10 Signs Your Crush Likes You Back

By on August 23, 2013

Wondering if the man you’ve been crushing on likes you back can be extremely confusing. It may be  hard to figure out if a guy really, really likes you like you like him, especially if you’re not sure what you should be looking for. It’s not fun waiting around for him to tell you if he does or not and it can be frustrating hanging onto someone who you aren’t even sure has the same feelings for you. It may just be too embarrassing to ask because of the fear of rejection. So, to help you out here are 10 ways to tell if your special someone wants you to be his special someone, too.


1. Body Language:


We, as humans, say a lot with our bodies- sometimes more than we even say with our words. Body language is an important factor in any relationship; romantic or not. The way your crush moves his body may be telling you something this whole time! Does your crush fidget when he’s around you? Does he try to make eye contact with you as much as possible? Does he touch you a lot? Put his arm around you? Hold your hand? Do you catch him glancing at you, just like you glance at him? Even looking to see if he laughs or smiles when you laugh or smile may be the key to finding out whether he likes you.

2. Compliments:


It’s very unusual for someone who doesn’t feel romantic about you to give you a lot of compliments. Especially if the compliments are ones about your looks. Things like: You’re beautiful, you have an amazing smile, your laugh is cute, you have stunning eyes, etc. Also, if your crush tells you these things more than once, that’s a good sign that he really likes you back.

3. Getting personal:



Does your crush ask you questions about yourself? Does he pry for more  information about you, your family, likes or dislikes? Does he talk about his personal life, goals, family, past relationships, secrets or something else that you wouldn’t tell just anyone? If he does, this may be a great sign that he likes you. Guys don’t open up to just anyone- actually, they don’t open up a lot period. But, when it comes to a girl they may like, they will try to get to know her and let her get to know him because he wants to be more than friends. He wants to let you in. This means he trusts you, but also wants to get to know more about you, too.

4. Friends & Family:


A guy doesn’t bring just anyone to hang out with him and his friends. If your crush wants you to meet his friends or his family, then you may be assured that he likes you as more than a friend. This isn’t always a sure signs, but in most cases a guy doesn’t waste time to go through that whole process for no reason. If he wants you to meet those close to him, it means that he wants you to get to know them and he wants both of you to get along.

5. Communication:


Does your crush make an effort to contact you first by texting, calling or even social network messaging you? Does he reply to your messages relatively briefly after you sent them? Does he answer most of your calls or call you back as soon as he can? All in all, does he make as much of an effort to talk to you as you do to him? If so, it means he really has an interest in you. Guys are forgetful creatures. They won’t usually make the effort to talk to someone who they don’t really want to talk to.

6. Dates and Presents:


A guy who gives you gifts, whether extravagant or small, really cares for you. He wants to impress you and make you happy by giving you things he thinks you’ll love. He obviously loves seeing you happy and loves that he’s the one doing it. If your crush takes you out for ice cream, to a movie, to dinner, to any event or place multiple times, it may mean that he wants to take you out on ‘dates’ and take the relationship further soon enough. Men don’t spend money on girls they don’t have any intention of seeing or dating.

7. People:


Whether people you know are telling you that they think your crush likes you back or you ask them for their opinion, that is a sign that he truly does like you. Third parties are better at seeing the signs than you are because they are not blinded by love. They can see clearly what’s going on and will be able to tell you the absolute truth.

8. Hanging Out:


If you find your crush wanting to be around you a lot, asking you to hang out more than often or offer to take you places, they make like you. If he’s doing these things then it usually means he wants to be around you and enjoys your company. If he offers to take you places or walk you home then he doesn’t mind taking time out of his day to do something nice for you because he wants to make you happy. Definitely a sign he likes you.

9. Exclusivity:


Is he hanging out with other girls? Do you find him talking to other girls, taking them out to date-like places, giving them gifts, etc? This may mean he doesn’t like you as much as you’d hope because he’s not staying exclusive with you. If your crush doesn’t seem to have any other important girls in his life besides you and pays attention to only you, it’s a sign he may like you.

10. He Tells You:


Either he tells you or drops hints that he likes you. That’s definitely a sure as hay sign he likes you back. If he says things pertaining to your future together, how you would be a good girlfriend, how he wishes he had a girl like you or if he straight out says, “I like you”, then he is most definitely interested! 


