Comments on: 7 Signs From a Loved One in Heaven Thu, 26 Mar 2020 05:03:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 25 Mar 2020 22:35:49 +0000 You are aware that your husband has passed. It is clear that you felt a strong connection with him and desire to speak with him. You know that you can not speak with him through traditional means. You may not be able to address him in the future. Ensure that you share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life, as this will ensure that you honor his memory.

By: Radhaa Giri Sat, 19 Oct 2019 11:35:00 +0000 How do i connect wiith my husband who has left me and gone off very abruptly at a very young age. I have so much to talk to him. He wasnt consious when he passed away. I have so much to say to him. Please help me,guide me,me and son miss miserably

By: web admin Mon, 08 Jul 2019 19:25:12 +0000 It is clear that you feel a strong emotional connection with your late father. When you feel like a special day is coming you see these moths, and these moths make you feel that you share a special connection with your father. It is clear that you and your father shared a special relationship. Do not concern yourself with what others believe. Allow these experiences to guide you in a positive manner. Share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy into your life. Have a great day, Jada!

By: Jada kingdom Sat, 06 Jul 2019 13:34:42 +0000 Even before I read this I always believed that my dad and was with me.I’m 14 and he died when I was only 6.when over the years I’ve seen some pretty unusual things happen.when my special days are coming which are my birthdays and my graduation dayso I’VE ALWAYS SEE THIS GINORMOUS MOTH BUT IN MY COUNTRY (WHICH IS JAMAICA )THEY CALL THEM DUPPY BATS SUPERSTITIONS BUT IT’S WIERD HOW I ALWAYS SEE THESE MOTHS I TOLD MY MOM BUT FOR SOME REASON SHE DOESN’T BELIEVE ME,NOONE DOES NOT EVEN MY BROTHER AND WE HAVE THE SAME DAD BUT ANYWAY I LOVE MY DAD AND THEY ALWAYS TOLD ME THAT I WAS THE APPLE OF HIS EYES.LOVE YOU LDO GEORGE BARTLEY AND I ALWAYS WILL REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS😢😢😢😦😙

By: web admin Mon, 27 May 2019 06:40:52 +0000 Your experience is certainly valid. You may have communicated with your late husband through this cat. It is likely that he will manifest in your life again in the future. Ensure that you share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life, as this will draw positive people and energy toward you. This will help draw positive people and energy into your life. Have a great day, Jennifer!

By: Jennifer Sun, 26 May 2019 04:34:06 +0000 I had never believed in this type of visit & never even thought about it, but I cannot dispute my personal experience, described as follows.

I believe that my husband came to visit me in the form of a cat. He appeared out of nowhere 10 days after he passed away & camped out on our front porch for 19 days before he disappeared as quickly as he arrived.

He kept trying to come inside the house. He meowed non-stop. I would peak outside at 2am or 3am & then he would open up 1 eye to look at me. He regularly clawed at the door & ran back & forth on top of the chairs outside, depending on where I was located inside the house.

I would talk to him outside sometimes. This cat I named Kit-Kat. When I went outside to sit on the loveseat bench to give him some company, he rested beside me, but that wasn’t enough, so he climbed onto my lap while I petted him.

On a different occasion when I stood outside, he kept walking over & around my fashion boots & wrapped his tail tightly around my boots, as if he could ‘not get enough of me.’ I was REALLY enjoying his company & did not want to leave to go to work. At night, he would curl up in the corner of the porch that was closest to touching our home. I felt like he wanted to be as close as possible to me.

I had never seen this cat before & have never seen him since that time, which was 14 months ago in March 2018. He seemed to be healthy when he arrived, but at the end, it seemed like maybe he had become sick. I had also told Kit-Kat that whenever I would have to move, that I would not be able to bring him with me.

I used to cry outide with him. I was very sad when he left. I miss Kit-Kat, & I REALLY miss my husband!

Thank you for allowing me to share this story.
