Audrina Patridge Diet and Workout

By on April 10, 2014


Audrina Patridge, American born star of the Hills, Audrina, and Dancing with the Stars, has a two piece ready body year round. The twenty-eight year old actress and model constantly in the best shape possible and never misses an opportunity to show of her supple, lean figure. And why would she? Since she rose to prominence back in 2006, her perfect beach body has become something for women everywhere to envy! It seems Audrina Patridge is fast becoming known for her perfect body which has many of us mere mortal women wondering how and Earth she manages to stay looking do incredibly good! She’s got a wonderfully ones stomach, a fantastic set of legs, lean arms, and even a great set of breasts – she seems to have it all. If, like me, you can’t help but be amazed by how fab she looks then you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve done a little digging and found out exactly what Audrina Patridge does to stay looking so enviably good. Here’s how…


The Body Box Routine


To keep her bikini body year round, two or three times per week the twenty-six year old dose a routine which her personal trainer Jarett DelBene calls the body box routine. “We alternate rounds of boxing combinations that include punches and kicks with circuits of body weight–only strength moves,” he says with regards to the star’s routine. “It’s high intensity, so you burn lots of calories while you’re firming up. And because the exercises don’t use any gear, Patridge can stick to them whether she’s on the road or at home.”

The routine starts off by doing either shadowboxing or jumping rope for a total of three minutes. Audrina Patridge then goes on to do one set of twenty reps of each of various moves in order with no rest in between. Sometimes, Audrina Patridge either jumps rope of shadow boxes for one minute between each set to increase the amount of calories she burns. On a typical workout, she repeats this entire workout twice. This workout is fab for the star as it requires no equipment – even a jump rope is optional as she can mimic the moves without one. This means she can workout anytime, anywhere, a must for someone who travels so much and who has such a busy life.


Five to Six Workouts Per Week


Audrina Patridge Body Boxes two or three times per week but she’s far from idle on her supposed days ‘off’. She works out five or six times per week and when she’s not Body Boxing she’s either doing Pilates, doing body weight training, doing strength training or working on her core to ensure her abs stay sleek and lean. It’s little wonder she looks as good as she does considering the amount and the intensity of the workouts she does. After all that, I for one say she deserves her enviable body!


Audrina Patridge’s Diet


One of Audrina Patridge’s favourite things to eat is apples. She says she’s far rather eat a delicious apple than have a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate. She loves how she gets so many different vitamins and minerals from them too – they’re tasty and incredibly good for her!

That said, she still has a love for various other junk foods. She’s never willing to stray too far from her healthy diet however so is always sure to keep her craving under control. She allows herself calorific treats at times but she always watches her portion and makes sure it’s just a little part of an overall healthy diet. When it comes to eating healthy, she’s a massive fan of healthy shakes. She’s always saying that she recommends shakes made up from various differently fruits such as mangoes, peaches, pineapples, and berries, but sources say she even enjoys vegetable green smoothies too. Another of the star’s favourite things to eat is natural or greek yoghurt mixed in with plenty of fresh fruit. It makes for a delicious snack or can even be consumed as a light meal.


So there you have it, ladies, Audrina Patridge’s diet plan and workout routine. While it seems she works incredibly hard day in and day out to stay looking so fantastic, she’s not quite as tough on herself as many celebrities are, something I admire her for. The fact that she allows herself all her favourite foods only in moderation is something else we should commend her for – she’s not starving herself slim, something that some celebrities seem to fall prey to with all the pressures on them. If you’ve enjoyed this article you can real plenty more in the Celebrity section of Her Interest, plus, if you have a request on who you’d like to read about next just let me know!


(all images sourced via

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