10 Signs that your Crush Likes Someone Else
Liking someone so much can be a complex thing, when you were back in 5th grade, and your teacher walks in, you start feeling as though he or she is the love of your life. What you didn’t know rather is that he or she is already seeing someone else and when you come to realize this, you feel heartbroken. The question is that how does this happen?
Well, just as the time when you were at that timid age, even as an adult, you are still going through the same thing. It is quite hard to guess just how you could substantiate whether your crush likes someone else or not. This article’s main goal is to point out various facts about crushes and how you can anticipate this before you go in too deep, attempt something else or even worst, make a move and get rejected. Overall, whether you are a girl, or a guy, it’s practically possible to put your foot down and do the math.
So how can you know whether he or she likes you or not?
Sign #1
We can start analyzing this all the way back from school. Imagine you are on the hallway, and the person you feel so dear happens to pass by does he or she send some mixed signals? Well, if they cannot seem to notice your presence, even when you send that awkward smile, then something is amiss somewhere. Most people don’t realize this until it’s too late. Note that the first sign is everything and can deduce whether you are going to make it to the top of the list or not. Therefore, watch out for those signs before you are submerged to the shadow of doubt by your crush.
Sign #2
Crushes can be so challenging, we find ourselves making these funny and scary stares. It’s not just about making googol eyes but rather having your crush send the same favor to you. Look at the signs, every step of the way, you will be able to substantiate whether your crush truly likes you back or not. For instance, when your crush sits next to you in class or somewhere else, do they seem concerned at all? When someone crushes on another, they would always want to communicate, or say something even if doesn’t come out right.
Sign #3
Attention is every spec of connection you could opt to have from your crush. If they are not bothered at all, then it means that he or she doesn’t like you back, and probably it would be best if you moved past your crush or sought to identify another possibility to get through it.
Sign #4
If the crush is always talking about another person when in your presence, it could also be a sign that they are not into you as you are in them. In other words, if the girl or guy you are crushing on happens to talk about their escapades and how they value their times with other parties, it is a clear indication that they are not into you thus you should try to move on.
Sign #5
Another important sign that you should observe when crushing on someone is connection and favor return. In other words, if the person knows that you already like them, but goes further to stay away from you or keep talking about someone else, then this is a clear indication that they are not into you.
Sign #6
Another thing is appearance. If you realize that the person, you were crushing on wasn’t putting any efforts to change their looks but soon begin changing their looks to impress someone else, it is another forceful indication that they are not into you.
Sign #7
Sometimes we wonder could a single smile make someone like you back. In addition to that, what can be done to make someone like you back? Well, if the person doesn’t want to share much with you, it clearly means that they are avoiding you hence you should stop trying, however, this is not the only thing you should focus on when looking for a sign because mostly there are those people who want to remain friends, despite the fact that they understand your feelings. It all depends on what you want because obsession can be something else.
Sign #8
Seeing your crush in public places but with someone else who is not a family member could hurt, in fact, it is considered as another sign that the person you desire is indeed not crossing that line any time soon thus a perfect reason to do something else to forget about your feelings.
Sign #9
Although it may not happen now, we can always keep our hopes happening in the near future, a crush is typically something, which can take a few days or a few years depending on how much you intend to keep holding to it. However, it is recommended that you move on and stop waiting around if you have tried asking your crush severally to go out but still remain in denial. This means that they are crushing on another person and hence if it will happen in the near future, but as of that particular time, moving on would be the perfect way to stay out of sight and avoid hurting yourself.
Sign #10
There is no easier way to know whether your crush is indeed crushing back on you other than observing the signs. If your crush is constantly turning his or her head to look at the back, probably for you or someone else, it could mean two things. For one, they are not crushing on you but rather on someone else; or rather they are crushing on you and have no idea on where to start. For this reason, combining that gesture with something else such as a “hey”, could give you an idea on what to do, whether to make a move or not on the account of the crush.
