings, a relationship between just about any astrological match can work out. As for your current Sagittarius, I am not entirely sure what the best course of action would be. He could legitimately be against dating in college so that he can focus on school and developing a good resume. If so, it would make sense for him to casually date you and not make it official–he can’t help liking you, but his rules mean that he needs to wait until he has graduated. Since he has been with you more or less for a year, I would go ahead and be optimistic that this interpretation is the right one. As long as you are not interested in being with anyone else and it is not bothering you too much, you may as well wait it out and see if things change after he graduates. Meanwhile, try to encourage your communication between each other to become more open–it will stress you out much less if you actually know what he is thinking or where he is coming from. Good luck, Brianna!

  17. Vivian

    September 4, 2015 at 8:17 pm

    Thanks Admin for the advice. Your words really enlighten me since people in some Sagittarius forums told me i will end up broken heart with a young Sag. However, i did break up with him before i could see your answer here which took couple days. Let me tell u a lil more detail. My mind told me that i should end things with him since i feel like his friends are always ahead of me. He would hang out with his close friends first then come to me later when i said i turn on and want him. Eventhough in 2 months dating, we didnt hang out everyday (just 5 times for eating and movies, we also had some little time to smoke and kiss in the car at lunch time cuz we work at the same compay) but he always the one texted me first and almost everyday even when he was with friends, there 1 time kinda complained why didnt i text him first. He also told me and share all his problems in life to me and said that talking to me make he feel happier. He actually didnt asked me for sex and i was the one who tried to get more conversation with him since we just met so i guess he is the shy Sag type. Then i made the 1st move by flirting him by body language( sit closer to him, look into his eyes) and i initiated said i wanna have sex with him. After 1st sex, I decided to break up with him said that”can we still be friend” (cuz feeling insecure but i didnt tell him the reason). He said yes but i could see a sadness in his eyes when i look at him. Then some days later he texted me said he drinking with his friends and he just think about me. I just said” thank u for that” and ignore the text. But that word of him really turn me on and made me wanna get back. Then i really showed my sensual side in me to him day after (send my sexy pictures and dirty talk) he really excited about me, said that” didnt know my girl is freaky like that, hope im the only one to see this show”. Then he willing to see me 2 or 3 times a week (but still after being with his friends) we always had great outdoor sex, really hot and steamy ( i miss that feeling so bad) then he said” i dont think we could be friend, we are more than friend”. So i dont know if he just come to me for sex ( i dont mind if sex is the only way can make him more fall in love with me) or he wanna have a relationship with me and inside him consider me as his gf (eventhough he never named it to me). Sagittarius guys on other forum said he just wanna have sex with me and this made me down) . I know Sag wanna have freedom so i just let him do anything he want, never blame him or try to control or being clingy. He also cared about when he knows that my ex wanna come back to me and asked me what my answer. About 5days ago,i teased him again by sending my lingery picture when he hang out with his sisters n brothers. But i guess he lost signal so i couldnt see it when he’s home later. He texted me said he” just got home, you r so sexy”. I read but didnt reply cuz during the day i read the Sagittarius forum comment about my relationship i feel down so i decided to break up again and didnt replied his text. He kepts silent till 2 days later when we encounter at work, he looks really happy to see me, said”hey”, then i just smiled and walk away(my heart was beating) he turned back look at me and maybe wondering about my attitude. After working, he texted me ask me if i was mad. I said”im not mad, i just dont feel like we have any connection eventhough we were really hot and steamy when we r together. And this kind of relationship is get me bored and turn me off. Maybe when you r at my age u will understand what im saying. I love party, i love sex and wild stuffs. I love living the life but it has to be meaningful. Im sure we can be really good friend together. What we had together is always the good memories to me. If u need someone to talk,to share things, im
    Always here”. Admin, what i was trying to tell him about the connection is that i want him spend more time to me like just take me out for dinner or movie once a week is enough for me.but idk if he understand or he just focus on the words that i turned off and get bored. Cuz after that, he replied” Its ok, thats fine to me. Thats how your feeling. Im cool with it lol” .that words kinda got me sad, cuz i hoped he said something to keep me back. Then i just reminded him to get me the ticket that our company give out for employees everyear and he promised will give it to me. I saw he read it but he ignored that text( why? is he mad or sad when I break up?). Day after, I texted him remind again the ticket. He said”yeah, i’ll get it to u” i asked” hows work” he said ” boring n slow”. Thats it. He hasn’t given me the ticket yet and i didnt see him around too. I think ill be ok for me to forget him. But then I realized its kinda hard since we work same company different department so we could see each other anytime. It would be easier for me if i dont see him. Do u think he still like me or he completely forget me already?Should i text him again to ask about the ticket to get a chance to see him again? I really miss our chemistry. Or should i try to show my feeling one time by saying “i miss you” to him? Or should i just let it go? Admin, Sorry for my long post and my bad English. Im looking forward to your answer day by day. Thanks alot.

