10 Signs Someone Has A Crush On You

By on August 23, 2013

Are you suspicious that someone might be crushing on you? Are you just not sure how to tell? Sometimes, it can be extremely hard to find out when someone has crossed over the ‘just friends’ line and jumped onto the ‘I like you more than friends’ side. Whether you want that someone to be totally crushing on you or you just want to know so you can let them down super easy without looking like a fool, here are 10 almost definitely positive signs that this someone has a big old crush on you!

Sign # 1. You may have someone crushing on you if… they jump at every chance they can to help you out. Most people (a majority of the time)don’t take time out of their days  to drive someone home, do them a favor or get them something they need more than once for a someone they absolutely have no interest in. Someone who is set on looking after you, truly likes you and wants to make you happy.


Sign # 2.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they talk pretty highly of you to friends, family or even talk you up  to your own friends. They most likely want to let the people around them know what they think of you themselves and wants them to think the same. It’s very important that if they like you that the people in their lives to like you as much as they do.

Sign # 3.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they tease you lightly, but often. This is often a strong method of flirtation. They’ll poke fun at you, but not enough to hurt your feelings. They will always laugh at your jokes, usually even your terrible ones that aren’t funny.


Sign # 4.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they  smile at you all the time, grin when you grin and look you directly in the eye while talking to you. Someone who likes you will try to mirror your body language to relate to you more. They, more than likely, do this so that you feel more comfortable around them.


Sign # 5.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they start noticing when you change things in your appearance or clothing. If  they like you they may compliment you more than often and they tell you the things they like about you. It’s a good sign you have someone crushing on you if they pay close attention to most, if not everything, about you.


Sign # 6.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they do their absolute hardest to pay attention to everything that you do or say. They’ll listen intently to your stories, complaints and jokes. He’ll always keep track of your likes, dislikes and will converse back with you while you’re talking to make you aware that he is actively listening.


Sign # 7.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they will go above and beyond to figure out everything they can about you. They’ll ask about your person life, family, friends, childhood, ex-boyfriends, what your favorite food is- you get the picture! He’ll then in turn try to tell you person information about himself. He wants to get to know you and wants you to get to know him. Definitely a sign he’s interested!

Sign # 8.  You may have someone crushing on you if… Do they get awkward around you? Do they blush or fidget while talking to you? All in all do they just seem nervous when you’re around? If you find someone doing these things then they may be quite worried about embarrassing themselves in front of you. People with a crush tend to be affected by the person they likes looks, what they think and how that person reacts to what they say.


Sign # 9.  You may have someone crushing on you if… they ask you about the interest you have in other people. Are they curious to know whether you’re crushing on someone? Do they make it very clear that they aren’t interested in any other people themselves? Do they seem jealous when you talk to other guys and not just them? That’s more than a good sign that they have a definite crush on you.

Sign # 10.  You may have someone crushing on you if…  they may want you to get to know the other people who are close to them in their life. People like their friends and family. They’ll try to introduce you to their family and friends so that you can all get to know each other. After you all meet, your secret admirer will work very hard for both you and them to make good impressions on each other because he wants you all to get along in case you are a future girlfriend!



  1. pamela

    July 20, 2016 at 4:51 am

    Can u tell does a boy in my school have a crush on me or not. He always teases me.

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 20, 2016 at 11:34 pm

      If he teases you often and treats you with respect, then it is possible that he has an interest in you. The only way to be certain is by speaking with him directly and honestly about your feelings. If he shares your feelings, then you know that you can develop a relationship with him further.

  2. sandy

    July 17, 2016 at 8:39 pm

    i a sorry but do you think he loves me too . he once gave me his book to complete the missed notes although i did not ask for it and he seems to be shy and avoiding my eye contact .. :)

  3. sandy

    July 15, 2016 at 9:32 pm

    i have this boy in my class and i love him a lot…at first i did not notice him much but then he began to look at me quite often , but unlike most guys he used to smile at me before but now i feel as if he is avoiding my eye contact (although i am unable to look at him directly too) and he does not smile with me much. in the old days he helped me a lot and we teased each other about our boy friends and girl friends. my friend used to say that he liked me but recently i got to know that he liked another girl in our section. but now i feel that he has got over her as he does not seem to care for her, but yet i am afraid to confess my feelings to to the fear of being rejected .and also when i catch him looking at me he looks away too :) wonder what’s going on..

