10 Signs Your Crush Likes You Back
Wondering if the man you’ve been crushing on likes you back can be extremely confusing. It may be hard to figure out if a guy really, really likes you like you like him, especially if you’re not sure what you should be looking for. It’s not fun waiting around for him to tell you if he does or not and it can be frustrating hanging onto someone who you aren’t even sure has the same feelings for you. It may just be too embarrassing to ask because of the fear of rejection. So, to help you out here are 10 ways to tell if your special someone wants you to be his special someone, too.
1. Body Language:
We, as humans, say a lot with our bodies- sometimes more than we even say with our words. Body language is an important factor in any relationship; romantic or not. The way your crush moves his body may be telling you something this whole time! Does your crush fidget when he’s around you? Does he try to make eye contact with you as much as possible? Does he touch you a lot? Put his arm around you? Hold your hand? Do you catch him glancing at you, just like you glance at him? Even looking to see if he laughs or smiles when you laugh or smile may be the key to finding out whether he likes you.
2. Compliments:
It’s very unusual for someone who doesn’t feel romantic about you to give you a lot of compliments. Especially if the compliments are ones about your looks. Things like: You’re beautiful, you have an amazing smile, your laugh is cute, you have stunning eyes, etc. Also, if your crush tells you these things more than once, that’s a good sign that he really likes you back.
3. Getting personal:
Does your crush ask you questions about yourself? Does he pry for more information about you, your family, likes or dislikes? Does he talk about his personal life, goals, family, past relationships, secrets or something else that you wouldn’t tell just anyone? If he does, this may be a great sign that he likes you. Guys don’t open up to just anyone- actually, they don’t open up a lot period. But, when it comes to a girl they may like, they will try to get to know her and let her get to know him because he wants to be more than friends. He wants to let you in. This means he trusts you, but also wants to get to know more about you, too.
4. Friends & Family:
A guy doesn’t bring just anyone to hang out with him and his friends. If your crush wants you to meet his friends or his family, then you may be assured that he likes you as more than a friend. This isn’t always a sure signs, but in most cases a guy doesn’t waste time to go through that whole process for no reason. If he wants you to meet those close to him, it means that he wants you to get to know them and he wants both of you to get along.
5. Communication:
Does your crush make an effort to contact you first by texting, calling or even social network messaging you? Does he reply to your messages relatively briefly after you sent them? Does he answer most of your calls or call you back as soon as he can? All in all, does he make as much of an effort to talk to you as you do to him? If so, it means he really has an interest in you. Guys are forgetful creatures. They won’t usually make the effort to talk to someone who they don’t really want to talk to.
6. Dates and Presents:
A guy who gives you gifts, whether extravagant or small, really cares for you. He wants to impress you and make you happy by giving you things he thinks you’ll love. He obviously loves seeing you happy and loves that he’s the one doing it. If your crush takes you out for ice cream, to a movie, to dinner, to any event or place multiple times, it may mean that he wants to take you out on ‘dates’ and take the relationship further soon enough. Men don’t spend money on girls they don’t have any intention of seeing or dating.
7. People:
Whether people you know are telling you that they think your crush likes you back or you ask them for their opinion, that is a sign that he truly does like you. Third parties are better at seeing the signs than you are because they are not blinded by love. They can see clearly what’s going on and will be able to tell you the absolute truth.
8. Hanging Out:
If you find your crush wanting to be around you a lot, asking you to hang out more than often or offer to take you places, they make like you. If he’s doing these things then it usually means he wants to be around you and enjoys your company. If he offers to take you places or walk you home then he doesn’t mind taking time out of his day to do something nice for you because he wants to make you happy. Definitely a sign he likes you.
9. Exclusivity:
Is he hanging out with other girls? Do you find him talking to other girls, taking them out to date-like places, giving them gifts, etc? This may mean he doesn’t like you as much as you’d hope because he’s not staying exclusive with you. If your crush doesn’t seem to have any other important girls in his life besides you and pays attention to only you, it’s a sign he may like you.
10. He Tells You:
Either he tells you or drops hints that he likes you. That’s definitely a sure as hay sign he likes you back. If he says things pertaining to your future together, how you would be a good girlfriend, how he wishes he had a girl like you or if he straight out says, “I like you”, then he is most definitely interested!
