Scorpio Man in Love
Always determined to succeed, presenting an unemotional and detached personality while having an underlying need for love and fulfillment, and an eager and mysterious attitude that can’t be ignored, it’s no wonder why Scorpio is such a fascinating sign. They are undoubtedly one of the most loyal and determined signs of the bunch and won’t hesitate to ask questions, yet many perceive a Scorpio to be disinterested and bored. However, Scorpios are notably the most passionate and intense people, with a constant need for involvement and success.
The Type of Woman a Scorpio Needs
A Scorpio isn’t swayed by a pretty face, nor is he attracted to a fake woman. A Scorpio man is on the lookout for a breathtakingly gorgeous woman who is fierce and confident, preferably with a stable career and a respectable personality. He seeks a true lady with a bright attitude and a sheer confidence that can draw attention even in the largest crowds. However, Scorpio also needs a woman who is adventurous and able to put up with somewhat possessive and intense relationship. He does not and will not put up with a woman who tries to play games.
Scorpio in a Relationship
It’s commonly said that a Scorpio man will be quick to jump into bed with a pretty woman, but he has to be really intrigued to enter in a relationship with a lady. She has to be extremely special and over the top to grab his attention for something other than a one night stand. And once he finds this extraordinary woman, he leeches on to her like bees on honey. He’ll do anything for his woman, yet may still give her the cold shoulder when it comes to emotions. You see, Scorpio men try to put on an act of being rugged and tough, not showing any form of love or interest. Yet deep down they are extremely emotional and attached to their lady of choice. In fact, they can be so possessive and intense that some ladies take it as being controlling. That’s just the Scorpio way, though- he doesn’t want to play games and he surely doesn’t want to lose his prized possession- which of course is his lovely lady.
A Scorpio man isn’t afraid to take on the challenge of a confident and classy woman, and doesn’t care if she makes more money or has a bigger house. In fact, he loves a woman that can take care of herself and doesn’t need stabilization from a man. This is what many woman find attractive in a Scorpio, especially the women who are highly successful and need a man who won’t be jealous (at least over financial matters). Women are also attracted to the fact that a Scorpio man is able to talk about real issues and deep problems without being offended or angry. In a Scorpio man’s mind, he would rather talk through a problem calmly rather than getting angry or bothered with each other.
To put it plainly, a Scorpio man is in it for the long haul. When he finds a gal he’s seriously interested in, he will do anything to keep her and treasures her like diamond or gold.
Scorpio in the Bedroom
Scorpios can be very persuasive and mysterious. They love to put on an act, presenting an unemotional exterior yet on the inside having a somewhat needy and passionate attitude. Their seductive nature and mystery is what draws many women to the Scorpio man, and what he presents in the bedroom only ignites their lust for him further.
That being said, if you’re looking for safety and security, then you probably shouldn’t jump into bed with a Scorpio. Scorpios have very wild sex lives and a just-as-crazy sex drive that keeps them extremely active. They are willing to do just about anything in the bedroom- even if it’s only one time, just to say they’ve tried it. They don’t like a hum and drum experience and require a sexually adventurous woman that is able to keep up with his crazy sexual antics. That doesn’t mean they aren’t passionate or loving, but the Scorpio wants to please his lady with many different forms.
Needless to say, if you pursue a night with a Scorpio, you can expect a wild and adventurous time unlike anything you have experienced before. Just remember to keep an open mind and a positive attitude and you’ll experience plenty of pleasure.
Negative Side of a Scorpio Man
It can’t all be roses and daisies, right? And just like anyone else, the Scorpio has his flaws. One of the biggest flaws that any Scorpio dater can tell you is they can be a bit controlling. A Scorpio man will get jealous fast and likes his woman to be loyal to him at all times. He’s not necessarily trying to be controlling, he’s really just passionate about his lady and wants her all to himself. This selfish nature can be tamed and some women even enjoy the Scorpios intense relationship.
Another one of the biggest flaws commonly seen with Scorpio men is their mood swings. They can be fiery and passionate one second, detached and uninterested the next. This is simply because the Scorpio hates to show his sensitive side, deeming it weak, although inside they are really mushy and romantic. If you can stick by a Scorpio man through his mood swings, however, you are guaranteed to witness his sensitive and loving side- which has said to be beyond any other type of love you could get in another relationship.
Scorpio and Pisces: the two of you will share a deep emotional connection that makes for a very loving and fun relationship. You won’t connect with another sign as easily as you do with Pisces.
Scorpio and Scorpio: this makes for an extremely intense and romantic relationship. With the two of you both sharing possessive and controlling qualities, the two of you are likely to be glued to each other which can easily lead to marriage.
Scorpio and Taurus: the two of you will connect on a romantic level quickly. If you can find other levels and interests to connect with, the relationship will undoubtedly be extremely strong and long term.