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 17, 2016 at 8:14 pm

      If he looks at you and you look at him in the same way, then it is possible that he has similar feelings for you as you have for him. Speak with him directly and honestly about the feelings that you have. If he reciprocates your feelings, then you know that you can move forward in a relationship with him. Be forward and bold, as natural shyness may cause you to not state your feelings truthfully, which may cause him to do the same. It would be a mistake to let half truths stop you from developing your relationship.

      • sandy

        July 17, 2016 at 8:32 pm

        thank you,.. but still he seems to like his previous crush that i feel obvious he would reject me , so i am scared to ask him..

        • sandy

          July 17, 2016 at 8:35 pm

          i am sorry .. but do you think he really likes me? he once even gave me his book to complete my missed notes although i did not ask for it and he seems to be shy too and doesnot look at me directly (although i catch him looking at me )
          thank you and sorry for the disturbances…:)

      • sandy

        July 17, 2016 at 8:36 pm

        i am sorry .. but do you think he really likes me? he once even gave me his book to complete my missed notes although i did not ask for it and he seems to be shy too and doesnot look at me directly (although i catch him looking at me )
        thank you and sorry for the disturbances…:)

      • sandy

        July 17, 2016 at 8:37 pm

        i am sorry .. but do you think he really likes me? he once even gave me his book to complete my missed notes although i did not ask for it and he seems to be shy too and does not look at me directly (although i catch him looking at me )
        thank you and sorry for the disturbances…:)

  4. lina

    July 10, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    there is this guy in my classes i have a crush on him but he starers at me allot and always try to get in a conversation with me and he puts me on his team for soccer

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 12, 2016 at 2:03 pm

      It is likely that he is interested in you. If you are interested in him, then speak to him directly about your feelings and desires. If he shares your feelings, then you know that you can attempt to develop a relationship with him. Be sure to be completely honest when you you speak with him.

  5. Gavin

    June 14, 2016 at 7:43 am

    hi I’m Gavin, I ‘ve been going out with my friend, his girl friend and her friend, we turned up together quite a few time, I felt the void and I tried to make my move, I would call her ask if she’s doing fine, wish her great times in whatever she was doing even kiss her through the phone but she told me I
    must stop all that and I did. few weeks down the line her friend tells me the she compliments me but telling her. right now I don’t know if I should try or let her come forward, but I’m scared she might not, I still want to have her as my girlfriend. how do I pick up again?

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 14, 2016 at 10:06 am

      Gavin, it seems like maybe at the beginning you were moving a little quickly for her. Ask her friend if she thinks you should continue talking with her. Or be more direct and speak with your crush. That said, be respectful of her needs and don’t push her. Some people move more slowly than others.

  6. Byron

    June 13, 2016 at 12:47 am

    Hi, while I have a crush on a girl that I work with, she works in the same office as I do and not sure how she feels about me.

    She is always smiling at me, we do talk a lot as we do have a lot in common, we share the same interest in music and movies, we both have the same kind of sense of humor so we make jokes a lot, sometimes when I show her stuff on my work pc she sits quite close to me and she takes interest in things I enjoy but she doesn’t do it, like I’m a heavy gamer and sometimes during lunch I’ll watch a gaming video on youtube and she would sit next to me and start asking questions about that game and the more I tell her the more she asks and I play a sport called airsoft and again she’s always asking about it and just seems generally interested whenever I’m looking at posts relating to airsoft or I’m online looking to buy gear for the next game. Sometimes she will show me posts on her facebook that she knows I will find interesting or funny.

    I now this is a lot and I apologize but I thought the more you know the better.

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 13, 2016 at 5:24 pm

      Byron, it sounds like you have found a wonderful person who is willing to share your interests and is sharing her interests with you. Nurture this relationship and continue to show your willingness to learn about her interests. Maybe offer to take her to an airsoft game, who knows, maybe she will feel the rush. If not, maybe offer to play some video games with her. I think you have great potential here.

  7. Lucia

    April 28, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    There is a guy that I study at college with and we have only chatted once but I thought we got along fine. Lately he has been rushing away from me and avoiding me and the other day he looked at the wall behind me and acted like I was invisible. He has at times looked at me and said hello with a big smile, or look at me in a strange way from a distance. I can’t seem to work out what is going on. Was I too friendly at first, or does he like me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2016 at 8:52 am

      He may like you and feel shy. It is also possible that he viewed you as a friend, found out that you like him and is unsure of how to turn you down. Whatever the reason, it does not like you can do much to change the situation for now. Focus on school, talk to him if you get a chance and wait to see what happens. Good luck, Lucia!

