10 Best Lifetime Movies That Every Women Should See

By on December 6, 2014

There hasn’t been a major study on this, but I’m pretty certain that every woman secretly watches Lifetime movies. Filled with drama, suspense and true love, these stories may sometimes be trashy, but they are always entertaining. In addition, some of the Lifetime movies have the added benefit of being true. When you are crouched behind a chair shouting, “Don’t open the door”, keep in mind that these ladies may actually exist. Somewhere, the woman in the scary portion of the film did let in the intruder. From anorexia to pregnancy pacts, this list includes a number of stories inspired by real life.

Here are the 10 best lifetime movies that every woman should be. If you have a few extra hours on a weekend afternoon, pick your favorite and grab the popcorn.


Mother May I Sleep With Danger

If the title did not give you the hint, this story is a little scary. This Lifetime film stars Tori Spelling as Laurel. Laurel is a college girl who wants to look good and be with cute Kevin. Instead of a normal story of girl-meets-guy, the plot switches and Kevin becomes obsessive. Her mother tries to warn Laurel, but all of the advice is ignored.


A Mother’s Nightmare

Created in just 2012, A Mother’s Nightmare tracks the life of young Vanessa. In the movie, she is a ward of a state and has just enrolled at a new high school. She instantly meets the attractive student, Chris, and the couple starts dating immediately. As the movie progresses, we watch Chris skip school at Vanessa’s behest and generally become her lap dog. His grades suffer and Vanessa even drugs him with PCP. Soon, we learn that several of Vanessa’s former boyfriends have mysteriously died or been seriously hurt. If you want to find out what happens next, check out the film.


Death of a Cheerleader

For some reason, Lifetime seems to love making films that revolve around high school students. In this movie, Kellie Martin plays a 16-year-old, cheerleader wannabe called Angela. Incredibly smart, Angela wants nothing more than to be on the cheer leading team. She idolizes the popular Stacy (played by Tori Spelling) and tries out for the team. Surprisingly, she makes the cut and manages to become a part of the cheerleaders. Unfortunately, being a cheerleader and one of the popular kids requires more than just tryouts. Within this film, Angela ends up discovering how far she will go to be popular.


Hunger Point

Released in 2003, Hunger Point depicts the life of two sisters and their mother. This film is based on the book, Hunger Point. It narrates the struggle of one sister with an eating disorder. Before long, the remaining members of her family find out and try to help her recover. This touching story shows that healing is impacted by love as much as it is by medical assistance. If you or a loved one has struggled with any form of mental illness, many of the scenes in Hunger Point will hit close to home.


When Friendship Kills (A Secret Between Best Friends)

If you grew up during the 90s, there is an excellent chance that you have seen this film. In When Friendship Kills, we meet two friends called Lexi and Jennifer. Like most friends, they end up beginning the same diet together. Before long, counting calories and limiting fat has spawned different eating disorders for both girls. As the eating disorders spiral out of control, the movie quickly heads toward a tragic, yet memorable, conclusion. This film made the list because it was one of the first few Lifetime films I saw as a child. More importantly, it cast eating disorders in a realistic light. With all the attention on the increase in anorexia and bulemia in the 90s, this film managed to show exactly what it was like to actually have one of these eating disorders.


She’s Too Young

Released in 2003, She’s Too Young is one of the more recent films on this list. If you have a dread of serious illness or STDs, stay far away from this movie. She’s Too Young follows the life of high school student, Hannah. Hannah has a huge crush on Nick and goes down on him during their second date. Although she refuses a group orgy on their third date, this does not limit some of the consequences of being with Nick. Her high school discovers that a syphilis outbreak is rapidly spreading through the school. Hannah, of course, tests positive for syphilis. This discovery causes her mother to become an activist in informing other parents how their children are acting. For Hannah, this culminates in an evening where she heads to a part in search of her friend Becca. Unable to find her, the party’s host tries to have sex with Hannah before she is rescued. As the movie draws to a close, we are left with the expected ending.


For the Love of Nancy

Like two of the previous movies, this one showcases the true story of a girl who suffers from Anorexia. Tracy Walsh plays the main character, Nancy. As Nancy’s eating disorder becomes increasingly difficult to deal with, For the Love of Nancy follows the effects it has on her family and friends. Altogether, this movie does an excellent job of demonstrating how an eating disorder can impact every part of someone’s life.


The Pregnancy Pact

Published in 2008, the Pregnancy Pact is addictive. Even as you begin watching it, your instant impulse is to turn it off. It is the talent of the director and the actors that cause you to leave it on. Each moment in this film felt like I was waiting to see a car accident happen. A group of girls decide that they will all become pregnant together. Of course, by girls, I mean girls. They have not even graduated high school yet, so the idea of getting a place or finding additional support is laughable. If the premise of this film terrifies you, then the real case should be horrifying. The Pregnancy Pact is based off of a real-life case where a bunch of high school girls decided that high school pregnancy was a good idea. Seriously.

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We Were the Mulvaneys

One of the best Lifetime films ever is We Were the Mulvaneys. It follows the story of a family in a small town who has to deal with the rape of their daughter. Although the movie ultimately ends on a high note, it can be pretty difficult to watch the rape tear the members of the family apart.


When a Stranger Calls

One of the classic Lifetimes films is When a Stranger Calls. If you were a babysitter in the 1970s and 1980s, this plot would be the most horrific thing you could ever imagine. I was not even born yet when this movie came out, and the idea of this plot occurring frightens me. It was so popular that it was ultimately remade in 2006 with the lovely Cammilla Bell as the main character. Both versions of the movie are great, although the newer one has been adjusted to include modern technology. Personally, I prefer the classic 1979 version—but I always like the original better.


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