Scorpio and Cancer: this match is less likely to work, but is still possible. The two of you both love an intense relationship and strong bond, however the two vary greatly when it comes to handling situations. This could end up ruining the once strong bond the two of you shared.
The Scorpio Man in a Nutshell
He is a passionate, driven man who doesn’t like to show his sensitive side to the public. He’s desperate to find a confident, successful woman to one day have as his trophy wife. He needs stability and passion, and isn’t afraid to try new things- especially in the bedroom. His mysterious nature and seductive ways makes him easy to get along with, yet he only holds true feelings for few. If you can put up with his controlling nature and mood swings, the Scorpio man will treat you like a princess and make you feel like the greatest woman in the world.
August 2, 2015 at 10:01 pm
Hi, I’m 25 and my Scorpio man is 37, we’re not dating but exclusively talking to each other. Things started out amazing, cute and romantic but after we made love he hardly talks to me or makes plans to see me. When we are together he’s admitted that he likes me then continues on this streak where he hardly talks to me. (Before the sex we talked every day) I’m wondering why after everything went so well is he acting like he’s not interested? When we are together things are great!
web admin
August 3, 2015 at 1:49 am
That is extremely interesting. The first part of his behavior matches up with a Scorpio well because they can be intense to the point of possessiveness. I am not sure what is going on now–perhaps he has decided that he would rather be friends or friends with benefits? And did not want to say it? There is also a chance that he could just be busy or worried about something at work/in his life, and it has taken his attention away for the moment. When you are together next time, you could always ask him how he has doing and mention that he talks less now than he used to–just make sure to say it in a way that does not make him defensive or angry because it could end up stopping the conversation before it starts. Good luck, Rach!
July 29, 2015 at 2:45 pm
I have been friends with a Scorpio male for over a couple years. We dated before and he kept telling me he had nothing to offer, so I walked away thinking he was pushing me away. Years passed by and he contacted me again and we met up. It was a little weird as he was a little stand offish, and even mentioned how girls are horrible. So immediately I assumed that since we last spoke he had been in some really bad relationships. He confirmed it. He also confirmed that I had never done him wrong. Things where great and started heating up, until an ex reemerged and started wrecking havoc on his life. So he disappeared. I immediately text and asked did he want to end whatever this was we had, and he stated no, he just needed time to himself. things started heating up again slowly, but he still every so often mentioned that he had nothing to offer, even told me to ask about a relationship again when he gets a better job. Fast forward almost two years, things are still the same, I have asked him where this is going and he consistently says I don’t know. He has had a few jealous bouts where he doesn’t like anyone looking at me, or talking to me (we went to dinner and a guy tapped me to ask a question, and he didn’t talk to me for about 30 mins, then finally said was he hitting on you?) He is a great guy, and I have asked for clarity, but I Don’t know is not clear enough for me. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and I hope he is not being indecisive to spare my feelings, because I’m a grown woman and have learned to just roll with the punches. I own my own home and businesses, and have 2 children. I’m a cancer with a lot of Leo tendencies.
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July 30, 2015 at 1:20 am
Have you tried explaining all of this to him calmly? It seems perfectly reasonable to ask where this is going, and to tell him that you do not care if he lacks the money or needs a better job–you just want to be with him if he is willing to be with you. You have already waited for two years for him to decide to make things serious, so I think that it is totally fair to have a conversation with him. You do not want to wait around forever, and it is unfair for him to expect exclusivity (well, assuming from his jealousy at any rate) when he is not prepared to even say that you guys are boyfriend/girlfriend. Talk to him calmly without making him defensive and explain that any answer is right, you just need to know what he wants and where this is going. If he is still unable to say anything, then you may want to just tell him what you want and set a date that you want to have it by so that he has a bit of time to prepare himself.
July 30, 2015 at 1:06 pm
Actually,I had asked him for clarity, and he said I don’t know. I told him that I needed to know so that I could figure out what I wanted to do. He waited until after I wrote this to respond back. He asked why did I mean by figure out what I wanted to do. I told him that depending on his answer I would know if I need to open myself up to dating other people. I have been exclusive to him every since he had one of his jealous outbursts.I want a relationship and something with the possibility of becoming more. He told me that he like things the way the are but he wants us to start spending more time together, he also said that I should open myself up to dating others. He then went on to say what I already knew and that was he was becoming stable, and that I was already stable and maybe I needed someone on my level. I told him that people are not always what they appear to be, I am constantly learning who I am and growing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually , and need and yearn for someone to grow with me. I also told him I’m glad we can remain friends. But the fact of the matter is I believe the last part may have hurt him a little, and I can not spend more time with him and date other people. I hate that he talks in circles to see what my response will be sometimes, instead saying exactly what he means.
