40 Birthday Wishes for Husband

By on April 23, 2014

It’s time to upgrade from the basic ‘Happy Birthday’ to something better. A Happy Birthday wish that will make him smile and give him that warm and toasty feeling on the inside. Something he will remember for years to come. Check out these 40 birthday wishes for husband- you’ll surely find the perfect Happy Birthday wish for your lucky partner!


1. No matter how many years go by, you’re still the man of my dreams.

Who doesn’t like to know that even after several years of marriage, they are still the only one for you? Your man will surely enjoy hearing this one on his special day!

2. For me your birthday is just like all the other days, since every day is a celebration when I’m with you.

It might be a bit cheesy, but it’s cute, right? This one will make him smile and maybe even laugh a little, too!

3. You are and will always be the only man for me. Thank you for loving me the way you do. Happy Birthday!

Again, men love to hear that they are the only one for you- especially on their birthday. Make sure your man knows how important he is in your life with this simple birthday message.

4. I love your birthdays because it gives me another chance to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I love you forever and always, husband!

Aww, now this is a sweet birthday message anyone would love to read. If your guy’s into the romantic things in life, he will surely love this cute little message.

5. Happy Birthday, my dear Husband. I hope you get everything you wished for and more. 

6. Happy Birthday to the most loving, caring, handsome, sexy, strong, masculine, adoring (insert as many compliments as humanly possible- remember, the more the better!) man in the whole world. You’re the best.

Because every man on planet earth loves to get complimented by his woman. Talk about a serious birthday ego boost!

7. What should I give my husband on his birthday. Tons of hugs and kisses? A box of gold? A brand new car? Even all of this put together couldn’t measure up to how much you deserve. I love you, Happy Birthday!

He’s more precious than silver or gold- why not let him know his amazing worth!

8. Happy Birthday, my love. I’m so lucky and happy that God sent you into this world.


9. Today is the perfect day to tell you how much brighter you make this world. I’m so lucky to have met you and I cherish every day with you, especially this one! Happy Birthday.

10. A special Happy Birthday to the love of my life. Wishing you all the best today and for the rest of the year!

11. I still remember the first birthday we spent together as a couple. We went to ____ and (insert interesting birthday memory here). It was one of the best days of my life and I hope to spend many more birthdays with you.

Why not reminisce about the first birthday the two of you spent together? It’s a great way to bond and have a special memory brought up that brings the two of you closer together.

12. It may be your birthday, but I’m the lucky one here. I got to spend another whole year with you, and hopefully many more to come. Happy Birthday my love.

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13. Another birthday passing means another wonderful year that we’ve spent together. Another year spent growing and loving each other more. I’m excited to continue this journey and see many more years pass by, right by your side.

14. A husband so sweet, you’re the icing on the cake that is my life. Thank you for being such a sweetheart! Happy Birthday!

15. There isn’t enough wrapping paper in the world to wrap up all the love I have for you. Happy Birthday my love!


16. You have shown me what it means to have the perfect marriage. Happy Birthday to the best, most understanding and loving husband on earth!

17. I can’t thank you enough for all the things you’ve done for me. Thank you for being a part of my life. Happy Birthday.

There’s nothing quite like a simple thank you for all your hard work. Let your husband know his hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and he’ll have no problem taking out the trash for many more years to come.

18. It doesn’t matter what gift I give you, no gift could measure up to the gift I was given: YOU.

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19. Happy Birthday, husband. Hope to spend many, many more with you!

It might be a bit basic and simple for some, but this adorable message lets him know quickly that you want to be with him for the long run.

20. Together we are inseparable. Together we are a team. Together we are just as hot as can be. I love you my sexy husband, Happy Birthday!

21. You’re the cheese to my macaroni, the butter to my toast, and the sprinkles on my cupcake. You’re my other half, and I love you! Happy Birthday.

This adorable message is definitely one that brings out the laughs and giggles. It’s too cute NOT to smile at, and that’s what we’re aiming for on your husband’s special day!


 22. Baby, you age like fine wine. I can’t wait to see how you’ll look in the birthday’s to come!

We all have heard this saying before, right? Well certainly it can apply to that handsome stud of a husband you have. Let him know he is only getting better with age.

23. You’re tough and strong on the outside, and that’s why I find you irresistable. Yet you’re so sweet and gentle on the inside, which is why I love you. You’re perfect, so have a perfect birthday, husband!

24. If someone were to ask me the secret to having a perfect marriage, I’d tell them the only secret is finding a man just like you. You’re perfect in every way, and I love everything about you. Happy Birthday sweetheart.

25. Happy Birthday to the man I fell in love with (___) years ago. I still love you more and more as each year passes. Happy Birthday!

26. Whoever said that every man out there is the same, clearly never met you. Luckily I’m the one that found the man who’s different from all the rest. I’m really the lucky one to share this birthday by your side. 

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27. If anyone congratulates me on being such a great mother, or a perfect housewife, or a successful woman, I just tell them my success stems right from my other half- YOU. Thank you for everything, have a great birthday!

28. Happy Birthday to the man who treats me like a Queen and makes me feel more valuable than silver or gold. I couldn’t ask for a better husband than you.

29. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, I love you my husband, and we make the perfect two!

This is just a short, simple poem that has plenty of meaning wrapped up in its small stature. Who doesn’t love something like that?

30. Even on your birthday you still manage to take me out and pamper me, even though it’s YOUR special day. You’re such a caring and giving man, but today is MY day to pamper YOU, honey. Happy Birthday!

31. Now that you have grown a year older, I can only hope that our love will grow older and wiser as well. Have a spectacular birthday, honey.

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32. As a little girl I always dreamed of meeting my knight in shining armor. But when I met you, I realized that the perfect man doesn’t wear his shining armor on the outside. Instead, he becomes his wife’s shining armor. You’re my knight and I love you. Happy Birthday!

Every man wants to be his woman’s knight in shining armor, so why not tell him that’s EXACTLY what he is. This will definitely make him feel strong and special.

33. Today I wish a happy birthday to the man who makes me unbelievably happy. I wish a sexy birthday to the hot man who makes me feel sexy. I wish an amazing birthday to the amazing husband I got! Happy Birthday!

34. Unlike other men out there, you never have to give me a reason to smile. Just being you makes me smile every single day like no other. Thank you for putting a smile on my face for no reason and I hope to see many smiles on your face this birthday!


35. Today on your birthday I make a promise: that this year will be better than the one before it. That our love will grow deeper than the year before. That I will be a better woman for you than the year before. Happy Birthday!

36. Everything in this world has a limit, but my love for you is limitless. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, my love.

37. When all of the dishes are done and the kids are asleep, then we can really celebrate your birthday- that is, if we are still awake! Happy Birthday baby!

This is a great one for the couple with a newborn child, or older couples with plenty of chores and children to take care of. He’ll definitely get a kick out of it.

38. When I can’t find the words to tell you how much I love you, just look into my eyes and you’ll see my love shining through. Happy Birthday sweetheart.

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39. It’s your special day today. Just think of me as your own personal Genie. Your wish is my command today! 

Trust me, your man will LOVE to read this.

40. Come up with your own silly, thoughtful, or loving poem. He’ll love that!


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