Aries Man in Love

By on May 2, 2014

He’s an adventurous man. In fact, he will go to bed early and wake up before the sun rises just to get a head start on things. He’s determined and dedicated and always looking to get ahead, but only if there is certainly a reward on the other end. The Aries man doesn’t want to waste his time in the slightest. His early-to-rise attitude leaves him getting everything he wants to accomplished quickly, leaving plenty of room for crazy for. He is the kind of guy who will jump from a rooftop into a pool, the guy who will do the wildest stunt you could ever imagine. But don’t try to talk him out of it. He knows what he wants and his argumentative and driven attitude will only lead to him unleashing his fiery on you and returning to what he set out to do.


The Type of Woman Aries Needs

Arian men are known to be flirtatious. They will flirt with, well, just about anyone. If you want to actually attract and keep an Aries man, there is a few certain qualities you need to have.

First and foremost you need to challenge the Aries man. He doesn’t want a woman who falls for his good looks and charm within moments. He would much rather play the chasing game. However, at the same time he doesn’t want a lady who acts like she doesn’t care. He wants the innocent, beautiful woman who will make him work for it and really sweep her off of her feet.

Secondly he needs a lady who can accompany him on all of his wild adventures. And when we say wild, we really mean it. Arians are always seeking a thrill in life- even if it means they could end up seriously injured. It’s all about having a grand, wild time, and someone who is tame and not willing to try new things is definitely out.

Last but not least, Arians need a woman who is stable, secure, and independent- just like he is. He needs a lady who will give him plenty of space and freedom, never tying down his thrill-seeking personality.


Aries in a Relationship

If there is one thing that’s for sure about an Aries man, it’s there love to flirt. They love women- all types of women- and they love to charm them with their adventurous attitudes and suave compliments. They’ll go from one woman to the next within minutes and it won’t even phase them. That being said, Arians are typically not in relationships for very long. Their adventurous attitudes tend to get bored with a girl quickly, and they aren’t afraid to end the relationship so they can go find someone else to entice them. That doesn’t mean that all Aries men are only interested in short-term relationships or open relationships. This just means that you really need to captivate an Aries man and keep things interesting at all times.

If you are able to snag an Arian (and keep his attention long enough for a real commitment), you can expect a very wild time that is full of thrills. He will love taking you on all his exotic adventures and seeing you smile. Keep in mind that underneath his rugged and tough exterior, Aries is really a sensitive guy who wants to keep his woman happy and make compromises when a problem arises. Just like everyone else, Arians want to have a happy relationship- they just want theirs with plenty of free space and tons of excitement.

Aries in Bed

There is probably no better partner in bed than an Aries man. The Arian is like a bull in the bedroom: plenty of passion and a strong, manly attitude that makes him a powerhouse in the bedroom. He is very demanding and loves to do erotic and kinky things in the bedroom. There’s really nothing too erotic for an Aries man and he is always willing to try new things- especially if it means taking his lover to new heights in the bedroom. If you find yourself between the sheets with an Arian man, you can expect one thing: a seriously crazy and enticing night that will leave you breathless.


Negative Side of an Aries Man

Arian men have a tendency to think that they are right- all the time- and everyone else’s opinion is unnecessary. They don’t want to hear it, and if you do try to talk them out of something or change their opinion, you’ll most likely get an ear full of Arian fiery. This arrogant, know-it-all attitude is probably the biggest negative trait of the Arian man, and definitely a turn off for a multitude of women.

They won’t budge for anything. When they have an idea, they set their mind to it, and nobody will stop them. Much like their extreme arrogance, Arian men are also incredibly stubborn. Don’t even try to change their minds, it’s near impossible. And of course, this makes them a bit difficult to deal with, let alone be in a relationship with.

Arian men are constantly seeking a thrill and new adventure. They get bored incredibly easily and seem to always be jumping from idea to idea, thrill to thrill, even woman to woman. This impulsive attitude may be OK when you’re out trying to find a thrill, but impulsiveness in relationships and other serious aspects of life can be a huge problem.


Aries and Gemini: This is probably the perfect match for an Aries. The two of you tend to get bored with life easily, and therefore will have plenty of exciting and fun times together- in and out of the bedroom.

Aries and Sagittarius: The two of you are both seeking adventure and love to have a great time. You’re spontaneous and active, and few other signs would be able to keep up with your high-paced lifestyles. You will enjoy being around each other and have some amazing times together.

Aries and Leo: You’re both alike enough yet different enough to keep things interesting. Learn to deal with your differences and you’ll have a fiery, passionate romance that is likely to last.


Aries Man in a Nutshell

He’s the ‘bad boy’. The stubborn, arrogant, charming, flirty, and totally adventurous guy that you see in the movies. His charm will gravitate you towards him, but don’t let yourself into his arms that easily. He’s a man that loves the chase and loves to sweep a woman off of her feet. He wants to be the big man and will do anything to prove it. While he tends to jump from relationship to relationship like it’s nothing, there is a sensitive side to an Aries man that can fall in love immediately- that is, if he finds the perfect woman for him. Just remember: Aries men don’t like to be tied down and they crave adventure and new thrills constantly. Keep the relationship full of excitement and give Aries man plenty of independence and you’ll have no problem turning this wild bull of a man into a committed husband that wants to make his love happy.