Unsure pisces
July 25, 2015 at 9:59 pm
Im open to see how far it can go….I would love the fairytale type ending of true love, commitment, and forever after….but I know that I don’t usually get what I want….ever….so it’s just a matter of time and showing me rather than telling me….I’m a true pisces and I can be wishy washy also and I can be a little too trusting but due to experience in trusting the wrong people I’ve learned to be very cautious no matter how I may feel….so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how it all turns out but one false move and I’m out never to be seen again…I tend to always be the one that picks the short stick when it comes to love and relationships…no luck…but he is supposed to get out this time next year.
web admin
July 27, 2015 at 8:06 pm
I hope that everything works out for you. Let me know how it all turns out!
Unsure pisces
July 25, 2015 at 1:19 am
I have looked him up and it’s burglary of a residential….he claims that his teenage daughter at the time had a fight with another teenager who was a boy the father got involved and shoved his daughter….well she of course told him about what happened and he said he went to their home and kicked down the door beat up the dad and the boys dad ended up in the hospital for the injuries and he was arrested and charged with assault and burglary….but I’m not to sure about his version because when I looked it up it doesn’t mention a charge of assault only the burglary….but he says he is not sure why but that he thought they gave him both, his sentence is 25 yrs and he has been locked up for the past ten….I don’t plan on him living with me when he gets out….I’ve expressed to him that i need time to get to know him in person before it gets that serious…talking on the phone is one thing but being aound someone and speeding time with that person is different
web admin
July 25, 2015 at 3:08 am
Twenty-five years seems like such a long time for burglary. At any rate, it sounds like you are being really smart about it. When do you think that he will actually get out? Will it actually be 25 years? What is your ultimate goal out of this relationship? Do you want it to ultimately become something committed? Or to be with him long-term?
Unsure pisces
July 24, 2015 at 11:31 pm
I’m a 36 yr pisces female and I’ve been talking to a 42 yr old scropio man long distance for a little over a year now….thing about this union is 1: we have never met in person 2: he has been incarcerated for past 10-11 years now….we met online and exchange d numbers and yes he had a cell phone in prison…but it started off causual a few days of talking he started getting a little more serious I think that he was looking for someone he could parole to….but over time we got along so good and could talk on the phone nonstop we seemed to just “click”….and at first he was talking about marriage and moving with me but I wasnt too comfortable with that idea at all and I let him know this, because I do know that guys reach out from prison to women seeking to start relationships so that they will have something established when they get out….so that was a no go for me….now it’s been a year and we are still talking, over time he has seemed more genuine about his feelings for me but I’m still not a 100% sure…he says he loves me and constantly wants reassure of my love for him…so I guess I said all this to say how can I truly tell if he loves me or just going through the motions and instead have alterior motives
web admin
July 25, 2015 at 12:52 am
There is no way to know if he really loves you or just has ulterior motives. You may be able to get a better gauge of his feelings by going to see him in person. Even though he is far away and it can be expensive to go that far, it is probably a good idea–otherwise, you could end up meeting him for the first time when he shows up at your doorstep. You can arrange to go to the prison by checking their site–there is probably a background check and some paperwork involved. I would strongly advise doing this before you make plans for getting married or for having him live with you. As a side note, I was curious–what is he in prison for? 10-12 years is a long time for a less serious crime. Have you tried looking him up online to get the full story of why he is in prison? Or looking through your county’s warrant records online?
July 24, 2015 at 9:29 pm
I’m a Libra and my crush is a Scorpio. He’s too intense especially when he looks at me. He knew that I liked him, he actually chatted me up when he knew about my feelings for him. So, I told him that I do like him and days after that, I’ve heard from our mutual friend that my Scorpio guy asked him about me and he actually told him that he also likes me and wants to get to know me more. But after that, he didn’t chat me up or whatever. He just keeps looking at me like he’s mesmerized.
web admin
July 24, 2015 at 10:22 pm
He may just be afraid to talk to you. Even if he knows that you like him, it can be hard to make the first move. As you probably know, talking to a crush can be extremely intimidating. Right now, you know that a) he looks at you a lot, b) he continued to talk to you after finding out that you like him and c) he asked someone else about you and said that he wants to get to know you better. Perhaps you could move things along by asking him to hang out with you together. He may be serious about just wanting to take things slow and get to know you, so just start by asking him to hang out. If that goes well, you could ask him on an official date–or by that point, he might ask you!
