Comments on: 16 Ways to Make Him Fall in Love With You Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:49:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:48:56 +0000 Other than looking for opportunities or talking to him online, I am not sure how you could talk to him without his friend or the girl around. Perhaps you could try asking him if he wants to hang out after school sometime. If he is interested in you, then he will want to hang out after school so that he can get to know you better.

By: web admin Mon, 05 Oct 2015 02:05:04 +0000 Why is it that he does not respect your feelings? What happened to make you feel like he did not respect you as much? If he makes you feel bad or hurts your feelings when you are around him, then you should move on to someone else. Depending on what he did though, you could keep talking to him. I guess the real answer to your question would just depend on exactly what happened. Why and how did he disregard your feelings? What are your friend’s reasons for thinking that you should stay away from him?

By: isha Sun, 04 Oct 2015 05:40:40 +0000 i hv been seeing a guy since 4 months. n i told him dat i hv a crush on him. he was happy. we talked almost everyday. i thought dat he likes me.
last week v talked after many days(coz v had our exams so v cud not talk much) n i realised dat he didnt respect my feelings like he did before. i talked about dis to my best friend n she said dat dont talk to him anymore. n i cant do dat at all. i want my crush to talk to me like he did once again. wat shud i do? plz help

By: Victoria Sat, 03 Oct 2015 17:17:00 +0000 There’s this guy I used to date a while back but I have been noticing that he likes me by the way he acts around me and the way he looks at me how he smiles and laughs a lil bit when I smile at him it’s just the way anyways I have a lil hard time aproching him because there is this girl that I don’t like that likes him and he’s always hanging out her I have asked him if he likes her just messing around tho and the way he tells pretty much everyone that he doesn’t like her I can tell he doesn’t (honesty she not his type haha) I was wondering how I can talk to him a lil bit more but not to much without that girl and his friend around?

By: web admin Wed, 02 Sep 2015 04:08:38 +0000 It would be hard to figure out a good way for their bet to backfire if you do not know exactly what the bet is. Are they just betting which guy you would date? Or how long you would last before making it serious? If you could let me know what the bet is about more exactly, it would help me to figure out a way to help you out with answering it.

By: Patricia Tue, 01 Sep 2015 04:29:57 +0000 So this guy and I had been talking for a while and honestly I had no feelings for him but once we started getting closer I was starting to really like him. A week ago, though, my friend over heard him and some other guys at work talking about ‘the bet’ and saying who they thought I’d ‘end up with’. So I asked a guy who was supposed to be my friend but he lied to me and just tonight I asked the guy I had been talking to (after not talking for days) and he told me it was true but didnt ‘really remember’ what the bet was exactly about. Now I just need a way for it to backfire on him (or them) but I can’t think of anything good enough to make it seem like it didn’t bother me and make him mad and look stupid?

By: web admin Wed, 19 Aug 2015 20:58:29 +0000 If he breaks up with you all the time, then it sounds like he wants the relationship to end and just does not have the courage to do it. To try to get the relationship going again, you could always try to go on adventures, try new things or have date nights–anything to liven up and excite your relationship. Before you start to do these things though, you should probably think it through. If he is not good to you, breaks up with you a lot and is not there for you anymore, then perhaps you may just want to move on. You deserve someone who can be there for you, and it does not sound like he is willing to be that person anymore.

By: hannah Tue, 18 Aug 2015 21:57:32 +0000 It’s been 2 years since I am with my boyfriend. We mate everyday. He used to do things i love. And this past 6 months he had been changed. He breaks up with me to often. He doesn’t treat me well. He used to cry if I cried but now he feels nothing. I loved him so much so what should I do to keep him.

By: web admin Wed, 05 Aug 2015 20:19:09 +0000 It depends. He has been honest and upfront about what he wants: he does not want commitment and wants to keep things simple. He may change his mind later on, but don’t count on it. Now, you just have to decide if you are alright with keeping things simple or if you would rather end things and find someone who can commit. In all honesty, the age difference is far less of a factor than two different views on dating would be. Good luck, Sindg!

By: Sindg Tue, 04 Aug 2015 23:03:45 +0000 Hi I’ve met this guy and him and I been seeing each other for a month already. We have had relationships a few times and I am kinda growing feelings for him he says he likes me but not looking for a serious relationship he just wants to have fun I don’t know if I am doing the right thing or should I just stop seeing him. He is such a great person and a gentleman I don’t know if we would ever be in a relationship he is 8 years older than me.