  1. Jules

    March 14, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Hello I’m Jules and there’s this super cute guy that just broke up with his girlfriend and we known each other since the beginning of the school year and he is sweet, kind, halirous and is very open to everyone he knows. He cares about his friends including me since he told me that. We use to sit together for 4rd 5th and 6th periods. We would mess around and goof off sometimes and laugh but we get very quiet and don’t talk to each other during lunch or snack. Today I was writing something after school until my nieghbor that is a year older started to harass me so I went to one of my friends that was Near him and a few other people I asked her if I can ask her something alone since I only needed one person to help me to make him back of but my crush comes in and says

    “Hey Jules tell me what your going to ask her you trust me and I so do I ”

    Does this mean anything? I’m very shock he said he trust me…OH and I almost forgot during NEST that’s after snack I walked up to one of his friends and asked him to pick a card since we me and my friend were p,aging cards and then the other guys were telling me to go away but my crush stayed quiet then one of his friends yelled out

    “You know he likes you” and pointed at my crush. I’m not sure if my crush likes me back but I’m not believing that since I’m just shocked and yeah. Please answer as soon as you can. Thank you!!

    • web admin

      March 16, 2016 at 11:04 am

      If one of his friends said that he likes you, then he probably does. The rest of his behavior makes it seem quite likely that he could be interested in you. Now, you just have to decide what you want to do about it. If you are feeling particularly brave, you could always try asking him out. At the very least, add him online and start talking to him whenever you get a chance. Good luck!

  2. yuki

    March 14, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    what does this all mean with my crush at school..
    sometimes when i look at him, he is looking right at me, and i even see him smiling and all that when i ask him things. sure, we arent really “friends” nor do we text or anything like that. he said he “has” a girlfriend. when ever i give him gum/candy, he brushes his fingers onto mine a little slowly but not creepy. (he is taller than me, btw.) today, i went up to him and since im shy i talked a little un-confident: “h-hey *his name*”..”can i uhm, hug you..?” and he just smiled really big all like: “..ahaha, i dont know..” “i have a girlfriend..” and i insisted that its just a hug. he kept smiling and walked over to one of his friends, and then his friend glanced at me. as i was trying to keep up with with my friend before she left the school. as i was kind of stalling i seen him and his friend walking towards me (to the door actually) and his friend insisted that i hug him and just go for it while my crush was giggling with nervous “nah”‘s. i finally got enough courage and i quickly got behind/to the side of him and hugged him tightly! he didnt even push me away (as im in the “ugly” level at school, though most girls tell me im pretty..), but anyways while i hugged him he felt so warm (he wasnt hugging back since he was holding something), and im sorry but he smelled so great! i heard his friend cheering me on like “woooo she did itttt” and all that. i literally cried happy tears!!!
    but anyways,i seriously need tips on how to communicate/get out of my shy zone since im not really all that popular unless its for my art or just being kind to people. im slowly becoming more confident yet its hard when i have anxiety and i really just love him so dear!

    • web admin

      March 15, 2016 at 9:54 am

      If he has a girlfriend, forget about him for now. It sounds like he could like you, but you should not do anything while he is taken. Other than the drama it would cause, you would also spend your entire relationship wondering if he would just end up leaving you in the same way. For the moment, just remain friends with him and get to know him better. When he is single again, you can try to make a move. Good luck!

  3. Bellise

    March 4, 2016 at 5:15 pm

    I like this super cute boy at my school, but he is very shy. We’ve never really spoken before, but I’ve noticed the following things:

    *When he cracks a joke, he’ll look at me afterwards.
    *He’ll be looking at me in class and then when I look at him back, he’ll jerk his eyes away.
    *In PE class, we were standing in a line next to each other, and he moved to the complete other side of the line.
    *He seems nervous when I try to talk to him.

    I really like him and want to become his friend, but I don’t know how to approach him without it being awkward (since we’ve only spoke once and for like three minutes). Do you have any ideas on how I can get to know him better through conversation topics? What are some conversation topics I can talk about with him? I know (through my friends) he likes acting and music, which is what we have in common. How do I approach him? We take all the same classes. Also, does it seem like he likes me? Do you know ways I could get him to talk to me?

