Bella Pope – Tue, 21 Nov 2017 00:28:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bella Pope – 32 32 Is My Partner Cheating? Apps That Hide Text Messages and Phone Calls Fri, 03 Mar 2017 04:09:43 +0000 One our worst fears in a relationship is probably the prospect of our partner cheating on us. It’s one of the hardest things to get passed and if you are suspicious of them, it’s even more difficult to face them. Something that makes all of this even harder is knowing if they’re actually cheating on you or not.


Is my partner cheating?

There are many ways to know if you’re being cheated on. One thing you have to remember, however, is that some of these signs can mean a lot of different things. Ultimately, you would have to catch them cheating to know for sure. But these are definitely signs that something is off and your partner could be cheating.

  1. They’re shielding their phone from you.

Since we communicate the most through our phones, it’s only likely that if they’re cheating, they’ll be texting the other person and even calling them. If your partner is hiding their phone from you whenever they get a message or a call, it’s a sign they’re cheating.

  1. They’re working longer hours.

Now, this could be a completely legitimate reason for them staying longer at work. However, if you call their office and they’re not there when they said they’d be, it’s a good possibility they’re using “working late” as a way for you to not be suspicious if they’re off with the other person.

  1. They’re being vague about where they’re going.

Most significant others will give specific details about what they’re doing and when. You usually know if they’re going to the store, to a friends, or off to the bar. If your partner is suddenly being very vague about their whereabouts, it’s possible they’re cheating.

  1. They have a new “friend”.

If they start talking about this new friend in their life but won’t really give you a name or allow you to meet them, it could be their new lover. Many people even give their new person a different name so you won’t get suspicious.

  1. They’re acting distant toward you.

If you feel as though you’re being pushed away from them and they’re putting distance between you, they could be cheating. Even though people cheat, they still feel guilty about it and therefore, they’ll avoid you in order to feel less guilty about the affair. Just be sure they’re not really busy or distracted with other stressful endeavors.

  1. They’ve changed their everyday behavior.

Most people have a routine and they stick with this routine. You get to know what they do every day and how they act throughout the day. If this behavior changes abruptly with seemingly no reason, it could be because they’re cheating on you. When they start texting you during different times or going somewhere when they usually just sat at home, it’s a sign they’re seeing someone else behind your back.

  1. They use apps to conceal their phone information.

There are a number of different apps developed for cheaters. Unfortunately, these apps help hide the fact that you’re cheating from your partner. There are a lot of different kinds that have different features but ultimately, if you see cheating apps on their phone, you know what it means.


Apps That Hide Text Messages and Phone Calls

One huge sign your partner is cheating is if they use any of these apps. They have the ability to hide their texting information and even phone calls. If you see these apps on their phone, be prepared for the worse.

  1. Hide My Calls/Text – Baseball

This app is a decoy app. It looks just like a baseball game but it’s actually a separate app that allows someone to converse with another person in secret. If your significant other has an android phone and they have this app on it, don’t be fooled with the way it looks. It’s actually an app that deletes and blocks text and phone calls from your viewing.

  1. Hide My Text – Invisible

This is another app for androids that conceals your texts and calls from anyone else. A person can use this for up to 5 people and it’s almost impossible to see. The app itself is invisible on the screen and only open after tapping the bottom of it. Beware of this app and make sure to test if it’s there. When you tap the bottom of the black screen, a red box will appear and that’s how you enter the app.

  1. Tiger Text

This app is available in both iOS and Android. It’s different than the other two apps because it doesn’t hide texts or phone calls, but it actually gives you a completely different way of communicating with someone. It even deletes your conversation after a certain amount of time. Beware if your partner has this.

  1. CoverMe Private Calls Secret Text Message Hide App

This is another app that’s used to hide text messages. You can decide what you want hidden so you can have private conversations that get locked away. If your significant other has this app on their phone, they’re definitely cheating on you.

What to do if They’re Cheating

Knowing what to do when you catch someone cheating is never easy. The best thing for you to do is confront them. Talk about your concerns and that you’re suspicious of their cheating. If they completely deny it and you have proof, show them and ask for an explanation. In most cases, they won’t have one and they’ll fess up to the cheating. However, never forgive them. Cheating destroys your trust and when you can’t trust someone, you can’t possibly build a healthy relationship with them anymore. If they have apps on their phone that suggests they’re cheating, ask them to explain what they are if they deny cheating on you. All in all, you may have to prepare for the worst and leave the person who’s cheating on you.

Cheaters are the worst type of people out there and it’s sad that there are also so many apps to help a person cheat. Knowing the signs of a cheater and the apps they may be using can help save you from heartache.

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What to do When He Stops Texting You Suddenly Thu, 02 Mar 2017 04:07:45 +0000 We all dread the moment when a guy just stops texting us for seemingly no reason at all. Everything was going great, you got along really well, and you felt like you had a connection. Then suddenly, he stops texting you.

It’s as if he didn’t really care at all. We have a million thoughts running through our mind in that moment. Did we do something wrong? Are they mad at us? Did they find someone else? The truth is, it’s really difficult to know what to do when he stops texting suddenly. Luckily, we have a few tips for you.

  1. Reach out and ask if they’re there, in a playful way.

Don’t immediately start asking, “Why aren’t you responding?” or anything that seems rude and like you’re upset. Even if you’re mad, just send a text and playfully ask if they’re there. Something like, “Hey stranger! It’s been a while, what’s up?” That’s enough to make them know you’ve realized they’re being distant, but it’s playful enough that they’re not afraid if you’re upset.

  1. Think about if he mentioned his busy plans.

Perhaps he told you about his really busy week and that he won’t have too much time for fun. He could just be really busy and you forgot he told you he would be. Or he may just be really busy and forgot to tell you about it. Your best bet is to just think about the stuff he’s mentioned coming up so you can know if he’s just busy or ignoring you.

  1. Don’t freak out and start accusations.

Accusing them of something right away will ruin anything you had. Even if you see them tag other girls on Facebook and won’t even text you back, don’t start accusing him of seeing other people or anything like that. This will just make him angry and want to avoid you more.

  1. Don’t text more than twice without a response.

Repeatedly texting him when he stops texting you suddenly is a terrible idea. You will not only annoy him, but it’ll feel as though you’re super insecure and that’s no attractive. You never know what he’s doing. He could just be really busy and you’re bombarding him with too much clinginess. Back off and wait for a response if you’ve already sent two unanswered texts.

