herinterest.com » Christina Ricci http://www.herinterest.com Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:28:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Then and Now – Christina Ricci Plastic Surgery http://www.herinterest.com/then-and-now-christina-ricci-plastic-surgery/ http://www.herinterest.com/then-and-now-christina-ricci-plastic-surgery/#comments Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:22:40 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3989 Christina Ricci is one of those actresses that stars on the oddest of films but somehow manages to pull it off just right. Many of us sure remember her as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family. She was also in Sleepy Hollow alongside Johnny Depp, Buffalo 66, Penelope, The Ice Storm… Do we need to go on? We’ll stick by saying that she is a fabulous actress!

Christina Ricci

She was the child star that wants to keep her looks which is perhaps one of the reasons why those Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors keep spreading like wildfire. She underwent breast reduction surgery rather than the conventional breast enhancement surgery that most women want. Although the pictures of the actress seem to show rather clear signs that she has undergone some sort of breast reduction surgery, she has always said that the rumors are untrue and she has never gone under the knife to reduce her bust size… Take a look at the pictures – what do you think?

Christina Ricci Brea

Reduction Mammoplasty is the proper name for a breast reduction surgery. As the name suggests – the breast size is made smaller with Christina Ricci plastic surgery type that she reportedly underwent. There are a lot of things that can determine the size your breasts will be and although they will tend to fluctuate throughout a woman’s life, some women simply have breasts that are too large for them, or so they feel. In much the same way that many women want larger breasts, many women out there actually want smaller breasts as well.

The breasts are generally reduced with the fatty tissue and excess skin removed, and the nipples are often repositioned to make sure that the breasts still look like normal breasts. This type of celebrity plastic surgery can also ensure that the breasts are the same – some women may find that one breasts is noticeably smaller (or larger) than the other.

There are many things that you will need to bear in mind if you are considering breast reduction surgery. The scars are one of the main factors that you should think about. If people see them, are you going to be ready for the questions? Then there are the usual concerns with infection and finding the right plastic surgeon for you, but these are usual things that you should expect to come hand in hand with any form of surgery. You will also need to consider any future children because there will be a high risk that you will not be able to breast feed once you have undergone this form of celebrity plastic surgery. You may also find that the nipples are much less sensitive than they were before. There are a lot of factors to consider and this is definitely not a decision that should be made overnight. If the Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors are actually true, we are sure that these are things that she took into careful consideration before going ahead with her surgical options of choice.

Not just rumored to have undergone breast reduction surgery, the Christina Ricci plastic surgeries extend further than that. Many people believe that she has undergone a rhinoplasty too, which basically means that she had her nose made smaller and reshaped. When she was younger, especially in The Addams Family, her nose seems to be rather snub-nosed in style; it was pushed up, as such, at the end. These days she has a much cuter ski-slope style nose; this is one of the most sought after nose shapes and looks.


It would appear that these Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors are indeed true – she admitted to having a nose job. We don’t understand why she would admit to this but not her breasts so maybe she really didn’t alter the size or shape of her bust? A lot of women find that they lose bust size when they lose weight and this could have been the case with Christina Ricci as it would appear her weight has fluctuated on occasion during her time in the public eye.

Two reputable plastic surgeons have both said that it is clear that she has had a nose job, but the finished look was perfect. When you look at the pictures, you have to admit that her new nose certainly looks perfect on her cute as a button face.

Of course, there are a number of actresses out there that have openly spoken about their celebrity plastic surgery adventures. The nose job or rhinoplasty seems to be one of the most popular forms of surgery that they are jumping on the bandwagon for; something we discuss in Has Zooey Deschanel had Plastic Surgery?

You could also check out Kerry Washington – Plastic Surgery Reports! for more information and gossip on the celebrity plastic surgery world. If you keep reading, we’ll keep exposing. It’s amazing how many of the stars could have had plastic surgery without you even knowing it!

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