100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part D)

By on September 8, 2013

Have you already seen the first three parts of this series? If not then you will have missed out on such delights as the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Niagara Falls in Toronto, Canada, the Great Barrier Reef, Cathedral Cove in New Zealand and many more besides….

Just in case you missed them, why not check them out here:

We have now come to the final part of our series. We have come to the final 25 of the top 100 most beautiful places that our planet has to offer us. It’s been a wild adventure and we have gone into deep blue holes in the ocean, up to great peaks on the tops of mountains, glided down waterfalls so high it would seem as if they were coming from space, and seen manmade creations that were so large and intricate, it was almost as if they were too perfect to have been carved by hand.

Let’s see what our final list has to offer us.

76 – Mayan Ruins, Mexico

KSI Photography

KSI Photography

You’ll find a whole host of things in Mexico but one of the coolest are the series of ancient Mayan temples that are scattered around. The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico has a number of huge and rambling temples from the Mayan times and among the few that you should try to check out are:

  • Campeche Mexico – Becan
  • Chiapas Mexico – Bonampak
  • Quintana Roo Mexico – Chacchoben
  • Yucatan Mexico – Chichen Itza

77 – Devil’s Tower, USA

daveynin / flickr.com

daveynin / flickr.com

This odd looking landmark is now better known as Devils Tower and you can find it in Crook County in the state of Wyoming in the States. It’s a weird rock formation that rises a whopping 1300 feet almost into the sky, making it over five thousand feet above sea level!

Although they are still looking, archeologists aren’t really sure how this strange rock formation actually took place but there are many theories surrounding it. For now it is well known for its climbing, as you can probably imagine, and there was even a parachute jump that went a tad wrong in 1941. The locals believe the tower is sacred and because of this, June is no-climb month. Although you CAN still climb the tower if you want to, over eighty-five percent of the climbers that come here actually stay off the tower for the entire month to respect the local traditions and religious beliefs.

78 – Lau Archipelago, Fiji



Doesn’t the look of this place just simply blow your mind? If there was ever a perfect setting for paradise, surely this place would win that title? You’ve got beautiful blue, crystal clear waters with amazing fish and great snorkeling opportunities. Then you’ve got the white sandy beaches for you to stretch your toe out in and relax. Then, on top of all of that, you’ve got the fact that very few tourists actually make it this far in the world so you’ve pretty much got the island to yourself if you can afford to come here. Set just about two hundred miles from the mainland of Fiji, you won’t be able to get signal on your cell phone, but if you take your camera, you will get photos that will show the memories of a lifetime!

79 – Fjordland National Park, New Zealand

Kay Adams / flickr.com

Kay Adams / flickr.com

What are you looking for from your next vacation? Are you the kind of person to enjoy jet boating or impressive cave formations? Maybe you like viewing the beautiful stars in a crystal clear night sky? Maybe it’s diving that you prefer to do and new and exciting fish is a must – have for your next vacation destination?

Guess what ladies and gentlemen – Fjordland National Park has all of this and so much more!

Boat cruises, paintballing, kayaking, farm tours, scenic flights, fishing, plenty of marine life, and even quad-biking plus a whole host of family activities are all available in this national park in New Zealand, and if you come here, you will be coming to the largest national park out of all the 14 parks in the entire country. That’s pretty impressive, right?

You’ll need to head for the south island of New Zealand to find this amazing spot and while you’re here, you’re bound to spot some wildlife so it won’t hurt to keep your eyes out. As well as dolphins and seals in the beautiful waters you will find deer, hare, Kakapo and the kiwi!

80 – Midway Islands

Kris Krug / flickr.com

Kris Krug / flickr.com

The Midway Islands are fairly self-explanatory – they fall right in the middle of Asia and North America and if you follow the time line longitudinally from Greenwich in the UK, this is halfway around the world almost exactly! I guess it really does deserve the name!

Now known as a wildlife refuge, it was originally made as famous as it because of a couple of films and documentaries!

81 – Horseshoe Bend, Colorado River, USA

tailwindsphotography / flickr.com

tailwindsphotography / flickr.com

Set in Arizona, you will find the Colorado River which we have already mentioned in our list. This time we come back but for the Horseshoe Bend in the river, not far from the town of Page.

If you head along the US Route 89, you’ll find a great lookout spot that you can see the meander in the river in full force and gives for great photo opportunities. You can hike here too and just 4 miles south of the Glen Canyon dam, you will find the great hiking trail starts here.

82 – Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Abhijeet Rane / flickr.com

Abhijeet Rane / flickr.com

We can’t figure out if this castle is like something out of a horror film or the exact castle that the Beast used to live in, in the Disney film “Beauty and the Beast!”