    Also, there is a boy in my class who likes me a lot, but I don’t really feel the same way. How do I handle that without telling him I don’t like him back? I know this boy likes me because he stares at me in class and is always trying to crack jokes in front of me.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    • web admin

      March 6, 2016 at 10:15 am

      We have a few articles on questions to ask your crush that may help you. It sounds like he is probably interested in you and is just too shy to do anything about it. If he does like you, he will be more than happy to have you make a move and try talking to him. He will probably be so nervous and focused on his own awkwardness that he will not even notice if you are feeling awkward as well. As for the other guy, try not to talk to him too much. If he does tell you that he likes you, just be nice and tell him that you like him as a friend and do not feel the same way about him. It would be better for him to know that nothing is possible than to be led on and end up getting crushed in the future. Good luck!

    • Cassie

      March 13, 2016 at 3:39 pm

      If you’re trying to get his attention, the idea is so cliche, but purposely bump into him while he’s walking or something, say sorry, and somehow start a conversation. My friend tried it on her crush and needless to say, it actually worked. We were sat in school, waiting for assembly to start, and she was sat next to her crush, (CASUAL) and he had the hiccups and every time he did, he looked and laughed at her. And that was only for me saying to him that she liked him. And NOW she thinks he likes her back, but he doesn’t show it, as he can’t make it too obvious. But I can see where your coming from, just try really hard and you might score yourself someone who likes you, and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Don’t make any changes about yourself or he’ll get confused about why you changed, and never got a chance about who you really are. Hope this helped <3

      • web admin

        March 15, 2016 at 9:05 am

        That sounds like excellent advice, Cassia–I am sure that Bellise will appreciate getting the extra input. Thanks for commenting!

  4. freakin confused

    February 23, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    I like a guy that is one year younger than me. He is really popular, but i am too. We hang out a lot and we always sit next to each other in art. He knows i like him. So yesterday I asked him who the prettiest girl he’s ever seen was and he said “oh this girl from my old school, her names olivia” so i’m just like “oh you have her phone number right?” he goes “yeah” he sorta spacing out now so i ask “did you like her?” and he goes “yep”. Later i asked him if he thinks im pretty and he sid “yeah, of course”. He always playfully punches me and stuff and he thinks im funny. We flirt sometimes and we are super good friends. sometimes when he says bye he says “luv ya, bye” and he puts his arm around my shoulder a lot. I was just wondering do you think he likes me? (I will post another comment about a different boy problem)

    • web admin

      February 26, 2016 at 10:26 pm

      It seems entirely possible that he could like you. He may just be worried that the age difference or your friendship could get in the way. There have not been enough signs to say for sure how he feels, so you may want to hold off on doing anything. If you are feeling confident or think that he would still be friends with you after you ask, you could go ahead and tell him how you feel and potentially ask him out. As for his comment about Olivia, she might be pretty, but he probably just felt awkward saying your name–don’t worry about it! :) Good luck!

  5. HelloItsD33

    February 21, 2016 at 9:14 pm

    What would it mean if a guy keeps hugging you and stares at you and doesn’t look away?

    There’s this guy who always comes up to me and hugs me and then when we stare at each other I’m usually the first one to look away but we stare for a long time. Whenever I try to talk to him he doesn’t say anything or if he does, it’s a short response. I can’t tell if he’s shy or not or if he doesn’t like me. We’ve hugged over 10 times. I actually like this guy but I can’t tell if he likes me back.

    How would I be able to actually start a conversation with him? I want to ask him for his number but I’m afraid to because of the conversations we’ve had before. He doesn’t say much and I don’t want to annoy him. And also, he gets nervous around me and runs off quickly. His voice gets deep and sometimes he’s inaudible when he talks.

    • web admin

      February 24, 2016 at 8:45 am

      It is possible that he could be shy and unable to make a move. Does he hug other girls a lot? If he doesn’t, then he probably likes you. If he does hug other girls, then it is still hard to tell how he feels. If he has problems talking to you in person, you could always try chatting him up online. It sounds like he could like you, so I would go ahead and talk to him. Get to know him better, flirt a bit and see if he does any of the other signs. Good luck, HelloItsD33!

      • HelloItsD33

        February 24, 2016 at 9:38 pm

        I’m not sure about the other girls. I don’t think he hugs other girls much. I don’t see him around much but i do know that most of the time when he sees me, he gives me a blank stare and looks confused/surprised or shocked and he freezes up.

        He seems pretty comfortable around other girls but with me he’s soo different.