    • Savannah hung

      June 10, 2016 at 3:30 am

      yeah,he does lucia yeah he does.

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 10, 2016 at 7:16 pm

        :) Thanks for commenting, Savannah Hung!

  8. klodeen

    March 27, 2016 at 4:46 pm

    Hello , so there is this guy at work with me. He always talks to me when ever he cans and smiles at me and jokes. He also playfully tease me almost all of the time too. The other day , while i was standing close to him , he went to stand in front of me then started moving backwards playfully , leaning onto me , and our bodies touching. We were close and i had my hands around his arm. Does he like me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 28, 2016 at 4:33 pm

      It sounds like he could like you. Everything that he is doing, his mannerisms and general behavior all make it seem like he likes you. Look to see how he acts with other girls. If he acts the same way with other girls, then he could just be a flirt. If he does not act the same way, then it seems extremely likely that he does like you.

  9. Samira

    March 26, 2016 at 11:35 pm

    Hello I’m Samira. I’m a high schooler and I’ll be 16 this year. There’s a next door neighbor, he is a year younger than me. He always stares at me when I’m around him. Everytime where I go he always follows me. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable around him. I’m not sure if he has crush on me or not, how can I be sure that he has crush on me??

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 28, 2016 at 2:46 pm

      It sounds like he has a crush on you. Following you around, looking at you constantly and being awkward makes it seem like he is seriously interested in you. As for what to do, I am not sure. If you like him, you can always ask him if he wants to hang out sometime and he would probably say yes. If you do not like him back, you do not have to do anything. You may want to avoid him for a bit so that he gets the hint. If you are not interested and he asks you out, be nice, but make sure to tell him exactly how you feel. You don’t have to be mean about it, but you do have to make sure that he realizes that you are not interested. Good luck, Samira!

  10. martha

    March 18, 2016 at 6:31 am


    I have a crush on someone at work – he is not in the same department – as a matter of fact he works far from where i sit; so i only see him when i go for lunch in the foyer or in the canteen. He smiles when he sees me and says hello – and once he asked what i do on weekends. The thing is, i know he might also like me – but why hasn’t he said anything more than just “hello” or “what do you do on the weekend?” He makes direct eye contact, he is basically the cutest person/nicest guy i have ever met! I am trapped in my relationship (loong story). And i really like this human being! what to do?

    Question: Do i act or wait for him…because it is only a matter of time before i lose my marbles! Cannot take it. :) :)

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 23, 2016 at 9:57 pm

      There is nothing that you can do until you are single. It is never a good idea to cheat on a partner or to entertain thoughts of cheating, so your main option is to just remain friends and–maybe–flirt a bit with this guy as you try to sort out/end your current relationship. It sounds like he could like you, so you could end up dating your crush if you are ever single again.

  11. neve

    March 6, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    hi my name is Neve and I have this major crush on this guy and were not in the same class but I have options and we have art together I have noticed he has been handing folder to me lately and sitting next to me not even if I say “hey can you sit next to me?” and he keeps on smiling at me and swishing his hair is this a sign he likes me? Neve

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 7, 2016 at 9:29 am

      Smiling, being around you and seeming shy are signs that he could like you, but nothing is for sure yet. Keep trying to talk to him, and hopefully that will draw him out of his shell. You could also try having one of your friends approach him to ask if he likes you. If that seems too intimidating, you can always just wait and see if he shows more signs of being interested. Good luck, Neve!

  12. Elizabeth

    February 13, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    They’re is this boy that i have a major crush on and whenever i talk to my friends he looks at me when i catch him doing it we both turn away.He also teases me but in a nice way.Also he walked me home a couple of times even though he lives ten blocks away from me and he always talks to me is they’re a possible chance that he likes me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 14, 2016 at 5:24 pm

      Looking at you, teasing you and walking you home are all signs that he could like you. If he is walking ten blocks out of his way to be around you and walk home with you, then I would imagine that you have at least a 90 percent chance that he is interested. If you like him as well, what is stopping you from asking him out? You will never know what type of relationship could be possible unless you take a risk, so go for it! Good luck, Elizabeth!

