Comments on: 10 Signs Someone Has A Crush On You Mon, 14 Nov 2016 03:06:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:49:34 +0000 It is great that you have such respect for her and it is also great that you are mindful of your jealousy. It would be beneficial for you to take this time to observe and understand your feelings of jealously. Look closely at this attachment and determine what is connecting you to her. Decide if you have reason to feel these ways about her. If you want to develop a relationship with her, then speak with her directly and honestly about your feelings. Until you are in a relationship with her, you have no reason to concern yourself with the information that other people know about her. Even then, it would be mindful for you to realize that other people are closer to her than you are. Remain positive, Mike!

By: Mike Fuller Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:47:05 +0000 I am a 41 year old man and I am heartbroken after a woman I have a crush on who is far superior to me and who I am intensely jealous of her associating with anyone else! I am being soft and very selfish and self-centred but she is a really beautiful woman who is about 20 or 21 years older than me! I am intensely jealous of people who have known things about her that I didn’t!, Intensely jealous about her possibly moving out to be closer with a possible poorly father, although that may or may not be true as I dreamed that but someone may have said it when I was asleep! I am intensely jealous of the city she comes from, London! And I am intensely jealous of other personal things about her that is far from being any of my business! I hope she is happy in life and I have never felt so intensely for a person before, but she is a Very Attractive, Kind and Wonderful Woman!

By: web admin Fri, 28 Oct 2016 21:50:44 +0000 If this guy is attempting to be near you and his neighbor says that he likes you, then it is likely that he has an interest in developing a relationship with you. If you want to develop a relationship with him as well, then speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings. Perhaps allow your feet to go near his when you are sitting together and see what he does. He may move his foot away out of nervousness, but he may keep it there or even push back. Determine his actions and his meanings behind his actions. Enjoy life and remain positive, Sarah!

By: Sarah Thu, 27 Oct 2016 22:21:39 +0000 there is this guy at school that i like and i talk to him a lot, like i sat in front of him in algebra and he sometimes messed with me like he would put his feet in the metal part where you can put your stuff in, then we moved seats in algebra (come to find he sits on my left in the front row and i noticed the other day that his foot was by my foot (almost touching), my best friend said that he likes me from what he said at his house (they were neighbors) and i asked him about it and he said no so I’m not sure if my friend was lying or not because he messes with me some times but not all the time and he asks for my help in algebra, am i just overthinking this or what?

By: web admin Sat, 22 Oct 2016 01:44:41 +0000 It is almost certain that he has a strong interest in developing a relationship with you. If you want to tease him until he confesses, then perhaps give his friends a heads up. He may become embarrassed or confused about your words and will want to talk with his friends. If they know what you are doing, then they will be able to direct him in the correct manner if he does not understand your goal with teasing. Be sure to let him know that you have feelings for him as well when teasing him. Remain positive and best of luck with your teasing! Enjoy, Mariam!

By: mariam Fri, 21 Oct 2016 21:47:44 +0000 my friends are telling me this guy likes me but i dont think but alot of his friends i dont know are also telling me he is into me. He goes out of his way to make sure i am comfortable. He stares at me when doesnt think i am looking. He is my cousin’s close friend. i am always at my cousins house. Even his friends are teasing him about me. I just think he is nice but i don’t think its more than that. I would date him if asks me. he is cute even though i am older by a year. if he does like me, should i tease him about it so he confesses. thank you !!!

By: web admin Wed, 19 Oct 2016 21:54:28 +0000 That is great advice, Rebecca! Thomas, if you notice that she continues to notice you and pay attention to you, then perhaps try to spend more time with her. It is likely that she has an interest in you and is curious as to if you feel the same about her. Take charge, yet always be sure to remain respectful and friendly. Or, if she seems like the assertive type, hang back and allow her to make the first move. The choice is yours, but remain mindful and friendly! Best of luck, Thomas!

By: rebecca Tue, 18 Oct 2016 23:07:53 +0000 if she make eye contact again then smile. she will most likely smile back. that is mostly true and this is coming from a girl with experience. when you get a chance to talk to her in class make funny jokes but not ones that are from a joke book. come up with something on the spot. and to see if she’s comfortable with you ask for a high five sometime.

By: web admin Tue, 18 Oct 2016 16:47:24 +0000 That sounds like excellent advice, Yaboi. I am sure that Kayla will appreciate it. Thanks for commenting!

By: web admin Tue, 18 Oct 2016 16:46:05 +0000 She may be looking at you because she likes you or because her friend likes you. If she is a good friend though, she will not make a move if her friend is interested, so all she may ever do is stare at you. You never mentioned who you liked. Before you decide what to do, you should figure out which girl you like and then make your decision about what to do. Best of luck, Thomas!