  1. Do not call.

If he’s not texting you back, he won’t answer your call. The worst thing you can do is sit there and repeatedly call him when he hasn’t even text you back. So don’t do it. I know it may be tempting to try and get a hold of him, but you’re only hurting yourself and your chances of making things work with him.

  1. Do NOT try to talk to his friends.

This is another HUGE no-no. You can’t just sit and call his friends to see what he’s doing and why he isn’t responding. However, if you’re already friends with a friend of his, too, you can ask if they’ve heard anything from him. Don’t get your hopes up, though. Usually, if a guy is suddenly not texting you back, his friends won’t even know about it.

  1. Remember that you didn’t do anything wrong.

It’s easy to think that you messed up and that you did something wrong in some way. You have to remember that you may not have done anything wrong. If you were just being yourself and you weren’t saying insulting things, he may have just discovered that he doesn’t have feelings for you. And that’s okay. Not everyone we meet is going to be crazy about us.

  1. Give him some space.

Another thing to do when he stops texting you suddenly is to just give him some space. Don’t question it or push the fact that he hasn’t responded. Just let him be and go about your normal life. If he gets back to you within a few days, simply ask why he was so busy. If he never gets back to you, he wasn’t worth your time in the first place.

  1. Stay busy doing fun things.

Keep yourself busy as a means to distract you from the fact that he stopped texting you suddenly. But don’t just be busy, go have fun! And you can even post about those fun things on social media. This will not only remind him of you and the fact that he hasn’t texted you back, but he’ll also want to be involved with all the fun things you’re doing. It’ll up your chances of him responding to you if you’re out having a good time.

  1. Ask him why he isn’t responding.

If it’s been a few days without a response, you can go ahead and just shoot him an honest text. Say something like, “Hi! Haven’t heard from you lately. I thought we had a connection, what happened?” If he still doesn’t answer that, then just ignore it and move on with your life. Sometimes guys don’t have the balls to actually admit when they want to pursue other options so they won’t even tell you if they’re not interested.


Bonus Tips:

If you’re still looking for things you can do when he stops texting suddenly, these bonus tips will help. In addition to everything I’ve already stated, you have to remember these, too.

  1. Move on.

Your life should never revolve around a single person, especially if you’re not even technically dating. Therefore, you have to move on if he stops texting you suddenly. If he’s not willing to be an active participant in your life, there’s no point in waiting around for him. Move on with your life and continue doing what you did before.

  1. Don’t respond if he gets back to you weeks later.

If a guys goes MIA for a long time and then suddenly responds to see what you’re doing, it’s because something didn’t pan out with someone else. Don’t respond to him. He’s most likely trying to keep the line of communication open with you so he has someone to fall back on. Don’t fall for it.

  1. Continue living your life.

Don’t put your life on hold for someone else. You should never just up and stop living just because someone didn’t text you back. You can give yourself a few days to be upset, but then you have to get back out there and continue right where you left off.

Some guys are tactless and will ghost you without a second thought. Instead of waiting around for them, you should be doing these 13 things.

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What Does it Mean When a Guy Looks Into Your Eyes Wed, 01 Mar 2017 04:06:28 +0000 Sometimes, it’s really hard to read what a guy is thinking or feeling. Often times, we may think they feel a certain way about us, only to find out they feel completely different. It’s not only frustrating, it’s downright confusing.

But there are ways to tell just what a guy means by their body language. Specifically, when they look into your eyes. Sometimes a guy may be lost in thought and randomly looking at you, and other times they mean something specific. Here’s what it means when a guy looks into your eyes.

  1. They like your eyes.

If you have striking eyes or very unique eyes, guys are going to look at them. It’s just like if you have any other feature that’s out of the ordinary. Don’t read too much into it if you have very bright eyes and a guy is looking into them.

  1. They think you’re attractive.

Another meaning of a guy looking into your eyes is that they think you’re attractive. People tend to make eye contact with people they really enjoy looking at.

  1. They like you.

If a guy is really into you, he’s definitely going to be looking into your eyes. You can also tell they like you by how close they’re standing, how much they talk to you, and if they ask deep, personal questions.

  1. They’re trying not to look elsewhere.

If you’ve got a really low cut shirt on and a guy is making long eye contact with you, chances are, he’s trying not to look down at your boobs. This is a good thing! It means he’s a gentleman.

  1. They’re just being polite.

Eye contact is polite in conversation. If someone is talking, it’s the right thing to do to make eye contact with them and if a guy is doing so while you’re talking, they could just be acting politely toward you.

  1. They’re trying to make an impression on you.

We remember the people who forge a connection within us. Meaning, if someone is giving us long, consistent eye contact, we’ll remember them better than we would someone who doesn’t. Therefore, if a guy wants you to remember him, he’ll likely be looking you right in the eyes.

You have to pay a lot of attention to what else a guy is doing when they look into your eyes. Reading their other body language can help you realize just what it really means when a guy looks into your eyes.

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How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man Fri, 24 Feb 2017 08:51:04 +0000 Dating married man is not something any of us want to do. We know it’s wrong and harmful, but we can’t always help how we feel. In fact, love is blind. We can never control how we feel about someone – no matter if they’re married or not.

Our feelings don’t just get turned off the second we realize they have a ring. That being said, we can control our action. If you find yourself in the midst of dating a married man, there are different things you should make sure you’re doing to ensure that you really want to go on loving this man.

Handling loving a married man isn’t easy. It can get really complicated, messy, and your feelings could get destroyed in the process. If you still want to move forward with dating a married man, this is everything you should know.

Questions to Ask Yourself First

Don’t go blindly into a relationship with a married man. Before you start something with them, you have to ask yourself a few questions to make sure it’s something you really want to do.

  1. Are you just lonely?

This is a must-ask question. Are you just lonely with your life and you’re looking for some fun and a married guy is the only person there? If you only want to hook up with someone and have a joy ride, don’t do so with a married man. The chance of ruining his marriage isn’t’ worth your loneliness.

  1. Is their relationship healthy?

How is his relationship with his wife? You may think it’s terrible based on the fact that he’s out with you, but the truth is, many men have it great at home and love their wife, they’re just out looking for fun. This means they’ll manipulate you into thinking they’re miserable so you’ll take pity on them.

  1. Do they really have feelings for you?

Like I mentioned above, some men just want fun. Do you really want to waste your time with a married man who you never have a chance of actually being with? Does he really have feelings for you or is he just fabricating them so you’ll climb into his bed?