February 1, 2017 at 3:11 pm
Hey, long time no talk! Since you were a big confidence pusher for me last time, I wanted to tell you some updates on Jeremy and I.
Him and I have gotten so much closer in the last months and he’s been paying attention to me more than ever.
One day, I finished packing up my bag (which had a lot of books and binders might I add) a little early so I decided to go to his locker and wait for him to pack up. When I got there, he immediately saw me and we did our little handshake thing. He looked adorable with his winter hat on,but he took it off. I took it from him I put it on, not knowing he was looking at me. He said quietly, “You look amazing with that on!” , which I blushed and said thank you. Then, I put it back on his head and told him he looked cute with it on so he didn’t have to worry, which he started to get red and smile at me. We’re in a club together so I reminded him about that and poked jokes at him for being so busy. He then asked if I’m walking home, which I was indeed, which gave me the perfect chance to do what you told me to do.
I walked with him.
I received his number and we bonded on a few things, playing the famous twenty one questions as well. While we were exiting the school building, a group of girls squealed at us, saying, “OTP!” and such, which I glared at them while smiling, as while Jeremy shushed them turning yet again, bright red.
Tell me what you think! Am I doing okay? What should I try next?
Thank you so much for all that you do, I really appreciate your feedback which helped me in so many ways!
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February 2, 2017 at 1:43 pm
Thank you for giving us updates on your budding relationship. It is great sign that other people have noticed that the two of you were together. This bring validation to your desire to nourish your relationship with him. You are doing great, so keep up your attempts to spend time with him. Try to walk with him everyday, and you may want to try to go to a park or event together. Keep talking with him and eventually hang out with him somewhere that is conducive to privacy. Keep up the great work and best of luck, Mia!
January 31, 2017 at 2:04 pm
Today my crush talked to me (well not a conversation ) he talked to me around his friends but what I noticed was he didn’t say my name I know he was talking to me but yeah was he embarrassed to talk to me around his friends??
February 1, 2017 at 3:12 pm
Maybe he was trying to see how you would handle him not talking directly at you?
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February 2, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Thank you for sharing your insight. It is great to see that you are supporting out community. Have a great day, Mia!
January 30, 2017 at 1:06 pm
I didn’t have a crush. But, this girl would give me lots of compliments. All I did was help with reformatting computer. She clearly liked me. Good tips.
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January 30, 2017 at 3:24 pm
Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Feel free to share more of your thoughts and ideas in the future. Have a great day, Dennis!
January 26, 2017 at 2:40 pm
Hey again! The boy who rejected me is on my head all the time I see him my mind replays the time he rejected me well he didn’t say it to my face but he showed it by acting like he doesn’t know me this thing had happened in June and I can’t stop thinking of it he doesn’t even apologise my mind goes from me getting upset that I told him from getting mad at him for not talking to me I can’t I’m shy! I miss when he teased me I want that back but now I can’t his not the same to me his all cold as ice not even a wave I miss him but he moved on. We Don’t Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth is just me and him right now and forever his moving to Ontario (at least I heard last year) in 9th (we’re in grade 7 but in a different class since there’s two we were in the same class since 4th but now we are separate) I always plan to talk to him but his always with his friends laughing he glances at me for one second then continues talking I’m just repeating what he is doing to me he ignores me, I ignore him it’s hurtful (I cried three times I can’t stop thinking about it ) I’m hurt idk what to do ?
January 18, 2017 at 3:50 am
Up until now, it’s a total miracle that I regained the friendship me and my Crush had.
Because on early July, last year, I confessed something and the worst part was, I wasn’t prepared for the consequences. My confession was a really no big deal but I guess for Crush, it was. He gave me the silent treatment for a week, and I really thought things would get better the week after that but no. Weeks passed, he still wouldn’t talk to me. But when he did, his voice wasn’t friendly anymore because it was replaced with coldness. The weird thing is, he was only cold to me!