        Whenever we talk it’s just a “Hey! How are you.” kind of thing and then he runs off after he hugs me. I did notice that a few days ago, we hugged and I smiled at him, he smiled at me and I saw him blushing but he tried to hide his smiling but I saw the color of his cheeks.

        I wanted his number but I don’t know how to approach him about it without sounding creepy.

        • web admin

          February 26, 2016 at 11:14 pm

          It sounds like he could like you after all. Go ahead and talk to him! If he likes you, he will be more than happy about you approaching him. Best of luck!

          • HelloItsD33

            February 27, 2016 at 11:21 pm

            I ended up getting his number and him and I actually had a conversation without him walking off. I just hope we both talk to each other more. The issue is me now. I think I’m boring and he’s so interesting and I don’t want him to think I’m a boring person and I keep getting shy around him. I can’t even look him in the eyes when we speak. And thank you. :)

            • web admin

              February 28, 2016 at 9:16 am

              I highly doubt that he thinks that you are boring. If he is texting to you and trying to speak to you, then it sounds like he is interested. You judge yourself too harshly, HelloItsD33. Keep talking to him, and you will gradually start to become more comfortable. Good luck!

              • HelloItsD33

                February 28, 2016 at 12:21 pm

                So far we haven’t texted each other yet (I got his number yesterday) but I have been talking to him in person lately and he always initiates the conversations now. At first, it used to be me but I think he’s starting to finally get used to me.

                When I seem him again, I’m gonna tell him to text me first lol.

                Thank you. :)

                • web admin

                  February 28, 2016 at 12:45 pm

                  That sounds like a good plan. I hope that everything works out for you, HelloItsD33! :)

                  • HelloItsD33

                    March 16, 2016 at 6:03 pm

                    Hello. :)

                    Um I told him to text me and he still didn’t text me. I’m so anxious to text him but I’m afraid to. I don’t get why he can’t text me but if I approach him he’ll talk to me in person with no issues. He’ll talk forever and won’t shut up lol. It’s adorable.

                    Should I just give up on him because he won’t text me and because I have to initiative some of our conversations? I’m really ready to ask him if he likes me so he won’t have me waiting anymore.

                    What sucks is that he’s a polite and nice guy. He walked with me somewhere and held the door and everything. I just don’t get how he can do those things but not just tell me he likes me. Each day he doesn’t text me it makes me think he truly doesn’t like me and is wasting my time.

                    • web admin

                      March 18, 2016 at 8:48 am

                      Perhaps he is just not very good at texting. If that is the case, then you would be throwing away something that could be a good relationship. If you are tired of waiting around to see how he feels, go ahead and just ask him. Even if you get rejected, at least you will know that you are wasting your time. Plus, he probably will be nice about it considering he is generally a very polite and nice guy. Good luck!

  6. Dora

    February 12, 2016 at 4:33 pm

    I have this really good guy friend that I am really close with and I just realized that I like him and my friend says that he does bc he’s always looking at me when ever I’m not looking and he always wants to know what I am doing but my friend also likes him and I’m nervous about telling her bc she might get mad I dated a guy before that didn’t really care about me so I’m scared to let another guy into my life bc he might do the same thing and I asked him once if he likes me and he said no but he is always looking at me and wondering where I am

    • web admin

      February 14, 2016 at 4:00 pm

      There is always a risk when you are in love. Most relationships ultimately end, but that does not mean that you should take the risk of going after him or dating him. Since you have a friend who is also interested in him, you should talk to her before you do anything. If he is interested in just you and not her, then there is a decent chance that she will step aside as long as you talk to her about it first. If you go after him without talking to her, you will most likely lose your friend. As for the guy, it is possible that he likes you. If he said no before, the looks could just be because he is wondering if you are interested or he could be interested in you. Your description is not enough to assume that he likes you, but it seems like a distinct possibility. Good luck, Dora!

  7. Neil

    February 8, 2016 at 12:45 am

    So I’m a high school boy and I like a girl who is the same age as me. We were both classmates since 7th grade up to now 9th grade. Back when I was in grade 7, first day of school, i think I fell in love with her and it’s like love at first sight. We were friends but on 8th grade, someone spread the news that I have crush on her. So our talking was lessened bec.our classmate s were teasing us. But she has this girl bestfriend who is my bestfriend also that supports me always. I dated her out but she always has her best friend coming with her. And today, we were partners in HS Promenade. Well I’m shy about talking to her and she is shy also towards me. But she always look at me when we see at the room and even outside the campus. We were both shy. So I’m asking what to do to talk to her or to lessen the shyness for her? And do you think that she likes me back?