It’s great, ornate and magnificent, that’s for sure, and if you’ve ever had the privilege of seeing this great castle, you will get an idea of how big we are talking about here.

A 19th century castle, it would have over 200 rooms if it had been completed, but at the end of it all, only around 15 of them were ever actually finished in their entirety. The castle itself covers sixty-five thousand square feet which, for the record, is absolutely enormous and since it was first opened to the public back in 1886, some 60 million people have paid to view the castle.

Speaking of the Disney reference that we made at the beginning, this castle was actually meant to be the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty castle in the Disney film, and it has also appeared in plenty of other movies over the years.

83 – Trolltunga, Norway

Thomas Frost Jensen / flickr.com

Thomas Frost Jensen / flickr.com

If you’ve ever wondered what it would feel like to be standing at the edge of the earth, you need to head to Norway. To be more specific, you’ll want to head to a city in Norway called Odda where you will find Trolltunga, literally translated into English as The Troll’s Tongue.

Trolltunga is basically a rock formation that basically stands as a platform that sticks out from the rocks, dangling you almost dangerously thousands of feet above the ravine below. It literally looks like a troll’s tongue hanging out of the side of the cliff face.

It’s a pretty impressive sight to see and a photo opportunity at this amazing place on the planet would be difficult to pass up. The climbing opportunities here obviously stand out and that’s why many people choose to come here to attempt to climb the troll.

84 – Meeru Island, The Maldives

Greg Knapp / flickr.com

Greg Knapp / flickr.com

If you’re looking for paradise, you will find it right here at the Meeru Island Resort & Spa in The Maldives.

White sandy beaches – check.

Bungalow-style chalets that are lifted above the water – check.

Crystal clear blue waters – check.

What more could you possibly want from a tropical paradise? Lots of sun, sea and sand… you could be in heaven.

Also known as Meerufenfushi, Meeru Island Resort is just South West from Sri Lanka and is also right on the equator which will give you some idea of the sort of climate you can expect on this tropical beach paradise – yes, that’s right. It’s going to be hot, hot, hot!

85 – Coyote Gulch, Utah

Greg Willis / flickr.com

Greg Willis / flickr.com

In Southern Utah, you will find some of the most beautiful rock formations in the world, especially when you head to a place called Coyote Gulch.

If it’s a hike and camping you’re after from your exciting, warm vacation, you should head to the main canyon, and you can also do overnight hikes here too!

You’ve also got the Jacob’s Hamblin Arch for the perfect photo opportunity, lots of little cascades and waterfalls to cool off in, and the streambeds are perfect for spotting the local wildlife.

86 – Prskalo Waterfall, Serbia



Not just a normal waterfall, this Serbian beauty is a conical shape with a fountain of water, as such, that pours out the top, making it both unique and stunning to look at, all at the same time.

Although unique in nature, there are a few of these odd shaped waterfalls scattered around the world but this one is perhaps the more photographed one of them all.


87 – Erawan National Park, Thailand

Erawan National Park

550 kilometers of tranquil beauty is what you’ll find if you head towards the Erawan National Park in Thailand. You’ll need to find the Kanchanaburi Province first of all and once you get there, you will soon see what all the fuss is really about. The twelth national park in Thailand, it is certainly something else entirely!

You’ve got some amazing views here but one of the most prominent and the one that most people flock towards is the seven-tiered waterfall. You can get to the top pool if you fancy a 2km hike, and you will need to remember that it can get quite slippery here too so make sure that you pack some comfortable and sensible shoes.

If you fancy a real authentic taste of Thailand, you could stay in one of the run-down hotels that you can find just outside the mouth of the national park but there are some nicer places just slightly further afield if these are too “rough it” for your liking.

88 – Amazon Rain Forest

Ivan Mlinaric / flickr.com

Ivan Mlinaric / flickr.com

The Amazon Rain Forest is a beautiful sight not only because it is a massive and diverse range of eco-cultures, but also because it is not going to be around forever. This is especially the case with man cutting chunks of it down all the time and global warming affecting the way that the eco-systems work.

Situated in South American, it would seem that people first stepped foot here over eleven thousand years ago if the fossils and other bits and pieces that they keep digging up is anything to go by. These days the place is perhaps better known for its beautiful span of wildlife and amazing flowers and plants than it’s fossil potential. With beautiful parrots and weird and wonderful frogs combined with monkeys, lizards, bats and much more besides, you could end up spotting more than you bargained for if you were to come here.

Are you up for playing Tarzan & Jane?

89 – Pompeii

Elliot Brown / flickr.com

Elliot Brown / flickr.com

We’ve seen a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites in our quest to find the 100 Most Beautiful Places in the world and now we have come to perhaps one of the ones with the saddest of tales.