  13. Aliyah

    February 9, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    There’s this guy at school who hangs around with my friends and stuff but he is always like talking to the people im never with and stuff. I think hes really cute and I have this major crush on him. I’m really loud and bubbly with my friends while he is talking to others at the outside of my group of friends. I dont know him that well even though my other friends do, ive spoken to him a few times but not properly. Whenever im talking near him to somebody else I will see him glancing at me from the corner of my eye, so I look at him and then he looks down at the floor and shuffles around abit. Ive tried making conversation with him but it always ends with one of my friends being really loud etc and interrupting. How can I talk to him? Do you think there is a chance he could like me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 9:54 am

      It is possible that he likes you. Being unable to meet your eyes, looking at you when you are not watching and having problems making a conversation are all signs that he could be interested. It sounds like you are already doing a decent job of trying to make conversation. Being in a group probably makes it more comfortable for both of you to talk, but it does limit your ability to just talk to him. You could make an excuse like asking about a homework assignment to talk to him alone. You could also just approach him and try talking to him alone–if he likes you, he will welcome the opportunity to get to know you a bit better. Good luck, Aliyah!

      • Elizabeth

        February 14, 2016 at 11:45 am

        is there a chance that my crush likes me back? because almost everyday he walks me home when he lives ten blocks from me and he teases me but in a nice way and everyday he talks to me and he was flirting with me and everyday at school (i am not in his classroom) he would just stare at me when we would have an a assembly if i move so he cant see me he would move to a spot he can see me and if i catch him staring he would smile and look away is there a chance he likes me?.

        • web admin

          web admin

          February 14, 2016 at 5:55 pm

          It sounds like he could like you back–ten blocks is a really long way to walk for just a friend. If you want more insight, read through my first response. Thanks!

  14. Allikins

    February 9, 2016 at 9:30 am

    So I had a crush on this guy for 6 months, but he rejected me the first time I asked him out the second week I liked him, and reiterated that he wanted to stay friends. Since then we have become close friends that frequently tease each other and have long conversations. Fast forward 6 months, and he’s been doing things he’s never done before: expressing admiration at the nickname I’ve given him, slightly turn towards me during class, acting slightly more nervous than usual, touching my hand, letting me lean my head on him, letting me cuddle with him, expressed that he felt bad that he didn’t have anything to give me when I gave him a gift (I’ve given him plenty of gifts before), gently tapping me when I tease him, and he even started complimenting me when I show him my outfits. Plus, he started immediately breaking into a smile when he sees me. Our texting habits are off/on, but I assumed it was cause he’s s bad texter overall. Could there be a chance that he gained an interest in me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 9:43 am

      It is possible that he is starting to become interested in you. Since you have been turned down twice before, I would hold off on doing anything until he makes a move. He obviously knows that you did like him before, so he should have the encouragement he needs to make a move if he is interested. It sounds like he is starting to develop feelings for you, so it may be a good idea to keep talking to him like normal so that those feelings have time to build. Good luck, Allikins!

  15. Marie

    February 4, 2016 at 3:42 am

    Hi. There is this guy in our classroom and a lot of girls like him. So we always tease him a lot about this people that like him but suddenly this friend of mine ask him what if I like him as well. He just told her that he just see me as a friend. But whenever we high five he always hold my hand after and won’t stop holding it unless needed to or someone caught us. He always look at my eyes whenever we talk even if it was pointless. And this past few days he was hanging out with my seatmate who previously is joining us whenever me and my friend goes home. After I saw them always hanging out my seatmate started teasing us that we are in a relationahip, we are married, we have a lovers quarrel and everything that you entitle lovers. But he always reply with “eww”, “we are just friends” or anything similar to that. What do you think, do he like me or not?

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 6, 2016 at 10:46 pm

      If he is always trying to hold your hand and look into your eyes, it sounds like he could be interested. The fact that he says you are just friends could mean anything. He may be interested and is too shy to say, or he may genuinely just view you as a friend. For the moment, your safest option is to just wait things out. If you are feeling brave, you can always try asking him out now, but there is a potential that things will become awkward if he says no. Personally, I would probably just wait a bit longer and see if he shows any more signs of being interested in you. Good luck, Marie!