July 19, 2015 at 11:28 pm
I’m a Gemini woman and date a Scorpio man. We’ve been together for 3 years. Now I’ve been through his mood swings a couple of times. When he comes back I’ll talk to him like normal. So this last time I felt a certain way about something he did and didn’t talk about it right then because I need some time to process what has happened and don’t want to say the wrong thing. So when I texted him an hour later he was pissed because I didn’t talk to him then so now he’s pissed and told me that messed up his day and I haven’t talk to him since. It’s been 3 days and I’ve texted him but he has not replied. It’s a long distance relationship and I’m suppose to go visit him next week. My question is should I still go I’m not sure.
web admin
July 20, 2015 at 8:12 pm
You should text him that. Say that “I know that you are not talking to me, but I need to know if I will still be coming next week. I would like to, but I need to know if you want me to come still.” If he does not respond to that text, then you can assume that you should not go. As for your relationship problems, I am not entirely sure what you can do. Wanting to hold off on texting to avoid saying something you’d regret seems like an extremely smart thing to do. If you have already explained that to him, then I have no clue why he is so angry with you. It seems unfair for him to be so moody and upset all the time when you are expected to always be rational and available. If he does say that he wants you to come, do you still want to go and see him?
Confused Taurus
July 19, 2015 at 11:28 am
I cames accross my cutie scorpio on an online dating site, we exchanged numbers and talked to each other for a month non stop.. Now we spoke about everything you can think of. He has three teens and I have an infant now with that said he did mention how he has had issues dating before becaise women don’t understand that he’s children are number one to him and that whoever his dating would be number 4 on his life. I completely agree btw… Now he mention that he woul be in vaca for a week and tht he would be with his kids, I said great!!!!! No biggie right. Well a few nights (Saturday)he textes and says I want to see you I can’t wait any longer, now we had made plans to go out that Sunday but he said he just wanted to give me a hug and actually see me, I hesitated but I wanted to see him so bad as well so I agreed. He came he was nice and sweet things got hot and Heavy and we ended up sleeping together now I’m very religious and I’ve never slept with anyone this quick but with him it felt right I felt so comfortable, well
Sunday came and he texted me canceling our date because his son sprained his ankle, I was suspicious thinking he might just not be interested anymore becaise of what happened the night before but them he also texted me a pic of his son with the crutches. Well Monday came I texted him
Saying hello
He replied pretty late but as normal as always, later that night he textes me again saying sorry ill
Be busy for the next few days “I won’t be picking up calls nor text, I’ll talk to you when I get a chance!” I relied saying if he didn’t want me to call
Or text he can be honest. He replied saying “that he’s very careful when he’s daughter is around” haven’t heard from him this whole week so I was dossapointed in myself becaise I felt a connection with this guy, now of course I goolgled him and saw that he is actually on a road trip with his kids so now I have no clue on what to do!!!!! Do I wait for him to text? Do I just ignore him? Or should i just forget about him completely?! I really like this guy and the sex was unbelievable!!!!! Help?!
web admin
July 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm
I would go ahead and just wait to see what happens. It could have just been an accident in timing that caused him to skip out now. And if it was not just bad timing, texting him or calling him a lot will not help–especially if you text them things like he could have just been honest. At the moment, your best response is to act like normal and respond to his texts like normal. There is always a chance that he met you and realized that it was not a match, but you will never be able to find out unless you are able to play things calmly and coolly.
July 15, 2015 at 9:19 pm
I am an Aquarius and have worked with a Scorpio man for 2 1/2 to 3 years now, possibly 4 year. I had heard what he was supposed to be like from the previous location that he worked at before he was transfered to our location. I have always been the cautious type so after hearing that he is supposed to be a lady’s man and hitting and following the ladies around I had my guard up; he too was cautious around me. I never knew that he watched me or followed me around until September 2013; my co-workers where teasing me about something that had happened to me and had me laughing. He was leaning against the wall and then also started teasing me too and then just stared at me. I felt like the wind was knocked out me of and we just stared at each other.
After that we would cut-up and laugh alot, and when there were other workers around he always made eye contact with me and held it, even when he was talking to them. I will say the stare was pretty intense and it did make me nervous, at one time our supervisor just looked from him then too me and that was when I broke the contact and looked at her. Another time when he came in evening from working, I met him at the back of his truck and needed to ask him something he just looked at me and we just stared at each other for awhile and then I asked him the question I needed to ask.
After that, he did start to follow me or sat where he could watch me where I was going, if I had to bend down to pickup a pkg, see how I was interacting with my other co-workers and see how I treat our customers. I know I am a mother hen at times and try to help everyone out if asked to.
I know on Christmas Eve of 2013 he came in with bad cracks on his hand and I told him to go and wash his hands with soap and warm water and I put ointment on it and band-aids on. I was so nervous when I did this my hands where shaking and I know my face was very red, as was his. He thanked me and each time he came around me that evening he blushed, I tried to act cool but I don’t know if I succeed. He hung around the office for awhile and kinda felt like he wanted to give me a hug like all the other guys did, but didn’t. I think he could have been thinking about, because he again blushed and then said Merry Christmas and left.