Just travel a little way out of Naples and you will find a place called Campania not far out. This is where Pompeii is – one of the saddest cities in the world. Way, way back in AD 79, a massive volcano, also called Pompeii erupted and basically buried the entire town underneath a cloud of lava and ash. It most definitely wouldn’t have been a pretty sight and it killed most of the people that lived there.

You can come and visit the spooky and eerie streets of Pompeii for about eleven Euros for the one day pass. You can rent a bile when you get here if you want but the paths are rather uneven and walking is the best way to get around. If you want to come here, you must bring sensible shoes and prepare to be on your feet for a while.

While you’re at Pompeii there are a couple of landmarks that you should try and spot here. One of these is the amphitheatre which is in the Eastern part of the city, and just opposite this you will find the gym or Great Palaestra as it is locally known. The Temple of Apollo is another place definitely not to be missed here and while you’re here, you may as well head on over to see the Theatre that once seated over five thousand people!

90 – Engadin Valley, Switzerland

Janebelindasmith / flickr.com

Janebelindasmith / flickr.com

In the Swiss Alps you will find a place so charming and breathtaking, it would be hard to believe that such a beautiful place could exist on our over-populated and heavily polluted planet. In Southwest Switzerland, you will find the Engadin Valley – a valley definitely deserves a lot of time and plenty of photographs.

You can do plenty of stuff here and the fact that there are mountains both sides of the valleys keep the weather relatively warm and pleasant for the most part. Alongside the plentiful outdoor activities you can enjoy here, there are four beautiful lakes to explore also, giving you more things that you will have time to do should you decide to visit here!

91 – Watkins Glen Waterfall, New York

llahbocaj / flickr.com

llahbocaj / flickr.com

It’s hard to believe that such a wild and tranquil place could exist in New York – a city renowned for the Sex and the City style shopping and the hustle and bustle of busy streets over the beautiful birds singing in the tall trees and water gushing from small rocks and mountains.

The fact of the matter is that such a beautiful place does exist right there in New York, as lnog as you head north-westerly.

Set in the village of Watkins Glen, as the name would suggest, the waterfall runs through Seneca Lake and in fact, you will find many small waterfalls here to delight and amaze you. If you love the tranquility and appeal of places like Niagara Falls but don’t want to travel quite so far and live in the states, you couldn’t do worse than this beautiful little place.

There’s plenty to do here with quaint picnic areas and lush camping grounds. There’s even a swimming pool for those that want a bit of a cleaner jump in water than the surroundings offered by the waterfalls and local glen.

92 – Las Vegas, USA

Moyan Brenn / flickr.com

Moyan Brenn / flickr.com

Oh come on – who doesn’t want to go Vegas? As well as the lights and the gambling, entertainment, luxury and breathtaking displays of elegance, you have some of the coolest things to do on the planet. There’s the Stratosphere with the rollercoaster rides that are literally one thousand feet in the air. There’s bungee jumping, stage shows, musicals, shopping… you name it, you can find it right here in the Nevada Desert.

We simply don’t have enough time in the world to tell you how amazing Las Vegas is but we do suggest that you ask anyone that has ever been there how they found their trip. Most of them will say that they positively adored it here!

Also, recent news has announced the largest Ferris wheel in the world being opened right here in Las Vegas with a giant ride that takes about half an hour to get fully around, 55 storeys high. Just like everything else in this crazy place – it had to be big and it had to be beautiful!

93 – Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Michael_Spencer / flickr.com

Michael_Spencer / flickr.com

If you want to find yourself a little piece of paradise, you need to head to the beautiful and remote islands of Phi Phi in Thailand. It nestles nicely between the western Strait of Malacca coast and also the island of Phuket.

This place now has National Park status which means that the beauty is somewhat protected from over-zealous tourists, but still it attracts a fair few visitors every year. The clean beaches and amazing waters is what lures most people here and with kayaking, snorkeling, diving and other recreational marine activities up for grabs, there’s no denying it’s a beautiful tourist hotspot.

94 – Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

Paul Mannix / flickr.com

Paul Mannix / flickr.com

Back to some man-made beauty and we come to something that almost marvels the Statue of Liberty in breathtaking size and vastness. Set in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, we have Christ the Redeemer – a very big statue of Jesus Christ himself.

It’s definitely big – it not only reaches heights of around 100 feet tall and weighs in as the fifth largest status of Jesus in the entire world, it’s also on top of hill which just makes it appear even more intimidating still.

It only took a few years to build this marvelous status between 1926 and 1931 and has starred in many films all over the world even to this day! There’s definitely a need to get a selfie in front of this big guy if you ever find yourself partying with the carnival in Rio!