  16. Magnolia Parshall

    December 27, 2015 at 10:22 pm

    My earlier comment was supposed to say THEN he blushes at me…. My bad ;[ S_O_R_R_Y

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 31, 2015 at 8:29 pm

      Don’t worry, I understood what you meant. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

  17. Magnolia Parshall

    December 27, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    This guy I think has a crush on me. When he talks to his friend by me I hear “ask her out” the he always blushes and looks at me. Also he stutters when he talks to me. Plus when he saw me sobbing he went around and told his friends worried like. But he smiles really hard when he is standing buy me. Also he texted my bestie and said to tell me “that he can not stand one minute with me not by his side”. And I sent her a heart-eyed emoji.

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 31, 2015 at 8:21 pm

      All of these things are signs that he likes you. On their own, stuttering, blushing, worrying about your feelings and smiling around you are all signs that he is most likely interested. The fact that he told your friend that he cannot spend one minute without you by his side makes it seem almost certain that he likes you. Now, you just have to decide what you want to do. If you are feeling particularly brave, you can always get the ball rolling by asking him out yourself.

  18. David

    December 3, 2015 at 3:25 am

    So there is this girl that i like and we are both in ninth grade. Is there any easy ways to tell if she likes me back? How should I let her know that i like her?

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 3, 2015 at 6:33 pm

      We have an article on Her Interest about “How to Tell If a Guy Likes You”. Although it is intended for women, the signs should basically be the same for both genders. Read through it and see if she does any of the signs. In the meantime, you should start trying to talk to the girl more often and get to know her better. The only way for you to find out what could be possible is to take the risk now and get to know her. Once you guys have started to develop a friendship and are talking more often, you can always try asking her to the next dance at your school or on a date.

  19. diana

    November 28, 2015 at 5:54 am

    Hi I am currently in eighth grade and there is a guy that I like and he knows it but we don’t make any type of eye contact or any conversation but I was gonna ask if its normal that I see him around a lot and he is always with his friends so there is not really any time when I can actually talk to him and get to know him a little more because his sister told him who I was and that I liked him because I asked her.to do me that favor and she did but even now that he knows I like him, he still doesn’t talk to me and I am the shy girl that gets nervous talking to people I don’t really know or even if it was a crush. I was wondering, what can I do for him to notice me and talk to me or should I be the one to make the first move? He is usually the type of guy that can talk to anyone without being nervous but whenever hes by himself , hes always in a hurry so he doesn’t stop to talk to anyone. Any advice on what I could do for him to notice me?

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 28, 2015 at 5:06 pm

      If he does not talk to you or make eye contact, then it is possible that he is not interested. At the same time, he could like you and just be too nervous to talk to you. Although it is possible that he likes you, I think it is more likely that he is not currently interested. If you could get a chance to talk to him and get to know him better, you may be able to get him to fall for you. If you never have a chance to talk to him in real life, you could always try texting him or talking to him online to get to know him better. Good luck, Diana!

  20. Pinchess

    November 26, 2015 at 3:05 am

    well theres a guy i always find him cute, well sort i have a crush on him i always ignore this guy so he wont notice that i like him, kinda pretending hes not existing. but when ever i tried to look at him i always caught him staring at me? dont know why hes staring. i dont want to assume so ignore that again. but one night i haved a dream. on the mother of earth! i dream of him. in my dream we seem so sweet in a very romantic way. well i think we haved a relationship there. well wanna ask is there a signifant in my dream that this person likes me too?

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 26, 2015 at 5:06 pm

      I think that ignoring him is a good plan if you want to date him at first. It will work at keeping him from knowing that you are interested, but it will not get him to like you. The fact that he is staring at you means he could be interested, so you should just go talk to him and flirt with him. As for your dream, it only represents your own desire to be close to him and get him to like you. As a dream, there is no way for it to indicate how he feels or thinks. If you want to find that out, you will actually have to talk with him and flirt with him in real life.

      • Pinchess

        November 27, 2015 at 8:36 am

        i cant just ask him that you know, aside from hes one of my boss were i work, its to risky to ask him, but you know im not assuming but i think and i can feel that theres something in his eyes. or stare. you know admin i dont want to fall to him coz i know were not bagay. as i read the 20 signs that a guy likes you. i can say theres really really something:)

        • web admin

          web admin

          November 28, 2015 at 12:17 am

          If he is your boss and you do not want to ruin your work relationship, then you would have to wait for him to make a move to see if he is interested. Unfortunately, he might be afraid of making a move because he is your boss, but you can always hope. Good luck, Pinchess!

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