40 Good Morning Texts for Him

By on January 16, 2014

There’s something about a good morning text message from your special someone. It doesn’t just  make you smile with the words they say, but it makes your heart warm knowing they thought of you from the moment their eyes opened up. If you really want to make your boyfriend get that warm and cozy feeling on the inside, try out one of these 40 good morning texts for him.

1. Good morning, handsome!

A simple good morning greeting followed by a compliment for your man. It’s simplicity at its best, but it is definitely a subtle text that will make him grin. (Who doesn’t love waking up to a compliment first thing in the morning?)

2. Good morning, my love!

Woke up in a lovey dovey mood? Then this is the text for you. (Reserved of course for deeper relationships where the big ‘L’ word is acceptable.) He’ll love hearing this right when he wakes up!

3. Alert! The hottest man in the world has just awoken!

Yeah, it’s silly. But this text is sure to boost his ego like nothing else. This text will make him smile, perhaps even giggle a little. Plus it’ll give him that manly confidence he needs to take on the entire day.

4. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up. Good morning <3.

It goes without saying when you text someone the second you wake up, but this just gives your guy reassurance that he’s definitely on your mind- and ONLY him, nobody else.

5. I know every day is going to be filled with joy with you by my side.

He might not say it out loud, but he will definitely say ‘Awww’ in his head the second he reads this text. It’s sweet and something that will surely brighten his morning.

6. It may be raining outside, but all I see is sunny skies thanks to you.

The perfect text when the weather is gloomy and rainy outside. This text lets him know that no matter how dark it is outside, he will always be able to brighten your day.

7. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

We’re not all morning people. But if your guy has the power to make you go from sleepy to bright, alert, and happy just with the simple thought of him, it’s something you need to share. He will love getting this cute news!

8. Hope you have a perfect day today.

Wishing your guy well is an easy way to show him you really care. Definitely a text message that can be used time and time again!

9. I dreamt of you all night <3.

If he’s in your dreams, he must be special. Let him know that even when the two of you are apart, he’s still the sole man on your mind.

10. I can’t wait to see you today. I’ll be counting down the minutes!

A great text when the two of you are planning to spend some time together. This lets him know that you thought not only about him right in the morning, but thought about seeing him and your totally excited!

11. Wake up hot stuff! I miss you!

Another awesome text that boosts your mans ego instantly. A must!

12. Knock, knock sleepyhead! Time to wake up!

Feeling silly and want to make your guy laugh when he wakes up? Send him this cute text!

13. It’s only a good morning when I know I have you.

Is your man so great that he makes your entire life better? Send him this text and let him know just how important he is to you, and how much he makes you smile all day long.

14. I’m sending you this text first thing in the morning, not to say good morning but to make you smile the second you wake up.

Wanting to make someone smile is one of the best ways of showing you care. With this text, you will show him how much you care about him and want him to be happy from the moment he wakes.

15. A morning text message doesn’t just mean hello. It’s a silent message of ‘I’m thinking of you’ the second I wake up.

Does this really need an explanation? We think not.

16. If I were there, I’d wake you up with a big plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes, plus a kiss from me!

What man doesn’t love to be cooked for? Oh, yeah. This is definitely a winning good morning text he will love.

17. Hey lazy, when are you going to get up?

If you and your man have a goofy relationships, this is the ideal text for you. It’ll make him laugh and you’ll probably get a hilarious text back.

18. I missed you all night <3.

This text makes him feel wanted and special, while also letting him know you wish you could be with him snuggling all night long.

19. I can’t wait until the day I can wake up right next to you.

This gives your guy a glimpse into how serious you take the relationship. You want to wake up with him, right? So you obviously love him and want to be with him…perhaps for life?

20. I hope your morning is as bright as your smile. 

Another great text that WILL make him smile, and WILL boost his confidence levels. You can’t go wrong with a good morning and a compliment in one sentence. It’s the perfect text that anyone would love to read on their phones!


21. I had a good dream last night, but you’re the perfect dream come true. 

Because we’ve all had those dreams we wish would never end. But this text message tells him that even though you might’ve had an awesome dream last night, it doesn’t compare to HIM: your dream come true.

22. It doesn’t matter if I have a coffee or a tea, nothing compares to the feeling you give me. Good morning!

Who wouldn’t love to wake up to an adorable poem-ish text message like this one? Brighten up his morning with this adorable text message that could have come straight from Shakespeare’s mouth (well, not really…).

23. Good morning to the man who makes my wishes and desires come true, and brings joy and happiness to my life.

Wow. This is one of those all-in-one good morning text messages that will boost his ego, make him smile, AND let him know what a wonderful person he is and how special he is to you. Killer combination!

24. Your sweater was so comfy last night <3 How’d I ever sleep without it?

The PERFECT text message if he gave you his sweater last night (or a T-shirt, jacket, or whatever article of clothing).