    • web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 8:22 am

      It is possible that she likes you back and is just a bit shy. If that is the case, you may have to make the move if you want to end up being with her in the future. Your best bet is to start talking to her, get to know her better and ask her out. There is always a risk that she may not like you back, but you will never know unless you take a chance now. Good luck, Neil!

  8. Does he like me or?

    January 28, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    So I like this guy but I have no idea if he likes me back. He gets along with everyone and he’s just friendly In general. I met him in health class cause he would sit next to me and annoy me and tickle me. Around 3 weeks ago after we took finals he asked me if I was gonna go to his basketball game and I said yeah sure why not. The next day I saw my ex and told him “lets go make him jealous ” and so we were holding hands for like 10 solid minutes (my excuse to get some physical contact with him) and he was okay with it he didn’t act weird About it. I added him on Facebook and he texted me and asked for My number because he doesn’t use Facebook a lot so I gave him my number And we texted for a while. When I went to his basketball game we hung out alone on top of the bleachers. We were just sitting and talking about random stuff, he told me a couple stories about his life and he was really close to me. After that day we started texting everyday. I mentioned to my friend that I like him (they’re both in the same team) and He asked My crush if he liked me and my crush responded with ‘should I?’ He asked him again a week later and his response was “what do you mean?” I have no idea please help.. anyways Our conversations are never boring. Whenever I whine about stuff like if my head hurts or anything he would just say “awww poor baby”. And one time we Had this conversation where he asked me if the weeknd (my favorite idol) and him were hanging off a cliff who would I save, and I said I would save him and He was surprised, he didn’t think I would have said that. And I asked him the same thing if me and his whole basketball career were hanging of a cliff who would he save, and he said MEE! I said awwe I feel special and he said “you should I wouldn’t pick many people over basketball”. We texted until 2 in the morning that day. He always texts first. 3 days ago he texted me afterschool and We hung out for like 2 hours straight, we were in front of My house talking like always.
    Yesterday I attended another one of his basketball games and same like last time, we hung out alone on top of the bleachers except this time he was more touchy, like we was tickling me more and then he stole my phone and wouldn’t give it back. We touched hands a lot too. I asked him to sadies yesterday too and he said yessss . but he knew I was gonna ask him since I made it kind of obvious that I like him. The problem is that he’s calling me “FAM” and “kid” is that a form of friend zoning ? Do you thik he just said yes to Sadies because he didn’t want to seem rude or make me upset? I don’t know I’m very confused. Please help me. thank you and sorry for making this so long xoxo!

    • web admin

      January 29, 2016 at 7:47 pm

      I doubt he would have said yes to Sadie’s if he was just being nice. He would not have tried to encourage you like that. Also, he may have said “Should I?” to your friend because he wanted the response to be “Yes, you should because she likes you”. Plus, he may have been afraid of saying how he feels because it would get back to you. If he was not interested, he would have said so. Between his flirting, hand holding and other behaviors and saying yes to the date, it sounds basically certain that he likes you. Unless this was some super elaborate ruse to lead you on, he is interested in you. Congrats!

  9. crush confusion

    January 26, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    I recently started taking notice of this guy…we’re in high school together and he ended up sitting next to me for assigned seats. I began to notice him and he’s acts immature but funny, really smart, and cute. In class, he always says funny but immature things that make me laugh, but that’s probably just his personality. But then again, he likes to lean over and whisper these things in my ear and also helps me out in class even involuntarily. Also he always is leaning really close to me and our shoulders and legs always touch, but he hasn’t really like tried to touch me (im not referring to inappropiately touching) but like most posts say he will try to touch your hand or something. I notice that he gets really close to me when he talks to me and also glances at me in class. Also it seems like he’s trying to get my attention by laughing really loud and saying funny things out loud or fidgeting like banging his hands on the table, (and one time i put my hands on his when he was tapping the table, and i kept it there for like 5 seconds and he looked at me, then i took my hand off and he kept continuing to tap the table…did he want me to put my hands on his again?) I’m not sure if this is what he does to his other girl friends or is this something different? After school today, i saw him sitting with his group and i was talking to one of my friends (also one of his girl friends) and he came over and stood right next to me and was looking at me, and even after my friend/his friend left, he still kept standing next to me until he had to leave. Also after school i catch him looking at me from the other bench or look back when he’s walking away/leaving. (am i hallucinating?) But BEFORE, when we were going to a talk at school, i went up to him and asked if his “group” was gonna sit in the seats around him and he said yes and called for his friends to sit next to him (he called for one of his/ my girl friends to sit there). (It sounds like he has alot of girl friends, but really he doesn’t) I’m just really confused if he likes me or not and where i should take this. *Also note i have never been in a relationship and am not really confident and bold when it comes to guys. (SORRY FOR THE LENGTHY COMMENT!)