  1. Avatar


    July 3, 2016 at 3:46 am

    Hi I am cancerian i am dating an Aries man who is married .who was my neighbour before.I an single .afeter he went from our building he use to mes me.And now from 2years we r dating…i feel he loves me.he never hurts me.but is it right.I am single..He tells he is happy with me .but i never harm his family.and But we both like to .send mess etc.I dont what to do.He gets angey if i dont call him .if i try to avoid him.what to do .I also feel happy but he is married.caste ,religion ecerything is different.

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 3, 2016 at 1:36 pm

      If he is married, then you need to end your relationship immediately. You should not choose to harm someone because you have an interest in their spouse Certainly it is not acceptable by any means, regardless of religion, to support a cheating husband. If you feel like you can end the relationship without an issue, then do so. If he is going to make an issue with the end of your relationship, then perhaps you should think about informing his wife of your affair.

      Additionally, work hard to look past social norms such as caste. Throughout your life be sure to treat each and every person equally regardless of who their parents are and by the color of their skin. Convince other people in your community to do the same.

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      August 31, 2019 at 12:02 pm

      Don’t say that you didn’t harm his family… you already did… since you know he is a married man, you don’t know what to do??? Don’t be a day dreamer back off and leave that guy… he has a family a legit WIFE!!!

      • web admin

        web admin

        September 1, 2019 at 10:01 pm

        Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences. It is certain that you comment will help guide other members of our community in a positive direction. Please share more of your supportive comments in the future. Have a great day, Kaykay!

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        September 18, 2019 at 8:45 am

        I’m a scropio and i just started dating this aries guy, i feel love all the time i’m with him but sometimes he filrt with my best friend and i have talk to her about it but still so i just locked up and decided that she wont be there when i’m with him is that right?
        He do listen to me but i do not know if we can make it work.
        I need advice on it.
        Thank you

        • web admin

          web admin

          December 21, 2019 at 5:43 pm

          All you can do is give it your best shot. If your friend and your boyfriend flirt with each other all the time, then neither of them is being a good friend or boyfriend. You can talk to your boyfriend and your friend about it. If that doesn’t work, you may want to decide if you want to stay friends with your best friend and/or continue dating your boyfriend. Good luck, Jeanie!

  2. Avatar


    May 27, 2016 at 3:42 am

    I am a Sag girl and there is this Aries guy I have know for 4 years. He was a good friend of mine and my husbands and we have spend substantial time with him, his girlfriends and he has even lived with us 2 times. I have not seen him for about a year, have recently separated from my husband and he stops by my house a month ago. We exchanged numbers and have texted here and there these past 4 weeks. He’s also stopped over 2 or 3 times and hung out but it was not flirtatious in any way-just old friends hanging out. He came over last weekend with a gift for me but wanted me to know before I opened it that he has liked me for years but did not pursue me because I ws married and he respected that. I was shocked! I did not see that coming! So still stunned by the news that he has had this crush on me, I opened the gift and it was the most beautiful negligee Ive ever seen or been given. Now Im really speechless. Who does that! after not even really being around someone for over a year-that was a pretty big bold move on his part-and he got my size right…I have always been attracted to him too but never flirted or anything with him… He said he wanted to take our relationship to the next level and before I could say anything, he kissed me and I kissed him back. For a while… and we had sex that night and he went home the next day.(So it wasn’t even a date, and I’ve already known him for years – so im wondering if the general rules of letting Aries pursue you apply here? He has texted me a couple times and I have texted him, some flirting in the texts but no real discussion about what happened over the weekend, no plans to see each other anytime soon-he works 12 hour days-6 days a week so I get it but, I find myself completely and utterly obsessed with him. I want him in my life and I want him to know that I want to spend time with him we would be a great match as we have alot in common….even though it wont be much due to his work schedule but because he is an Aries-I’m ok with that-I just dont want to be perceived as too clingy, Im not clingy, Im not needy-he knows how independent I am. Because Ive never dated an Aries or been interested in one before, now I’m scared that I was some long awaited item to cross off his list? Based on everything I’ve been reading about Aries-he needs to pursue me…but didn’t he already make his intentions clear when he showed up at my house with lingeree? I did not get the impression that it was going to be a one night stand.
    I guess I just dont know what to do next-I dont want to play it too cool, he’ll think he didn’t woo me or impress me enough with the gift-but he did!!! I’m really just obsessing because the chemistry was sooo intense. Oh, and im 49 yrs old and he is 36.
    any advice????

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 3, 2016 at 1:49 pm

      He has wanted to be with you for years, so I doubt that you are just another conquest. You are essentially his dream girl and he has wanted nothing more than to be with you. While the gift was a bit odd, it looks like it must have been just the right present for you. Now, you just have to relax and play it by ear. You know that he is constantly working and only has one day off a week, so it is going to be hard to spend time around him a lot. All you can do is relax and enjoy yourself. You can’t rush things because of his work schedule, and you probably should not rush anything either since you just got out of your marriage. Just relax and have some fun. Good luck!