Months passed and it was still the same…that is, until I posted a rather humiliating status/dare which involved him. The next day, I was really nervous . But it my nervousness went away when he started talking to me again, the same tone that he had when we were still friends. I was honestly confused but I know it had to with the post. It was really awesome that we’re ‘slightly’ friends again. It’s like he forgot everything after that. Oh and after liking that status, he continued to like my following posts until now. 😀
So yeah. We would have short conversations, share answers during tests/exams, and like each other’s posts on Facebook. Fate seemed to play with us and we were bonded closer because we’re groupmates in a certain subject.
But it’s not easy liking a guy like him. He’s moody and he has a lot of girl textmates/chatmates and I will be that jealous girl over there. Haha!
I was about to give up on him but it seemed like fate doesn’t want me to because I always experience certain surprises.
Okay, so yesterday, Crush left his phone (he forgot) to one of our mutual friends. We did crazy stuff, like sending copies of his pictures to our friend’s phone. Unfortunately, a girl classmate that he’s close with, caught us and told Crush about that. Oh my gosh, I was really embarrassed even if I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea. I saw my Crush smile/chuckle while listening to her story, and I knew I was the main suspect of this silly “crime”. I don’t know what’s with him but he suddenly got sweet and friendly and nice to me all of a sudden. Urghh… I hope he’s not taking advantage of my feelings or else >_<
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January 18, 2017 at 11:05 am
As you have your crush on your thoughts often and it seems as though he may like you, you should try to speak with him. Spend more time with him and talk directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. You should do what you feel like you need to do. Best of luck, Claire!
January 17, 2017 at 5:51 pm
Hi, I forget to mention that a few months ago one girl that sits beside me (we are in tables my crush is in mine) teased me every time I like laughed at something my crush said (the boy who called me dumb) then I would blush every time but that’s not the point so the girl always teased me and my crush writing Claire + ___ on her desk me and my crush kept erasing it (are teacher lets us write on our desks using dry erase markers) my crush just smiled while I was mostly embarrassed the girl even shipped us the question is Why was he smiling
Also, my crush talks to everyone else but me
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January 18, 2017 at 11:02 am
As you have your crush on your thoughts often and it seems as though he may like you, you should try to speak with him. Spend more time with him and talk directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. You should do what you feel like you need to do. Best of luck, Claire!
January 17, 2017 at 4:58 pm
Hi…umm I don’t even what I’m doing but I have a crush on this boy and he blushed when he saw me and when we made eye contact and we started chatting on snapchat and he said he’s a football player and that he fractured his foot and he asked if I was going to do track and I said you know what I actually I am and he said cool cause he doing it to and we chatted until 1:09 A.M and then he said he had to go cause husband parents are getting mad at him and then he said talk to me tomorrow and so I said ok and it has been a while and I thought he is going to talk to me first but we haven’t talked yet and I asked my freind what does it mean if a boy says talk to me tomorrow and she said that it probably means he wants to talk but doesn’t know who talk first and I don’t honestly do you think that’s true and do you think he may like me back?..
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January 18, 2017 at 11:17 am
If he told you that he likes you, then he likes you. You mentioned husband, but I am unsure of what you meant. If he is single, then there is no reason for you to not attempt to establish a relationship with him. Try to spend time with him in person and learn more about him. Remain positive as you move forward. Good luck, Jennifer!
January 15, 2017 at 10:07 pm
My crush said I’m dumb to his friend I don’t know why I’m guessing cause I don’t talk a lot in class but my crush laughed when I embarrassed myself (which is like all the time) I don’t why he is being a little mean he even asks my mom about me (his parents and my parents are friends) I don’t get it I have been thinking about it since he said that right in front of me.
Also, I liked a guy (before I liked this one) I told him my feelings and when he found out the next day my crush started ignoring me I felt hurt because he teased me (in a nice way) he made me smile but now his all no expression on me he runs away when he sees me his not even shy! I feel so hurt tell me what to do with both of them
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January 16, 2017 at 11:17 am
The person who runs from you may have hurt feelings. He seems like someone who is compassionate and caring. He likely will be nice to you and treat you well. If you want to establish a relationship with him, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Best of luck, Claire!
January 16, 2017 at 9:05 pm
Thanks I can’t believe I actually got an answer i will take your advice!! ?