I know one other worker noticed him watching me and asked him what he was looking at and he walked outside to get away for a few minutes. Now at times he is distance and act like I don’t even exist even when we are alone. I know I get shy and nervous around him too because I have a hard time reading him.
When I have to call him regarding work, sometimes his voice is like a soft gentle caress and he calls me his knick-name, which he has called me for two years now. He used to call me that in person, but lately he only says it sometimes on the phone. Which he has done the past two nights. I don’t understand why he has changed. I am not brave enought to ask him, nervous what his comment could be – :). I do know that he seems to be a sweet guy, I had two deaths in the family back in June and he said that if I needed to talk to anyone at anytime that he would be there for me, I thanked him. I was touched by his sweet and kind gesture, I have never been told that before by a co-worker in the way that he said it.
Last Thursday night he was talking and laughing with our co-workers and before he left, walked towards me to answer a question that I had asked him earlier. His posture, his walk and the look in his eyes where so intense and again I just stared at him and felt the wind was knocked out of me. He seemed like he made himself taller somehow and the look in his eyes when he looked at me where so intense, thankfully his back was to our co-worker because no telling what they would have said.
The thing is he hasn’t asked me out yet, but I do know that he is divorce, has children, the youngest will be a senior this year. He also had said that after his divorce he had two relationships that ended terribly. If he does ask me out, I am not sure if we can date if it is against company policy.
The way he acts at times is so confusing, he acts like he can’t wait to get away from me. It makes me feel like I did something wrong and I don’t know what so I can’t fix it. But about a year or so ago he said that he could never get mad at me.
Could he just be leading me on so eventually he could just sleep with me, or just want to be friends or is just teasing me in his own way to see how I will react? I don’t even know how to act around him at times because he gets so quite and is setting there messing with his phone. Which again makes me nervous because he doesn’t always talk to me when others around, I don’t understand why.
Also, he gave me a look of such tenderness on April 17th, I just looked at him didn’t do or say anything because our supervisor was sitting there working on the computer and didn’t see the look.
I feel like I am not your typically wild Aquarius that likes to party all of the time, at work I laugh and talk alot, but when I get off of work, I am more of a loner, if that makes sense, I don’t know if it is because I work two jobs a day. But, I remembering not caring to go to parties even in high school and when I did I felt out of place. Helping someone out and feeling useful I like doing but not parting. Do I sound like a typical Aquarius, I have read up on this sign and I have alot of the qualities but not the parting part.
Can you please help and give me some advise in regards to this matter. I do care for him, but don’t want to be lead on and get my heart broken. I don’t even know if it would work out for us in regards to our zodiac signs.
web admin
July 16, 2015 at 1:39 am
Individual people can be compatible, even though their signs are not. Keep in mind always that the astrological signs are just a rule of thumb–they do not always fit every relationship. As for his behavior, it seems like he likes you. A lot of people find it easier to talk and flirt with someone that they do not care about. His shyness, gazes and tenderness all seem to indicate that he likes you a lot. He may be as worried about getting a rejection or having an office relationship as you are–plus, he may be worried that you will have a problem with dating a guy with kids. I think that you would probably get a yes if you asked him out. If he said no, it would only be because of his divorce or the fact that you work together. Feelings wise, I think he is more than ready to date you. Also, I would not necessarily worry about him being a ladies’ man. Many guys who are flirtatious settle down when they find the right person.
July 15, 2015 at 7:17 am
Yes that’s true. But after we reconciled, we never talked about the situation. There was no closure or clarity. It’s almost like he had forgotten how mean he was to me. I really want to talk about it but hes so up and down that I’m afraid I’ll upset him and then he’ll disappear again. He does so many thoughtful things for me but I’m just still confused from time to time. He has me going in circles…. Oh round and round I go! Lol
web admin
July 15, 2015 at 8:03 pm
Sometimes, you just need to drop an argument. Seeking clarity or closure is great, but bringing up the past will most likely just cause an argument and bring up hurt feelings. If you are happy where you are in the relationship now, then just enjoy it! He seems to like you, and you guys are back together. Do cute things for him, send him flirty text messages (we have a few articles on texts if you need some help) and generalyl do things that show that you are as interested as he is. Good luck, Pacari!
