Adriana Lima Diet and Workout

By on March 31, 2014

Adriana Lima has been a Victoria’s Secret Angel since 2000 and yet she still looks as fabulous today as she ever has. She’s an admired supermodel who’s known primarily for her finely-toned body and killer physique. Fitness fanatics around the world are following her lead and keenly following her dietary habits and workouts so that they too might look like her. Her dedicated following grew ever more when back in 2012 she became a mother for the second time and within a matter of weeks she’s lost all her post baby weight and was ready to hit the runway once again. Just weeks after giving birth you’d never have guessed she was ever pregnant in the first place – an incredibly impressive feat! As well as having an already packed workout plan, she even somehow manages to find time (and not to mention energy) to go jogging and spinning a lot of days, for fun as well as to keep herself looking runway ready. So here is is, ladies, the Adriana Lima Diet Plan and Workout Routine that is taking the world by storm…



For breakfast, Adriana typically eats oatmeal which is sprinkled with raisins and egg whites. It’s only on the occasionally day that she has milk or coffee with her food. To add variation, she allows herself to have muesli with honey or even yoghurt sometimes. Everything she has is strictly weight so portion sizes can be monitored and her calorie intake controlled.



For lunch, Adriana usually has either fist, chicken or a red meat with a side of salad or green vegetables which have been grilled. Fibres create a great portion of her mid-day snack which helps her body to digest food more easily.


Afternoon Snacks

If Adriana has an afternoon snack, it usually takes the form of cucumbers, carrots or other raw vegetables. When she’s in need of energy, she sometimes indulges in a tiny piece of chocolate or a spoonful of honey.



If you thought Adriana’s diet sounded do-able so far then you may want to think again. For dinner she eats as little as possible and her plates holds only a simple salad. This, she believes, helps her sleep well and refreshes her body.


Muscular Exercises

High intensity muscle building exercises such as body weight squats and abdominal workouts are part of what helps to keep Adriana so tones and gives her such a desirable body. Instead of using machines or weights to do this, she makes use of her own body and her own strength to create a high intensity, strenuous workout that keeps her photo-shoot ready.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Adriana doe a lot of high intensity interval training to keep her lean physique. This involves many repetitions of various exercises which are high intensity followed by small bursts of low intensity exercises. During this time, she favours the jump rope which provides her with a great card workout and helps to increase her athletic capacity. This is said to contribute to quicker fat loss and makes toning of the body more effective which is why HIIT exercises featured heavily in her routine when she was attempting to lose her post baby weight.



The Victoria’s Secret Angel also practices Capoeria to keep her body toned. The practice originates from Brazil and is a martial art style exercise that combines high speed power with dance.



Boxing is one of Adriana’s favourite sports and she always includes it in her workouts. Instead of simply punching free-style, she performs complex drills that challenge her body. As well as keeping her physical fit, Adriana believes that boxing is the key to keeping her mind mentally sharp as it requires great amounts of focus, precision and balance.



Last but not least, to cool down and tone up, Adriana is a follower of yoga. As well as relaxing her, yoga keeps her body flexible and supple too.


Adriana has proven that this combination of diet and fitness makes for fantastic results and a world-class, supermodel body. As promising as her routines may be however, they’re only for the most determined of us and those with the most will power. I don’t know about you but I personally can’t imagine going through all this on a day to day basis, week in week out. I’m up for a few workouts a week a a fair bit of clean eating but I know I don’t have what it takes to live like Adriana. For that, I think we should all applaud her. This diet and exercise regime shows just how strong willed the supermodel is and how determined she is to stay at the top of her game. For those of you who do fancy following in her well trained footsteps, good luck and let me know how you get on!


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