  1. Can you live with the consequences?

There are many, many consequences of dating a married man and you have to make sure you’re someone who can live with those consequences before moving forward. You can see some of the most important ones listed in another section so you can decide for yourself.

  1. Are you willing to risk your reputation for them?

We all know what happens when word gets out that a man was cheating on his wife. The other girl becomes the talk of the town – and not in a good way. That being said, you have to ask yourself if you’re ready for the ridicule if something like that ever happens. If you’re not, you need to think twice about loving him.

  1. Did he admit to being married up front?

This is important for a lot of reasons. If he told you right away that he was married and you pursued him, then he was giving you an opportunity to leave. That basically means he has no plans of leaving so he didn’t need to hide it. Therefore, you can’t have a future with him.

  1. Are you okay with being put on the backburner?

A husband’s wife and kids – if they have any – will come first. If you’re in dire need of him but he has a prior commitment with them, he won’t go to you. Are you able to deal with being put on the backburner and not being a priority in his life? Because that’s the reality of dating a married man.

  1. Do you think they’ll ever get a divorce?

The main purpose of dating someone is to build a future with them. If you don’t think they’ll ever leave their wife, what’s the point? If you can see them gearing up for a divorce and that’s why they went out seeking a new companion, then it’s a better situation.

  1. Could you handle the drama of a divorce?

Divorce comes with a lot of drama for the husband. Are you ready to deal with all of that right beside him? Are you ready to help him through such a difficult time? Because if you two end up in a serious relationship and he leaves his wife for you, that’ll be your reality.

  1. How well do you really know him?

Do you know them all that well in the first place or do you think you know them? Many married men take on a new persona when having an affair and you have to realize that. Do you really know the man you’re with to his core or do you just know a fraction of him that you get after his wife gets him?


Things to Remember

It’s important not to let love blind you in the case of dating a married man. It can be really hard during certain times and you have to maintain a clear head so you can think logically about things.

  1. His wife and kids (if he has them) will come first.

This is what you have to deal with. No matter how much you want to see him or need him by your side, he will never be able to put you first so long as he’s married. If you don’t remember this, it can cause a lot of heartache and you’ll be upset the majority of the time.

  1. Things will shift from fun to serious and it can be hard.

When a man is having an affair, he’s having fun. He’s hooking up and getting something fresh. But if the two of you decide to take things to a serious level, it can be really hard to talk about and live with if they don’t want to leave their wife.

  1. It’s very likely he will never leave his wife for you.

This is something you can never forget. The majority of men will NEVER leave their wives for their mistress. They will have fun with you and maybe actually care a lot about you, but in the end, his wife is the woman he gave his vows to and promised to be with forever.

  1. He’s still sleeping with his wife – no matter what he says.

Do you really want to be having sex with a man who’s having sex with someone else? Because that’s what you have to remember when he says he’s not sleeping with his wife. He still is. He can’t not sleep with her or she’d get suspicious and truthfully, he wants to have sex with her.

  1. You will be judged for this by friends and family.

Get ready or the judgment if you want to date and love a married man. Your friends and family will probably not be supportive at all and that can be a difficult thing to get past. The truth is, dating a married man is taboo to many people and you’ll be judged hard for it and people may not like you anymore.


Tips for Dating a Married Man

Now that you know all of that and you still want to move forward with dating a married man, there are a few things you can do to make it easier. Here are some tips to keep things from going south.

  1. Never force him to choose.

This is the worst thing you can do and ultimately, you will lose him for doing this. If you want to make things work while dating a married man, you have to give him the choice and you can’t force him to make it. He will choose you if his heart desires, but just remember that he probably won’t.

  1. Abide by a set schedule for communicating and seeing each other.

Don’t go calling him whenever and wherever. If he asks you to only call during a certain time on a certain phone, then you must agree to that. If you want the relationship to work, you have to stick to a schedule so his wife won’t find out and ruin everything.

  1. Don’t go blabbing about it to everyone.

Don’t gossip about your relationship and the state of it to everyone. The truth is, it’s really taboo to date a married man and others will likely tell more people and it’ll end up getting back to his wife and your relationship will be completely over.

  1. Don’t put him first.

This may seem like an odd tip, but think about it. He’s not putting you first, is he? He has a family to put ahead of you and you have to make sure you’re treating him equally. Don’t make them a priority until you are theirs. Make sure you have your own life and put others ahead of him so he knows that you won’t put him first until you’re first.

  1. Be honest with yourself.

If you can’t see the relationship going anywhere and you can’t see him divorcing his wife, then keep that in mind at all times. Don’t just shove those feelings down deep and ignore them.


Rules to Follow

Dating a married man isn’t like dating other men. Sure, the same principals apply, but there are a whole host of other rules you must follow if you want to make your relationship with him work.

  1. Make it worth your time.

This is the number one rule you have to follow. If the relationship is going to be a complete waste of time, then you should look elsewhere. Your time is precious and you only have one life. You need to learn to live it and make the time you spend worth a damn.

  1. Communicate your feelings regularly.

Make sure to keep him in the loop with everything you’re feeling. If you’re feeling guilty, tell him. If you’re feeling like you’re falling in love, make sure he knows it. This can help make sure your relationship is going somewhere.

  1. Set your expectations early.

Don’t just waltz into the relationship with no standards or expectations. Tell him that you want something real with him – not just a hookup. By doing this, you’re giving them the choice to give you those things or walk away.

  1. Don’t fall for his “I’ll get divorced someday” speech.

If he’s repeatedly telling you that he will get a divorce eventually, don’t fall for that crap. Many guys like to dangle false hope in front of their mistresses in an attempt to keep them around. They don’t want to lose you, but they don’t actually want to be with you either.

  1. Maintain your normal lifestyle.

Don’t change anything about your life for this person. Keep going to your volleyball games, maintain your friendships, and don’t warp your life around what they need you to do. They’re not worth you changing everything about your life just for them.

The Consequences

Dating a married man doesn’t come without consequences. Truthfully, there are many. However, we’re going to touch on the main consequences of dating a married man so you can truly decide if you’re ready for it.

  1. Your reputation can be ruined.

This is a big one. If word gets out about your affair, your reputation can get squashed. You’ll be the “other woman” and many people will be concerned about bringing their husbands near you. And it’ll just make you look terrible.

