Top 10 Relationship Advice Blogs in 2015

By on June 6, 2015

Unfortunately they don’t teach relationship advice in neither school nor college. Fortunately some smart people decided to investigate the topic anyway. After all, divorce rates are discouraging and we have all also seen the perfect martial bliss amongst some friends and family. So if they’ve got it, surely we must be able to find it too?

Some have. And apart from some great books on the topic (see end of this article) there are some cool bloggers out there. I’ve listed ten that I believe you could pick up some sage advice from. Most of these bloggers actually offer better advice than some of the magazines out there, which often only scratch the surface of things.

The Huffington Post

Whilst this online publication doesn’t offer a relationship blog per se, they have a love section and plenty of bloggers who contribute to it. As a result you get varied advice from a number of different people. What’s more, there’s a section for 50 plus as well, which gives us youngsters a bit of perspective.

You find it here.

The Urban Dater

Again, this is a site with many contributors who write blogs on the topic of dating. It’s a great source if you want to browse through a number of different topics. You could spend an entire day browsing here.

You find it here.

New Direction Dating by Robyn Wahlgast

This blog will offer women insight into pretty much every aspect of dating a man – from online dating profiles to making him commit to marriage. “The rules” developed by this dating coach to attract and keep a man are likely to work well – they are built on male psychology. However, ensure you always stay authentic as well.

You find it here.

Evan Marc Katz

This guy offers interesting insight into how men really think. His advice is sound. He’s straight forward. Like any one coach he doesn’t have all the answers for everyone, but it serves you to check out his blog because he sure has a few of them.


You find it here.

Sam Owen

Sam Owen is yet another relationship coach who offers some insight, both scientific and otherwise, into love and dating. If you are curious to find out more about relationships in general, this blog is a great one.

You find it here.

Single Dating Diva

Alright, this blog is more about dating than actual relationships, but it’s worth reading anyway. A bit more low key, fun and not so serious in tone as some of the other blogs. Definitively something to browse instead of Elle or Vogue. And far better than Cosmo.

You find it here.

Baggage Reclaim

This is one woman’s take on love, dating and relationships. And it’s an interesting take. The blogs are personal, relatable and easy to read. Definitively worth you checking in. And reclaiming that baggage of yours…

You find it here.

John Grey

John Grey made a name for himself by writing Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus and whilst I’m unsure how often he updates his blog, it’s well worth having a look at. After all, his book has a few points well worth considering, so his blog is likely to have some too.

You find it here.

Your Tango

This site offers a variety of bloggers a way to be seen. The topics are all related to love, sex and dating. Some bloggers are excellent, offering great relationship advice, others not so much so. Thankfully you can pick and choose. It’s definitively a great site for discovering bloggers you want to follow as each blogger has a bio with links attached.

You find it here.

Kathy Dawson

Yet another relationship coach who has a neat little blog. Her posts are often bite sized, making it a quick read. You’ll always pick up a nugget of gold, or two, from her words.

You find it here.

In Closing

No one blog will fit all. Have a look around and see what you think about the blogs I’ve recommended. Also challenge yourself to read the blogs that don’t appeal to you at first. After all, if you’re not getting the results you want, you might want to try something new. Besides, it’s always good to see why we resist certain advice. Though of course you have to use your judgment to – if you really don’t think something will work for you, it likely won’t. Just be sure to check what others have to say before you dismiss something entirely.

There are of course great books on the topic of relationship advice as well. These books often address issues most couples come across at one point or another and which will help them be significantly happier together. I personally recommend The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson, Receiving Love: Transform Your Relationships by Letting Yourself Be Loved by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida and, if you are still dating, The Four Man Plan by Cindy Lu. The last one not least because it’s a good laugh as well. And it has a very valuable message too.

1507760_10152392614860079_8379465670289960282_n copy 2By Maria Montgomery – Maria is a freelance writer, director and social entrepreneur. She’s also the spokesperson for The Little Angels Community Center and an avid blogger. You can find her somewhere between Cape Town, London and L.A., where you will most likely find her in the hills, looking out over the city she loves. @OhMyMontgomery

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