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      June 17, 2016 at 3:28 pm

      omg i love your story! i need to know whats happening with it now lol 😮
      Im a leo female and i am just as smitten by an aries. ugh, what is it about them? so sexy.. sighh

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 17, 2016 at 4:13 pm

        Take your relationship to the next level with your Aries. Though they normally like to be first, this one may just be waiting for the perfect Leo to come along!

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    May 26, 2016 at 8:09 am

    Great article! I am Gemini woman currently in a relationship with an Aries man. We have been together for almost 6 months. Our relationship can be awesome! He’s romantic, he supports me, he would follow me to the moon and back, he is protective, and the sex is great! We have had some issues here and there that were addressed and resolved. I think our issues come from a lack of understanding one another and both of us being on the defense all the time. So, right now another issue has come up and now he is taking some space to figure things out. Basically, he wanted sex and I told him that I was tired and that we can do it in the morning. I thought I was comprising. He got extremely upset (something that happens often) and called me trash. I told him that I wasn’t staying the night if he was going to resort to calling me names just because he can’t have his way. He said that he didn’t call me trash and he said the situation was trash and that it wasn’t that serious and that he doesn’t see why I am so upset. He then proceeded to tell me that I am spoiled and selfish because I get any and everything I want when I want it without any regard for how other people feel. I am shocked and surprised to hear this because I can’t think of a time in our relationship where any of those traits would apply to me. In that moment, I told him that I never knew he felt that way and that I would be more cognizant of my actions. He said that he needs space because he needs to rethink everything. Like I said before, we tend to have issues over little things and eventually resolve them. All of this happened on a Tuesday and he said that he will see me on Sunday, which is my birthday. This is not the first time that he has needed space over arguments that we’ve had, but all of this “space” is becoming extremely annoying because to me it’s not that serious. I do understand that it is serious to him, so I do give him his space. How can I minimize him having the need to always have space when things don’t go his way?

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 26, 2016 at 10:03 am

      That does sound extremely annoying. He demanded sex with you. When he could not manipulate you into sex, he said that you were trash, selfish and spoiled. It sounds like you are dating someone who is extremely manipulative and selfish–you are not the person being selfish. After all, you still told him that you would sleep with him the next morning, even though you did not feel like it. It sounds like the majority of the problem is him, not you. If this is the case, there is nothing that you can do to reduce his need for “space”. He probably asks for this space after a fight to make you needy and apologetic. His manipulative behavior is not fair to you and only makes a relationship more difficult. If I were you, I would really think through whether you want to be in this relationship or not. Good luck and be careful, Ms. Gemini!

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    Lady T

    May 7, 2016 at 7:49 am

    Hi I’m an Capricorn woman whose falling for an Aries man. I am only 20 and he is 25. We were friends for about two years before I started liking him but the first time he started to sense it he completely cut me off and stopped talking to me. I didn’t pursue nor did I talk to him at all during that time period. However after a few months he popped back into my life an told me his intuition told him he needs me in his life. He has a very ambitious personality and includes me in a lot of his decision making an always talks about having a family with me an settling down one day. He also includes me in knowing when an ex has contacted him but reminds me that all he wants is my. We however have not had a physical relationship but hold great conversation an are like the same person just me as a woman an him as a man. He supports everything that I do and vice versa and treats me like I’m his world. Today however I got a message where he said he loved me for the first time but we’re not in a relationship yet. He wants to ask in person which is fine with me. I guess I wanna know if this is typical Aries behavior? Do they usually cut people off and then come back with all these emotions that didn’t seem present the first time? his feelings seem genuine and he’s an amazing guy but I’ve also found out that he’s only been in 3 serious all with older capricorns who ended up cheating on him. I care a lot about him and don’t want him to feel like i do the same

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 9, 2016 at 8:23 am

      Whether it is typical Aries behavior or not, it seems like this is how he acts. He has been open and honest with you, although his weird habit of cutting you off seems odd. An Aries normally likes the thrill of the chase, so he may have just wished for something more exciting. At any rate, it sounds like he likes you and is debating the possibility of making this into something more. Talk to him about how you feel and see if he wants to make your relationship official. Good luck, Lady T!

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    May 4, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    I’m a Leo woman and I have dated and dealt with my fair share of Aries men…..ironically they seem to be the only ones that are easily capable of breaking my heart. On to my story…I met an Aries man and oh boy did sparks fly. Our chemistry was out of this world- deeper than I’ve ever felt with anybody. I feel as though I can give him all of me and be comfortable with it. I think he feels the same way I do because he tells me all the time without me mentioning it. Long story short after dating for about a month, we had an amazing weekend sexcapade (filled with sex more times and positions than I ever thought was possible lmao) he started to come on really strong afterwards (trying to pressure me into moving in my place with me and making it official, but i was hesitant because it seemed a little fishy.) anyway, we had plans to do it again the next weekend until I got a random call from HIS GIRLFRIEND that he has been with for over a year and has known since high school. I was completely devastated. After that i didn’t hear from him for about two weeks and when I did he said he didn’t contact me because he doesn’t like to argue and he didn’t think I wanted to talk to him again. he apologized and said he wishes he was honest from jump and that he wants to be with me. And that he’ll leave her at any moment if I’d have him—problem is….he would have to move in with me because he lives with her right now. Is he really that into me or is he just looking for a scape goat.