  1. You can get your heart broken.

The reality of dating a married man is that the relationship will likely be short. Not many men actually divorce their wives so they can be with their mistresses. This can completely break your heart if you’re not ready for it.

  1. You could be wasting your time.

Wasted time is a reality of loving and dating a married man. If the relationship never amounts to anything, you’ll have wasted all that time being with someone who really didn’t ever see a future with you. You’ll end up realizing just how much you could’ve done with the time you wasted waiting for him to call or waiting for him to sneak away.

  1. Altercations with his wife.

Women are hurt and angrier than you can imagine if they find out their husband is cheating and you can bet that she’ll confront you about it, as well. Since you knew he was married, she’ll have a lot of hate toward you and you’ll have to deal with some altercations with her.

  1. Feeling ashamed all the time.

You now dating a married man isn’t the right thing. You know he’s disrespecting his wife and it’s wrong. Are you able to live with feeling ashamed much of the time for what you’re doing? You will have moments where you feel fine and others where you’re ashamed with yourself. Can you life with that?

Dating a married man isn’t something any woman should do. You should wait for him to be divorced or not get involved at all. But if you’re a slave to your heart and can’t help it, this is everything you should know.

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How to Pretend to Ignore Someone You Have a Crush On Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:20:17 +0000 Having a crush on someone is never easy. Honestly, it’s one of the most frustrating things you can imagine. However, it’s also full of fun, exciting times with someone you’re mad for. Just because it’s a little complicated doesn’t mean you can’t learn ways to make it easier.

One thing we all do when we have a crush on someone is imagine what it would be like to be with them. Isn’t that what we all want with our crushes? That means we have to do different things in order to get them to fall for us. Like ignoring them.


Why You Should Ignore Them

This doesn’t exactly sound like it makes sense, I know. But the truth is that by ignoring someone, you’re playing hard to get. And we all know that playing hard to get almost always works in attracting someone you like – especially your crush.

But you can’t just completely ignore them and leave it at that. That will make them think you don’t even like them at all. You have to do it the right way if you want to ignore someone you like. You have to pretend to ignore someone you have a crush on and here’s how.

  1. Stare sidelong at them.

The best thing you can to do make sure they know you’re ignoring them is to acknowledge their presence with a sidelong glance, and then look forward again. What this does is make them intrigued because they realize you see them and hear them, but you’re not replying. They’ll want to make you listen and will try even harder. The best way to do this is just to look at them with your eyes only – not moving your head – and just not reply at all. You can even smirk so they know you’re really listening.

  1. Be short with them.

Instead of all out ignoring them, you can just be really short with them. This means you can still reply to them, but keep your comments short and uninterested. What this does is make them want to try even harder to get you to be nicer and open up to them more. They’ll sit and probe you for answers and when you barely give them anything, they’ll just want more.

  1. Don’t answer their questions.

When you start ignoring someone, they’ll start asking many questions. Why are you ignoring them? Are you mad? What’s wrong? Now, this may seem temping, but just ignore them. And if they’re only talking to you for the first time, ignoring their questions about you can make you seem mysterious and alluring. They’ll want to continue probing you for answers and it’ll be just what you want: their attention.

  1. Be formal with them only.

If you want to ignore them in a different way, you can ignore your friendship with them. Instead of talking like friends, pretend that they’re someone you’ve just met. Pretend you only know them in a formal way. Be polite. Be kind to them, but don’t talk to them like you’ve known them for a while. This can make them take a step back to reassess your relationship. They’ll want to get you to open up and warm up to them and they’ll try extra hard.

  1. Allow others to communicate to them for you.

You can even take it in a different direction and make other people talk to them for you if you still want to communicate with them while ignoring them at the same time. This is a really entertaining technique to use because you can still have conversations, but it’ll frustrate them and make them want to see and talk to you even more. Make sure you don’t make your messages very clear when you tell other people what to tell them because that’ll make it all the more frustrating and fun.

  1. Every once in a while, don’t ignore them.

You can’t solidly ignore someone for such a long period of time. Something that works even better to get their attention is to stop ignoring them from time to time. You can go from ignoring them one day to enjoying a hearty conversation where they’ll be trailing on your every word. This hot and cold behavior is what really hooks someone. And if you want to make them like you, then this is the way you have to ignore them.

  1. Make sure they know you heard them.

Acknowledging that you can hear what they’re saying and then deliberately not responding will drive them NUTS. If you want to get your crush to notice you by ignoring them, then this is definitely going to work. They’ll not only be confused, but they’ll want to know why you’re ignoring them. This will cause them to give you all kinds of attention in an attempt to make you respond to them. You’ll definitely have success with this method.

  1. Don’t tell them why you’re ignoring them.

Never give in. When you’re ignoring your crush, you never want to tell them why. It’ll get rid of all the mysteriousness that you’re putting out there. Instead, just pretend that you have no idea what they’re talking about. By acting like you’re not even ignoring them at all, it’ll drive them nuts and they’ll want to figure out why you act differently toward them and not other people. They’ll keep wondering and it’ll make you happy to have their attention.

  1. Have your friends ignore them too.

If you really want to take it to the next level, have your friends ignore them too! They’ll be flabbergasted as to why nobody is talking to them. It’ll make them talk to you way more and be even nicer. They’ll try to suck up to get on your good side and to get on your friends’ good side. This is always really fun to watch and they’ll definitely start thinking about you more and more.

  1. Stop ignoring them when you’ve won.

You can’t ignore someone you have a crush on forever. Not if you want to eventually date them, at least. You can only play hard to get for so long before people begin to lose interest. So once you’ve done it for a while and they’re completely hooked on you, stop ignoring them and work your magic. It’s time for you to engage with them and make sure their attention is on no one but you.

Ignoring someone you have a crush on isn’t a wise move, but pretending to ignore them is a great way to make them like you back. Practice these tips and they’ll be falling for you in no time.

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How to Get Married at the Courthouse Sat, 18 Feb 2017 05:56:56 +0000 Getting married is such an important life event. You wait so long to find someone you love enough to spend the rest of your life with them and it only makes sense to get married. But you can’t always have a big, extravagant wedding. In fact, many people are opting to just get married at a courthouse instead of spending thousands on a big wedding.

Why would people choose to forgo a big event for the biggest milestone in their life? Well, there are actually a lot of reasons. Maybe they’re not on good terms with their family. Maybe they don’t have a ton of friends. Or maybe they just can’t afford it. With weddings costing so much money nowadays, it’s almost better to just get married at the courthouse.