July 14, 2015 at 2:34 am
I met a scorpio man from an online dating site. He’s 44 and I’m 39. I slept with him the very first time that we dated. I know I shouldn’t be doing that after all the bad experiences that I’ve been through – but at that time I was actually decided to do it because I think there will never be a chance that we can meet again. I know that online dating should not be taken seriously because in my country most foreign men do that to hook up with the locals. But that’s not what happened because as we were talking I was really impressed with him and there’s this certain aura that he has that tickled my interest. He was very gentleman, informative and really showed some interest on the things that I said about myself. He was very attentive and I guess being a Gemini – communication is very important for me. When he dropped me to my place, he continued to text me prompting me to agree to meet that same night. Sex was so good – it was the best that i ever experienced. I was ready for the consequences the next day. True enough I never heard from him. After 11 days I couldn’t contain myself and texted him about something just to start a conversation. I was so surprised that after just 1 minute he replied to me. The text exchanges were very general and I was the one who ended it. Never heard from him again for few days then I got sms simply telling me about his flight that he’s coming back to the city where I live. He invited me to meet up but respectfully denied since I was sick but told him that I will let him know when I’m feeling better. I got so excited about the invitation so the next night I told him that I’m free. We met in a very exclusive bar – very quiet, dark and intimate. We talked for hours. Hebtold me about his schedule for the next couple of weeks. He explained somehow the things that he did after we parted the morning after we had sex. He was partly opening up a bit about himself which i got surprised since i never asked him some of the stuffs that i did in all of my previous dates such as “what happened to you?”, “never heard from you for a while”, “why you didnt text or call me”, etc. He also asked me why I deleted my account on that dating site – I reminded him that my plan was to take out my profile after 15 days of membership be it successful or not. While we were talking he mentioned in passing what’s my plan for the night and I just said that I just want to drink – which I think I scored high (?). I was actually feeling good about myself because I was able to control my urge to sleep with him that night though I still have cough so I also don’t want to embarrass myself. The next few days he was the one who would always text me first and update me of the things that he’s been doing at work. Sms stopped for 2 -3 days then I got another message that he’s back and asked me if we can meet. Back then I was having some difficulty for a decision that I have to make regarding my work so I declined but I told him that I will let him know when I’m free and ready. He even offered to help me with my decisions saying that he’s a good advisor and that he can even help me plan on how to solve whatever ‘ s bothering me. I must admit that the offer was quite tempting and I cannot discount the fact that I’m beginning to like him in spite of what I had promised myself not to get involved with him. So the next morning I asked him if he can be my sounding board since by profession this guy is a consultant and he’s good in what he did. To make the story short, we had sex again that night. After the sex that’s when I discussed the project that was bothering me. He was really good in giving advise. I also think that I was able to show the other part of me and I was able to impress him as a business woman, how strong and independent I am. The next morning we talked again during breakfast. We was very adamant that I should push for this project that I’m doing. After I left him I got several messages that implied he was still thinking about my pet project, sending me links of informations. This only shows that he was sticking with his promise of helping me. After a few days, he got silent. Never heard from him – I didn’t mind at that time because something bad also happened to me BIG TIME! After 7 days I got a message from him asking about the status of my project. He even said that he knows some people who can help me fund my project. He made some comments about my presentation, etc. While we were talking about this he was also on his way tot he airport for another work trip. He promised to take another look on my revised presentation. He specifically said the exact time he can get back to me. When that time passed, he texted me that he was busy and would take a look that night. I told him not to worry as I know he’s busy and will be preoccupied. That was the last time I heard of him. It’s been 7 days since the last time I heard of him.
On my part, I never waited for him and continue working on my project. I always considered his help as just an excuse so we can meet. I also don’t want to depend on him. BUT this is the time when I started to get paranoid. I Googled him and I was soooo surprised of the things I found out – everything he said to me about him was true! He never sugarcoat it.
I also checked him on the dating site from time to time. I found a way to check him even if I’m not a member, I didn’t make a fake account but since I know his username I know when his online . I feel bad about it though I know that we were just dating. He’s not online all the time but now that he’s away I saw that he even edited his profile showing where was his exact location.
And from that dating site that’s also when I realized that he’s a scorpio! (Though he mentioned his birthday the first time we met). I read a lot about scorpio man and most of it described this person that I’m starting to like – gazing eyes, intuitive, asking interesting questions about me, very secretive, observant not just about me but the people around us and remember the exclusive bar we went in – he got a reservation for less than 5 minutes! I had goose bumps that the description was so precise.
Now this is where my big problem comes in. It says that you really have to be very honest with a scorpio man. Something bad happened to me and I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do – telling him about it. Personally, my plan was just to disappear and not to contact him ever. Fortunately, since he’s not initiating the contact I figured it’s the best way to end it. But what if he already found out about what happened to me and that’s the reason why he stopped contacting me? It says that scorpio has ways on finding out things. What if he felt I betrayed him by not being honest with him? (Though I can explain that he was not here with me so there’s no way I can tell it to him. Plus, I don’t even know if it’s the right thing to do since our status is still unlabelled. )
To add to that, what if he’s just busy and preoccupied that’s why he doesn’t have time to contact me. What if he initiated another contact will I tell him about what happened? In hindsight I also don’t want him to be associated with me because it might affect his reputation in the society he’s in. I’m also afraid that it will tarnish the respect he has for me.
