10 Ways To Look Good Without Makeup
Make up is great – it can completely transform us, make us look radiant and glowing and can make each and every one of our features stand out. As useful as makeup is however, it should be something to enhance our look and be an extension of our personalities, not a mask for us to hide behind. With this in mind, here’s 10 tips to help you look fabulous on those days where you dare to wear the natural look.
Moisturising should be a part of your daily routine, period. It doesn’t matter if you plan on wearing makeup or not, a thin layer or moisturiser will go a long way to helping you look radiant and will keep your skin in tip top condition. This is especially important in the winter when the cold air can easily dry our your skin.
Focus On Your Hair
Sporting a fab hairstyle is a great way to ensure you look great without makeup. Make your luscious locks the centre of attention, this way even on those days when your skin isn’t perfect no one will notice as they’ll be focused on your stylish ‘do.
Protect Your Skin
Sunscreen is always an absolute must to help your skin looking it’s best and keeping it healthy. Using high factors of sunscreen will protect your skin from any harmful UV rays which will ultimately keep your skin moisturised and looking gorgeous. Protecting your skin from the sun will also help prevent those pesky wrinkles for longer.
Stay Well Groomed
If you’re daring to bare your natural look then make sure your always well groomed. Keep your eyebrows nice and shapely and your hair neat so there’s nothing bad to draw attention to your face. Wash your face every morning and every night too to keep your skin as clear as can be.
Enhance Your Smile
Making your smile really stand out is a great way to help you look good without makeup. In addition to brushing your teeth at least twice a day you could perhaps try a tooth whitening serum to help your teeth really glow. Keeping your lips well moisturised will also help to enhance your smile. Always carry a chap stick with you to stop your lips from drying out and cracking. Dry lips don’t make for a good look plus they can be really painful!
Now that you’ve managed to enhance your smile be sure to use it! Smile at everyone and for any reason – nothing will light up your face like a bright smile. Even the best makeup in the world is useless if there’s not a smile to go with it. Practice in the mirror and watch as your face transforms from dull to beautiful!
Feed Your Skin
There’s nothing that can ruin your natural look quicker and more effectively than a bad diet. Bad nutrition can make you look washed out, tired and aging so be sure to get your five a day and stay away from all that junk food to keep your skin looking healthy. In addition to this, drink plenty of water. Water helps you skin stay supple and moisturised and will keep you feeling fresh and healthy.
Beauty Sleep
If we didn’t already have enough reasons to have a lie in, here’s another one – beauty sleep is real! Make sure you get your full 8+ hours on a nightly basis to keep your skin looking its best. This will help you feel refreshed and will help you avoid looking washed out, tired and even aging. The pros you get from a good nights sleep are countless and I guarantee you’ll be thankful for each and every one of them.
Exfoliating your skin regularly will completely transform your look. Using a facial scrub will keep your skin wonderfully smooth and will help to hydrate it so that it looks it’s best. Try looking for a scrub with added vitamins in in it to really help your skin glow. Aloe vera, vitamin E and vitamin D will all help your skin look beautiful. Exfoliating really does make your skin look great so you can pull off the no makeup look with ease. Exfoliating scrubs are something I could never do without, I’ve always got one sat on the side of my bath tub- exfoliating regularly is my most recommended tip on this list.
Be Confident
Nothing transforms your look better than a little confidence. If you believe that you look fab then you will look fab – fact! Stand tall, smile and believe in yourself and you’ll find yourself rocking the natural look. Don’t be afraid just because you’re out the house without make up on. Remind yourself of how great you look and why you’re doing it and you’re sure to glow.
(all image sourced via pinterest.com)