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 9, 2016 at 7:44 am

      He may be looking for a way to escape from his current relationship, but it also sounds like he genuinely likes you. Unfortunately, it would be hard to trust him after he treats. Plus, you would have to worry about letting him move in with you–you have not been with him for long, and you would have to later worry about kicking him out if things do not work. Personally, I would tell him that you are willing to date him if he breaks up with his girlfriend and moves out on his own. It is far too early in the relationship for him to move in with you, and he really needs to solve his own relationship problems before he can actually move on for real. Good luck!

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    Scorpio women

    April 27, 2016 at 3:42 am

    I’m a scorpio women who is in love with an aries man. We’ve had great sex, several times but it’s always when he’s ready when he wants it. When I ask for it he ignores me or says I’ll hit you up and never does, until he’s ready weeks later. I’ve expressed how I feel lightly but he acts distant and funny but when in public around other people he finds his way to stand next to me speak and ask how I’m doing then when I say are you ready meaning to hook up he says maybe…..and that’s it. I notice he stares and appears bothered if I have a conversation with another man….I’m confused he’s starting to hurt me emotionally what’s going on???? With this man ugh

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 28, 2016 at 10:04 am

      An Aries likes the thrill of the chase, so being available and ready for an Aries is not what they generally want. At the same time, it is weird that he does not talk to you for so long. It sounds like he just wants a physical relationship. While he is jealous of you around other men, that fact is not enough to make him want a more intimate, committed relationship. As long as you are fine with just a sexual relationship, continue seeing him. If you want something more from your relationship, you may have to move on because it seems like he only wants a sexual fling.

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    Danielle Howard

    April 14, 2016 at 10:51 am

    Hi, I’m 22 an Imma Libra I’ve been dating an Aries for almost 3 yrs it only took us 3 months before we had gotten into a relationship in 2013 but it was a friendship at first then he really gotten attached to me….. Into the relationship of course I found out he was cheating on me with a female he knew wayyy before me an while we were in the talking stage the only difference is she BEEN wanted him to ask her to be his girl but he never did an she knew him for over 2 yrs an she’s a Capricorn and it only took me 3 months for him wanna ask me to be his girl, Now he told me when he first met me the reason why he was gazing into my face so hard was because he fell in love with me at first sight now of course I didn’t believe it I don’t believe in love at first sight…. But even before he asked me to be his girl he was VERY opened to me told me his full name and a lot of stuff u don’t expect someone to tell the other person while ya in the talking stage.. Now when he first invited me over his house the first time he wanted to introduce me to his mother I didn’t want to meet momma but he really wanted me too an I was nervous an scared plus that’s a big step already an we were together as of yet… Now after we officially got together and a few months into the relationship he already wanted me to have his child I felt this is too soon but after he admitted to me since the new year started (2013) he been tryna get me pregnant now after he stopped eventually I did get pregnant now 2 months into the pregnancy he wants to introduce me to his family even invited me to his god brother wedding, introduced me to his friends also… Told his family down south about me an after the baby was born in 2014 he wanted me to meet MOREEE of his family which I did but during these times while I was pregnant he was doing me wrong cheating on me with the women he lied an said was a “best friend” an after I first broke up with him he cried over me apologizing so I forgave but then the lying continued an cheating so I broke up with him AGAIN while I was in labor before I was really hurt ONCE AGAIN he wasn’t accepting it an really didn’t want us to bring this child in the world with a broken family kept begging an apologizing but at that point that was my breaking point after the baby things got worst the lying got worst but he just wouldn’t let me go, he would get upset if I tried talking to someone else or any dude on the street stare at me like they want me…as things were heating up I told him you over here doing u having all these females but don’t want nobody to have me plus I also felt him taking advantage of me cause I always held him down an went out my way for him I DONT ASK HIM FOR NOTHING because I’m very independent….. He even was the first to tell me “I love you” before the baby was born…. Eventually in 2015 when we broken up he still was messing around so while I was moving on doing me he kept chasing me and not wanting me to move on he became insecure and VERY jealous because he knows I attract a lot of guys he even tried to break down my self esteem because of that…. So all the drama continues an I was just threw an the other female telling me he telling her he loves her too and it just hurts hearing that but the only difference is he treats her VERYYY bad like shit but not me…. Now I’m currently pregnant AGAIN by him and he wanted to bring the child in as a family because he never had that I really knew he was full of shit but I gave him the benefit of doubt but once he seen he was still being disrespectful I left him AGAIN an for good after this happened EVERYTHING went left …I’m due in August 2016 and lately he been more an more disrespectful to me and always talking about me on social media but what I don’t understand is you have a new gf that he only knew for a couples of days but after me an him got into an argument an I told him I give up an I don’t want to be with him that’s when he started dating the female but recently I have spoken to a psychic an I dint say anything to this lady an she read a lot from me, she told me somebody from my past trying to come back an automatically I knew she was talking about him, she also said he’s doing drugs an gettin in the streets involving himself with bad people an I remember last time I seen him which was 2 days before I spoke to this lady he looked BADDDD a whole wreck just stressed, but she also told me the female he with now he likes her but he wants me…. But what scared me was she also told me he did voodoo on me so I couldn’t love another man an he been stalking me even on social media to see with I’m with someone but recently I found out the female he been cheating on me with after he begged for me back he is also pregnant but was way before I had gotten pregnant… I asked the lady if it’s true he in love with both of us an she said he is IN LOVEEEE with me but also in love with her because she did voodoo on him for him to fall in love with her and also put something on me… This stuff freaked me the hell out and I’m confused if you so IN LOVE with me why try an continuously hurt me or try to get me jealous because it’s not working and one about him he has ALOT of pride…he also is the only child on his mom side and he is a momma boy didn’t have a father figure because he neglected him but he has to his mother He in love with me and want to be with me but the mother doesn’t accept because she see him starting a family and they both or controlling, demanding an he’s dominate an his mother is also an Aries….. I need advice badly

