10 Makeup Tips and Tricks for Small Eyes

By on January 20, 2015

 There’s something about a pair of big, beautiful eyes that just take your breath away. It seems like everyone wishes they had a pair! Well, now that dream can come true. And it’s probably WAY easier than you thought it would be, too! These 10 makeup tips and tricks for small eyes will give your eyes that ‘pop’ they need and the boldness you crave.

9f89c426c536a8baaecf7c0872f401041. Use Light Eye Shadow Colors

Dark eye shadow colors can make your eyes look really washed out. And if you’ve already got a set of two small eyes, then that’s the last thing you want to do. To avoid the washed out, heavy look, try using light eye shadow colors. And this might surprise you: but the plainer, the better! We’re talking creams, beiges, and light browns. But light pinks, greens, and whatever other colors you’re into would work well too!

2. Highlight Beneath the Brow

Highlighting right beneath the brow line can give the allusion of a much bigger eye. It’s a really simple trick that you can do RIGHT NOW that will totally recreate your entire face. Light beneath the brow and notice the difference! (And hey- don’t forget to get your eyebrows done, too! Check out tip number 10 for more information!)

40bc03ebf2a038616f8fe8bbeb48303a3. Highlight the Inner Eye

While you’re at it, go ahead and highlight the inner eye too. Use the lightest colors you have- even white will do the trick! Leaving the inner eye alone with just some light eye shadow gives the eye a lengthening effect and makes it appear overall larger. (Keep this in mind when you’re applying your eyeliner- don’t mess with the inner eye, just leave it alone with the light eye shadow.)

4. Darken the Outer Eye 

If you’re going to apply light eye shadow on the inner eye, you don’t want to leave the rest of your eye bare; that would just look weird. But you don’t want to coat your entire eye with nothing but light colors. While the majority of your eye shadow should be on the lighter side, you need to end on a dark note. You know what I’m talking about: start with the lightest on the inside, go a shade darker on the middle eyelid, and go dark on the end. This creates a sultry, beautiful, and overall lengthening effect for big bold eyes that kill.

811094f7a98fca23bed7b5489eabbd125. Utilize White Eyeliner on the Interior

White eyeliner has become a huge craze in the last few months for many reasons. Some use it to create the “doll” look while other just apply it for a stylish look to go with their makeup. But what about using it to make your eyes appear bigger? Yup, you can. By just applying a bit of white eyeliner to the interior (upper and lower), you can give your eyes a large effect that’s seriously hot.

6. Black Eyeliner for the Exterior 

Some people are under the impression that using black eyeliner will automatically make your eyes appear smaller; and that can be true. It’s all about how you apply the liner. If you’re coating half of your eyelid with the blackest liner you own, then yes, your eyes will look smaller. HOWEVER! If you’re only applying a very thin coat to line your eyelid, you will have the opposite effect: bigger, fuller eyes that are nothing short of fabulous. Oh, and don’t forget to give your lower lid a coat too. We want that enticing impact, right ladies!?

a3034c04339a7cc874cc69f0474ae6907. Use Volumizing Mascara

You won’t get anywhere in the big eye world without a good volumizing mascara. I mean, sure bold or thickening mascara is great. And if you can find a combo mascara that does everything, more power to you! But your main goal should be to find a mascara that is proven to volumize. You see, lashes that are volumized are longer and stronger, thus making your eyes pop a whole lot more. Need I say more? Ditch your current mascara and go grab a killer mascara that is designed to volumize.

8. Curl Your Lashes

Now, before you apply your mascara and race out of the house to your next appointment, you can’t forget something very crucial to making your small eyes appear bigger: curling the lashes. This is an imperative part of the procedure that can’t be ignored! Sure a volumizing mascara will give your lashes some seriously powerful effect, but unless they’re curled and lifted, they’re not going anywhere! Give your eyelashes a good curling before you head out on the town. Trust me- you’ll be glad you did.

17f312bd1ee40adf96ad2adc7907111d9. Try Falsies 

Okay, so sometimes even with volumizing mascara are lashes are still totally dull. And that’s okay! Some people just weren’t born with big lashes that can be easily swayed by a bit of makeup. If that’s the case, I invite you to try on a pair of false lashes, or as some girls would call it, ‘falsies’. False lashes are actually insanely easy to apply and will last all day! Just make sure you grab some good eye glue that won’t flake or lose its hold after a few hours.

10. Groom Eyebrows 

The eyebrows. The final piece of the puzzle. The part of our faces that so many girls tend to forget. I mean, we have clothes, hair, and makeup to worry about pretty much 24/7- who has time to remember eyebrows? Well, this year let’s try to change that. This year, let’s try to remember about those precious brows on our faces. THIS YEAR, LET’S GET OUR EYEBROWS GROOMED. Not because it looks really nice and totally frames the face, but because it can actually make your eyes look BIGGER than they really are. Need I say anymore? Make your appointment right now, girls!

See? Even if you have the smallest eyes, a few simple tips and tricks can give you big, full eyes that stop the show. What are your tricks for dealing with small eyes? How do you make your eyes look bigger? Let us know all your tips and tricks below!

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