    • web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 2:51 pm

      It sounds like he could like you, but he is not sure what to do about it or is not ready for any type of a relationship. At any rate, your best option is to just wait unless you feel confident enough to tell him how you feel. Since it is maybe a 50/50 chance that he likes you, I would not risk telling him how you feel quite yet, if I were in your shoes. Good luck!

  10. Hayley

    January 24, 2016 at 10:55 am

    So every other day at lunch we have extended lunch where we dont go to guided study and my lunch and the lunch before mine is put together. At each extended lunch this guy who i see in the halls and stuff stares at me alot but he never does anything else. What do i do?

    • web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 10:44 am

      If he stares at you all the time, it seems entirely possible that he likes you. Since you are not in the same classes together normally, he may just lack an opportunity to talk to you or ask you out. Just looking at you is not enough to assume that he likes you, but it is enough to go over and talk to him. You will never find out if he likes you back until you get to know him a bit better. Find a time to approach him and talk to him. If he likes you, he will try to keep the conversation going or appear nervous when you talk to him. Good luck, Hayley!

  11. Whatsgoingon!

    January 22, 2016 at 10:02 pm

    Im not sure if my crush likes me back, but when we pass each other in the halls he smiles this really big smile and says hey. Once we had to choose a partner to work with in maths and he chose me. He sat next to me in computing class once and we were like talking. In science class i was researching stuff on the computer while he was supposed to be revising but he just came and hung around by the computer and talked to me and there was this (fortune telling) eightball and he shook it and it said ITS OK BECAUSE I LOVE YOU and he showed it to me but he also showed me a bunch of other things it said so yeah.
    I have a korean friend (girl) and she talks really quietly and says my name like really sweetly. and when shes not around he imitates her and says my name like she does. He teases me (rarly) and always asks me what grade/score i got on tests and classwork and then compares it to his. Some people think that my friends are weirdos, and ignore them, but he seems to except them. He talks to me in class a lot, but out of class he dosent say much. He used to tell me that his best friend liked me, and then stopped. (his best friend didnt like me) i asked the best friend.
    In english literature i sit next to him because of the seating plan that our teacher created. we talk and help each other. sometimes i try to brush legs with him and he dosent seem to notice, or if he does notice, he dosent show it. Yesterday in french class he wispered in my ear.
    my friend has a crush on him but tells me that he likes me. i dont believe her and think that she just wants me to make a move and be rejected so she can get at him.
    He is not shy and is not nervous when talking to me.

    • web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 9:36 am

      Smiling, sitting next to you in class and showing you the eight ball message all make it sounds like he could like you. Teasing your friend is not a particularly nice thing. After all, he knows that you are friends with her and it is never nice to make fun of someone anyway. Are you sure that you like him or would want to date him? It sounds like he likes you, but it also seems like he is not a particularly nice person. Think through what you want for sure before you make the next move.

  12. poppy.kate

    January 22, 2016 at 12:52 pm

    mine is a bit different. I was at the park with a few friends, and my crush and his mates came along and played at the other side of the park. we were playing truth or dare and my friends dared me to sit down next to my crush. I did and he stared at me for ages. then he yelled out FREE CANDY and all the girls rushed over to the boys and my crush just kept on throwing out candy. there was 5 left and he hadn’t had any but I hadent either. he asked me if I would like some and I said yes.as he was handing it to me his hand brushed past mine and we both looked at each other and smiled. after that he also asked how many everyone had had and I said 1 because I only had one but even though the rest of the girls got like 5 or 10 they said they got one. but my crush said I will give 2 to poppy because she is the only one I trust. WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS MEANS?

    • web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 9:01 am

      It could mean that he likes you. I would not assume for sure yet because it is not enough to be completely certain. At the same time, it seems more likely that he likes you than not. Good luck, Poppy!