The First Steps

You can’t just go waltzing into a courthouse and demand to be married. There are many different things you have to do before you can actually make the marriage official. Here are the very first steps you must take.

  1. You’ll need all of your ID information. Your issued IDs, birth certificate, social security cards, and all.
  2. You’ll have to apply for a marriage license ahead of time. To do this, you’ll call your local circuit court. If you’re not sure what the phone number is, you can simply Google it! Pretty simple.
  3. You’ll have to find out what info you need in order to apply for a marriage license from there. You can also look this up online and make sure you have all the documents you need. If you don’t have all of them, you can’t get the license.
  4. Call your local courthouse once you have all the information you need and ask them what you have to do in order to get married. By now, you should have everything they need before getting started.
  5. Pick a date! You still have to schedule a day to get married with the courthouse. So pick one that works best for you and your fiancé and some friends if you so choose to have some people come along.
  6. Double check that you have everything you need before going in! If you don’t have exactly what you need, you won’t be able to get hitched.


Questions to Ask When Applying for Your Marriage License.

Obviously, you have to have a marriage license before you get married. Otherwise, you’re just having a pointless ceremony. The first thing you’ll do is call your local court circuit. They can tell you everything you need to get your license but you may run into issues. Asking these questions can help.

  1. What documents do I need?

This is an obvious question you need answered. Before you can do anything, you have to make sure you have all of your documents to ensure that you can actually get the marriage license when you want it.

  1. Is there a fee to get the marriage license?

Money is a big factor in getting married. And if you’re having a courthouse marriage, it may be because money is really tight but you still wan tot get married. Knowing if there will be a fee can help you plan ahead and make sure you hand funds available.

  1. Am I allowed to invite guests?

Sometimes you want a few people to enjoy your ceremony and be present when you’re getting married. But before you invite everyone and they get there, you should figure out if guests are allowed in the first place.

  1. Are children allowed?

Obviously, if you’re planning to invite family members, you may have certain people with children who are unable to find a sitter or you may even want certain children there. If that’s the case, you should be sure that children are allowed before telling everyone they are.

  1. Is it okay to take pictures?

You might want some – or a lot – of picture of your big day. No matter where your wedding is, it’s still an important day and you’ll want to document it. But if photos aren’t allowed, you should be aware before getting disappointed when they kick out the photographer.

  1. Where will the ceremony be held?

Will if be in a small office or a bigger hall? It’s important to know just how big the room will be so you know how many people you will be allowed to comfortably fit into the area – assuming people are allowed.

  1. Do we need an appointment or can we just come in whenever?

They’ll most likely tell you this, but if you don’t hear it at first, feel free to ask. Most places are by appointment only, but if you aren’t inviting any family or friends, you may just want to be able to go in whenever. This question can help you know if that’s allowed or not.

  1. Do we need a witness present?

Most places you need a witness. This can be a friend or family member who signs a document stating they saw the wedding take place. That way it’s secured and finalized. It’s the proof you’ll need and you want to know if it’s required so you can pick someone out.

  1. How long does the process last?

If you’re planning on going to dinner after and making reservations somewhere, this is something you’ll have to know for sure. You need to set aside a certain amount of time to be wed so people know what to expect.

  1. Do you have any tips for making the process go smoothly?

These people have been wedding couples for a very long time and they know what mistakes are made the most often. It’s up to you to ask this question so they can give you the run down of that you should or shouldn’t do. It’ll help make your day that much more flawless.


What if You Don’t Have a Document Needed

If you don’t have all your documents, you won’t be able to get a marriage license and get married. That being said, sometimes we lose things or simply can’t locate them. This obviously makes things difficult, but not impossible.

Most of the time, you can request new copies of certain documents and have them within a month. If you lose your birth certificate, you’ll have to contact the county in which you were born and request a copy. They’ll most likely require you to submit different forms of ID in order to get one.

If you lose your social security card, you can request a copy at your local social security office. Explain what happened and why you need a replacement. Then you’ll have to submit your birth certificate and another form of ID before receiving it.

Explaining it to Your Friends and Family

While you really shouldn’t have to justify wanting to get married in a courthouse, there will be many questions from your family and friends. They’ll wonder why you want to skip out on a big celebration. They may even ask if you’re pregnant and looking to get hitched quickly.

No matter what they say, you can tell them the truth and keep it simple. Just say you prefer a smaller gathering sooner rather than later. Tell them you don’t want to spend too much money on a wedding because you prefer to have more for the honeymoon. It might be a little uncomfortable to explain yourself, but they’ll accept it.

Inviting Guests to the Ceremony

Obviously, this only applies if your courthouse allows guests in addition to the witness. But the main thing you have to pay attention to is how many people you can invite. You’ll want to make sure the room you’re being wed in is big enough for the amount of people you’re inviting. Otherwise, you’ll have to downsize.

My tips for who to invite include only allowing close family and friends to attend. Meaning there should really only be your immediate family (or family you’re closer to) and a few friends. Not many people should be in attendance for a courthouse wedding. However, you can have a larger gathering join you at a restaurant or bar for a mini reception.

Dress to Impress

Just because you’re getting married in a courthouse doesn’t mean you should wear jeans and a hoodie. You’re still inviting guests and taking photos of your special day. That means you should still dress up in really nice clothes that you’ll want to remember getting married in.

That being said, it doesn’t have to be a big white gown. You can settle for a really pretty dress that you love and a simple suit or casual white shirt and jacket for the guy.

The Photographer

Many people want professional photos of their big day. And while this is certainly doable in a courthouse, it’s not really required. You can get just as great pictures with a nice camera and a willing friend. Sure, they won’t be at a professional level, but they’re still pictures and it’s MUCH cheaper.

That being said, you can certainly hire a professional photographer if you want. Be sure to mention that it’s a short, small ceremony that won’t require a lot of their time. For that reason, you may be able to get a discount price. Yay!

You’re Getting Married!

The last thing for you to remember is to have a great day. Don’t marry someone just for the hell of it. No matter how big your wedding day is, the important thing is that you’re marrying someone you love and care about deeply. They’re the only thing you should be focused on that day.

Getting married is such an exciting event in your life. It should be a day filled with fun and laughter – not stress and worry. That’s why we’ve broken down just what to do to make your courthouse wedding the best!