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 15, 2016 at 6:46 pm

      Leave him. Run away and never look back. Voodoo and things like that only have power if you let them, so don’t let them. He is manipulative and deliberately got you pregnant twice so you would have to depend on him and less likely to leave, despite his endless string of affairs. Move to a new apartment, block his phone number and delete him from social media. If he gets joint custody of the children, meet him somewhere away from your home so that he does not know where you live for as long as possible. This guy is trying to control your life and make you dependent on him. Considering his cheating (and his habit of trying to knock girls up for fun), you should get checked for STDs. While you may not have anything to worry about now, his habits of sleeping around will sooner or later cause problems. Leave him now, or you will end up regretting it even more someday. You did nothing to deserve this, and it isn’t getting any better.

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    April 6, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    I hv been dating an Aries guy on line for abt 8months now…we met on fb…he asked for relationship..but I turned it down after sm while I accepted…we hv never met just phone calls…chats…and video….cos we aint in d same country…now I hv relocated to d same country dat he is rite now…but we hvnt seen yet but d relationship continues…he calls me constantly…texts constantly too….he tell me all d tym that he loves me…but smtym I doubt it and attyms I feel like ending the relationship but once I make mention of dat ..he will start crying and begging…..I think hes madly inlove with me….
    Tho we hvnt met he posts my pictures on fb constantly telling everyone that am his woman…and that hes serious wit me…he even went as far as introducing me to his close frns…brothers…sisters…even relatives….most of all his mum….they ve all talked to me through phone calls ..they haven’t even seen me but I think they like me….he always talks abt marrying me….making kids with me….settling down with me and hv a happy life….oh gosh…hes so romantic…so charming…tho we hvnt met I hv already started falling for him…d question now is we re making plans on meeting each other….and spending sm days too with each other….but im confused cos I knw hes gonna initiate d idea of sex…..I love him…and I might socum but I dnt knw if its d rite thing to do…..hes Aries..hes 26…im sagg im 23…Im a single mother with a daughter…shes 5..I told him frm d start but he still wants me….hes still pushing he always say he wants to spend the rest of his life with me….im scared at same tym confused….pls I need advice….

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 7, 2016 at 8:34 am

      It seems like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to answer each comment and approve it individually, so it can sometimes take a bit for the comment to be posted. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

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    April 6, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    Im sagg 23..I met dis aries guy on social media..later he asked for a date and I refused…after about five months of chasing and begging ..I finally agreed but we havnt met each other yet…cos we live in different countries…but now I relocated to sams country that he is….since I relocated we hv been chatting…calling…and video chats…hes charming…most tyms I try to turn d relationship down but he keeps pushing further…smtym he cries begging at those moments…tho.we hvnt met yet he post my pics on social media…telling everyone that im d one….he has introduced me to his brothers..sisters…friends..and relatives even his mum through phone calls and they kinda like me…hes Aries hes 26..hes always talking abt marrying me…having kids with me…settling down with….that sound crazy to me cos we hv not even met…tho we hv been dating for almost eight months now…..we re planning on having a date…and spending sm days together….but im kinda scared…I hv already fallen for him….shld I allow him make love to me wen we meet….cos I knw hes diffinately gonna push for that…..I dnt knw if I shld give in or not…..most importantly im a single mother with a daughter….but he knws yet hes still wanting me im confused…I need advise pls.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 7, 2016 at 8:25 am

      Meet up with him and see how the date goes. I would wait until at least the third date to sleep with him, but you can always kiss him on the first date. You will never know how compatible you really are together until you meet in person, so go for it! Good luck, Cutey!

