Comments on: 20 Signs a guy like you more than friend. Thu, 07 Jul 2016 08:43:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 04 Jul 2016 20:25:31 +0000 If you are unhappy with your relationship, then speak to your boyfriend directly. Do not channel your feelings onto someone else. If you find that you choose to not control your actions, then you should break up with your boyfriend to prevent future harm to him.

By: web admin Mon, 04 Jul 2016 20:21:17 +0000 There is no reason to be confused with the situation. Explain to this person that you are in a relationship and that you have no interest in harming your boyfriend. Do not hold his hand. When he puts his hands on your knees, push him away, and tell him to no longer do it. It is most unwise and extremely unfair to your boyfriend to continue such actions. If you choose this new person over the person who has been with you for three years and, I assume, has been treating you respectfully, then immediately break up with your current boyfriend because it is clear that your decisions are not respectful to your boyfriend. Don’t cheat; be an adult.

By: Sharon cutie Mon, 04 Jul 2016 03:22:23 +0000 Hello I am Pisces
I am in a relationship of 3 years and going but I Amat a guy friend when I went home for a short break so we only hang out once as friends with my siblings and he’s brother it was fun he always wanted to hold me he tickled me during the movies he always put my hand on he’s knee and always touched me on my knee he always stole glances at me when he thought I wasn’t looking at the end of the day on going back home he held my hand till I got home . To be honest I was avoiding every advances he made towards me cause I have a boyfriend but at the end of the day I thought he was really cute I found all he’s gestures cute I felt butterflies but I just ignored it thinking it was just a minor crush before I met him I have been chatting with him for two months we didn’t chat often cause I didn’t really feel like because our parents know each other and he’s mum wants me to marry him so I avoided him .but after that day I couldn’t stop thinking about him the thought of him made me smile don’t get it wrong I am happy in my relationship but I am unhappy about something in my relationship I am not comfortable with a friend my boyfriend has we have fought a lot because of her so I think maybe I may be channeling my feelings cause I am hurt .and even if I truly like him I am scared too what if he is just nice to me because of he’s mum and he’s naturally very friendly so what if all those gestures were just friendly don’t want to make a fool of myself what do I do

By: Sharon cutie Mon, 04 Jul 2016 02:48:58 +0000 I am in a relationship of 3 years I went back home for the holidays and I met this guy I went out with him just once as friend with my siblings and he’s brother .he knows I have a boyfriend because we chat we started chatting like 2 months before I went home .he would always try to hold my hand put my hands on he’s knee sometimes when I am not looking he glances at me . I couldn’t help but smile I found it really cute .since that day I couldn’t stop thinking about him I was just like it’s probably a minor crush it will soon fade I came back to school I still kept thinking about him I always like to talk to him more often than before.dont get me wrong I am happy in my relationship but I am confused because I am unhappy about something in my relationship so I start thinking that maybe that’s why I am channeling my feelings to another person and my friend is a fun loving guy so to him treating me like that would have been normal to him and I was the one taking it as something special.dunno what to do

By: web admin Mon, 27 Jun 2016 19:58:58 +0000 He has made is clear that he has a desire to end your relationship. Respect his decision to do so. If he is attempting to start a new chapter in his life, then it is suggested that you do the same. There is no reason to concern yourself with someone who has decided to not concern themselves with you. If you are interested in remaining his friend, then do so, but he is in a relationship now. Do not allow your desires to harm an innocent person.

By: Crystal Mon, 27 Jun 2016 00:28:55 +0000 I had a very close (best) guy friend for 2+ years. We also were FWB. He would do anything for me… Cook me food, help me move, call me from
Overseas… Do things he didn’t want to just to make me happy, go on trips with me, concerts, etc. He would drive 6 hours to see me because we didn’t live in the same town. Never had “the talk” about being together. We went on dates with others but never dated anyone. He moved across the country and said he didn’t want me to visit because he was “starting a new chapter in his life”. I told him how I missed him and loved him and he brushed it off. Now he’s dating someone else but talks to me still every day. I have hinted that I wished things could have been different how we were before and he says to forget the past. I used to think he was in love with me and wanted to date me but now I’m second guessing myself. What do you think ?

By: web admin Thu, 23 Jun 2016 05:13:06 +0000 It is clear that he has an interest in you. Cultivate your relationship and try to meet with him in person if possible. Your best option is to be clear with your desires and see if he feels the same.

By: Aakashi Thu, 23 Jun 2016 04:01:18 +0000 Hello,I have a guy friend,he is a shy person,doesn’t open up easily with anyone else but speaks to me.we met online through a mutual friend. When we first we fought but then he apologised and we started talking about literature and all other intersts we have,we have almost similar interests. We kept on chatting everyday, he gave me all the details of his mobile and even asked for mine but didn’t ask for my no.directly. Over time we have built a strong bond but I don’t know if it is friendship or more.He has become so protective and caring,he told me he doesn’t feel that we never met face to face, always compliment my profile pic,teases me for no reason,he says he will always be there for me and he will wait for me to complete my studies and message him again,he never judges me,we both know weird sides of each other. He told me once that he likes some girl in his college but I don’t understand one thing after so much of work he takes out time to know me,listen to me and doesn’t talk to anyone else.

By: wendy Wed, 22 Jun 2016 05:09:21 +0000 there is a guy at me at work. he asked for my number and soon we were texting.he would text me first almost all the time….he would ask how my day went, asking me wht like doing in my free time, casually mentioning that we go for a walk, come to his place for lunch, going for coffee etc…random texts saying i looked nice, looking sexy with my hair down….he kept asking me to invite him to my place for tea and i did twice…the first was one was pretty like friends hanging out…the second one however left me feeling me unsure of his intentions…he kept touching me my back, my face, hair, rubbing my knees, kissing my cheeck and going for hugs….he tried three times to kiss me on my lips but i backed away….he put his head in my lap saying he could sleep like this the whole night….after he left i was feeling guilty of why i let him to touch me….he calls me pretty, sexy, and sends me regular good night texts…always texts once a day just to say hi…..he is always complimenting me like how i attend to patients, how mysterious i am, having big eyes, nice legs, nice bum, pretty face etc…he is a divorcee and a 20 years older me…he told me about his past relantionships but briefly….he says when i dont feel like it i should tell him to back away…i should get to know him first before drawing any conclusion. he says he feels a connection with me. i feel kinda confused plz help me out

By: web admin Tue, 21 Jun 2016 20:59:43 +0000 It is clear that he wants to move the relationship along faster than you do. If you are not interested in doing so, then tell him so directly. If that ends the relationship, then so be it. You do not need to be pushed into things that you are not interested in doing.