    • web admin

      September 4, 2015 at 10:49 pm

      I think that he has not forgotten about how he felt about you yet. Unfortunately, I think that it would be extremely difficult to have a relationship now. You have already broken up with him two or three times, and you haven’t even officially dated yet. In the future, don’t spend so much time on the forums and just go with your guy feelings. Astrologically signs do not always match every person or every situation, and you may have missed out on a really great connection because you focused too much on what other Sags think. You can go ahead and try to fix things–hopefully, it is not too late for you to just express how you feel and have him accept you again. At some point, you may also want to explain that you read the forums for advice, and that is why you broke up with him. Good luck!

  18. Vivian

    September 1, 2015 at 8:40 pm

    Hi, I posted a question here but how come it disappeared the day after.

    • web admin

      September 2, 2015 at 11:02 pm

      Sometimes, it takes a bit for me to get to all of the comments that are posted. The comment normally appears on your screen after you post it, but is not actually “up” until I manage to get through and approve of all the comments. Read through my response to your original comment and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for commenting, Vivian!

  19. Vivian

    September 1, 2015 at 2:27 am

    Should i dump a Sag before he dump me to protect my feeling? I did look up a lot about this sign. We been dating for 2 months only. People said its not gonna work for us cuz im a Cap 30 years and he is Sag 22 years old. The chemistry is really good. Since all the websites said that he would dump me after 3 or 4 months cuz a young Sag will wanna try many other girls. I like him but maybe i should let him go before im in love with him. Right?

    • web admin

      September 2, 2015 at 4:03 am

      No, I don’t think that is accurate. People are not always exact matches for their signs. Although he may be interested in breaking up because he is young and could want to date around, there is also an excellent chance that he really likes to be with you–as you said, you guys have excellent chemistry together. Due to this, the relationship could work out. Unless you actually want to end things, I would keep the relationship going. There is always a chance of breaking up with someone that you are dating–actually, most relationships unless it is a marriage (and even then, a break up is possible) end in a break up. You just have to be willing to take a risk and go through with things even though you know that it could end. Relationships are an expression of optimism, love and hope. For them to work out, both partners have to be willing to take the risk that things could end up falling apart.

  20. CrazyLibra

    August 31, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    I am a libra and I told my best friend (sag) of many years that I’ve been in love with him for a long time in a moment of weakness. Things were great, we started connecting on a different level we’ve never been to before and then suddenly, he said we were good but he needed space. Ive gone from seeing him every single day for over two years to literally nothing. I try to give him space and not blow up his phone but the few times I’ve tried to make contact he completely ignores me or when he responds he is rude and then won’t talk to me anymore.
    I’m confused how it went from flirty and interested in each other to suddenly nothing. He completely cold turkied everything between us and I’m left feeling lost and wondering what I did wrong! Please, any advice would be appreciated. I miss him so so much :(

    • web admin

      September 2, 2015 at 3:11 am

      He may have gotten cold feet or he could have found someone else. If you guys are not officially together, it would be fair to assume that he could have dated someone else during this time. I do not think that you did anything wrong–especially if you were friends beforehand because you would have known him well enough to know what was okay. He also could have just realized that you guys were just not right for each other (at least, not right for what he wanted) and had no clue how to even tell you. No matter what the reason is, right now the only thing that you can do is wait and hope that he ends up talking to you eventually. In the meantime, there is nothing wrong with you dating around or having some fun on your own.

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