  10. Avatar


    April 3, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    Hi I’m have been seeing this Aries man for 2 months now.. I’m a gemini woman..he says he likes me we txt all the time went out a couple of is good..we both agreed on just having sex and not putting labels on things..even though I want to be in a relationship with him..I was just saying that because that’s not what he wants..but when we are around each other we do everything that you do when your in a relationship..I guess my question is why does he want to act and do everything you do in a relationship but don’t want to say we are in one? it because he still wants to see other women?

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 4, 2016 at 5:45 pm

      He may just want to see other women, he may have a commitment phobia or he may just want to keep things relaxed until he knows for sure what can be possible in this relationship. Whatever the reason, it sounds like you guys are very compatible. As long as you are okay with the current state of things, I would date him a bit longer and see how things go. Good luck, Shay!

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    March 20, 2016 at 8:43 am

    Hi guys i met an aries man and i felt that he really likes me. He likes me even im crazy and very challenging to. In my part i just do not like the way he communicate me because he sometimes ignore me and when i ignore him he find ways to get my attention back to him…what should i do for that? I think i am slowly fall for him right now. I am pisces and he is aries are we compatible? Need some advise here.

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 23, 2016 at 11:37 pm

      I am not sure how well a Pisces and an Aries would do together–Aries are fairly blunt, straightforward and like to embark on new adventures impulsively. In a relationship, an Aries likes to be the one pursuing their partner, so it may be better if you let him come to you and flirt with you more often. It sounds like he does like you, so I would just assume the best and not read too much into the things he does–an Aries can be blunt and act without thinking, so there is an excellent chance that he never even realized how things would appear to you.

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    February 21, 2016 at 5:48 am

    well I’m Leo in love with an Aries man,we have been friends from way back but just recently started dating,we are like 3 months now,the whole relationship thing is crazy,sex is really GOOD too,but my problem with him is that he gets mad at me easily and gets me wrong,assuming stuffs,he might feel I hurt him but it might not be that way for me and I hate it when he withdraws and gives me the silent treatment, asides that he says he loves me and I think he does too but I don’t want to lose him or make him get tired of me,cause everytime he withdraws it drives me nuts making me text and call severally without him answering, and I guess they hate it….what can I do please I really love this man

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 21, 2016 at 1:32 pm

      You could just talk to him about the way that he acts. Be open with him and try not to make him feel defensive–there are several good articles online about how to communicate in relationships without the other person feel defensive. It sounds like he is the right guy for you, and he just has problems with the way he communicates and reacts. If you can fix the communication problem, everything else should take care of itself. Good luck, Kofo!

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    February 11, 2016 at 5:13 am

    I am a Scorpio woman who recently became reacquainted with a Aries man and his sister, both of whom I grew up with. He & I had a very powerful connection instantly. We discovered that we have led eerily similar lives and have a lot of common interests. We began dating, which was wonderful. He suddenly pulled away, leaving me confused. I knew he liked me. A LOT. I left him alone for about a week, then reached out to see how he was doing. He apologized and told me that he felt bad because he was still experiencing emotional turmoil from his last relationship. I know he took it hard when it ended, but didn’t realize how recent it was since he was serial dating after. I won’t live in the shadow of her ghost, but definitely want to be with him. I ended the conversation with an invitation for him to contact me when he was ready & let him know that I am a very caring and nurturing woman. I guess what I want to know is whether or not there is anything I can say or do to encourage him to come around again sometime soon? I don’t want to let this one get away. He’s a really good man.

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 11, 2016 at 1:53 pm

      I do not think that there is anything else that you can do now. It seems like you have done everything right. Now that you know he is not in a good mindset to have a relationship, you have let him know that you would be available if he ever changes his mind. You may have just been a rebound (probably unintentionally on his part), but it is also possible that you guys could later become something more. For any relationship to be possible in the future, he needs time alone now to sort through his feelings and decide what he wants. If he does not get a chance to heal completely, he will never be in a good position to have a relationship with anyone. He may not end up coming back after he heals, but the relationship certainly would not work if he just jumps into things headfirst. Good luck, T–I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

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        February 11, 2016 at 2:21 pm

        Thanks! I was just hoping that I might be able to help him through his healing process. The romance can always wait. We have been through the same heartbreak situations and I can certainly understand his need for time alone. He has been on a serial dating spree for a few months, but when he was face to face with a connection that involved his emotions, he got scared off. I know he wants more, and told me so as well, so I will remain hopeful!

