40 Truth Or Dare Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

By on December 8, 2013

Truth or Dare – the timeless game that can be simultaneously fun and terrifying. It’s a game to make you squirm, a game to make you laugh and, more importantly, a game that can teach you an awful lot about another person (and yourself!). That’s why we think it’s the perfect game to play with your other half. It’ll let you in on their inner most secrets, it’ll teach you how they behave under pressure and, of course, it’ll teach you what they’d like to know about you. Just be sure you’re ready to step up to the mark and spill your secrets too!

Here’s the 40 ultimate Truth or Dare question’s to ask your boyfriend and the reasons they’re great…


Tell Me The Truth…


1. What are you most afraid of?

Reason – Men aren’t all as macho as they seem. Whether it’s spiders of lions, this question proves he’s human. Plus it takes a lot for someone to reveal their innermost fears – him answering shows he trusts you.


2. What’s your dream job?

Reason – This one will tell you whether he’s ambitious, realistic or perhaps even a dreamer. It’s important to know what he wants out of life and if you can go there together.

3. What’s your favourite movie?

Reason – A classic question but it’s classic for a reason. It will tell you more about what he likes, whether it’s an action, a sci-fi or a rom-com. Just be sure to be supportive whatever it is.

4. What’s your perfect date?

Reason – You might see him as the macho man who likes cars and DIY but when it comes to romance he’s likely to have a soft side. This will allow you to see the other side of him.


5. What do you like most about me?

Reason – Of course we had to throw this one in there. Does there have to be a reason? We just want to know!

6. What’s your favourite colour?

Reason – Simple but effective. Colours reflect moods and people. Are his inner thoughts passionate or calm? Dark or daring, bright or innocent? This will let you know!


7. Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Reason – Whether it’s a soppy song or a TV show, we all have guilty pleasures. It’s the things people don’t usually admit to that tell us the most about them, making this a fab  question.

8. What’s your favourite food?

Reason – This is a great question because it’s useful. If you want to book a surprise meal or cook for him one night, it always helps to know what he loves. He’ll love you all the more for remembering too.

9. What are you most talented at?

Reason – Here you can tell if he’s an artist or a sportsman, a musician or a chef. Plus, whether he answers shyly or full of bluster can tell you a lot about what he thinks of himself.


10. What are you most passionate about?

Reason – This is important simply because it’s important. If you want to be with him, you need to know what makes him tick and why. Here’s your chance to find out what it is!

11. Who’s your idol?

Reason – Who he looks up to and admires can tell you a lot about him. Does he admire fashion icons or entrepreneurs? World leaders or writers? Whoever they are, you’ll find he probably takes after them in some way and aspires to be like them.

12. Where would you most like to visit?

Reason – Whether he wants to visit somewhere full of history and culture or sun, sea and fun can tell you a lot about what type of guy he is inside.


13. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

Reason – As well as telling you if he sees himself as an action hero or the romantic type, this tells you what types of setting he sees himself in. Is he a realist from New York or was he made of the for the stricken lands of Middle Earth? You’re about to find out!

14. Do you collect anything?

Reason – People often collect quirky things so what and the extent of their collection can be eye opening. It’s not something people often share either so you may find yourself surprised.


15. What’s your favourite animal?

Reason – Our favourite animals are often a reflection of ourselves. Here you can see if he sees himself strong like a lion, wise like an owl or happy like a dog.

16. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do with your superpower?

Reason – This one will divide the cheeky chaps and the bad boys from the ones with hearts of gold and the shy ones. This is a real ‘show your true colours’ question.


17. What is the one question you’re dreading me asking you?

Reason – Is he hiding anything or keeping something back? Now’s your chance to find out. Just be sure you really want to know before asking though.

18. What’s the cheesiest pick up line you’ve ever used?

Reason – Of course, you know how you pair got together, but what was he like before you came along?


19. What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Reason – Truth or Dare can sometimes be a little too serious, this question will lighten the mood.

20. Have you ever lied in Truth or Dare and was it in this game?

Reason – No explanation necessary.


I Dare You To…


1. Kiss me passionately.

Reason – Simple and predictable but we love this question all the same. Do we really need to explain the reason?


2. Let me blindfold you for the next five minutes.

Reason – He’ll be at your mercy for this time, yours to do whatever you want with be it tickle him senselessly, taunt him with kisses or something a little more adventurous.

3. Wish a stranger ‘Happy Toenail Appreciation Day’.

Reason – It’s hilarious for you and you’ll get to see the colour of his blush as he does it.

4. Give me a piggyback down the street.

Reason – It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s out of the ordinary and it’ll have you both laughing until your sides hurt. What more could you want?


5. Tell me what you really think of me. No holding back.

Reason – Okay, so maybe this one should be in truth but we never get tired of hearing how much he loves us. It’s great to hear him confess to things he may not have otherwise.

6. Do a pole dance for me.

Reason – This one will have you both in stitches and it’s a great way for you to relax around one another and show you feel comfortable together.

7. Get in the shower fully clothed.

Reason – Wouldn’t it be nice to see him soaking wet, clothes clinging to him Mr. Darcy style? You know you can’t resist!


8. Wear all your clothes inside out for the rest of the day.

Reason – Simply because we all need a good laugh.

9. Stand outside my window playing our song on a boom-box.

Reason – It was an unforgettable moment in the movie ‘Say Anything’ that made our hearts melt. Don’t we all want a guy like that, even if we have to dare him into it?


10. Roll a dice. Each dot stands for one day. You cannot watch sports for that time.

Reason – It’s a great way to steal his attention for potentially the next six days. This one’s even better if the World Cup is just starting!

11. Prank call your grandparents and pretend you want to order a pizza.

Reason – Role playing shows how far he’s willing to go and lets you see another side of him. We advise calling family or friends over strangers though, they’re more likely to see the funny side.

12. Tuck your shirt in a drop a few ice cubes down there. Leave them until they melt.

Reason – For no other reason than we want to see him squirm.


13. Do your best impression for me.

Reason – This will show how confident he is and might just give you both a few laughs at the same time.

14. Do the splits.

Reason – Here’s another one to make you both laugh. Bonus, he’ll probably ask you to do the same and he’ll love it if you can!

15. Wear a pair of my underwear for the rest of the day.

Reason – For the rest of the day you’ll both have your own little secret. You’ll both love being the only ones in on it and it might well bring about a bit of intimacy between you.


16. Go topless for the rest of the game.

Reason – If you’re already dating this shouldn’t be a hard one for him. It may not be anything out of the ordinary but at least you’ll get a great view for the rest of the game.

17. Walk up to a stranger and ask them to tie your shoe laces.

Reason – It shows his level of embarrassment tolerance and once again gives you a lot of laughs.


18. Kiss me passionately.

Reason – Oops, did we put this one in twice? Such a shame. We don’t hear you complaining though!

19. Plan a lovely date for us next weekend.

Reason – You shouldn’t have to dare him into this but you’ll love the results all the same.

lovely date

20. Kiss me where you’ve never kissed me before.

Reason – Whether it’s your back, neck, arms or feet this is sure to bring about a unique sense of intimacy…And maybe an abrupt end to the game.


We hope you’ve enjoyed our suggestions, now you’ve just got to go out there and use them. Just remember though, ladies, whatever you ask him, he can reverse and ask you so beware and be prepared to get a taste of your own medicine!


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