95 – Breitachklamm, Germany

Stefan Munder / flickr.com

Stefan Munder / flickr.com

If you head down to Breitachklamm, Germany, you will find some truly marvelous sights to see. This is basically a massive canyon that has carved some amazing landscapes and with the weird and wonderful little wooden bridges and walkways that lead along the lengths of the ravines, it definitely takes some courage to do this little hike on a Sunday afternoon if you have nothing better to do!

With blue waters rushing through the cracks and beautifully carved rock, it’s just as beautiful as it appears scary, and definitely deserves its place on this list!

96 – Trevi Fountain, Italy

Chris Wee / flickr.com

Chris Wee / flickr.com

We haven’t visited many fountains on this list but we thought that it was definitely about time that we took a closer look at this beautiful masterpiece, situated in the district of Trevi in Rome.

If you want to know the trivia – it was created by an Italian architect called Nicola Salvi, and the person that completed the build was Peitro Bracci. It’s been around since 1629 and was recently renovated in 1998. Known to be one of the most famous fountains in the world, it is also the largest Baroque style fountain in the world, and when you look at the sheer size of it, you can appreciate all the beauty it has to offer.

It’s about 80-90 feet tall. It’s also over 160 feet wide. That’s pretty big for a fountain, don’t you think?

97 – Disneyland, Paris

Sean MacEntee / flickr.com

Sean MacEntee / flickr.com

We know this is more a kids attraction than an adult one but there is something to be said for this simply magical place. Situated just twenty miles east of Paris, you will find a place that enchants big kids and small kids alike, and with all of your favorite Disney characters walking around, this could almost be heaven!

The place covers almost five thousand acres, which is pretty impressive when you think about it, and not only is home to the golf course, a couple of theme parks, an entertainment and dining complex, shopping places, dining halls, and many hotels, it also has every Disney setting that you could possibly imagine in one way, shape or form.

This really is the coolest place on earth!

98 – Bonifacio, Corsica, France

Robbie Shade / flickr.com

Robbie Shade / flickr.com

This place is pretty cool. First of all, it’s near the sea and everyone loves a vacation by the sea. Secondly, it’s in France and let’s face it; everyone loves France. Thirdly, it has Mediterranean weather. This means that you will more than likely catch a tan. Lastly, there is an actual fort that is quite literally hanging off the edge of the cliff, and it is a pretty impressive sight to see, that’s for sure!

There’s a whole ton of history going on here with findings from the prehistoric period as well as Roman and Tuscan time periods too. It really is a lovely place to go if you fancy something a bit Mediterranean, and with more than a few activities to keep you entertained, you are all bound to have a good time!

99 – Corinth Canal, Korinthos, Greece


This might not be one of the most breathtaking sights that we have featured on the list of 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World, but we feel that it deserves a place nevertheless for being totally cool.

This canal actually connects to different bodies of water – you have the Gulf of Corinth on one side and the Saronic Gulf that is set in the Aegean Sea. It separates one of the islands of Greece from the mainland Greece itself, all because of the water that cut through this massive rock, and because it is too small for most boats to get through, it doesn’t really serve a purpose anymore. With the first building work attempting to cut the channel through the rock beginning on this great canal back in 1AD, it has great historical importance and is a super cool place to visit if you ever get the chance.

100 – Scuba Diving with Whale Sharks, Thailand

prilfish / flickr.com

prilfish / flickr.com

We realised that we managed to fit in 100 places in the world that were considered beautiful, and not consider anything cool with animals involved. Well, aside from the crazy creatures that you will see on your journeys around the world, of course.

We decided that it was time to get physical with the weird and wonderful creatures on our planet and what better way than swimming with tiger and whale sharks in Thailand?!

There are plenty of places you can head towards if you fancy a spot of whale fishing, but if you want to find the really big stuff – the proper impressive stuff, you are going to need to head towards a place called Richelieu Rock or Hin Daeng and Hin Muang. These are the two hotspots for swimming with whales!

Of course, it’s not just whales and sharks that you will see in the depths of these interesting waters. You could find the odd manta ray here and there, and of course, you’ll be enjoying the beauty of the crystal clear and beautiful blue waters around you. What more could you possibly ask for?

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen; we have finished the Top 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World! No doubt we have missed a few greats out – after all, we only had one hundred spaces to fill and there are so many amazing and beautiful places in our crazy world to explore. Maybe we’ll come back with a Part Two? What do you think?

Let us know if you think you have found a little gem that we should include in our list! Have you been anywhere so beautiful that you thought it could take your breath away? Let us know!

Just in case you missed it from the beginning, you can find the rest of the series here:

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