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January 17, 2017 at 9:55 am
Thank you for your positive response. Please feel free to share your experiences with us in the future. Have a great day, Claire!
January 15, 2017 at 9:59 pm
My crush said I am dumb to his friend just because I’m quiet what does that mean? He sometimes laughs when I embarrass myself why all of a sudden he became a little mean? He asks about me to my mom (his parents and my parents are friends) I can’t stop thinking about it
Also, I used to like a boy before this boy but when he found out I liked him he started ignoring me and running away when he saw me (his not shy) I felt rejected he always teased me and made me laugh I feel so hurt.
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January 16, 2017 at 11:16 am
This person who is laughing you may like you, but he has chosen to be rude with his feelings. It would be best for you to speak with him about your feelings if you want to try to become closer with him. However, if he continues to be rude with you, then you should allow thoughts of him to fade. You do not need someone who is mean to you. Good luck, Claire!
January 12, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Heyyy…. so I have a crush on this guy and idk if he likes me back. I liked him since 5 th grade and now I’m in 7th. Apparently he liked me in 5th and 6th at exactly the same times I liked him… so Idk if that means he would like me this year. Also he sort of glances at me every once and a while but I’m not sure if he likes me or my friend because we’re basically like the same person and we laugh at the same time and he looks at both of us all the time and how do I know who he likes more??If you coul help me….
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January 13, 2017 at 10:13 am
If he liked you for the previous two years and still glances at you occasionally, then he likely has feelings for you. Speak with him about your thoughts and ideas. Learn about his interests as well. If you can spend time with him outside of school, then do so. Take this as a sign that you should take action and make your thoughts known to him. Best of luck, Alexa!
January 12, 2017 at 5:35 pm
Heyyy…. so I have a crush on this guy and idk if he likes me back. I liked him since 5 th grade and now I’m in 7th. Apparently he liked me in 5th and 6th at exactly the same times I liked him… so Idk if that means he would like me this year. Also he sort of glances at me every once and a while but I’m not sure if he likes me or my friend because we’re basically like the same person and we laugh at the same time and he looks at both of us all the time and how do I know who he likes more??
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January 13, 2017 at 10:06 am
If he liked you for the previous two years and still glances at you occasionally, then he likely has feelings for you. Speak with him about your thoughts and ideas. Learn about his interests as well. If you can spend time with him outside of school, then do so. Take this as a sign that you should take action and make your thoughts known to him. Best of luck, Alexa!
January 11, 2017 at 6:08 am
Hey I have a crush on this man who stays somewhere in freestate,we met twice at the meetings.while he was presenting he looked at me with a smile and i go grazy,we ar chatting on facebook I don’t knw what to do to show him that I am diein for him,what can i do?I have his whatsapp number too i am always visiting his profile to check his last seen,oh my God I like this man
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January 11, 2017 at 11:03 am
Try to spend additional time with him. The more that the two of you are together, the more that you two will grow more fond of each other. If you can not be with him in person, then try to speak with him any way that you are able. Work to try to speak with him again. Best of luck, Nini!
January 7, 2017 at 5:24 am
I know a boy, and he is three grades ahead of me in school, but only two years older than me in age. We have only one class together. A while ago, he randomly started sitting by me in that class and talking with me about things we both know about but that other people don’t know about. (Not in a weird way, we’re both just introverts.) He said my friends and I are his only friends because we’re “better than all the people in his grade”. (He does hang out with the girls in his grade sometimes like they are his friends, and I don’t think he has a girlfriend.) Sometimes he says something kind of mean, but then apologizes quickly, and I tell him it’s okay. He always says “I don’t mean to upset you.” He gently kicks me and steps on my feet under the table and stacked my chair for me once or twice. He offers me my choice of things. We borrow each other’s stuff and he draws on my hands. I sometimes feel really young around him. My friends think I am in love with him but they do not think he likes me.
We have the same backpack (not on purpose) and he teased me about it but then apologized. Once he did a comparison and contrast speech on our matching backpacks.
One time he left his book in class and I chased him down and gave it to him. Another time, he saw me reading in the hallway and asked what I was reading. I ignored him but felt really bad later and apologized the next day.
My friends sometimes ask if we are “a thing” and I say no. I feel like we could be really good friends, if not boyfriend and girlfriend.
