Comments on: 21 Questions to Ask Your Crush Sun, 10 Jul 2016 23:50:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sat, 18 Jun 2016 22:00:13 +0000 Sometimes it is difficult for people when receiving the news that they have a crush. A common reaction is for people to need to take some time to themselves after being spoken to. Your crush may also be in a relationship, spending some time on herself, or maybe thinking about what a relationship with you would look like.

For now, give her time to think about what you said. Instead of texting or messaging her over the next few days, allow her to absorb this new information. I would give her three days to allow her mind to adjust to the new information. At the end of those three days, treat her just like you did before you told her how you felt. Likely the relationship will return to normal, but the seed of a relationship has been planted. Good things come to those who wait.

By: ? Sat, 18 Jun 2016 04:09:59 +0000 So I’m a guy but I noticed that you actually talk to the people that need help. And I need it bad. So I told my crush upfront that I liked her and its kinda been akward. Now if I try to text or snapchat her she looks at it but never responds. What can I do to have her talk to me again.

By: web admin Fri, 03 Jun 2016 20:15:37 +0000 Did you try scrolling down? The questions are numbered and in bold–they should be fairly easy to see. Perhaps your computer/mobile phone browser is acting up? I just checked and everything is fine on our server, so you should be able to see it.

By: Kaye Fri, 27 May 2016 21:07:12 +0000 Where are the questions

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 15:16:07 +0000 It sounds like he has some anger issues and some control problems. Telling you about the other women that he wants to sleep with, accusing you of being with other guys and telling you that he could just sleep with someone else are all bad signs. It sounds like he is extremely controlling and manipulative, and these behaviors will only get worse if the relationship continues. Your best bet is to quit while you are ahead and move on. At the very least, I would deeply reconsider your decision to be in this relationship. Good luck and stay safe, Gloria!

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 15:00:21 +0000 It sounds like he has some serious insecurity issues. He also seems to be fairly manipulative. When you do not do what he wants, he brings up the topic of sleeping with or dating other girls. If that does not work, he accuses you of dating behind his back. Are you really sure that you want to be with him? His insecurities and controlling behaviors are unlikely to stop ever, and it will only get worse as the relationship continues. Between stress from school and trying to deal with his insecurities, it sounds like a lot of stress to take on right now. Are you sure that you want to stay with him forever?

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 14:28:13 +0000 It is unlikely that he has changed this fast. What you do is up to you–if you are open to taking a chance, then go for it. You should just realize that he is most likely still a player, and he probably has not matured or changed in just the last few months. If you do date him, be careful because it probably will not end any better than last time that you dated. Good luck, Charlotte Wagoner!

By: Gloria Mon, 18 Apr 2016 20:56:23 +0000 Hello,

I need some advice please.

I have been with my boyfriend a year ago, and we are really in love with each other. He loves me so much and couldn’t even say one words. I love him too, and always tell him that ” i’m so lucky to have such a wonderful man like him” and ” i love him so much” about a couples of months ago, he never shares what is going wrong with him. Even from school or work, he never had the responsibility to let me hear it out from his mouth. Other times, he shout at me, another times again, he told me if he ask me something and i do not have the ability to provide, then he will go sleep with another women. I was shocked when he said that, and obviously he surely sent me the women he wanted to sleep with by pictures. They were all naked. I screamed and was schocked and couldn’t believe what he did to me. He always plan ahead for the future. he wants to marry me and have family, he wants us to live together, i accepted it too. Lastly, he pretended to me that i’m with another guy. But it’s not really true. I’m just a busy woman like him. Please help me understand this type of relationship. I don’t understand why man prefer to cheat on his girlfriend.. I’m also not sure if we are in true relationship. Because we live in a different city. Still he couldn’t how busy i am as well. What should i do? Please help me get the answer back. Please..

By: Gloria Abok Mon, 18 Apr 2016 01:36:04 +0000 I need some advice please.
My boyfriend and I have been together since one year. We’re nice to each other. We shared interests together. We listen to each other correctly. He always tell me that he missed me, and wanted to get married to me right now. Actually, he and I have the made the plan for the future and we both agreed about it. Secondly, I still don’t understand him anymore. He loved me, but whenever he missed me, he said that he wanted to have sex with me. Beside we are in different cities. I went to see him for the first time, he was madly in love with me. He hugged me so hard and said he missed me so much.

Later, again he asked me to come see him. But since I’m a college student, things are hard for me to focus. If he needed sex, he’d sent me another women’s naked pictures saying that &even would have sex with him
This made me so upset, if I’m at home studying or busy, he would say I’m with another guy. He just pretending only without seeing where I’m. Ithe hurts me so much. And he still don’t believe me. I don’t feel like I can trust him anymore. If he make a plan to see me tomorrow, he gives up..all the times. I’m like I’m the one who care about him. I’m still don’t understand him anymore . We’re nice since we met. But sending me another women naked pictures, and pretend that I’m with someone, doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m not sure if he really love me or not. I’m not sure that put relationship is still real. Once I send him a text message, it took so long before responding. If I took so long before responding him, he pretend that I’m with someone. This hurts me so much.

Please help me understand this type of relationship.

By: Charlotte Wagoner Sun, 17 Apr 2016 15:20:35 +0000 So I like this guy in my school, he’s the same age as me but I have dated him in the pass and he wants to date again. The problem is he is known to be a player and says he has changed but I don’t know if I should believe him. Should I give him a chance?
