10 Signs that your Crush Likes Someone Else

By on February 27, 2013

Liking someone so much can be a complex thing, when you were back in 5th grade, and your teacher walks in, you start feeling as though he or she is the love of your life. What you didn’t know rather is that he or she is already seeing someone else and when you come to realize this, you feel heartbroken. The question is that how does this happen?

Well, just as the time when you were at that timid age, even as an adult, you are still going through the same thing. It is quite hard to guess just how you could substantiate whether your crush likes someone else or not. This article’s main goal is to point  out various facts about crushes and how you can anticipate this  before you go in too deep, attempt something else or even worst, make a move and get rejected. Overall, whether you are a girl, or a guy, it’s practically possible to put your foot down and do the math.

So how can you know whether he or she likes you or not?

Sign #1

love signal

We can start analyzing this all the way back from school. Imagine you are on the hallway, and the person you feel so dear happens to pass by does he or she send some mixed signals? Well, if they cannot seem to notice your presence, even when you send that awkward smile, then something is amiss somewhere. Most people don’t realize this until it’s too late. Note that the first sign is everything and can deduce whether you are going to make it to the top of the list or not.  Therefore, watch out for those signs before you are submerged to the shadow of doubt by your crush.

Sign #2

your crush sit next to you

Crushes can be so challenging, we find ourselves making these funny and scary stares. It’s not just about making googol eyes but rather having your crush send the same favor to you. Look at the signs, every step of the way, you will be able to substantiate whether your crush truly likes you back or not. For instance, when your crush sits next to you in class or somewhere else, do they seem concerned at all? When someone crushes on another, they would always want to communicate, or say something even if doesn’t come out right.

Sign #3

Attention is every spec of connection you could opt to have from your crush. If they are not bothered at all, then it means that he or she doesn’t like you back, and probably it would be best if you moved past your crush or sought to identify another possibility to get through it.

Sign #4

If the crush is always talking about another person when in your presence, it could also be a sign that they are not into you as you are in them. In other words, if the girl or guy you are crushing on happens to talk about their escapades and how they value their times with other parties, it is a clear indication that they are not into you thus you should try to move on.

Sign #5

Another important sign that you should observe when crushing on someone is connection and favor return. In other words, if the person knows that you already like them, but goes further to stay away from you or keep talking about someone else, then this is a clear indication that they are not into you.

Sign #6

broken heart

Another thing is appearance. If you realize that the person, you were crushing on wasn’t putting any efforts to change their looks but soon begin changing their looks to impress someone else, it is another forceful indication that they are not into you.

Sign #7

Sometimes we wonder could a single smile make someone like you back. In addition to that, what can be done to make someone like you back? Well, if the person doesn’t want to share much with you, it clearly means that they are avoiding you hence you should stop trying, however, this is not the only thing you should focus on when looking for a sign because mostly there are those people who want to  remain friends, despite the fact that they understand your feelings. It all depends on what you want because obsession can be something else.

Sign #8

Seeing your crush in public places but with someone else who is not a family member could hurt, in fact, it is considered as another sign that the person you desire is indeed not crossing that line any time soon thus a perfect reason to do something else to forget about your feelings.

Sign #9

be yourself

Although it may not happen now, we can always keep our hopes happening   in the near future, a crush is typically something, which can take a few days or a few years depending on how much you intend to keep holding to it. However, it is recommended that you move on and stop waiting around if you have tried asking your crush severally to go out but still remain in denial. This means that they are crushing on another person and hence if it will happen in the near future, but as of that particular time, moving on would be the perfect way to stay out of sight and avoid hurting yourself.

Sign #10

you are my dream

There is no easier way to know whether your crush is indeed crushing back on you other than observing the signs. If your crush is constantly turning his or her head to look at the back, probably for you or someone else, it could mean two things. For one, they are not crushing on you but rather on someone else; or rather they are crushing on you and have no idea on where to start. For this reason, combining that gesture with something else such as a “hey”, could give you an idea on what to do, whether to make a move or not on the account of the crush.

/ and What do you do when your Crush likes someone Else?


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