30 Fun First Date Ideas
Choosing what to do on a first date can be stressful and chances are you’re finding it hard to think past the obvious ideas. Here’s 30 fun, classic and out of the box ideas to help you decide where to take your new guy…
1. Go For A Romantic Meal
This one’s a classic but it’s a classic for a reason. Having a meal together is a great way to get to know each other – it’s romantic, it’s quiet and it’s just the two of you.
2. Explore A City
Set out on an adventure with your new guy and go and explore a city together. The pair of you can visit all the tourist attractions, see all the sights, grab some food and, in general, have a fab day getting to know one another. This one works in your own city or a one that’s new to you.
3. Visit The Cinema
Here’s another classic but it’s another great one. The cinema is great because, when the lights go down, you don’t have to worry about how you look or what to say. You can both just relax then after you both have something to talk about too.
4. Go For A Walk Along The Beach
Sigh! This is so romantic it has me day dreaming. Picture it – a long beach, the sun shining, your hand in his as you walk barefoot in the sand. At some point the sun begins to slip away and the pair of you curl up under a blanket together. See, romantic!
5. Use A Hobby You Have
Introducing him to a hobby you do is a great first date. Whether it’s horse riding, pottery making or tennis, you’ll love showing off your stuff and he’ll no doubt enjoy learning. This one can be flipped round too and he can show you one of his hobbies.
6. Go Stargazing
If it’s a clear night, what could be better than stargazing? The romance of this is unquestionable and it gives the two of you another chance to snuggle up under a blanket. It will be a night to remember. How about bringing along a bottle of wine to really spice it up? This will work even better if it happens to coincide with a meteorite shower, bonus!
7. Go To A Band Night or Gig
Live music is always a winner and, in most towns and cities, there’s usually something going on. This will work if you both like the same music or if you don’t you could try introducing each other to something new. The atmosphere at gigs is always very relaxed so the two of you will feel comfortable around each other in no time.
8. Enjoy Dinner And A Show
Dinner and a show – that’s not something you hear too often unfortunately. Venues that provide dinner and entertainment are slowly becoming more and more popular however. Many a year ago our streets were lined with them but nowadays they are few and far between. If you want a romantic meal but are scared of any awkward silences that may occur then this could be perfect.
9. Take A Walk In The Park
Simple but sweet. Whether it’s a lovely sunny day or a crisp, snowy afternoon this date is timeless and will never lose it’s charm. You’ll have plenty of time to talk, admire the scenery and, if all goes well, it’s easy for the two of you to take off somewhere else after.
10. Go For A Picnic
This is one you could even do when in the park. Picture it – you, him, a checkered blanket to sit on and a wicker picnic basket. Maybe the sun’s going down or you’re sat under some beautiful oak trees or in a meadow. Perfect!
11. Go Bowling Together
To bring a little more energy to the date, bowling is perfect. It’s a great way for you both to let your hair down and relax around one another.
12. Go To The Carnival
If you like the sound of a fun filled date but bowling isn’t your thing, how about going to the carnival? They have something for everyone and always make for a memorable night. He can show off his muscles on some of the games while you get him to protect you in the haunted house.
13. Go To The Arcade
Unfortunately, carnivals don’t come to most towns very often. That’s why the arcade is a great back up plan. Most towns have them and, if the weather isn’t on your side, you can still visit them.
14. Visit A Theme Park
If visiting a carnival or an arcade sounds a little bit too tame for you, how about visiting a theme park? If you live for adrenalin thrills then this could be perfect. You’ll have miles and miles to walk round with your guy, plenty of rides to squeeze his hand on and lots of places to eat too. Just be sure not to scare him!
15. Try Paint-balling or Laser Tag etc
For a more energetic date, trying out a game like paint-balling, laser tag or paint-ballooning could be great. Think ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ and you’ll understand why.
16. Visit A Safari Park Or Zoo
If one of you is an animal lover then how about spending the day at a zoo or safari park? It’s something most people don’t tend to do very often so it will make for a memorable day. You’ll both get to see some of your favorite animals, perhaps interact with them and there will be plenty of photo opportunities.
17. Go To An Aquarium
If you love animals but aren’t an outdoor kind of girl then visiting an aquarium is a great alternative. It’s warm, it’s indoors and you still get to see hundreds of amazing creatures and spend the day with an amazing guy.
18. Take A Trip In A Rowing Boat
For a really out there date, hire a rowing boat and set off across a lovely lake together. It is guaranteed to have you both laughing as you try to navigate your way across the water and it’s exciting spotting fish below the water or swans gliding towards you. Just be sure to wear a lifejacket and you’re set.
19. Go And See a Bonfire Or Fireworks
This one is unfortunately time of year permitting. If there’s nothing like this going on right now then sadly you’ll have to forget this one until there is. If it’s New Year, Bonfire Night, the Fourth of July etc then wrapping up warm and heading out to watch the fireworks will make for a memorable first date.
20. Visit A Place Of Local Interest
How about spending the day exploring a local castle, walking round some show gardens or climbing the hundreds of steps to the top of a monument? Whatever places of local interest there are near you, they’re sure all to be perfect for a quirky first date. It will be fun for both of you pretending to be tourists in your own town or city too.
21. Go To A Christmas Market
If it’s Christmas, then this one is perfect. Christmas markets are fun, festive, full of fantastic treats and a great place to explore with your new man. Me and my fiancée loved one so much that he even proposed to me there! They can be wonderfully romantic places.
22. Go Iceskating Together
Get your gloves and hats on and take a trip ice skating together. While this will be fun for any couple, if your both novices then even better. Holding each other up and having a laugh when you both undoubtedly fall will be a great way to connect.
23. Go To The Theatre
Going to the cinema is so common these days that I have to wonder what ever happened to the theatre? The theatre brings us live actors, audience interaction and comical and mind-blowing shows. Don’t panic if musicals aren’t your thing, the theatre has plenty more to offer. It’s always worth seeing what shows are on in your area.
24. Go To A Sports Match
Whether you enjoy sports or not, your new man will be thrilled if you say you want to go and watch his favorite sport with him. Showing an interest in him will spike his interest in you and he’ll love showing his knowledge off while answering all your questions throughout the game.
25. Try Go Karting
Go karting is fun, fast and thrilling – perfect for an energetic first date. You can either have a car to yourself and race your guy or you can share with him and snuggle in as he takes those risky corners. Either way it’s win win!
26. Make A Meal Together
Going out for a meal together is great but it’s been done countless times before. Why not invite him round so you can both show off your stuff in the kitchen together? Just be sure you can make more than toast first!
27. Visit A Museum
This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but to add a bit of culture to your date it’s perfect. If he’s cultural and arty, he’ll love that you thought of this.
28. Hiking or Rock Climbing
Here’s another adventure date. It’s great if you’re both experts or even if you haven’t done it before. It’s fun and refreshing and will give you plenty of time to laugh and talk.
29. Do Something Spooky
If there’s a haunted house or castle near you, visiting it will make for a spooky first date. If you’re both horror fans who like a scare, this will be great!
30. Try Arts And Crafts
Lots of places allow guests to come in and paint some pottery, create a mosaic etc. It will bring out the child in both of you and give you something to remember your first date by.
(All images via Pinterest.com)