I went to the school play because he and a bunch of my friends were in it. Afterwards they always have the actors in the lobby for people to talk to. When he saw me he was being photographed with what I assumed to be his family. Then he looked as if he were desperately trying to get to me through the crowds of people. He took off his hat and hugged me! I couldn’t believe it! And I hugged him right back. He said “nice of you all to be here”, whatever that means.
Yesterday I told him I like him. I just came up behind him after school in the hallway and said quietly, “I like you! Have a good weekend!” He looked into my eyes and smiled but didn’t say anything. Then I went back to my locker. My friends said he did not look back or react very much at all.
Now I am half-afraid, half-excited to see him on Monday because I am not sure if he likes me or not. Help with this whole situation please?!
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January 7, 2017 at 9:29 am
He may just view you as a good friend, or he may be interested. When you told him your feelings, he didn’t really have a chance to react, so you can’t determine much from just that. As it stands, it look like it could go either way. All you can do is wait for Monday and see what happens! Good luck, Kitty–I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
January 7, 2017 at 4:59 pm
Okay, thank you! I’m so excited for Monday!
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January 9, 2017 at 9:57 am
Good luck! I hope that everything works out for you!
January 11, 2017 at 7:15 am
Hey,I am very much excited on what happened last Monday, if you could update us. Thank you ?
January 11, 2017 at 2:15 pm
So…yesterday he and I sat by each other as usual. He did not say anything about the fact that I like him. After class we started talking about writing (we both like to write) and he gave me all kinds of advice. I just walked with him to his locker to finish our conversation. (It was mostly him talking.) While we were walking, we passed my locker and he was like “Your locker’s right there, so…” And I was like, “I know, I have to go find Lydia, though.” As he finished, I said, “Advice from the experts!” He was like, “Oh I’m no expert. It just works for me.”
Today he didn’t really do anything special.
What does all this even mean?
PS: JNNYLYN18 what do you mean by “what happened last Monday”?
January 11, 2017 at 6:06 pm
Additional information: we know each other’s schedules and locker numbers/locations. Sometimes he glances at my chest but most of the time he looks at my face.
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January 12, 2017 at 10:54 am
It is likely that he is interested in becoming closer to you. Try to talk with him outside of school or during times when the two of you normally do not speak. The more that you communicate, the closer that you will become. Speak directly and honestly with him about your feelings and he will likely do the same. Best of luck, Kitty!
web admin
January 12, 2017 at 10:54 am
It is likely that he is interested in becoming closer to you. Try to talk with him outside of school or during times when the two of you normally do not speak. The more that you communicate, the closer that you will become. Speak directly and honestly with him about your feelings and he will likely do the same. Best of luck, Kitty!
January 6, 2017 at 4:06 pm
Hi, I’m kind of confused and not sure if my crush likes me. One day I was playing UNO with my friends and other classmates when my crush showed up and sat next to me on the same chair. At first, it felt awkward but then he put his head and arm around my shoulder… For the following week, he randomly put his head on my shoulder. I don’t know if he really likes me but it feels strange that he randomly came up to me that way. Please help.
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January 7, 2017 at 9:19 am
It sounds possible that he likes you, but nothing is for sure yet. Sitting near you and putting his arm around you are both potential signs, but he also may have done those things because he feels like you are a good friend. Until he does something more, there is no way to know for sure quite yet.
January 4, 2017 at 8:08 pm
Hi! I have a HUGE crush on this guy, Gideon, (he is 15 and I’m 13 but we’re both homeschooled so age doesn’t matter as much for us) anyways, we have the same friend group (there are 4-5 of us, all around the same age range) and I’ve liked him for about 3 months now. I started liking him after he called me “Cupcake” short for HeroicCupcake which is my username, I started noticing him more after that and then I started liking him…..Anyways, we talk on a group chat and a separate chat with just me and him, and sometimes he’s super flirty and talks to me for hours (we’ll have a bunch of cute moments, we’ll joke and gently tease) then he’ll just flat out ignore me for a couple days then we’ll talk for hours again then he ignores me again, it’s a like a cycle….What does this mean?!?!?
