30 Free Date Ideas
Planning a night out with your special someone but don’t want to empty your wallet? Don’t fret! These 30 free dates are incredibly fun and stress-free, leaving the two of you to have an incredible night you won’t forget. What are you waiting for?
1. Picnic at the Park
Gather up some of your favorite foods, stick them in a basket, grab your blanket and head down to the park for a romantic picnic. Delicious foods plus a gorgeous outdoor setting- yeah, you can’t go wrong.
2. Mountain Escape
If it’s snowing outside, this is an even bigger free date hit. Have plenty of fun in the snow (snowball fight, anyone?). Even if it’s not snowing, just take a walk and enjoy the majesty of the mountains.
3. Escape to the Sandy Shores
This one has probably crossed your mind once or twice already, but it’s always a favorite for men and women. Who doesn’t love the beach? Maybe you two could try a bonfire this time, or bring a volleyball for some fun in the sun.
4. Get Down at the Gym
Who said exercising had to be done alone, listening to music, completely alone? Forget that! Take your significant other to the gym for some hardcore fun (just make sure you don’t lift heavier weights than your man).
5. Play a Sport
Don’t feel like signing up for a gym membership? No problem! Just get out with your partner and play a fun sport the both of you enjoy. Maybe a nice game of tennis? Or perhaps an intense one-on-one basketball match?
6. Go for a Walk/Jog
There’s nothing like taking a stroll (or a light jog) in a beautiful place surrounded by nature. Whether you decide to simply go around the block or take your jog to the sandy beaches or beautiful parks, it’s something the two of you will surely enjoy. Fresh air and nice company is always a wonderful combo!
7. Cook/Bake Together
Forget leaving the kitchen duties to one person while the other lies around waiting. Instead, get together in the kitchen for some (messy) fun. The outcome? Delicious food and/or treats that you can enjoy together.
8. Play Video Games
We’ve all heard it a million times: There’s nothing sexier than a woman who plays video games. Surprise your man and take him one-on-one at his favorite video game, or team up for a dual match and show the other team what you are made of. This free date calls for hours of intense fun- you won’t want to put the controller down!
9. Watch Television and Cuddle
When there’s nothing else to do and you don’t feel like going out, what comes to mind? Television and relaxation, of course! Pop up some popcorn, bring out the pillows and blankets, and snuggle up on the couch for a night of hilarious sitcoms or a corny television movie.
10. Turn Up the Tunes and Get Crunk!
Don’t feel like sitting in front of the television, yet still want to stay in for the night? No problem. Turn on your radio (or iPod, or computer-whatever you use) and put on some sexy tunes. The two of you can dance the night away- in your pajamas!
11. Learn at the Library
A date at the library? Sure, why not! Expand your knowledge or just read some silly books together.
12. Take a Local Free Class
Many cities will offer free classes at one point or another, whether it’s a free yoga class or a free cooking class. Check your cities latest events to see what free classes are being offered and head down with your mate to learn a new skill- and have fun doing it!
13. Listen to Live Music
There’s a lot of free music festivals or local hotspots where new bands come to perform. Check local listings to see if there will be a free music event nearby and check it out with your lover. You might just come across a new band you both absolutely love!
14. Take a Dip in the Pool
There’s nothing like a refreshing dip in the pool, morning or night. There is plenty of fun to be had in a pool, from jumping and splashing to kissing and cuddling under the water. It’s a definite free date you have to try.
15. Hit the Hot Tub
Too cold for a swim? Then head on over to the deliciously warm hot tub that will soothe tension, leaving you relaxed and ready to love on your partner.
16. Free Massage, Anyone?
Have you both been having stressful weeks at work? Then here’s another great free date idea that you can stay indoors for- heck, you don’t even have to get dressed. Strip down, light a few candles in your favored scent, and give your partner a nice rub-down. This will ease any tension and melt stress away immediately, plus make the two of you bond in an intimate way.
17. Window Shopping
Hey, who doesn’t love shopping? Even if you’re tight on cash, still head down to the shops and check out all of the cool, cute, or even funky items sitting on the shelves. You might even discover what to get your partner for upcoming holidays (yeah- forget waiting till the last minute and having no clue what to buy her).
18. Volunteer Work
Become humbled and help others while on a date. Yeah, you probably didn’t think that was possible, did you? Doing volunteer work together as a couple will give you two a new outlook on life while also bringing the two of you closer together. It’s a win-win situation and the organization will undoubtedly thank you for your time and effort.
19. Explore and Discover at the Museum
Most museums are absolutely free, plus they are incredibly fun and exciting. You get to see things you’ve never seen before and learn in the process. Whether you opt for the art museum, history museum, science museum or the likes, you’re sure to have an awesome time discovering the realms of the museum with your lover.
20. Take Off in the Car
If you love to discover new places, you’ll love this date idea. Just hop in the car and go. See new sights and find new places. You can’t go wrong with this date idea.
21. Check out Yard Sales
Ah, good old yard sales. The places where you can discover some of the weirdest stuff for dirt cheap. This date idea might not end up totally free, but you’ll surely see some crazy things and only end up paying a buck or two for something you find interesting.
22. Hang out with Friends
Maybe the two of you have mutual friends that would want to get together for a movie at your place. Or maybe your significant other has never met your friends and it’s long overdue? Whatever the case, find something free for you and your friends to do and have a great group outing (perhaps going for a dip in the local lake or sight-seeing downtown?)
23. Tour the Area
Even if you’ve lived in the area your whole life, you surely haven’t seen it all. Even if it’s just a measly walking trail you’ve missed out on or a haunted house three miles out from town- it’s something you two can explore and investigate together. Do a little research online about the area or head down to city hall to see if they have any maps or recommendations for places you must see.
24. Take on a DIY Project
The possibilities for a DIY project: Virtually. Endless. It could be something as simple as making your own picture frames, to sanding down an antique desk and painting it so it looks brand new. It could be painting your living room a brand new, vibrant color or knitting a cute blanket for your newborn nephew. There is seriously thousands of fun DIY projects. Just do a quick search online and find something that interests the two of you. Some projects can be done from materials already in your house!
25. Get Creative with Artistry
Who doesn’t love to thrown on a smock, grab the paintbrush, and create a masterpiece? Whether you decide to paint a gorgeous picture or just want to color a funny portrait of your lover with crayons, let your creativity run wild and have a blast with your partner. You might discover a new hidden talent in the process!
27. Play Some Board Games
Put the electronics aside for a moment and bring out a few of your favorite old board games. It’s a free date idea that provides hours of endless fun, whether you engage in a Risk war or engage on real estate engagements in Monopoly. Who knows? Maybe the two of you will have so much fun it becomes part of your weekly routine.
27. Plant Something Together
Gardening is not only a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but a rewarding one as well. Plant a beautiful rose garden or plot down a few of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Watch as your buds flourish and enjoy the produce- whether it provides a magnificent scent or completes your next dinner with extravagant, fresh flavor.
28. Trip to the Pet Store
Are you an animal lover? Of course you are! Head down to the local pet store and warm your heart with the sight of cute puppies and adorable kittens, and don’t forget to check out the exotic animal section for some really awesome sights.
29. Stargaze
If you’ve got a truck with a large bed, this is the perfect free date idea. Load the truck bed up with blankets and pillows and just cuddle beneath the stars. If you don’t have a truck, simply lay out some blankets in the backyard and snuggle up for a romantic night stargazing.
30. People Watch
When all else fails, go to a local hotspot and just watch people. People can be ridiculously funny and outrageous sometimes- who wouldn’t want to sit back and enjoy the free comedy acts?