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10 Characteristics of the Alpha Woman Fri, 17 Feb 2017 05:54:28 +0000 Every girl wants to be the boss. We all want to walk around like we own the place because honestly, it’s hot. It’s sexy. It’s alluring. And it down right powerful. To be an alpha woman is to be in charge. If you develop the traits of an alpha woman you can walk around and get what you want with ease.

Now, that may sound much easier then it actually is. The truth about being an alpha woman is that it takes time to get to that level. It takes a lot of work in order to make yourself feel and act like the boss. Very few women are born with the ability to radiate the alpha vibe.

Therefore, we have to learn it. Lucky for us, this isn’t as hard as it sounds. It may take a lot of time and you may have to work hard to change your mindset, but it will come to you eventually. As long as you try to implement these 10 characteristics into your personality, you can be an alpha woman, too.

  1. She demands what she wants.

An alpha woman doesn’t just ask for something without confidence. She doesn’t just accept the fact that she won’t always get what she wants. In fact, she demands to get what she wants. She will approach someone and lay it all out there on the table without shame and without hesitation. She will be upfront and honest about the things she wants and expects and won’t be shy about it at all. If you want to be an alpha woman, you can’t be afraid to demand what you really want in life.

  1. She lets her presence be known.

If you’re in the same room as an alpha woman, you will definitely know it. You won’t have to think twice about it. Why? Because alpha women make sure their presence is known. In fact, they command that everyone in the room knows they’re there. They’re not the type to sit back in a corner and shy away from the group. They are front and center.

  1. She isn’t afraid of disagreeing with someone.

You know you’ve run into an alpha woman when she isn’t afraid to tell you her opinions. If she disagrees with you, she’s going to speak up. This isn’t’ in order to argue. She just likes to have intellectual conversations about the things she’s passionate about and she’s not afraid to disagree with someone at all. And not only will she definitely tell you if she disagrees with your opinion, but she’ll be able to back it up with facts instead of just rambling on and on about why your opinion is wrong. Not only that, but she’ll respect if you agree to disagree.

  1. She demands equality amongst men.

She is not the type who will cater to a man. She will not fall for the old “men are better than women” vibe. An alpha woman will be equal to any man. She will demand that she’s equal to any man. Most of the time, these are women in higher positions within the work force who have worked hard to make sure they’re treated equally amongst men. Now, this doesn’t mean she goes to rallies demanding equal pay. It means that in her personal life, she refuses to accept being treated lesser than a man.

  1. She’s not embarrassed by what makes her happy.

As nobody should be. But an alpha woman in particular will never be embarrassed or shy about the things that make her happy. If she likes to collect baby dolls or anything else that make be viewed as embarrassing, she won’t even bat an eyelash about it. She will more than likely be proud of what makes her happy. That’s how you can spot an alpha woman.

  1. She embraces her sexuality.

Sexuality is something that is seen a few different ways. In many places, people view sexual women as improper or taboo. An alpha female, however, will embrace her sexuality. She will walk around and be as sexy as she wants with no shame. No, this doesn’t make her a slut. In fact, it makes her powerful and comfortable in her skin. She radiates confidence and can even use her sexuality to her advantage.

  1. Her partners are evenly matched.

She doesn’t date anyone who thinks they’re above her. Why? Because she’s not about inequality. When she looks for a life partner, the alpha female will demand that you are equal to her. She’s not about bending over backwards for a man who won’t do the same for her. If you want to get with an alpha woman, you better be prepared to be her equal. Nothing more and nothing less. She doesn’t want to feel like she’s carrying the entire relationship nor does she find that attractive in a man. She wants to be on an even playing field with her partner.

  1. She doesn’t shy away from responsibility.

Actually, she will take on more and more responsibility. Why? Because an alpha woman can handle it. In fact, she likes it. She wants the responsibility because she knows just how great she is at balancing her responsibilities. If you want to spot an alpha woman, just see which women are volunteering for more projects and more responsibilities. When a woman knows just how much she’s capable of, she will want more responsibility than anyone.

  1. She doesn’t let aging bother her.

Many of us women are really worried about aging. We’re scared of losing our youth because we believe it means we’ve lost our influence. The truth is, aging is something to look forward to. It’s gaining experience and growing into something powerful. And guess what. Alpha women know this and embrace this. They look forward to aging because it means they’ve accomplished things in their lives. They welcome aging because they know that no matter what they look like, they’ll still be able to demand what they want.

  1. She never complains or whines.

Have you ever seen an in-charge woman complain about anything? I didn’t think so. They don’t whine about the things they don’t like. They get out there and they change them. They take advantage of the things they could complain about instead of making a big scene. They use their unhappiness with those things as fuel to work hard to change them instead of sitting around whining about them. You will never hear an alpha woman whine or complain about her life because she knows it will do no good.


In addition to those 10 well-known characteristics of an alpha woman, there are a few more that we believe should be added to the list. Many people won’t realize these things, but they’re definitely a part of any alpha woman.

  1. She doesn’t make excuses.

Much like an alpha woman doesn’t complain, she never makes excuses. If she messes up, she will own up to it. She will take responsibility – no matter how bad it is. She knows that if something is her fault, she alone should be the one to fix it. She’ll never sit and fuss about why something didn’t go the way it should. She’ll recognize her mistakes, accept them, and then put in the work to fix them.

  1. She isn’t afraid of being single.

This is another thing not many people will realize about an alpha woman but it’s an important one. She will never be afraid of being single. If you’re an alpha woman, you know your own value and you do not base that value off of your relationship status. Therefore, she’ll never be worried about being single because she knows that no matter what, she’s amazing and will find someone for her eventually. She’s in no rush and can even enjoy the single life.

  1. She knows how to be vulnerable.

Not all alpha woman are tough as nails. In fact, alpha women know how to be vulnerable. They know when to lay their emotions out on the life and confess to their vulnerabilities. And they’re not embarrassed or shy about them. They know that in order to progress in life, you have to be emotional and allow others to see you in that state.


It’s not enough to just think alpha women are bossy and standoffish. In fact, they’re much more complex than most people think. These characteristics are really what alpha women are like and how they command life.

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Should You Keep Pictures of Your Ex? Wed, 15 Feb 2017 05:50:54 +0000 Breakups suck. We put so much time and effort into a relationship only to end up with wasted time. Not to mention a bunch of memories we don’t really like to have. Those memories can be in our head or in the form of hundreds of pictures we took together. And those can be the worst of all because when you have to see those photos, you relive everything.