  13. SueLee

    January 15, 2016 at 6:47 pm

    i worked closed with my crush the last 2 months but never realise that i hv a crush on him until i was on holiday in japan. I was messaging most of the time & sharing my travel piccas. During that time, he lost his dad & i got even more close to him..checking on him constantly on how he was doing. I dont usually message him everyday
    When i got back to work, i got him out for dinner just to keep him company..especially he just got back to work after the passing of his dad.
    we ended up enjoying the dinner night out ..even for 2 hours.
    Suddenly i keep looking forward to catch him for dinner after work.
    we have weird way. I’d msg him..calling his name & he’d respond likewise. Only then we’d continue.
    everytime i think of him or message him..it just makes me smile & i kinda look silly smiling by myself at times.
    I realised that i hv crush on him & suddenly i feel cautious wth what i say or do with him.😁
    most of the time he’s just serious but somehow i cant tell if he feels the same.
    This is certainly a guessing game.
    As much as i wanna ask him straight on his face but am afaid i might loose his friendship though.
    I’d like to explore this feelings but i am scared at the same time.
    your article somehow gives some clue to what to expect.
    Yes, he’s not that into me but he does not reject the idea of spending sometime with me after work at times.
    What the heck, as long as he keeps me excited …& makes me smile all the time. Thats an awesome feeling!

    • web admin

      January 16, 2016 at 11:47 am

      At the moment, it might be a good idea just to focus on the friendship aspect of your relationship. While he is still recovering from the death of his dad, his mind will not be in a good state for a relationship. Give it at least a few more weeks before making a move (unless he makes a move first). It sounds like he is interested in you and views you as someone that he can trust. This makes it seem entirely possible that he would want to date you, but give it a little more time first. Good luck!

  14. Janet

    January 13, 2016 at 7:19 am

    im 32 and he is 27 he is a store manager at a grocery store…from the looks of things he is doing quite well for himself. well ive had a couple of customers ask me was I his girlfriend..i said no…..and he looked up at me and then put his head down….anyway he is shorter than me im 5’3 and he is 5’0 and he is fluffy ( I normally don’t date men of that stature ) but if he was to ask me out id give him a chance, he seems like a very nice guy..he picks on me constantly, he knows I like to cook so now he asks me what am I going to cook him……lmao…..even my brother was like that dude wants you…..well today I went up to him and I was like, hey and he turned around and stared at me with this shocked/stunned looked on his face and I said here and I gave him a folded piece of paper with my name and number on it and I walked away…since I did that do you think he will finally get some courage and ask me out? thanks

    • web admin

      January 14, 2016 at 5:37 pm

      If he is interested, that could be enough to give him the courage to ask you out. He may have just been worried about his height or worried that he was not attractive enough for you. Now, he should have the encouragement he needs to ask you out if he is single and interested. Good luck, Janet!

  15. Jessie

    December 16, 2015 at 5:10 am

    My crush and I are really tight so that we always talk about everyone and everything. But I guess he flirts a lot? He doesn’t know that he is flirting when he’s with other girls but I can tell. But I suppose I am the closest “GIRL”friend among all the girlfriends around him because people usually ask us if we are dating or not. So I though he also likes me but he starts talking about his crush since few days ago. I can’t complain about it because I talked about my crush once when I was not into him. And now it’s opposite. We hang out a lot. ALONE. And he hugs me pretty often.
    I honestly have no idea what he is thinking about. I’m not sure if my crush likes me back. :(

    • web admin

      December 17, 2015 at 3:57 am

      It sounds like he is just interested in you as a friend. In the past, he may have liked you as more than a friend, but the fact that you talked about another crush and nothing else happened means that he probably lost hope (if he did like you). At any rate, it does not seem like he is interested at the moment. As long as you like being friends with him, go ahead and stay friends because it is always possible that he will start liking you again at some point in the future.

