15 Signs You Should Marry Your Boyfriend
So you’ve been seeing someone special for awhile now. It’s been weeks, months, maybe even years, and you’re wondering, could he be the one for me? Before you take the plunge into marriage, check out these 15 signs he is definitely the perfect man for you.
1. You are Comfortable and Happy to Make Future Plans With Him
If making plans with this man doesn’t get you excited- or at least happy- then he might not be the man for you. If you can’t make a simple future plan together, how will you spend the rest of your LIFE with this guy? You should be completely comfortable and happy to make future plans with your man, from a simple trip to the lake next month to ten kids in the next 20 years.
2. He Treats You the Way You Want to be Treated
We all have different ideas of how we should be treated. But if he makes you feel like his princess by the end of the day, he sounds like a keeper. If he has anger problems or makes you feel bad about yourself, you should highly reconsider the actual relationship- let alone a future marriage.
3. He Brags About You to Family and Friends
When a man is in love, he wants the world to know. And as annoying as it, they always seem to brag about their ‘perfect’ woman. If you’ve been the woman he’s talked (bragged) about to all of his family members and friends, he’s probably certain your the ideal woman and wants to make a very bright future with you. If this is true, quit blushing and giggling and give yourself a pat on the back: he’s marriage material and he totally loves you!
4. He’s Still Romantic and Chivalrous
I can’t tell you how many times a marriage is destroyed by the simple fact that there is no longer any romance or chivalry. Your man should always keep you feeling special and loved, even if its something simple like a sappy love poem or sweet date night under the stars. Once the romance is over, the relationship fizzles- and that’s just a fact. And trust me, if he’s already stopped being chivalrous, he’s not going to suddenly pick it up again.
5. You Share Morals and Values
You want kids, he doesn’t. You believe in a certain religion, he doesn’t. You love smoking cigarettes, but he hates smoking more than anything. These are just a few important things you need to make sure the two of you have in line before walking to the alter. If you don’t share the same morals and values, the relationship is headed for failure instead of a bright, thriving future.
6. You’ve Met Each Others Families
This is more important than you think! After all, if he hasn’t brought you around his folks, what does that say about how important you are in his life? If you’ve met his parents- and they like you- you’re almost a shoe-in.
7. He Loves You for You
When a man loves his woman, he doesn’t want to change you. He enjoys all your quirks and your silly jokes, he even loves your ‘large’ nose or goofy smile; and that’s that. If he loves you for you, flaws and all, then he is definitely a keeper.
8. You Want to Spend Every Second With Him
Once you two get married, you will be seeing a lot of this man- and we mean a lot. After all, you guys will be living together. You will see him when you wake up, multiple times throughout the day, and every night. Does this sound like a dream come true? Then you’re probably ready to get married. But if this thought makes you squirm and your face cringe, take a step back.
9. The Two of You Share Everything
Secrets don’t make friends- and they certainly don’t make lovers. If you two are comfortably to share everything together, good or bad, then this is certainly a relationship that will last. (Plus he listens to you- doesn’t that mean he earned some serious extra boyfriend bonus points?!)
10. Amazing Communication
If your relationship would crumble over the silliest mishaps, then he probably isn’t marriage material. But if the two of you have amazing communication and can talk through any problems you might have, it is a definite sign you’re ready to put a ring on it. After all, so many marriages are ruined for the simple fact that they couldn’t reach a certain communication level and weren’t able to talk things out.
11. Still Plenty of Steam
Just like there should always be plenty of romance and chivalry to keep things interesting, there should also be plenty happening inside of the bedroom. This is incredibly important, as a relationship that doesn’t keep things steamy and enticing in the bedroom may lead to one partner getting bored- and possibly cheating. If the two of you are always trying new things and can’t wait to get alone time so you can please each other, we see a very bright (and erotic) future that you both will enjoy until death do you part!
12. The Relationship Comes Easy
You have probably heard this phrase before: a relationship shouldn’t be hard. You shouldn’t have to work on it or have any struggles holding on. If the relationship seems to flow like the smoothest river, then the marriage will probably run just as beautifully.
13. You’re Always Happy Around Each Other
Ok, nobody is happy with their partner ALL the time (you know, like when he farts in front of you and it stinks beyond belief). But if your both happy for a majority of the time, it’s a safe bet to say the relationship is perfect for the next step: marriage. I mean, why not be happy for the rest of your lives?
14. He Complements You
Does he seem to have a superpower of making you smile when you are distraught? Do you always give him the ego boost he needs just before a hard day at work? If you complement one another, it’s a recipe for success. This is probably the best sign to tell if you are a match made in heaven, as so many people do the opposite of complement each other!
15. You Just “Know”
As woman, we seem to have this ‘sense’ when it comes to men. And although we might not be 100 percent right ALL the time, we still have a pretty good intuition about the guy we are with. If you just know he is the one and you can’t seem to find a reason why he shouldn’t be your husband, then there’s no argument: your boyfriend should be upgraded to husband in the near future.
Do I hear wedding bells ringing? Or did your wedding plans just fall through abruptly? We’d love to hear about what you thought of these 15 signs you should marry your boyfriend, and we’d love to know what YOU consider to be a top sign he is the one for you. Happy planning, ladies!