Please help me. All these thoughts has been killing me aside from the problems that I’m into at the moment.
I’m beginning to like him and because of the bad things that happened to me these past few weeks it will blow off my chances of being with someone I actually like. What will I do? And if this is the end how can I cope up with this?
web admin
July 15, 2015 at 5:57 pm
Go ahead and text him! You do not always have to wait for the guy to text you. If you like him, text him! As for your bad news (what happened by the way?), I would tell him in person or not at all. It is your choice whether you share your bad news with him, but you should only do it in person. Telling him via text would be too difficult for any negative news.
From the sound of his communication with you, I would go ahead and see how things play out. Unless you are rushing to have a boyfriend or a husband, it seems like this is a good relationship. There is nothing wrong with just wanting to enjoy someone’s sexual and emotional company–it is a natural human instinct. Although he may have started out the relationship with the expectation of just a fling, it sounds like he is falling for you more and more each time he is around you. The long distance aspect may mean that you will never date, but it could still work out–he travels frequently for business, so you would still be able to explore a relationship without having to move to another country. Also, I would not wory about you ruining his reputation or his social connections. It is normal for guys to bring along their girlfriend or date to social outings, and they are often proud to do so.
Aries Confused
July 11, 2015 at 10:32 pm
I’m an Aries woman that is seeing a Scorpio man for 2 years. We’ve been off an on because he’s dedicated to his career. Your post is dead on when I think about my experiences with him. Our sexual relationship is out of this world. He’s extremely affectionate when we’re together, and yes he stares at me quite often. He has started opening up to me about his personal life as well. However, I’m the one that always initiates the conversation between us via text. He does have his moments, but not as much as me. Just the other night at dinner he told me he likes me and that he wants me. I told him I felt the same way about him. However, two or three weeks could go by without a word from him. As mentioned earlier, I’m the one that will reach out to spark communication between the two of us. I really like this guy, and I’m not sure what to do.
web admin
July 12, 2015 at 1:35 am
From your message, it sounds like you guys have just been casually dating for two years—and it is often weeks without seeing each other. Is that accurate? Have you tried asking him what he wants? When this type of situation occurs, it normally indicates that one or the other person does not really want to have a relationship. He may like the comfort of being around you occassionally and the fact that he does not have to do all of the normal boyfriend things. Since you have already set this up as the standard for your relationship, it sounds like it could be a habit by now. If you want to see him more and have him more communicative, tell him that you want to actually be “going out” with him. There is a risk that he will just break things off completely, but it is better than you hanging aroudn for a relationship that does not seem to be happening any time soon. What do you think, Aries? Is there more to this story, or does this seem accurate?
Aries Confused
July 12, 2015 at 6:33 pm
Yes, your depiction is accurate. Just here recently I asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted me. That he liked me and that he’s not just interested in a sexual type of relationship. He wants to go out and do things with me which we’ve done the last couple of times. He just does the disappearing act where weeks go by and then I reach out to him. The detached and out of sight out of mind thing comes to mind when I think of him. He does reach out sometimes, but I’m primarily the one who does this. I often feel like walking away.
web admin
July 12, 2015 at 8:35 pm
If you do not feel like he is there for you and he does not want to change the situation, you may have to just move on. You cannot just wait forever for him. It has already been a long time that you have been in this situation, and nothing has changed. You deserve to be with someone who can be there for you and who wants to spend time with you. Unless you are also not interested in a relationship, it may be time for you to find a new boyfriend. Good luck, Aries Confused!
July 6, 2015 at 4:22 am
I’m an Aries woman and I’ve been dating a Scorpio man for 3 months now. We have so much fun together and he’s so sweet underneath all that stone and I love it! I love him already but he’s not there yet( understandably ) and I never want to push that issue… When he’s ready to love me (if ever) I’ll be ready with open arms. He’s such an amazing guy and he doesn’t like inconsistency , he’s all about ” either you’re with me or not!” Sometimes he can be so detached which kind of makes me question where I stand. He spends a lot of time with me when he’s not working but I wonder if it’s just because I take care of him; laundry, cooking meals, doing his hair and just basically being there for him. He got so upset with me once because I questioned his faithfulness … He told me to “move on and to find a man that I can trust” I begged him and he even went as far as blocking my number…for five days I was a wreck and right when I had told myself that he wasn’t coming back I was prepared to move on, he calls… It made me feel like maybe he really does feel something for me( I’ve read that once a scorpio is done he’s done) so what does this mean? We’re stronger now and I’m learning more and more about him… Any advice ? I read that Aries and Scorpio aren’t really compatible.
web admin
July 6, 2015 at 7:37 pm
Although certain astrological signs are not compatible, that does not mean that certain individuals cannot do well together. From the sound of it, he really, really cares about you. You guys may not have made it official yet, but there is definitely something to your relationship. He is amazing to be around, sweet and likes to spend time with him. If I were you, I would stop questioning his faithfulness or worrying about his detachment. He obviously cares about you, and detachment could be just his personality. As long as you like being together, then be together and enjoy it! You have no need to worry about a relationship that seems to be working. If it stops working for you in the future, then move on. At the moment, it seems like things are going well for you, so have fun!
