100 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work
21. Consult an Expert
Before you decide to start any exercise or diet program to help you lose weight I recommend that you see your doctor first. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing health conditions that may worsen with a changed diet or exercise plan. Your doctor will be able to advise you on if your diet plan is good for your health and if it is suitable for you. Expert advice shouldn’t stop there though. After you’ve started your diet, a personal trainer will no doubt be able to give you loads of professional tips and tricks to help you lose weight faster than ever. Of course, if you wanted you could also see a nutritionalist too however my personal recommendation is that you see your doctor and consult a personal trainer first and foremost. These experts are professionals for a reason so I urge you not to shun their advice, it’s helpful, really.
22. Eat More Often
I know, you had to read that twice and still aren’t sure if you read it right. Well, believe it or not, I did just advise you to eat more often. You should focus on eating five small meals each day instead of three regular meals each day. This helps your body to keep your metabolism high as it means you’re constantly digesting food and as a result you’re always burning fay. I like to have breakfast, then a mid-morning snack, a late lunch, dinner and then supper. I find that eating more often is also a great way to curb your appetite so you’re less likely to binge too. Don’t start fantasising about all that food just yet though. I did say five SMALL meals so you still need to watch your portion sizes as we said earlier. Still, it’s better than nothing!
23. Don’t Go It Alone
It’s a well known fact that dieting and working our are easier when you don’t go it alone, i.e. when you do it alongside a friend. Doing things like swapping recipes, going for a run together, and exchanging results will help the two of you to stay motivated and as a result you’ll reach your goals quicker. You’ll be able to inspire and push each other and it’s much harder to quit something when you’re doing it with someone too.
24. Never Miss Your Breakfast
Okay, so I know eating fewer calories is the key to dieting but that doesn’t mean you should start skipping meals – especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast means your body goes into what’s known as starvation mode which basically means you metabolism slows in an attempt to hold onto fat so your body can function as it should. In shot this means you’re actually more likely to gain weight than lose it. A healthy breakfast is the best way to combat this and kick start your body into diet mode. When it comes to losing weight and slimming down, there are few things you body will thank you for more than eating breakfast. You don’t have to eat much, a bowl of oatmeal, a slice of brown toast, or even a piece of fruit will suffice.
25. Make Every Exercise Count
When you’re exercising you might as well make sure you’re doing it properly and effectively so you can be sure to shed some extra pounds. Keep a good posture throughout your routine to get the best results. If you’re going to do a halfhearted routine then you may as well have stayed in bed as it will have little to no effect. As well as this, make when you exercise count too. Doing a few stretches and a quick bit of cardio right after you wake up and before you eat breakfast is a fantastic way to burn fat.
26. Reign In Your Sweet Tooth
I don’t know about you but I have a terrible sweet tooth, something which cause me to put on a lot of weight a few years back. The fact of the matter is that sweets are full of preservatives, sugars, and countless other unhealthy additives. When you’re trying to lose weight or even simply not gain weight then it’s vital that you stay away from sweets. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t still satisfy our sweet tooth with sugar however, only now it should be natural sugar. Try eating fresh fruit or frozen fruit juice instead of sweets. Or you could even go for dried fruit with a light star coating. They taste just as nice and are way better for you in the long and the short run. Who said snacks were bad for your diet?
27. Drop the Salt
Yes, I know, I know, salt is incredibly tasty and we can’t imagine eating fries without them (though on your diet should you really be eating fries?) but the fact of the matter is salt is incredibly bad for us. Just a small amount causes our bodies to hold onto water which makes us appear bloated. Now, we do need salt in our diets to maintain a balanced diet but if you’ve been reading your labels properly like I told you then you’ll be aware that most food contains salt anyway so there’s no need to add more. There are plenty of other healthy seasonings you can use instead.
28. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
If you’re serious about losing weight then I’m afraid to tell you that it’s best you cut out or at very least cut down on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol has adverse effects on your liver which ends up slowing down your body’s natural fat burning process. This makes it incredibly hard to lose weight and it gets harder with every glass of wine you drink. Of course, the occasional drink won’t do too much harm but you’re still best to steer clear. For those times when you just can’t resist a drink, a glass of red wine is your best option. It’s low in carbs and has other mild health benefit despite the adverse ones so you don’t have to feel too guilty about drinking it. As always, moderation is key.
29. Become Sleeping Beauty
I was over the moon when I found out that studies have shown that people who get between seven and eight hours sleep per night have higher metabolisms and also more energy to help them eat clean, cook healthy meals, and exercise hard. These are all essential factors when it comes to losing weight so make sure you frequently get enough sleep. Early nights and long lies have never sounded so tempting! Beware however as it’s said that people who sleep between nine and ten hours per night have the same low metabolisms as those who don’t sleep enough – it’s a fine line to walk.
30. Focus On Small Changes
Committing to lose weight is a lifestyle change as much as anything, meaning it can be daunting to get started. The best way to combat this fear is by making small changes in your life such as parking your car further away from your office, taking the stairs instead of the lift, fidgeting while you sit down, walking to the shops instead of driving, using low fat milk instead of full cream milk, swapping chocolate for fruit, and that’s just to name a few but I’m sure you get the picture. Basically do little things to get your body moving and to put healthier foods inside of you.It’s simple, but it works.
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