Comments on: 10 Healthy Starbucks Drinks Mon, 08 Jan 2018 18:37:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Fri, 06 Oct 2017 04:18:01 +0000 Thank you for sharing your information. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Have a great day, Jenny!

By: Jenny Thu, 05 Oct 2017 17:50:55 +0000 A grande Misto has 10g of sugar and only 110 cals!

By: web admin Mon, 14 Aug 2017 02:00:22 +0000 Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It would be great if all corporations moved toward plant based meals. Have a great day, Emma!

By: Emma Sun, 13 Aug 2017 06:47:16 +0000 It would be nice if SB comes out with some new low sugar vegan drink.

By: web admin Tue, 07 Mar 2017 23:20:13 +0000 You can look into fruit and vegetables juice recipes. You can create an entire meal my placing them in a blender. If you don’t remove the pulp, then you will have extra nutritious intake. Feel free to look around your ideas. Have a great day, Esmerelda!

By: Esmeralda Davis Tue, 07 Mar 2017 03:28:58 +0000 I have been looking for a drink that is affordable,very low carbs with a boost of energey,and can Ben supplemental diet meal (belly burner )and tastes good.

By: web admin Fri, 13 Nov 2015 15:52:49 +0000 It is decidedly not a healthy Starbucks drink, but the princess hot chocolate certainly sounds delicious. Thanks for commenting!

By: Susan Ramsay Fri, 13 Nov 2015 13:07:02 +0000 My kid’s favourite (she is a girl) is what we call a “princess hot chocolate” = a short steamed milk with raspberry. You could choose any flavour, of course. Whipped cream is a fav, but if I ask for extra foam she is just as happy, scooping up the foam with a little green “spoon”.

By: web admin Mon, 04 May 2015 13:42:37 +0000 When it comes to kids, the kids’ hot chocolate is normally the favorite. It has a fair amount of sugar, but it is extremely popular with children. Otherwise, you may be able to find specialty drinks at different points in the year. The smoothies are fairly healthy and offer a summertime boost in fiber and nutrients. During the fall and winter, children often get caramel apple ciders or peppermint hot chocolates. Your choice of a drink depends entirely on what the kid wants, how healthy you want it to be and the seasonal beverage offerings. Thanks for commenting and make sure to check out some of the other articles on HerInterest!

By: kim Mon, 04 May 2015 10:21:08 +0000 what is the best starbucks drink for kids, which is sweet and does not have coffee in it?