25. I hate mornings. They are the loneliest part of the day when I really need your warm hugs and kisses. Ugh! Can’t wait to see you.

This will really get him excited to see you! And it will also let him know how much you LOVE his hugs and kisses, which can only lead to one thing: lots and lots of both when the two of you finally get together.

26. I think my pillow hates you because it knows I want to replace it with your shoulder. One day…

Not necessarily your typical “good morning text message”, but it still has to do a lot with sleep and waking up. Not to mention it’s totally cute and funny at the same time. Trust me, he’ll love to hear this funny little text right in the morning!

27. I was so cold this morning, but then I thought of you and I warmed right up. Good morning!

He can make you all warm and fuzzy even when you’re not together? Wow, he must be superman or something. This adorable text message is exactly what he will want to read early in the morning. I seriously can’t get over how cute this one is!

28. Were you a coffee bean in your past life? You must be, because I can’t start my mornings without you.

Oh, come on now- this one is hilarious! Send it!

29. I love seeing the sun rise every morning because it means I get to spend another wonderful day with you, my love. Good morning.

How adorable is that?

30. Good morning (insert guy’s name here). Did you sleep well? Or were you too busy dreaming about you and me? (Like I was, hehe).

An adorable question that’s cute, fun, and flirty. An excellent option that will certainly kickstart conversation.

31. Good luck on (insert whatever your man is doing here). 

Because there’s nothing like hearing “good luck” from the person you adore. This will definitely kickstart his day and give him the oomph he needs to kick butt in whatever he’s doing.

32. Wow! It’s going to be a beautiful day. Picnic by the park?

Ask your man out nice and early and plan a wonderful day together: PERFECT! If it’s raining outside, try saying something like, “Ick! So dark and dreary out today. Let’s hit up the movie theater and stay indoors tonight!”

33. How is the most handsome man on earth doing this fine morning?

Because even if he was having a bad morning, this will definitely make it better.

34. Hey sleepyhead! It’s time to wake up, drink some coffee, eat some toast, and brush your teeth so you can get a big kiss from ME!

One word: adorable.


Because YOU JUST CAN’T WAIT ANOTHER SECOND. Haha, he will love this.

36. I hope you’re awake <3 We’re supposed to be leaving soon!

The only text to use when you and your partner have special plans for the day.

37. Our love gives me the boost I need to make it through each day. Hoping your day is as wonderful and positive as possible!

Any chance to remark about how wonderful the love you two share is ALWAYS a grand idea.

38. So….what color boxers are you going to wear today?

This one is totally silly, but who doesn’t love a good laugh the moment they wake up?

39. If I was there, I’d wake you up with a shower of kisses.

Don’t be surprised if he keeps insisting you spend the night after sending him something like this!

40. We need to work on you becoming a morning person like me.

A text message reserved for the morning people who are struggling with guys who love to sleep in like, all day long. He will get a kick out of this! (But be prepared for a big fat NO!)


  1. Avatar


    September 18, 2015 at 9:43 am

    Aww, I really like this! Lots of warm and beautiful words here.

    Here are some more good morning texts:

    “I must be the luckiest guy alive because every day I see the same girl who I saw in my dreams the previous night”

    “My angel, my life, my entire world, you are the one I want, the one I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything.”

    “I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you, but I woke up with a smile this morning because I knew you weren’t a dream”.

    • web admin

      web admin

      September 18, 2015 at 2:54 pm

      Those all sound like lovely good morning texts. Thank you for commenting, Thomas–I am sure that some of our readers will appreciate reading through these quotes.

  2. Avatar


    August 28, 2015 at 4:35 am

    I love this!!! I’ll use them with my boyfriend so he wakes up and gets a big smile on his face!!!! I love love it!!

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 29, 2015 at 3:05 am

      That is an awesome idea! I am glad that this article could help you out!

  3. Avatar


    August 16, 2015 at 4:13 am

    Really a great stuff. I liked it very much.

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 16, 2015 at 4:32 pm

      I am glad that you liked it. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Avatar


    June 9, 2015 at 10:03 am

    thank you so much, I like these very muchhhhhhhhhh. I have a crush on someone, who is far away, though I can only be his friends, I still want to make him happy with my message. Thank you!!!!!

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 9, 2015 at 5:22 pm

      I am really glad to hear that this will help you! Staying in touch with a friend or a crush is hard when they live far away. I am happy that these messages can help you out. Good luck!

  5. Avatar


    May 27, 2015 at 7:24 am

    Very good stuff.

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 27, 2015 at 4:36 pm


  6. Avatar


    April 29, 2015 at 9:47 am

    They are cutie.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2015 at 6:17 pm

      Thanks! I am glad that you enjoyed them!

  7. Avatar


    April 20, 2015 at 2:18 am

    Very nice sms, great colectin, thank u so much

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 20, 2015 at 7:14 pm

      I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it. If you have time, make sure to check out the other articles that we have on HerInterest!