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January 6, 2017 at 1:01 pm
Some people are prone to cycles of flirtation and lack of communication. This is an indication that they are confused or concerned about your feelings toward them. If you want to become closer to him, then be clear about your feelings during your next flirtatious conversation. This will let him know that you do care for him and that you may want to become closer to him. Try to spend time with him in person if you are able to do so. Take charge, Grace!
December 30, 2016 at 12:19 pm
So, I need a bit of help.
I already told him I like him and he said “We can talk about this later” then never spoke about it again. We weren’t close friends at the time we only hang out after school bc we have a few mutual friends.
But anyways after that it was a bit awkward but i told him to not be awkward with me and be started testing me. Sometimes we text for hours. He told me that if he had to choose he would pick E*** and T*** (two girls on the school, idk if he meant as in he just finds them hot or has a crush on them)
Now we’re quite good friends and all my friends think he likes me and we have Art together and for the past few they’ve been teasing us, (they know i like him) like saying stuff like “Oh Jess would love to draw that for you” or “so winter formal is coming up” etc… towards that my crush usually smiles and blushes and it gets quite awkward.
And today he asked for my honest opinion of him.
And i just dont know he gives quite a few hints he likes me but I don’t think he does because he pickef 2 girls in the school that weren’t me and said he has a crush on T*** a few weeks ago. Idk help.
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December 31, 2016 at 12:53 pm
He may have just asked for your opinion of him because he wanted to know what girls think of him and figured that you would be able to tell him. He mentioned the other two girls either because he likes him or because he was too afraid to say that he likes you. Whatever the case, there is no way to know yet if he is interested in you or not. All you can do is talk to him, flirt a bit and wait to see what he does as his next move. Hopefully, he will show his true feelings before long. Good luck, Jess!
January 2, 2017 at 4:52 pm
i think u should test him for a while ignore him like he wasn’t even there and just tell him you’re busy and u got stuff to do then when he’s not looking spy on him and try your best to not get caught by him just test him he might like u idk or he likes this ”T” girl idk try to get info and if he gets worry and he’s going crazy talk to him little by little but test him he might have feelings for u but he’s hiding it and he acts like he doesn’t like u which he does
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January 3, 2017 at 11:51 am
Thank you for sharing your advice. It is certain that this is one route that would lead to answers. Be careful though, some relationships will end immediately when one person realizes that they are being tested. Thank you, Atid!
December 22, 2016 at 3:31 pm
Hey! I’m just really confused and need some help right now lol.
Me and my crush, Jeremy, has been friends since we were in second grade. Currently, both of us are in 8th grade. Anyways, we would always say hi and stuff but last month I finally realized that I have a crush on him.
We have a first period class together called Suburban Biodiversity and we ended up working together on a part of the project. Jeremy and I did our work with a few of my jokes that he would laugh at and of few of his that I would laugh at as well.
Now here’s the confusing part.
My kind-of-friend named Jordan sat next to us while me and Jeremy were working and was like, “Mia, Jeremy thinks that you are really pretty.” I looked at Jeremy who had a smile on his face and was death-staring at Jordan. I responded, “Oh, that’s nice.” and Jeremy said, “I-I’m not looking for that kind of stuff right now,” or something along those lines. Afterwards, Jordan left and Jeremy and I were back at teasing each other and joking around.
Then, after school, I usually hang out with some of my friends in the main lobby and wait for them to get picked up before leaving. So, I hang out with my two friends Aaliyah and Courtney. A few minutes later, low and behold, Jeremy comes and starts talking to me while my two friends were talking about something (fangirling probably). He points out that he always see’s me with me red jacket and I proceed to sit down. Courtney leaves and then it’s just three people left, Jeremy, me and Aaliyah.
I hum a line to Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself” because the song was stuck in my head and my crush sings the other line. Aaliyah just laughed at us, calling us wannabe singers (P.S no one knows about my crush on him). All of the sudden, Jeremy lifts up his hands in a fist and Aaliyah gives a fist bump to him. He then moves to me and I give him a fist bump. He leaves his hand there so I continue bumping his hand. I teased him about how he always sang around me as he pretended to not remember. I messed up his soft hair and gave my friend Aaliyah a hug and told them both bye and left.