/ and What do you do when your Crush likes someone Else?
nana adwoa
November 27, 2015 at 9:30 pm
we uv been dating for not too long. it about 3 month now nd he has been away for abut 8 month now. things were going on well wen we were frnds bfore we became lovers. he use to call me nd text me always but nothing lyk day ia happening since we became together. u uv been limited to his problems nd he dasnt call me again claiming day he has a fault wit his fone. he female frns qi comes nd wash for him nd ccook as well in every weekend. he recently posted his ex girlfriend ‘s pic as his do nd wrote in de status as “I FEEL LYK DOING NOTHING, I FEEL LYK TELLING HER DAT I LUV HER DAT WORDS CAN NOT EVEN EXPRESS IT “during my absence in wassup bcos am in sch nd uv an examination doing. I text him to call but I gb not received any call yet. am vry suspicious nd dnt no wat to do ryt now bcos he even told me day he way to be single for a while if I can wait.
web admin
November 28, 2015 at 4:39 pm
Oh, dear. Although I would not panic quite yet, it sounds like he may be preparing to move on to someone else. I am surprised that he has a friend girl come over to clean and cook for him–I probably would not do that for any of my friends, and someone in a relationship should not be entertaining girls unless their girlfriend is okay with it. Right now, just wait for him to contact you. If he is not planning on ending things and the “I feel like telling her that I love her” message was about you, then texting him too much or freaking out will only push him away. If he is planning on ending things, then your ability to handle things with maturity will possibly make him miss you and come back–or at least, it will mean that you are the better person in this break up. I will cross my fingers and hope that your fears are not realized. Good luck, Nana Adwoa!
Dolly Marwah
October 8, 2015 at 10:21 am
I have been talking to my guy crush since a month and he knows everything about me. He told me earlier that he wants to know me. He used to send me hearts and kisses. He used to plan out date and cancelled itself then. He did this for 4 times. Earlier he used to call me…message me but now nothing. He broked up with a girl 4 months back and told me that he dont want any relationship and commitmemts now. He wants to focus on work. But then also he sent me heart n kiss. I told him that I am being ignored and it hurts. He said you think a lot ad its nothing like that. Its just m busy in work. He never responds to my calls too. Is there any possibility that he will be mine?
web admin
October 8, 2015 at 3:20 pm
I am not sure. If his goal was to break up with you, then it seems like it would have been much easier to just do that instead of planning dates and letting you know that he was busy. Due to this, he may just be busy at work and perhaps a bit afraid to get in another relationship. If it were me, I would give it another month to see if you actually end up going on one of the planned dates or anything happens. It seems like he may have just seriously be busy or have a fear of commitment, so a couple of weeks of being patient might help. Good luck, Dolly!
August 15, 2015 at 7:20 pm
Thanks admin he behaves weird and I don’t even know him….he still behaves like that. ..like yesterday I passed him and he watched me pass by him. today I was standing on his way abd I said sorry to him, didn’t realise it was him and he turned his head away from me like he didn’t hear me…u know ignoring me…
last week I saw him at the church and he turned to face me…then moments later he comes to stand in front of me from where I was sitting….I get and go and then a while later we make direct eye contact….which I break away.again I happen to walk in front of him and he looks up seesme and then looks down. ..doesn’t seem to bother looking the second time. ..then again he now turns to face me when he sees me when he went outside the church. …..
why should he act mad now?! we work in the same hospital and im always smiling and laughing with my patients. …..could it be that he doesn’t like my behaviour in the ward??? Thnks much for answering
August 14, 2015 at 10:10 am
it started out like this caught him staring at me and he
turned away all embrassed….then he was once staring
at my friends as I think he has seen me with
them…twice we made eye contact for like 2 seconds. ..
this stranger guy glances at me and then looks down
whenever we pass each other in the hallway…on two
occasions on seeing me je turned away his head away
soo quickly….anotjwr time he did a double glance like
he looked at me looked down looked back up and then
walked down…twice he was right in front of me and
giving him direct eye contact he had this weird lateral
eye movements as of he was escaping me or
something. ..met him in the hallway and he watched me
as I interacted with people whom I met….now we are in
the same room and he glares at me like he is mad or
something and often just avoids eye contact all
together. …..whats his deal or am I reading too much
into it?? he is generally a quiet guy and has made
friends. .
0 following
web admin
August 15, 2015 at 6:34 pm
Hmmm…I am not sure what he is doing. If he likes you, he could be trying to make his feelings less obvious. Or, he could have heard a rumor or something that made him upset with you. He could have also had a bad day, and he might not realize what he is doing. Right now, you should probably just wait for a couple of days to see if his behavior changes or if he keeps acting the same way.
August 10, 2015 at 9:59 pm
I have a crush on someone but he doesn’t know me at all. I keep stalking him all day but he keeps talking to another person and I feel hurt. When I see him i get blushed and wild. I stole his pictures from facebook and yet i always do the first move bcoz he may be noticed me. I just don’t know what to do coz I found out that he has a crush on someone else. Advice please! T.T
web admin
August 11, 2015 at 1:13 am
If he has a crush on someone else, there is not much else that you can do right now. Often, people fall for people that they can never have. Due to this, it may be better for you to focus on a different crush or a new boyfriend for a while. Once you have set your sights elsewhere, he may end up developing an interest. And if he does not, at least you will not have wasted too much time waiting for him to develop feelings for you. Good luck, Nekoii!