So is it easier to just get rid of those pictures or should you keep pictures of your ex? It can be difficult to decide what to do with hundreds of images of you and someone you’re not with anymore. These tips can help you make the decision easier.

When to Keep the Pictures

There are a lot of reasons to keep pictures of you and your ex. Just because they’re not in your life anymore doesn’t mean you have to pretend they never were.

  1. It ended mutually.

If it was an agreed upon separation and you two didn’t argue and fight a whole lot, it’s perfectly fine to keep those photos. If there’s not animosity between you two, keeping the pictures may be good.

  1. The memories don’t make you upset.

If the memories you get from looking at those photos only bring good things, then why not keep them? You may miss those moments, but bringing those memories back can make you smile after a long time.

  1. You think you’ll regret getting rid of them.

There’s always something in the back of our minds that tells us when ditching those pictures of our exes is good or bad. If you think you’ll probably end up regretting getting rid of them, then don’t.


When to Get Rid of Them

On the other hand, keeping pictures of your ex can sometimes be bad for you. If you’re not sure if you should keep those pictures, these can help you decide if you should get rid of them.

  1. It was a bad breakup.

If the breakup was terrible and not mutual at all – aka, you didn’t want it – then getting rid of the pictures might do you some good.

  1. They treated you horribly.

If it was a really unhealthy relationship that left you unhappy and even emotionally abused, then by all means, get rid of those pictures! Those memories are not ones you want to keep in your life.

  1. The memories upset you.

Why should you keep pictures around of something that brings your mood down when you look at them? Even just seeing them lying in a pile in a box at the bottom of your closet is no good for you. Get rid of them.

  1. You want to forget all about it.

If it was the type of relationship where you just want to forget it ever happened, then get rid of them. There’s not reason to keep them if you don’t care about them at all.

Deciding whether or not to keep pictures of your ex isn’t easy. These tips can help you determine if those pictures and memories are worth keeping.

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Eye Twitching Superstition Tue, 14 Feb 2017 07:11:09 +0000 Have you ever believed in something really superstitious that all of your friends laughed at you? No matter if you’re embarrassed about your superstition or not, many of us believe in some. It can be a black cat crossing the road, breaking a mirror being seven years of bad luck, or even superstitions related to your eye twitching.

If you’ve ever had an eye twitch, you know what I’m talking about. Why is it your eye twitches randomly when normally it wouldn’t do that at all? It can be a little curious and make you think about a lot of different things – especially when there is a very long history about eye twitching superstition.

Many cultures from all over the world have superstitions about when your eye twitches and what exactly it means. It’s believe that you can tell what’s about to happen based on what eye twitches and when. If you want to know just what cultures are predicting the future based on eye twitches, here they are.

  1. Chinese eye twitching superstitions.

The Chinese are known far and wide for their superstitions. Because their culture dates back further back than many, there are an awful lot of different superstitions to remember and eye twitching is a major one there. However, there isn’t just one thing an eye twitch could mean in Chinese culture. In fact, there are many different things you can predict based on your eye twitches and the time of day they happen.

11pm to 1am – if your left eye twitches, it means you’ll received a visit from a nobleman, but if your right eye does, you’ll get an invitation to a party or feast.

3am to 5am – your left eye means you’re about to see a friendly guest from far away, your right eye means joy from an upcoming happy event.

7am to 9am – if your left eye twitches it means you’ll see a friend from far away, if your right does it means to be cautious because injury awaits you.

1pm to 3pm – your left eye means your plans will go accordingly and your right eye means you’re about to experience a happy celebration.

5pm to 7pm – a twitch in your left eye means you will be getting an unexpected visitor soon, but if your right eye twitches during these times it means someone from very far will travel to see you.

9pm to 11pm – your left eye means a friend is about to visit you and your right eye means to be cautious as you will soon be getting into legal trouble.

Chinese culture has many superstitious that relate to your eye twitching. Be careful to notice what time the twitches happen and in which eye in order to predict what is to come.


  1. Indians superstitions.

Many Indian superstitious when it comes to eye twitching are very similar to that of the Chinese. However, they are a little bit backwards, usually. Indian superstitions also depend on which eye twitches, but it depends more on the gender than the time of day.

For example, if your right eye is twitching, it’s usually a good sign. It means that you’ll be having good fortune coming up. Therefore, if your right eye twitches before a big presentation, interview, or life event, it will turn out in your favor. It also indicates you’ll have good luck.

Twitching of the left eye depends mostly on what your gender is. It is known that if a woman’s left eye is twitching, it’s a good sign of positive news. However, when a man’s left eye twitches, according to Indian culture, it’s to be taken as a bad omen. Something bad is about to happen.

Indian culture takes their eye twitching superstitions very seriously. For that reason, you have to be careful to detect just what eye is twitching and take your gender into account. Be careful, because mixing up the two can mean completely different things.


  1. Hawaii eye twitching.

We all know just how passionate the Hawaiian culture is. So it only makes sense that they have superstitions about eye twitching. This culture generally has three different superstitions when it comes to your eye twitching up a storm.

It is believed that when your left eye twitches, you will be getting a visit from a stranger. However, if your left eye is twitching repeatedly and very often, a death may be coming in the family. This is seen as a bad omen and a sign to be taken seriously. The Hawaiian people also believe that when your right eye has been twitching, there will be a new child born into the family.

Pay close attention to these differences – especially within the left eye twitches – to determine what will happen and when.


  1. Africa superstitions.

There are many differnet cultures in Africa. And while many have different superstitions, there are two that primarily have superstitions when it comes to eye twitches. Those are the Cameroonians and the Nigerians.

The Cameroonian people believe that twitching of the left eyelid will most likely lead to an event that will cause you to cry. It means tears are on the way. But if the upper eyelid of either eye twitches, it means that you will be getting an unexpected visitor.

In Nigeria, there are different beliefs. Their beliefs resemble those of the Indians in which they believe that if your left eye has been twitching a lot, bad things are about to come. They can be bad in any way. A death, a loss of money, or a loss of happiness.


Non-superstitious Eye Twitching Causes

Now, if you’re someone who isn’t into superstitions, you may believe your eye is twitching for other reasons and you may be right. If you have particularly twitchy eyes and you haven’t connected them to any events, it could be because of these things.