June 29, 2015 at 2:27 pm
i been dating a scropio for about 3years I’m a leo and ut has been a ride for me and him one min i think he love me next it doesn’t seem like it ,in the long run he treat me like a queen but i think the living part may be a mistake cause one min he happy been here next thing he looking for a place and im not sure but i think he’s cheating he say he not but he has pictures and numbers from other female making conversations with them meeting these women online we been living together about 2years now and ever month he leaving so i really second guessing are relationships im about ready to move on cause i read all these page talking about good lover me and him done really do it he always have some type of problem so im really thinking he not interested anymore but when i read these pages about them he has and do things to a T …
web admin
June 29, 2015 at 7:45 pm
Do you really think that he is cheating on you? It is possible that he is, or is at least, he could be entertaining the idea of cheating. Normally, guys do not start adding a bunch of women or starting conversations with just women when they have been in a relationship for a long time. Plus, his decision to move out makes it seem like he is contemplating the idea of just leaving you. For him to breakup with you, he needs to find his own place so that it is easier–and it looks like he might be doing that.
There is always a chance that all of these things are just coincidences, so do not panic yet. At the same time, these are all things that guys do when they are thinking of breaking up with a long-term girlfriend. He does not have his own place, so he wants to keep the relationship going with you until he has a new apartment. I would be a little worried by his behavior. If you were thinking of leaving him or breaking up, now seems like the best time to do it.
Shalisha Alston
June 28, 2015 at 4:53 am
My scorpio man and i are dating long distance and so he said that its’s okay for me to date other men in his absence because he doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body. We’ll see. I know he loves me because he’s so intense about it.
web admin
June 28, 2015 at 9:35 pm
He sounds like a rather unusual man. Although he may be serious, I would be careful to watch out for any signs of jealousy. It is much easier to be theoretically okay with the idea of an open relationship than it is to do it in reality. Also, is he allowed to date as well? As long as this style of relationship works for both of you, go ahead and do it! Everyone expects that you date someone in the same city, get married, move to a white picket fenced house and have kids–but this is not for everyone. If you have found the perfect relationship balance in this relationship and you are happy, stay with him!
May 20, 2015 at 7:53 am
Thank you for the insight, my Scorpio man and I have been dating for a year, it is amazing how accurately your article describes him to a T.
I’m a sagittarius so it’s been a confusing ride for me, he never says how he feels but shows me in his own way, the more I’m learning about him the easier it gets, give a Scorpio a chance, be patient and truthful, no games and lots of love… it’s worth it
web admin
May 20, 2015 at 2:51 pm
Thank you for your insight, Sally! It is always great to get a personal experience. What you said is also true for most relationships. Everyone communicates differently, so you really have to understand their individual mannerisms, expressions and habits. You seem to be building a great relationship with your Scorpio guy–congratulations! Thanks again for stopping by Her Interest and make sure to check out some of our other articles!
February 11, 2015 at 11:17 pm
Wow that’s so accurate, every single detail was to a “T”
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:06 pm
Glad to hear it! Our writer spent a lot of time making sure that this article was done well! Thanks for the feedback!
January 2, 2015 at 1:05 am
every Scorpio Scorpio pairing has been too intense with lots of drama ending badly I’ve seen a Scorpio and Aries combinations work really really well and also the Scorpio Pisces awesome for the Venus signs
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:05 pm
It all depends on the person as well. Some Scorpio relationships work out perfectly fine, but they really have to be paired up with the right person.
talia more
January 1, 2015 at 10:23 am
yah their was atime i experienced with scorpion male he was so furious because a certain friend assisted to give me a lift he succeeded in calling that guy friend to ask rily are they that jelous
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:04 pm
Jealousy is just one side of the coin. Scorpio men are extremely loving and care deeply for their partners. If someone else gets in the way–or seems to get in the way–of that relationship, they will become extremely jealous.
October 9, 2014 at 11:00 am
Absolutely accurate i love this. Scorpio men are an interesting sign for sure, so as are the women. No one loves as deep and as hard as Scorpio..
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:02 pm
That sounds like an extremely true statement! Thanks for sharing some of your feedback!