  8. Avatar


    April 14, 2015 at 2:31 am

    Really adorable ones! I loved them all! :)They are so subtle yet so cute and loving! Thank you for some nice ideas! God bless! 🙂

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 14, 2015 at 8:23 pm

      Thank you so much for the feedback. I am really glad to see that you enjoyed them!

  9. Avatar

    Rachel hoeppner

    February 22, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    Even if we’re not together yet. Which one should I use?

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 21, 2015 at 9:04 pm

      Which one you choose is entirely up to you. My favorite thing is to make a list of my top ten. I keep it in my purse and pick one from my list about once a week. As I drive in to work, I send the message so that he sees it right when he wakes up! You do not have to pick just one, Rachel. Many of these messages can be used over the next few weeks or months!

  10. Avatar


    February 21, 2015 at 5:58 am

    They are all very cute ! I got new ideas from them. My bf loves them a lot !

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm

      We are always glad to help out and give you new ideas. Thank you, Tatiana, for your feedback!

  11. Avatar


    February 1, 2015 at 3:36 am

    I really loved these awsome mrng msgs.I love my BF more dan my life.I am sure dese msgs will add sm extra sugar to our LOVE….Thanks a ton:) God bless

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 20, 2015 at 6:50 pm

      Thank you for your comment! This was exactly why the article was made. As you date someone over time, it becomes far too easy to get used to them and just take them for granted. Cute good morning texts and other small signs of affection are a great way to remind a partner that you still love them and want to be with them.

  12. Avatar


    January 19, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    These are all very sweet. Just don’t send them to somebody elses husband lol.

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      Michelle Keldgord

      January 20, 2015 at 4:06 am

      Great advice, Kimber! LOL! Thanks for the funny comment 🙂 I’m glad you liked the good morning texts for him!

  13. Avatar


    January 12, 2015 at 6:52 am

    These are so amazing.
    My boyfriend has gone to his training of army officer…
    He wakes up at 4in d mrng..when i am sleeping…and he sleeps bfore i sleep
    So when i go to sleep i leav a mrng msg to him… 🙂
    I find ur texts amazing and surely he ll feel after reading them that i am there wth him… 🙂

    • Avatar

      Michelle Keldgord

      January 13, 2015 at 6:47 pm

      Aww, that is so sweet of you!! I hope he enjoys your lovely good morning text messages 🙂

  14. Avatar


    December 10, 2014 at 2:28 am

    Thanks for sharing such beautiful and romantic lines i am in love. My husband & i have been married for almose a year but we are far apart. I sure miss him alot and these msg are perfect to start his morning. I try to send one every morning before he wakes ups and he just loves them. For that he gives me a call me 🙂
    Thanks once again for sharing.

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      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:07 pm

      You’re very welcome, Nawal. I’m glad you and your husband are enjoying these text messages!

  15. Avatar


    November 13, 2014 at 2:30 pm


    • web admin

      web admin

      March 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm

      I enjoyed that one as well, Katelynn! Did you get to use more than just one good morning text?

  16. Avatar


    October 29, 2014 at 2:48 am

    dis msgz r very sweet ey………luv em

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 21, 2015 at 9:08 pm

      I am glad to hear that you enjoyed them! Michelle did an excellent job writing them all!

  17. Avatar


    October 10, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    I love this all msg nd it is really very difficult to chose the best one these are vry hearttouching i m really glad to read them, LOL…………..

    • Avatar

      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:08 pm

      Haha, I’m glad you like them all! Thanks for commenting!

  18. Avatar


    October 8, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    I text my bf every morning, so this was the perfect list to try out. 1st one out of the gate # 18 – BAM! Response instantly “Wow…nice! XOXO” 🙂 It works ladies!!

    • Avatar

      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:08 pm

      I’m glad your boyfriend liked them!! Thanks for commenting!

  19. Avatar

    tanya nell

    September 10, 2014 at 6:46 am

    These are amazing 🙂 I used one line each day on him. Now we have this amazing routine to send gm texts wen we get up

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      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:08 pm

      Aww, that’s so sweet! Happy to hear that! Thanks for commenting!

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      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:26 pm

      That’s awesome Tanya! I’m glad you guys set up a new romantic routine and you’re both enjoying these good morning texts. Thanks for commenting!

  20. Avatar


    August 20, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    Its just awesum… i use this such text for my sweetheart… nd he smile so sweetly in morning while reading them… omg i fall in lov with him everyday…. thanku

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      Michelle Keldgord

      January 3, 2015 at 7:09 pm

      Aww, that’s great! You’re very welcome! I’m glad he is enjoying the texts. Good luck to you two!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 17, 2015 at 3:29 pm

      It is great to hear that this article really resonated with our readers. Thank you so much for the feedback!

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