Now, a few things went down.
In the last few days, Jeremy has:
*Asked if I had a phone
*Asked if I walk (idk if I had said yes, would he have walked home with me?)
*Laughed at my jokes and smiled at me
I have, to him:
*continuously ran my hand through his hair just to annoy him
*waited for him once to get packed up at his locker
*jumped onto him, and for measure jumping onto one of my friends
Lastly, Jordan also told me in Spanish that Jeremy told him that me and him were dating, which I think is a complete lie since Jordan isn’t someone you can trust but you never know.
Sorry for this loooong comment, lmao. Hope you can help (I’m sure you can.)
December 22, 2016 at 3:35 pm
P.S By walk, I mean like if I walk home. This was after school,the same day I stayed with him by his locker for him to pack up.
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December 23, 2016 at 9:51 am
He certainly has an interest in developing a relationship with you. Your friends and his friends know that the two of you like each other. It is clear that in a short time the two of you will be dating. Try to spend additional time with him. Have him walk you home. As the two of you spend more time together, the closer the two of you will become. Best of luck in your budding relationship, Mia!
December 24, 2016 at 9:35 am
Thank you for your reply!
Jeremy and I share a few clubs together which involve having partners, would that count as additional time?
web admin
December 24, 2016 at 10:09 am
Anything that you do that brings the two of you closer together is a good plan. Talk with him and share your ideas as well. Learn about him and his interests. See if he wants to try something new, and do it with him. It sounds like you are well on your way. Good luck, Mia!
December 24, 2016 at 1:05 pm
Gosh, I’m so freaking grateful for your words right now. Thanks again!
web admin
December 25, 2016 at 9:28 am
I am happy that I could help! Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for commenting!
web admin
December 23, 2016 at 9:51 am
He certainly has an interest in developing a relationship with you. Your friends and his friends know that the two of you like each other. It is clear that in a short time the two of you will be dating. Try to spend additional time with him. Have him walk you home. As the two of you spend more time together, the closer the two of you will become. Best of luck in your budding relationship, Mia!
November 2, 2016 at 1:48 am
Okay so my crush said I like you too me and recently I missed a day of school and all my friends were there except for me which he hang out with us everyday. He asked if I was alright and why I wasnt there. And today I said I missed him since he didnt talk to me yesterday since he couldnt find me. but he didnt say anything and Im not sure what to do. And he is a good/best guy friend of mine
web admin
November 2, 2016 at 1:01 pm
He is likely concerned about you and not whether or not you want to still talk with him. If you are worried that you may have lost some time with him, then make it up. Attempt to hang out with him or give him extra attention next time you see him. If you want to develop a relationship with him, then speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings. Enjoy life and remain positive. Best of luck, Lela!
Ruffa Rose Golla
October 19, 2016 at 10:44 pm
Hey there 🙂 so, I have a huge crush on my best friend. I’m kinda afraid to tell him my feelings for he might feel awkward and feel bad about it. What should I do?
web admin
October 20, 2016 at 11:51 am
You may find that your friend has an interest in developing a relationship with you as well. Though you may be concerned that sharing your feelings may negatively influence your relationship. This fear is normal, but there are remedies for this. Instead of directly sharing your feelings, perhaps it may be wise of you to spend more time with your friend. Share your interests in hobbies and see if there is something new and exciting that you can do together. This will naturally develop your relationship into something more. If that is not enough for you, then share your feelings directly and honestly. Enjoy life and remain positive!
December 2, 2016 at 8:03 pm
hi am 11 an i had a crush on my best friend and i told him and then we dated but he will never know unless you tell him just say this is going to sound awkward but i like you and do you think we can get to gather some time thats what i said to my best friend that helped me bye
web admin
December 3, 2016 at 8:44 am
That sounds like a good approach, Makayla–I am sure that Ruffa Rose Golla appreciates getting the extra insight. Thanks for commenting!
October 12, 2016 at 7:31 pm
Hey so I have a crush on a guy who is a year older and I dont really know if he likes me
web admin
October 13, 2016 at 9:34 am
It seems like you commented twice on this one. I have to answer and approve each comment individually, so it may sometimes take me a while to get around to all of them. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!