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Having bad eyesight
  • Focusing your eyes on one thing too long
  • An eye infection
  • An area with poor air quality
  • Excessively drinking alcohol
  • Excessively drinking caffeinated beverages
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Nerve damage
  • Emotional imbalance


Ways to Alleviate Eye Twitching

If you hate the twitching in your eye, there are plenty of things you can do about it. The above reasons definitely should be taken into account and corrected. Here are some ways you can alleviate your eye twitching if it becomes bothersome to you.

  1. Get enough sleep.

Make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Any less and you may not be getting enough. This can cause your eyes to become tired, heavy, and twitch often.

  1. Take breaks from reading or computer screens.

When your eyes get too tired from overworking, they can begin to twitch. Your best option is to take small breaks between reading or looking at a phone or computer screen.

  1. Get glasses.

If your vision is really poor, it’ll cause eye twitches because your eyes are working far too hard. In order to fix this, getting glasses will do just that. They’ll help your eyes relax so they won’t twitch as much.

  1. Eat well.

If you’re lacking in nutrients, you’ll definitely feel the affects in the way your eye twitches. You should be doing your best to eat a balanced, nutritious diet that includes all of your food groups.

  1. Stay away from polluted air.

The air nowadays is becoming more and more polluted. Therefore, we have to make sure we’re staying away from the dirty air. You can purchase certain plants and put them in your home that actually clean the air for you.

You never know what your eye twitches can really mean. If you’re the superstitious type, there could be some big meaning behind your eye going crazy. If you’re the type to not believe in that, there may be other underlying reasons your eyes keep twitching.

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How to Tell if a Guy is Playing You Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:44:22 +0000 The last thing any of girls want to find out about a new guy we’re dating is that he’s playing us. We put a lot of time and effort into finding someone we could potentially spend our lives with and it’s just a huge bummer when we realize they’ve been playing us the whole time.

We put ourselves out there, be vulnerable, and end up getting hurt. This is never a good feeling, but we can’t always avoid it. What you can do, is figure out whether or not he’s playing you early on in the relationship. That way, there’s minimal pain you’ll have to deal with.

If you don’t find out for a very long time, it can hurt worse than if you figure it out early. That’s why we’re here to help. These are the best ways to tell if a guy is playing you or if he’s genuinely interested.

  1. He always says what you want to hear.

Guys who are players are very good at telling you exactly what you want to hear. If you think your man is always saying the right things to make you melt, it’s possible he’s playing you. Guys who are players like to manipulate girls into thinking they’re super into them, when in reality, he’s saying those very same things to another girl.

  1. But he doesn’t say much of value.

When you two talk, if it’s more about how happy he is to be there or how he feels connected to you, but he never says why, it could be because he doesn’t have a reason. That’s just another way you can tell he’s playing you. If he talks and talks but doesn’t say anything that’s meaningful, he could be a player.

  1. He’s very vague with his life and plans.

Does he talk about things that are happening in his life. Does he talk about his job and friends and plans for the week or month? If not, he may be playing you. Someone who doesn’t want to tell you their plans don’t want you knowing about them for a reason. If he’s super vague about what he’s doing over the weekend or what big things are happening for him, it may have to do with him playing you.

  1. He calls you by pet names…ALL THE TIME.

Pet names are really cute and adorable. Being called baby, and sweetheart, and honey can make a girl melt. The only problem with this is that if it’s all the time, it could be a sign you’re being played. Pet names are often used by players as a means to not call a girl by the wrong name because he has so many he can’t keep track.

  1. He never makes plans more than a day or so out.

If it’s a Monday and you try to make plans for the weekend and he just can’t commit to them, it could be a sign a guy is playing you. This is usually because he wants to see if there are any other girls he wants to hang out with more available before he can make plans with you. Either that, or he wants his plans open so he can do whatever he wants.

  1. He shields his phone from you.

People who hide their phone are always a little sketchy. What’s so private they can’t have their phone out around you? I know it may seem romantic that they want to keep their phone put away during a date, but if they deliberately turn their phone away from you when they get a text or call, it could be because they’re playing you.

  1. You’re never introduced as his girlfriend.

If you two have been together for a while and you feel like you can accurately call him your boyfriend, yet you’re never introduced as his girlfriend, it could be because he’s playing you. When a guy won’t call you his girlfriend, it’s usually because he wants to not be exclusive and therefore, see other girls.

  1. He doesn’t talk about how he feels about you.

When a guy tells you that he thinks you’re amazing and cute and funny, that’s not telling him how he feels about you, that’s listing characteristics he likes. If he never actually comes out and tells you that he likes you or anything close to that, he could be avoiding confessing that he doesn’t see a future with you.

  1. His compliments are always based on looks.

And when he does give you compliments, they’re mostly based on your looks. While those compliments are always nice, they don’t mean as much. Any guy can look at you and admire your looks, but if he can’t tell you something he likes about your personality, it’s because he’s not paying much attention to it.

  1. He’s very touchy-feely but not emotional.

If he’s all over you and hugging you and kissing you and even having sex with you, but he’s not really emotional or open about how he feels, he could be playing you. AKA, he could just be using you for sex and the physical aspects of a relationship.

  1. You’ve never met his friends.

I know it can take some time before a couple is ready to meet each other’s friends, but if you’ve been together for a while and he never has introduced you to them, it could be a sign of him playing you. When he doesn’t want you to know people in his life, he’s not serious about you.

  1. Or his family.

Again, meeting the family is a really big step, but depending on how long you’ve been together, you should meet them eventually. And if he also never even talks about his family, you can assume that he doesn’t intend for you to ever know them.

  1. He hardly talks about himself.

How much do you really know about this guy? I know you may know what his favorite color or food is, but if you don’t know what he wants to do with his life or what his biggest goals are, there’s a problem. If he never really talks about himself, it’s probably because he doesn’t see a reason for you to get to know him.

  1. He never talks about the future.

How often do you hear him talking about his future plans and what he wants to do? If it’s pretty much never, it may be a sign he’s playing you. When guys don’t talk about the future around you, it’s because he doesn’t really see you as a part of that future and he wants to avoid talks about those things in general.

  1. He doesn’t care about your friends or family.

If he really never asks about your friends or family and he definitely avoids trying to meet your friends in general, he could be playing you. Guys who have a bunch of girls at their disposal don’t care about one of their friends. He doesn’t want to form an attachment in that way and meeting the friends or family definitely does that.

Guys who are players are the worst. They basically fake their way into your heart and then rip it out when they never call again. Catching these signs early can help you avoid that.

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