        • web admin

          web admin

          February 14, 2016 at 12:45 pm

          Good luck, T! Let me know if you need any more help. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

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    January 15, 2016 at 1:14 pm

    I’m totally being bad right now! I am a married scorpion woman falling for an Aries male co-worker who is in a committed relationship as well. I started working at my new job only a year ago and the first time we met the attraction was totally magnetic. We flirt with each other and talk occasionally (trying not to draw attention). I never told him how I felt about him until about a few months ago. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. We exchanged numbers and have been communicating outside of work, although, we have not been on any dates. I am a typical scorpion when it comes to our beauty, mystery, sexiness, and pride. However, I am very social, enjoy my independence, and am far from clingy. So, when I told him how I felt I just backed off but I continue to be cordial and sexually smurky because that’s my usual self. His first reaction to this news was “but your married…” I quickly replied that he’s not single either. In talking with me he has mentioned that he has been in trouble for dating a coworker (10yrs ago) and is apprehensive about pursuing me. I made it clear that I value my job and I have no intentions of leaving my husband. With that said, we do a lot of sex texting and flirting underhandedly at work. The attraction is very mutual but am wondering why he wont initiate a meeting outside of work. We have discussed it and he assures me it WILL happen but I want him now! My BFF is convinced he sees me ad too good to be true (beauty, brains, great body, good looking, free spirited, etc) and he doesn’t know what to do with all of it. He’s an Aries, of course he knows!!!! Right???? He also has a lower job status than me and sees on several accounts other men approarching me or veying for my attention. But I want HIM! I have a feeling that he may seem somewhat inadequate to maintain a relationship (or whatever you wanna call it) with a woman like me but I am very down to earth, adventurous, yet very girlie and very much a woman in every right. I am no snob. I believe he maybe slightly intimidated as he had eluded to before. So when I’m around him I am funny and witty which he enjoys. My question to you is, what is this man thinking? He knows he has my attention in that way but he moves slowly like he wants to get to know me, establish a friendship before sex….this cannot be an Aries right???? Please advise!!!! …as I refuse and would never chase no man but will let him know I’m interested. *wink. Also I have NEVER cheated on my hubby but I really like this guy and can see us really having a gooid time together.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 16, 2016 at 11:03 am

      It is possible that he is slightly intimidated or that he does not want to risk ruining his position at work. There is also the possibility that he has doubts about cheating. Sexting and flirting are far different than starting a physical relationship, and he may be worried about the fact that he will not be able to just take it back. Aries are normally impulsive and drive to conquest, so he may just be enjoying the thrill of the chase for the moment. Go ahead and let things keep unfolding if your goal is to be with him. He will either get over his compunctions about cheating and possible work problems, or he will not. Not to dissuade you from this path, but have you thought of how this would affect your marriage? It might not be worth wasting years of marriage on an infatuation that will most likely fade in time. What you do is entirely your choice, but you might want to think things through more first. Good luck!

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    January 11, 2016 at 1:50 am

    O btw! We see each other everyday .. Talk n update abt our schedule everyday …. M 30 .. He is 42… He doesn’t have kids.. Sometimes he calls me a child .. M really mature for people my age .. I don’t get along with immature people .. But he often says its like I have adopted a child… I don’t like that … I think my sensitivity annoys him ..

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 11, 2016 at 8:02 am

      That is a weird thing for him to say. It still seems like he does not want to give up on his marriage, so your chances do not look good at the moment. If you do not think that it will end up working out, it may be best to just move on and find someone else. You have already spent a lot of time with your guy, and he does not seem willing to leave his wife. An Aries likes conquest. Although they can settle down, they still enjoy the thrill of a new romantic encounter (and an Aries often regrets their impulsiveness later).

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    January 11, 2016 at 1:36 am

    My case is complicated ! M a cancer n a slightly too young for him .. He isn’t as active n adventure as me .. But rather too slow .. He is separated from his wife .. Personality drift was an issue …. Vn I met him he was separated .. He pursued everything calls ! Hangouts n even the first kiss .. But he took his Time a long time .. He tells me he loves me but I always have to ask him for that .. Takes care of my every need .. We argue a lot too much on almost everything .. He still talks to his wife tell me some financial things are at stake so he is diplomatically solving it .. She is a very aggressive woman .. She n I also had a showdown ..he stood up for me but didn’t leave her… But she doesn’t leave him continue to Persue him .. M confused … Though he is with me.. Vn I started fighting with him over his msgs n phone interaction he explained but also started hiding things ..I stopped raising the questions Cus we decided to get married after a year .. It’s only been 7 months ..I wanna see wat happens in a year … Does he really love me or her ? Is he just playing games with me or her? M
    Confused .. He gets agitated by my questions n arguments.. So m
    Trying to change that but I over think .. He is totally attracted to me .. He says he doesn’t love her but may b he loves her n to me he is only attracted to ..
    I just wanna know if he loves me or her ? Or is it possible for man to care for two women at a time ..

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 11, 2016 at 8:00 am

      If he is married, then there seems to be a strong case that he is just playing games. His wife already found out about you, so if he was going to leave, that would have been the time. Even if he is no longer in love with his wife, he may not want to have the hassle of a divorce and he may not want to give up on such a long-term relationship. He could love you, her or both. For the moment, it does not seem like that matters too much since it really seems like he is never going to end his marriage. Good luck, T–I hope that everything works out for you!