Bea Brielle
July 25, 2015 at 10:13 pm
I have been single for a long time now after breaking up with my first love, but at a party a guy that I’ve known for some time seemed to show interest. I never saw him in that light before. I never thought about being with someone like him.
We connected, and at this party we made out and even slept in the same couch, cuddling all night and gazing into each others eyes. Nothing sexual happened and because of that I thought that this could actually become something.
A week later, I went to see my friend. She was with him and many other of their friends. When I arrived, he didn’t say hello. I felt bad immediately. Later on we actually said hi to each other but then I realized that I don’t know him on a personal level. I want to get to know him. The signs I got from him that night felt clear. He didn’t show interest, he didn’t try to have a conversation with me. When this group of friends decided to go to a park(including him), I went home. I feel like he broke my heart. Am I giving up too fast or am I seeing things wrong? I haven’t liked anyone like this for a long time and it feels so bad to give it up and move on. Help!
web admin
July 27, 2015 at 8:52 pm
Sometimes, it takes me a bit to get through all of the comments–I have to approve of each of them before they are posted. If I do not message back or approve it right away, don’t worry because it just takes time sometimes. Let me know if you need anything else!
Bea Brielle
July 25, 2015 at 10:12 pm
I have been single for a long time now after breaking up with my first love, but at a party a guy that I’ve known for some time seemed to show interest. I never saw him in that light before. I never thought about being with someone like him.
We connected, and at this party we made out and even slept in the same couch, cuddling all night and gazing into each others eyes. Nothing sexual happened and because of that I thought that this could actually become something.
A week later, I went to see my friend. She was with him and many other of their friends. When I arrived, he didn’t say hello. I felt bad immediately. Later on we actually said hi to each other but then I realized that I don’t know him on a personal level. I want to get to know him. The signs I got from him that night felt clear. He didn’t show interest, he didn’t try to have a conversation with me. When this group of friends decided to go to a park(including him), I went home. I feel like he broke my heart. Am I giving up too fast or am I seeing things wrong? I haven’t liked anyone like this for a long time and it feels so bad to give it up and move on.
web admin
July 27, 2015 at 8:52 pm
Your instincts may be right. If he did not try to talk to you or say hello, then he probably viewed your one evening together as just a brief fling. Unless he starts to be interested later on, it sounds like this relationship is probably over. 🙁
June 7, 2015 at 9:57 pm
I recently met a girl at my workplace, she happens to be from my hometown.I am an introvert, but I have had some brief communications with her regarding where she stays,what’s their family business.I just happened to me that I realized that i like her after first few communications and glances.She comes to office a little late that me and it is me who always says Hello to her and she replies back.I have been noticing that she always sits with boys rather than girls , goes on a break with one specific guy everyday and is often busy with her phone chatting on whats app.Also, i have noticed that when I don’t initiate a Hello, she doesn’t bother about talking to me. The guy I always see her with has become my friend and I often talk to him about his marriage plans but he has no mention for that girl for his marriage and says that he will marry a girl of his parent’s choice.I am confused as to whether I should express my likeness to a girl , but before that I want to know if she already has a boyfriend.How should I communicate with her to know if she has interest in someone else with me hurting her.
web admin
June 8, 2015 at 10:55 pm
It seems like you have developed a friendship with her guy friend. Why don’t you ask him if the girl is single or if he is interested in her? At the very least, you will want to make sure that you do not step on any toes when you go for the girl. Plus, asking him in advance will let you know that the girl is or is not taken. You will probably want to find out these things before you go any further. From the sound of it, she is not currently interested in you, but you could certainly change that! Just make sure that she is single first!
June 10, 2015 at 8:40 pm
Thanks for the Reply.One of this girl’s friend told me that she didn’t have a boyfriend,so yesterday I invited that girl to talk to her and told her that I have started liking her. She replied in a very polite manner by saying that how could I think of that and it is not possible at all. I again asked her that why she thinks so, she didn’t reply at all.Later, after some pause I asked if she likes someone else, she replied back in angry tone with a yes and walked off.Does it really mean that she likes someone else and doesn’t like me at all? I think that I made this move very quickly of telling her about me liking her. As a told earlier that I talk very less, though I have a very good sense of humor, but none of my jokes made her laugh or it could be that she completely ignored.IT has affected my self esteem as the girl might have rejected me because she thinks that she would someone more good looking than me,is this the case with every girl or it was just that I made this move very quickly?
