10 Hottest Italian Actors
What is Italy best known for? The great pizza? The best shoes? The greatest shopping? We can’t forget about the hot men of course!
Not just sportsman, there are a few super hot actors making their way onto our screens from Italy, and here are the top 10 hottest Italian actors we think you should know about!
1 – Raoul Bova
Born: 14 August 1971 (age 43)
Best Known For: 2004 hit AVP: Alien vs. Predator. Also 2010 film with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Deppy, The Tourist.
Hot Because: Well, we’ll let you figure that one out for yourself! It could be the chiselled good looks? The beautiful eyes? The dashing smile?
2 – Giulio Berruti
Born: 27 September 1984 (age 30)
Where: Rome, Italy
Best Known For: 2010 hit Bon appetit, also the 2003 The Lizzy McGuire Show, and 2011 Monte Carlo.
Hot Because: He’s got the handsome ruggish Italian stallion look about him and we’re glad he made the choice to be an actor. When he was at school, he trained to be a dentist and when he was going through school, he wanted to be a model!
3 – Kim Rossi Stuart
Born: 31 October 1969 (age 45)
Where: Rome, Italy
Best Known For: Better known for Italian-Speaking movies, a couple that you should check out are the 2005 Romanzo Criminale. Or the 2010 movie Angel of Evil, the 2004 hit Keys to My House, or the 2006 Libero.
Hot Because: For a start, just look at him. That smile is one that will dazzle any woman at twenty paces. Plus, we always knew he was going to be a star. After all, his mother is a former model and his father is an actor. It was a match made in heaven!
4 – Alessio Boni
Born: 4 July 1966 (age 48)
Where: Sarnico, Italy
Best Known For: There was the 2003 The Best of Youth and the 2010 movie The Tourist. He’s better known for his Italian speaking roles than his English speaking ones.
Hot Because: Well apart from being handsome with just the right amount of facial hair to get us going (we discussed not that long ago bearded men and how hot they are),
5 – Stefano Accorsi
Born: 2 March 1971 (age 43)
Where: Bologna, Italy
Best Known For: There was a couple of Italian movies and one TV film you’ll need to check out if you want to see more of this little hunk. One of his best pieces was probably the 2001 The Last Kiss but you’ll need subtitles to watch it.
Hot Because: Have you noticed that all of these Italian men have the most dazzling smiles? This one is no exception and wit those beautiful eyes and that amazing accent, you have a recipe for success with the ladies, that’s for sure!
6 – Adriano Giannini
Born: 10 May 1971 (age 43)
Where: Rome, Italy
Best Known For: The 2002 movie with Madonna called Swept Away actually won him award for his acting… It’s a shame it was for “Worst Screen Couple” back in 2003 at the Golden Raspberry Awards!
Hot Because: Well aside from those unbelievably cute cheek dimples, he’s a bit older and gruffer than some of the men we’ve seen on the list. A little bit of eye candy that like their men a little on the rough and wild side! 😉
7 – Gabriel Garko
Born: 12 July 1972
Where: Piedmont, Italy
Best Known For: Well he was a model to start with before he turned into an actor so you may have remembered him from his modelling days. There have been a few Italian movies along the way that you may wanna check out – the 2001 The Secret Life is the one he is perhaps better known for.
Hot Because: Well as we’ve said, he was a model so that almost validates how hot he is, plus look at him – those eyes are simply intoxicating, don’t you think?
8 – Alessandro Gassman
Born: February 24, 1965 (age 49)
Where: Rome, Italy
Best Known For: Well for a start he’s the son of another Italian actor – Vittorio Gassman, and his mother was a French actress too – Juliette Mayniel.
Of course, some of you may remember him from that great Jason Statham movie, The Transporter 2 – he was in that! There have been a few other films under his belt and in total, he has no fewer than 67 acting credits to his name!
Hot Because: Just look at that body! How could you not think this cutie deserved to be on the list!
9 – Riccardo Scamarcio
Born: November 13, 1979 (age 35)
Best Known For: He’s a producer as well as an actor so he’s got quite a few different credits to his name. Mostly Italian movies, one of the ones you definitely need to check out for a bit more of this eye-candy is Loose Cannons from back in 2010!
Hot Because: We think it might be the eyes but we love his hair too! What is it about Italian men with really beautiful hair?!
10 – Rossano Rubicondi
Born: 14 March 1972
Where: Rome, Lazio, Italy
Best Known For: Although he’s an actor with a string of films under his belt such as the 2000 The Golden Bowl, he is probably better known for being the fourth husband of no other than Ivana Trump! We wouldn’t mind him being our next husband! 😉
Hot Because: Well, the good hair, the nice smile, the friendly eyes with that mature spattering of wrinkles around them…. We do love ourselves an older gentleman and we wouldn’t kick this one out of bed!
Italian men are some of the hottest men in the world and although we are probably better known lusting after F! drivers, chef’s, dancers, etc., you can’t forget about the movie world of the beautiful country and the fabulously dazzling actors the industry has presented to us!
Of course, if you want to see a few more Italian men, you should check out some of these – Andrea Masi – he’s not an actor but a rugby player and as hot men go, he’s definitely one of the cutest and most rugged we’ve ever seen. There’s a DJ called Luca Dorigo that we think is not bad on the eyes either – the edgy tattooed hunk is someone we’d put on our Christmas list!
So what do you think? Would you date any of these men? Have we missed out an Italian actor you think should have been on the list? Let us know!