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    Carol rios

    December 6, 2015 at 6:30 pm

    I’m a Scorpio woman and have been talking to an Aries man for 2 months online only we haven’t met, he hasn’t texted and I haven’t heard his voice. We exchange pics and talk everyday. I feel there is a connection and I’ve tried to pull away from him several times because I’m getting too attached which is crazy because I’ve never met him. He’s divorced and has kids on and off and is busy with them. He keeps saying when we meet we are staying together but I told how could he feel that since we’ve never met? He says it’s his instinct. I told him I’m getting impatient with this situation and I’m pulling away from him now because I feel we are never going to meet, he says no and for me to stop over reacting.? Please tell me what to do ?

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm

      If not meeting is the reason why you are pulling away, then perhaps you guys should actually meet in person. What is keeping you guys from being around each other in person? Does he live too far away? Or? If you have a weekend off–or the same two days off as him–why don’t you drive up to where he lives and see him? It sounds like you have met a wonderful guy who really cares for you. The only way for you to know if the relationship is real and to stop pulling away from him seems to be seeing him in person. What is stopping you from doing this?

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    Amanda Alexander

    November 13, 2015 at 5:28 am

    Hi I’ve been with my Aries for a year and a half. I love this man I want to keep him. The thing is is I always ask to hangout. He tends to take me for grantite sometimes. I know he loves me but I have been very insecure in the past. I am surprised we have been together as long as we have. He has never been in a relationship for this long. I need some tips on keeping him realed in and getting him to chase me and to pursue me like he use to when we first started dating. I love the man. I don’t want him to get bored. Should I play hard to get? Should I stop texting and initiating hangouts and act disintrested for a while to get him crazy again? I really feel our relationship needs a boost. I’m an Aquarius woman by the way.I’ve never loved a man so much. I don’t want to lose him. I want him to show his crazyness for me. I want him to get truly excited about me again.

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 13, 2015 at 3:38 pm

      I would not play hard to get or act disinterested–that type of game tends to backfire and only creates a relationship where both people end up playing games, misunderstanding each other and breaking up. Instead, I would try to find new, unusual date ideas that get you both interested. A new hiking adventure, a kayaking trip, a day at a pottery studio or a shared cooking class could help you two to reconnect and bring some spice back into your relationship. You could also just tell your boyfriend that you feel like he takes you for granted sometimes and ask him to change–if he cares about you, an honest, open conversation may be all that it takes to fix things.

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    October 23, 2015 at 9:18 am

    Hi, I was reading your article about aries man and I was very impressed.
    I am a cancer woman, but not the typical soft and possesive canerian because of my leo moon sign. (well that’s what they say :P)
    So I’ve known this aries man for at least 5 years now, but just last year we started to talk every single day. We’ve been in a few dates now and then but he hasn’t kissed me yet. I was hoping he liked me that way aswell because of the look he gives me and he is very humble romantic guy, but not with words just gestures and just throwing it out there without making it a thing. He always smiles at me even when I’m not making eye contact he stares and smiles at me, tries to make me laugh and teases me a little. And we’re both grown adults now we’re not even teenagers.
    I don’t know is he just extremely shy or he just doesn’t like me more than a friend. He took me to very romantic places, had the chance to get closer and kiss me, but nothing actually happened, just a handshake like good old mates.

    • web admin

      web admin

      October 25, 2015 at 3:59 am

      He may just respect you or want to take things slower. If he keeps taking you on dates, then he is obviously interested in you. Most likely, he is just discovering how much he likes you, and he wants to make sure that he does not ruin your friendship or relationship. If you want to take things to the next level, you will either have to talk to him about how you feel or just make a move and kiss him. It sounds like he probably likes you, so perhaps you should just make a move.

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    August 24, 2015 at 4:44 am

    Hi I’m a Scorpio dating a Aries. We met online and met two weeks after. The chemistry was so strong. He’s 5 years younger than me but he is so mature. We saw and spoke to eachother everyday. I never had someone treat me the way he did. He left for a job in another state and I feel things are beginning to fade. We don’t talk as much. He says he’s busy with work and then he’s tired or hanging out with his cousins. I sent him a message telling him I’m proud of him for working so hard and I’m here if he needs me. He seemed to appreciate it a lot but I’m worried that he might find someone else who is closer to him. Do u think I’m over reacting or should I move on?

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 24, 2015 at 7:19 pm

      Long distance relationships can be hard to deal with, and it is perfectly understandable if you or he is unable to do so. At the moment though, he has not said anything about ending the relationship. As long as you are still interested in him and willing to carry on a long distance relationship, I would go ahead and do it–a long distance relationship is just as likely to work out as a regular, in-person relationship. Since he has always been good to you and treated you well, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. If there is any ulterior reason for him being out of touch so often, it is probably due to the difficulties of having a long distance relationship. Good luck, Ayana!

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        August 26, 2015 at 5:02 am

        Thank u so much for replying. I was really jus over reacting! Our communication picked up and he reassured me of his feelings about me! I plan to hold on to this one! Thanks again!

        • web admin

          web admin

          August 26, 2015 at 4:09 pm

          That is great news! I am glad that everything is working out. Good luck, Ayana!

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