40 Short and Cute Love Notes and Why They Work

By on December 8, 2013

Anyone who has struggled with finding just the right words for that special someone can appreciate the power of words. So here are 40 great love notes to help get your mind thinking as well as some little tips about what makes them work so well!

  • As long as you have at least one person caring for you, life isn’t a waste. So when things go wrong and you feel like quitting, please remember you’ve still got me.- This note works because it speaks to the honest desired that we all have, to find someone to love us and stay with us through thick and thin.
  • If I didn’t adore you and if I didn’t cherish you, then I surely don’t deserve you. – This note works based on the simple fact that points out how valuable that special someone is in your life and how lost you’d be without them.
  • You came into my life when all was dark, but you gave me the light and I found my way. – This note works so well because it highlights how lost and alone we truly are without that special someone by our side- and they need to hear that and be reminded of it at times.

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  • I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. – This note works simply due to the fact that it is honest and direct, sometimes the very thing we need to hear.
  • They say people in love can be foolish. Well, I don’t mind being a fool for you, forever! – This note works based on the simple principle of showing that you care more about your love than what other people may think about you.
  • Please let me know what I did to deserve you…I want to make sure I keep on doing it! – This note works because it speaks volumes of the overflowing love that exists in a strong relationship that is built on love.


  • You are the reason I am breathing, but yet sometimes you take my breath away. – This note works because it shows the cycle of living for someone and being willing to die for someone.
  • They say you fall in love only once. That is a lie. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. – This note works simply because it highlights how true love is a journey, not a one time event that is over and then never happens again.


  • Whatever you do, I’ll walk with you. Hoping that your every dream will come true. Anytime, anywhere, I’ll always be there. Wishing you love and happiness because I care. – This note works based on the simple dedication and commitment it shows between two people.
  • Nobody tells fish to swim, birds to fly, cows to moo, dogs to bark – they just do. Just like nobody tells me to love you. I just do! – This note works simply and easily because it speaks the truth from the heart.
  • Every single day, I am grateful for you. – This note works because it is simple and honest and speaks to a never ending love that is renewed each and every day.


  • I fell in love because of all the little things you never knew you were doing.– This note works due to the fact that it shows it is the simple things in life that can make all the difference and who we truly are- without trying- is what makes someone love us.
  • My smile is true only when I’m smiling with you.– This note works because it shows how it takes that perfect someone to complete us, in every way.
  • When you read this note, come over and give me the tightest hug and the longest kiss we’ve shared.– This note works so well because it is honest, real, and heartfelt-  it captures a moment and makes the most of it.


  • Missed you all day. Come give me a kiss.– This note works despite the simplicity because it is honest ad shows the need and desire that exists.
  • When I talk about you, I fall in love with you all over again. – This note works because it shows that even when they are away, your love is on your mind and their name is on your lips and the love you share is growing.
  • I don’t promise you a perfect relationship. What I promise you is that if you’re trying, I’m staying. – This note works because in a day and age like this, commitment it the most treasured yet the most rare aspect of relationships.
  • If you were a library book, I’d never give you back.– This note works based on the simple and funny nature of it.


  • I won’t follow you into the dark. I’ll walk ahead and go light the way up for you. – This note works because it shows how a relationship is supposed to be and how the darkest areas can be lit when you have love in your hearts.
  • There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you. – This note works when you consider that the devotion to your love gets you up and going and is the very reason you do what it is you do every day


  • Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; my mind contains only you! – This note works because it puts the value of love and your special someone on the same level as knowledge and reason.
  • Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.– This note works because it the perfect way to show your love and devotion to someone, even when you are apart.
  • If I had made the alphabet, I would have put U and I together! – This note works because it funny and reminds us that what others have done does not matter so long as we embrace our love.


  • There is the sun so we can appreciate day and the moon so we can appreciate night and you so I can appreciate love.– This note works because it shows how important our special someone is to our day to day lives.
  • You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great every day. – This note works based on the fact people want to feel loved and appreciated for who they are, not what others see them as.
  • What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.– This note works simply because it speaks the truth about how love is often viewed today and how special it is to those who have found it.
  • What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages. – This note works because it highlights the day to day way lovers stay connected and show that they are thinking of each other with every moment and every text.

sleep love

  • If love was lost by closing our eyes, then I wouldn’t blink because I wouldn’t want to live a second without loving you.– This note works based on how committed it make true lovers look.
  • I used to think that dreams never came true, but this quickly changed when I met you. – This note works because it touches on the classic notion that everyone has someone, we just have to find them.
  • Some people never knew the treasure they held when they held you then let you go, – This note works based on the fact that too many people have had their hearts broken by false lovers, and finding the right one can make that all worthwhile.

love u

  • A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman. You’re such a lady to me. – This note works simply based on the fact that it is true and shows how deeply connected true love can be.
  • To forget you is hard to do and to forget me is up to you.– This note works because it demonstrates clearly that love is a two way street and it takes both sides to make it last.
  • When hard times come remember I am always here for you. – This note works because it reaffirms the all important notion that true love never fails and is always there.
  • Life is rushed and things get busy, but never forget that I love you!– This note works simply based on the fact that it is so true of the world today.


  • Words begin with ABC. Numbers begin with 123. Music begins with do, re, mi. And friendship begins with you and me! – This note works because it shows how true love must be all about two people who stay together.
  • Perfect pairs are rare indeed, but I found mine in you. – This note works because it simply states the honest truth that true love is made to last forever.
  • When I dream, I dream of you…maybe one day, dreams will come true. – This note works because it speaks of the longing we feel when we know who it is we love and we cannot be with them.

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  • No distance is too great that my love cannot find you. – This note works because of the honest commitment it shows to love, even when you are apart.
  • If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I’d pick the moment I met you. – This note works simply due to the fact that it shows how one moment in time can change a life forever.
  • Time will stand still every time you are in my arms.–  This note works because it shows how important it is to treasure the little every day moments that come to us.


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