June 10, 2015 at 8:44 pm
Thanks for the Reply.One of this girl’s friend told me that she didn’t have a boyfriend,so yesterday I invited that girl to talk to her and told her that I have started liking her. She replied in a very polite manner by saying that how could I think of that and it is not possible at all. I again asked her that why she thinks so, she didn’t reply at all.Later, after some pause I asked if she likes someone else, she replied back in angry tone with a yes and walked off.Does it really mean that she likes someone else and doesn’t like me at all? I think that I made this move very quickly of telling her about me liking her. As a told earlier that I talk very less, though I have a very good sense of humor, but none of my jokes made her laugh or it could be that she completely ignored.IT has affected my self esteem as the girl might have rejected me because she thinks that she would get someone better than me?
May 30, 2015 at 9:27 am
I have a crush on someone in college but I don’t know her though. We often see each other in the library and sit not too close but in distant that we can see each other. Sometimes I catch her glancing at me but when I look back, she avoids my eyes or looks away. I don’t know what that means. I wanna talk to her and get to know her but I don’t know how to approach her.
web admin
May 30, 2015 at 2:53 pm
The easiest way to start up a conversation is to make up an excuse to talk to her. Next time you are in the library, sit at the same table as her. Pretend that you forgot your pencil or that you cannot find a book–then ask her for help. Afterward, start talking to her. If you cannot get the conversation going that day, it is okay. You can still start saying hello to her because you will have introduced yourself to her with the lost library book. You could also try seeing if any of your friends know her–then, you could end up going to the same party or hangout spot as her. Good luck!
May 24, 2015 at 5:58 pm
Here’s mine. I have a crush of my officemate I message her few times like hi, goodmorning , some jokes, add her fb account, instagram, and send her chocolates. But she keeps ignoring me. I know she read all my message and share it to her friends because I hear them laughing . I message her about the chocolates I give but she never replied to it.
web admin
May 25, 2015 at 5:16 pm
Even though you hear her laughing, it does not mean that she is laughing at you. Other than this, it seems like she does not return your interest. You have added her on every social media account that it is, messaged her multiple times and sent her chocolates. If she liked you back, she would have returned your messages or stopped ignoring you. In the future, you may want to try coming on a little less strong. You may have scared her off, or she may not like to be pursued aggressively. With your next crush, start by just adding them on Facebook and gradually talking like friends. After a few weeks, you can start to flirt more seriously with your next crush. And hold off on the chocolates until the first date. It is a cute thing to get a girl on a date, but it is a bit over the top for a girl that you just have a major crush on. Good luck, next time!
May 24, 2015 at 11:05 am
From the 1St year of my college i like a girl,day by day my feelings for her kept on increasing,but i could not gather courage to tell her.last yr i finally told her about my fellings,she said she consider me as her friend,and she does not not what to do now,so it would be bettr for her to stay away from all this.But she do keep asking about me sometimes.One year has already passed on.I dont know whether i should ask her anything now or not..Please give your advice.
web admin
May 25, 2015 at 4:40 pm
That is a tough situation to be in. It sounds like you expressed your feelings, and she decided to stay away from you to let your feelings cool off. Is she flirting with you know? Has anything changed? From the sound of your message, it seems like she still has the same lack of feelings for you. She asks about you (most likely) because you are or were a friend of hers. If you really want to see how she feels, have a friend ask her who she likes or how she feels about you. Hopefully, this will help you to avoid the awkwardness of being rejected by her again. It is never easy to be rejected by someone you love, and I hope that you will be able to avoid it this time around.