  16. Mixed Signals

    December 15, 2015 at 9:35 pm

    I’m a sophomore in high school and I really like this guy who is a junior. He’s the leader of an after school club I go to, and we meet once every week.
    He sometimes stutters a bit (kind of like he’s nervous or something) before asking me a question. He’s always the one to initiate a conversation with me (he asks me questions like “So, you can speak _____ language and _____ language?”). He also smiles a lot. The first time I walked into the club, I noticed an expression of complete surprise on his face. We’d met on the bus once, a few months earlier, on a school field trip when I had nowhere to sit. On that first day, he came to sit near me and began asking me about myself. He’s a really friendly guy, and I don’t know if he likes me back or just being nice. I just got a phone today, but he didn’t ask for my number or to add me on any social networking sites. Yesterday, as I was walking out of the library, he was walking in and our eyes met. I was just about to flash a smile at him when he suddenly (like, really quickly) looked away. A few days ago, when I was hurrying in the hallway to my locker to catch the bus, the guy stopped what he was doing, just to look at me, smile and wave. His smiles always seem very polite, though…
    Sorry for dumping all this information on here. If you could help me figure out whether or not this guy likes me too, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you! ^.^

    • Mixed Signals

      December 15, 2015 at 9:37 pm

      P.S. He’s friendly and kind to everyone, I just get a tiny feeling his attitude towards me is slightly different (but a very, very, very, EXTREMELY tiny feeling).

      • web admin

        December 17, 2015 at 12:48 am

        Is he nervous and does he stutter around everyone else? Does he watch them walk in the room and look away when they look back? It sounds like he might only be doing these things around you. He might not “like” like you yet, but it seems like he could be attracted to you. Good luck!

    • web admin

      December 17, 2015 at 12:47 am

      Hmm . . . it sounds like he could like you. People tend to stutter more when they are nervous or feel awkward, so it would make sense for him to stutter when he asks you a question if he is interested in you. Plus, he has been trying to get to know you and has been asking you questions. It is always possible that he is just a friendly guy, but it does seem like he may have some level of attraction for you. The fact that he looks away when you catch him is actually more likely to be a sign of interest than a sign that he was just being friendly. Since he is shy enough to stutter and try to hide his feelings, it may be hard for you to move things forward or to find out if he likes you. The next time you have a club meeting, you could always try talking to him more or asking him to hang out after school.

  17. Diana

    December 13, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    I have a crush on my friend(guy).Sometimes he I catch him looking at me then he looks away and when we talk he always makes eye-contact with me.The problem is that he is dating and I always keep my distance.So what does it mean for me

    • web admin

      December 14, 2015 at 8:49 pm

      It sounds like he could be interested in you. Since he is already dating someone, you will have to respect that. Stay friends, but do not make a move until you know if he is single or not. When he is single again, you can go ahead and see if he is interested or if he wants to go on a date with you sometime.

  18. theconfusedone

    December 5, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    Hey there,

    So I recently developed feelings for one of my close friend (he’s a guy) and I really am confused about him. he seems to be extra happy when he is around me and smiles really big and says a hey sometimes. when we walk together we brush arms all the time and I feel like there wouldn’t be a better feeling. one time we were all on the computers and he called me to help, I leaned over and touched the mouse and he put his hand over mine and leaned in very close.. he also strokes my hair sometimes but the problem is he is a lady’s man and most of the time is around girls

    Would there be a chance he might like me

    Theconfusedone x

    • web admin

      December 6, 2015 at 2:19 am

      Often, people become friends because one or the other of them is interested. It is entirely possible that one of the original reasons why he started to become your friend is because he thought you were cute–if so, he may have never really made a move because he did not want to ruin the friendship that you guys had created. From the sound of your description, it seems like he is genuinely starting to like you. I would still be a little hesitant about making a move though because he is a lady’s man–but it still seems quite likely that he is interested. Good luck!

  19. Star

    December 5, 2015 at 9:58 am

    I’m not sure if my crush likes me back cuz we’re already good friends. But the reason why I was pondering about this was because he’s nicer to me than other people…

    • web admin

      December 6, 2015 at 1:35 am

      It looks like you may have commented twice on this article. I have to approve and answer each comment individually, so it can sometimes take a while. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my previous response and let me know if you have any other questions.

  20. Star

    December 5, 2015 at 9:56 am

    Im unsure if my crush likes me back, but he is nice to me yet he’s not as nice to everyone else.

    • web admin

      December 6, 2015 at 1:34 am

      It is entirely possible that he likes you back. If he is nicer to you than to other people, then he at least likes you more than he does the average friend. At the same time, his feelings are not guaranteed quite yet. If I were in your shoes, I would try spending some time getting to know him better and becoming closer to him. That way, you will have a better idea about how he feels and a chance to make him fall for you.

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