Types of Hugs From a Man (And Their Meaning)

By on February 5, 2015

Hugs can be super confusing. They can either show signs of affection and intimacy, or awkwardness and disinterest. What kind of hugs are your man giving you? Find out the 8 types of hugs you may get from a man, and what they all mean.


 1. One Armed

We’ve all gotten one of those incredibly awkward one armed hugs- or as I like to call it, the cold shoulder hugs. This type of hug shows that he feels incredibly awkward around you and isn’t even sure if he really wants to hug you in the first place. My suggestion: I wouldn’t be trying to get another hug from him anytime soon.

2. A Quick Hug

Everyone tends to overlook a quick hug. They think, “Oh, that was short and to-the-point. They obviously don’t want to hug me!” But that actually couldn’t be any further from the truth. While some individuals may choose a quick hug because they’re just not in the mood to hug, nine times out of ten it means they just want to give you a quick squeeze to reassure you that they care. Maybe they’re late to work or school and only have time for a quickie, or maybe they just simply couldn’t wait another second to give you a little splash of love.


3. Catches You

When you go in for a hug and the guy whisks you off your feet instantly, it’s a very clear sign this man really missed you, and he couldn’t be any more excited to finally get a hug from you. This is one of those hugs we always see on television or romance movies: you know, the one where the guy and girl run towards each other and the girl wraps her legs around his waist and they embrace for 10 minutes with deep hugs and kisses. Ladies, if your man does this, he’s seriously into you.

twirls you around

4. Twirls You Around

Twirly hugs are absolutely awesome. They’re totally whimsical and free spirited, and is sure to put a huge smile on the girls face. That being said, if your man twirls you around when you go in for a hug, that means he feels comfortable and playful with you and loves to make you giggle and smile from ear to ear. Obviously a wonderful sign that he likes you and enjoys your company to the fullest extent!


5. Holds You Tight

When a man holds you tight, he doesn’t want you to leave. He is so enthralled and in love with you he doesn’t ever want to let go. These hugs can go on for a couple of minutes, and ladies, you should enjoy every second of it. Indulge in the embrace and feel the utter romance pouring through his body that he’s too afraid of tough to express with words.

6. Gives You a Squeeze

The squeeze hug is kind of a blend of the quick hug and the hold you tight hug. It’s the hug where he has a HUGE smile on his face as he wraps you in his arms and pulls you in for the tightest squeeze of your life. This is a super cute “bear hug” that is done between both friends and lovers. That being said, knowing the meaning around his hug may be a little hard to find out. He may give you a friendly squeeze or a romantic squeeze. Keep your eye out for others clues!

7. Looks Into Your Eyes

When you are hugging a man and he pulls away (but doesn’t break the hug) just so he can look into your eyes for a moment, it means he is deeply in love with you. Even though he sees your face often, he still doesn’t want to go longer than a second without seeing your majestic beauty. This is such an incredibly romantic hug that has tons of deep feelings attached to it.


8. Lay Heads on Each Other

While you’re embracing with your man, have you ever noticed that your head is a perfect fit for his arm? And if your man is tall enough, has he ever laid his head gently on top of yours? This is not only an incredibly cozy and comfortable hug, but one that shows the two of you are incredibly close and have deep feelings for each other. It shows that you’re one hundred percent comfortable around each other and know that the two of you go together perfectly like the last two pieces of a hard puzzle.

So, we’re curious: which hug do you like the most? Have you ever been given one of those terrible one armed, awkward hugs? Or have you been lucky enough to be twirled around by the man of your dreams? We’d love to hear your stories below, and we hope this has helped break the hug code!


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