May 23, 2015 at 3:16 pm
So there’s this crush on a guy I like, and a lot has happened. At the beginning of this whole situation, my crush would stare A LOT. My friend was trying to get a conversation starter for us, so she asked my crush to stare at me, as I used to think he was really creepy because he used to stare at people a lot. Well a couple days later, he went and asked my friend for my name. Not any of my other friends names, but just mine. Another time I was at my friends locker, and my crush was trying to open his locker. My friend said he was staring at me out of the corner of his eyes, and was smiling a little. Other times when my friend would yell my name, he would do this weird spins, and turn around and stare at me. Now it’s tuned down a lot. Sometimes it seems like he’s avoiding my gaze, but other times we have these awkward stares at each other. My friend says that when I’m around he’s louder, and my other friends say that he subtly tries to impress me in music class. When he does something spectacular, he side glances me, to see if I’m looking. I also think my crush knows I like him- my friends make it REALLY obvious. What does this mean?
web admin
May 25, 2015 at 2:33 pm
He stares at you a lot, gives you side-glances and wants to know your name. When you are around him, he is trying to be louder and impress you. It really sounds like he does like you. Since he knows that you like him, he would stop flirting or being around you if he was not interested because that would lead you on. The only reason to remain around you so much would be due to a crush. If you are still worried about if he likes you or not, you can always get one of your friends to ask him who his crush is. Are you going to ask him out? Or did you want to just wait and hope that he asks you out first? What do you plan on doing, Jessa?
May 15, 2015 at 1:52 am
Ummm,so like there’s this guy who I like and I confessed to him and all he said was thanks for sharing and yeah my friends caught him a several times staring at me and I don’t even know what this means, because when we’re together we both act like nothings wrong. We said hi to each other this one time too,without smiling but with our serious faces…
web admin
May 16, 2015 at 2:26 am
There is a chance that he is not interested. From the sound of it, he tried to just figure out a way to show you that he is not particularly into you. Thankfully, he seems to be trying to make things less awkward or weird now. I would wait to make a move. If you are reading his actions wrong and he does like you, he already knows your interested. As the old adage goes, “the ball is in his court”. It is up to him to decide what to do now. Good luck!
May 6, 2015 at 1:30 am
I’m just so sad, lol. Especially with a dance coming up… Oh wells.
web admin
May 6, 2015 at 2:20 pm
It is never easy when your crush likes someone else. Fortunately, there will always be other crushes and other dances. It may not help you now, but you can look forward to one day having a crush who likes you as much as you like him. Good luck, Anon!
May 2, 2015 at 3:13 pm
I feel awful. This guy, I’ve been crushing for about 3 years. We were friends last year, but due to my obsession with Anime IDK… He doesn’t talk to me much anymore and I feel like he doesn’t understand me. I am bipolar, but only my family and very close friends know. The thing is I still have feelings for him, but he has been hanging out with a girl recently. He hasn’t dressed up or anything, but I have seen her pet his hair many times. The worst thing is that he lets her. I think the girl is dating but I am not clear about it. I think I offended him last year or earlier this year, and I just feel terrible. Every time I see him with that girl, I feel awful. I told him about my crush last year. I am really confused. Should I give up on him? I am starting to develop some feelings for this other guy…. but it’s not as serious as this crush.
web admin
May 2, 2015 at 7:39 pm
If he already knew that you have a crush on him and did not act on it, it is unlikely that he is interested in you–I am sorry, Michiko. It sounds like he likes the other girl, or he is at least entertaining the thought. Meanwhile, you should consider the other guy that you are starting to crush on. If the first guy is not interested, there is no reason for you to waste your time waiting for him to change his mind. Go out, read some anime, find someone who shares your passion and enjoy living your life! Good luck!
March 5, 2015 at 2:07 am
well, i guess it’s time to stop crushing on him now. 😀
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 6:41 pm
Aww, that is too bad, Curly. Better luck next time, right?
mickella marie
October 9, 2014 at 3:16 pm
well I am getting mixed signal from my crush.sometimes his always where I am and sometimes he avoids me and looks at other girls in my presence I just don’t understand.
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 6:45 pm
It certainly sounds like a confusing experience! Perhaps your crush is just trying to play the field. He may be checking out other girls, but that does not mean he is uninterested in you. Take some time and see how he feels.
Emma parlane
September 11, 2013 at 8:36 pm
Thanx I can now get over him for good I knew he went out with people without telling me he doesn’t like me to my face
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 6:46 pm
That sounds horrible! At least you are now able to move past this experience. Hopefully, the next guy that you crush on will be better for you. Good luck, Emma!
Emma parlane
September 11, 2013 at 8:32 pm
Thanx I will get over my crush I liked him from year 6 to year 9 finally
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 6:48 pm
That is a very long time to like someone. If he has not made a move after all of those years, then it is time for you to move on. There are plenty of other guys in high school that could be attractive dates. Find someone with the same interests as you and start again.
September 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm
to be frank, i won’t feel happy.
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 6:49 pm
Understandable, but it is better to find out sooner rather than later that your crush is not interested, right? Good luck, Tumi!