10 Books Every Woman Should Read in Her 20’s

By on August 17, 2013

If, like us, you don’t really have a lot of time to read a good book these days, it makes sense to find out the 10 books that you MUST DEFINITELY read in your 20’s. Rather than talking the talk, we decided to just jump right in…. Starting with 10 and heading right down to the NUMBER ONE book that all women should read in her 20’s.

Are you ready for them?

10. The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help by Kathryn StockettWe decided to step away from the pink, fluffy looking covers and dive right on in to something gritty, gripping and definitely a bestseller! The Help is a book that tells the perspective of three different women – Skeeter, Minny and Abileen.

Skeeter is the daughter of a wealthy family (white) and has maids. Abileen and Minny tell the story of the maids themselves. You’ll go through a whole range of emotions too – you’ll reach the full gamut of the ways that females were once suppressed by the males living amongst them. With a twisting story between feminism, sexism and racism, you might just find that you can’t put this book down.

9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre by Charlotte BronteThis is a book that you probably should have read in school but if you hadn’t, you definitely need to get yourself a copy (digital or otherwise) immediately, if not sooner!

This is one of the best books ever for women out there – it describes the emotional rollercoaster that combines being a fiercely independent woman in a world where she wasn’t always allowed to exert her feminine rights. Oh and to boot, it’s also a romance novel!

8. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid SundsWith the war on terror in the media on a daily basis, it makes sense to see things from another perspective and in A Thousand Splendid Suns, you are getting the perspective of a woman that lives in a war-torn country, and follows her courage and hope through quite the emotional journey. Heartbreaking, courageous and magnificent are all words used to describe this international bestseller. It might just be time to get yourself a copy.

7. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar by Sylvia PlathA woman that seemingly has everything she wants, Esther Greenwood is the hero of this story and you will follow her battle with depression after getting what she’d wanted – the internship at one of New York’s hottest magazines. I think we’ve already figured out that not everything is always as it seems and this is definitely the case in Sylvia Plath’s semi-autobiographical book that will have you gripped from start to finish. If you are a woman that has ever felt that she is being pressured into conforming to other people’s ideals, this is definitely a book that you must read.

6. Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin

Delta of Venus by Anaïs NinYou’ll never really look at the whole 50 Shades of Grey book in the same way again after you have read this incredibly raunchy and sexually stimulating book, offered to us by one of the sauciest writers of all time. If you didn’t like the almost amateur way that 50 Shades of Grey was written, you will definitely fall in love with this literary marvel! It’s beautifully written and has you gripped from start to finish – every saucy little page!

5. Self-Help by Lorrie Moore

Self-Help by Lorrie MooreIf, like most of us women, you are not really into the self help section of the book store and find the books more patronizing than stimulating, Self-Help is a book that you must pick up at once! It will teach you more about being a woman in this crazy world than you first may have thought you already knew, and with a witty, playful style of writing, you will probably find yourself cracking up with laughter at this rather amazing book. This is definitely one of the hottest 10 books every woman in her 20’s should read!

4. Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James

Fifty Shades of Grey by E L JamesCome on – we’ve all read it, right? It might not have been one of the best written books of our time, but it certainly helped millions of women all over the world open up about their sex life and, if nothing else, that was a pretty astonishing point to make, if nothing else.

You instantly fall in love with Ana and Christian Grey – the focal points of the book, and you will find that the saucily written BDSM-style sex scenes will soon have you thinking some rather naughty points. It’s not the best book ever written, but it’s definitely one of the most fun!

3. Men Are from Mars, Woman Are from Venus by John Gray

Men Are from Mars, Woman Are from Venus by John GrayWritten by a relationship counselor, this is one relationship self-help book that you should most definitely not turn your nose up at. Selling more than 50 million copies and ranked the highest ranked work of non-fiction in the 1990’s, it also spent a pretty astounding 121 weeks on the bestseller list, making it definitely a book that you must read, just to say that you have read it if nothing else.

You’ll learn a lot from this book, especially if you are seemingly hopeless in relationships. For example, did you know about the man-cave…?

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne CollinsWritten in 2008, this is a book you simply must read, especially as the second film is set to be released soon! Following the rather interesting, almost sci-fi like of Katniss Everdeen, you wouldn’t believe the situation that she gets herself into.

When we read this book, we were slightly concerned that we wouldn’t like it because of the slightly science fiction element to it, but stick with it – we promise you that it is a very entertaining read! If you don’t believe us, this book has been sold in 38 territories around the world, and has been translated into over 20 different languages!

1. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

If you like a good naughty read, this one must beat all of them! Originally published in 1955 in Paris, it was originally written in both Russian and English. It’s a very controversial book and has been banned in a few countries along the way. It follows the life of Humbert Humbert, the lead role, and his weird, slightly off-putting relationship with a girl aged just 12. Although controversial, it certainly brings about a few questions and will definitely get you thinking!

So there you have them – the 10 books every women should read in her 20’s. Why not have a read and let us know what you thought of them? And, of course, we would love to hear if you think any other books should have made the cut! We’d love to hear your thoughts!


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