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Welcome to Her Interest – the only place to be if you’re looking to sit back, relax and catch up on all the latest news, gossip, tips and trends. Whether you’re looking for the latest hot celebrity gossip, tips on beauty, weight loss, love and travel or want some ideas on what to cook or how to wear your hair, you’ve come to the right place.
Do you want to know what celebs have had plastic surgery, what fashion trends are hot this season or what the 100 best romance movies from 2000-2013 were? We have all this on offer and much, much more! No matter your age, background, location, likes or dislikes we’ve no doubt got something for you to enjoy. And in the very unlikely even that we don’t just let us know and we’ll be sure to look into adding it. We pride ourselves on providing content that women of any age and culture will love to read, content they’ll be clearing their schedules to read for that matter.
Our dedicated and passionate team of writers and editors work day and night to bring you features on anything and everything you could possibly imagine, adding new articles each day. Her Interest is constantly growing and adapting, we’re always up to date with the latest trends, news and gossip so we never miss a trick.
Here at Her Interest, we love hearing your thoughts on our site and our features so get in touch and let us know what you think! If there’s anything you’d like to see on our website, be it an idea for a feature or a new category entirely, then let us know. If you don’t have any suggestions but loved a certain article (or a few!) then you can tell us your thoughts by commenting – one of our writers will be sure to reply to you too. We’re always really excited to hear from you so don’t hesitate to get in touch!
So that’s us, Her Interest, if you enjoyed the site you can also follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to keep up to date with everything that we have going on. Keep checking back for all our latest features, tips and gossip, there’s more each day.
From Admin and all the team at Her Interest.