Carmen Anderson – Tue, 07 Jun 2016 09:29:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12 Best Homemade Hair Conditioners Fri, 10 Apr 2015 22:50:39 +0000 If you’re searching for simpler and cheaper ways to care for your hair, why not try out one or more of our 12 Best Homemade Hair Conditioners? They’re super-easy to make, good for your hair, and they’re quite affordable – all you need is a few ingredients from your kitchen, grocery store, or health shop! Did you know that mayonnaise, eggs, and apple cider vinegar are good for your hair? Find out which DIY hair conditioners suit your hair type and save money by making hair conditioners at home. Fix common hair woes and give your locks a beauty boost with our carefully selected homemade hair conditioners.


1. Mayonnaise Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1/2 cup mayonnaise + 1 egg white (separated & whisked) + 1/2 cup yoghurt (you can get the vanilla kind for a more pleasant scent)

We have to admit that the thought of slathering our hair in oily mayonnaise is quite unpleasant, but this unusual hair conditioner really does work! Whip all the ingredients together in a bowl and comb the mixture into your hair, focusing on the tips. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap or a warm, wet towel to prevent dripping, and leave the conditioner to soak into your locks for about 30 minutes. The oil base of mayo nourishes your hair, making it look shinier and brighter. Rinse with lukewarm water and shampoo to remove any lingering smell or oil. For an intensive hair mask, add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to this conditioner and leave it on for 45 minutes.

2. Honey & Olive Oil Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1/2 cup organic honey + 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

This cheap and easy hair conditioner adds moisture to your hair, making it look sleek, shiny, and super healthy. Combine your honey and olive oil – over low heat if necessary to aid mixing – and pour into an empty and clean squeeze bottle. You can then use however much of the conditioner you want in the shower – simply heat the bottle up under the hot water, squeeze the desired amount into your palm, and work it into your scalp. For best results, apply to damp hair, wrap up in plastic, and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing out and/or shampooing. Conditioning before shampooing is actually a great way to care for your hair!

3. Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 cup water + 1 egg yolk (separated) + 1 tablespoon coconut oil (1 teaspoon for short hair)

If you have dry, damaged hair, or hair that gets oily very quickly, then this homemade conditioner is for you! Coconut oil is incredibly moisturizing, and it helps to smooth frazzled hair follicles. It also regulates the scalp’s natural oil production- yes, coconut oil can reduce the oil on your scalp! Whisk your egg yolk, add the coconut oil whilst whisking, and then add the water and stir gently to create your nourishing hair conditioner. Massage into your scalp, focusing on your roots and tips. Leave in your hair for about 10 minutes, then rinse out with cool water and leave to dry naturally.

4. Avocado Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado (pitted, peeled, mashed) + 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil + 2 tablespoons water + 2 tablespoons double thick cream

As well as being delicious and very healthy to eat, avocados can make an excellent hair conditioner! They contain beneficial oils and fats that will make your hair shiny and strong. To make the conditioner at home, mix all the ingredients together, using a blender if possible, for a creamy consistency. Comb the conditioner into dry or slightly damp hair, slather your roots, and leave it in for about 20 minutes. You can wrap your hair up in plastic wrap or a warm, wet towel to keep the green goo from dripping. Rinse with lukewarm water and then shampoo to remove any stubborn specks of avocado.

5. Coconut Milk Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 avocado (pitted, peeled, & mashed) + 1 cup coconut milk + 2 tablespoons coconut oil

This homemade conditioner is for dry and damaged hair. Like coconut oil, coconut milk is a fantastic beauty treatment for your hair, face, and body – and you can eat it too! Coconut milk is a great alternative to coconut oil as it’s easy to find at the grocery store, and easy to mix with other ingredients. Make this conditioner by blending or mixing the ingredients together until you have a smooth, creamy conditioner, and then massage it into damp hair. Leave on for 10 – 15 minutes, then rinse and shampoo to remove any lingering residue.

6. Shea Butter Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: (BULK) 1 1/3 cups shea butter + 1/2 cup olive oil + 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil + 1 teaspoon fragrance oil (orange blossom, lavender)

Make yourself a batch of deep, nourishing hair conditioner with shea butter, olive oil, and some fragrant essential oils. Start by heating the shea butter in a saucepan on low heat – you will generally buy it semi-solid. Add the olive oil, mix the two together over low heat, and then leave the mixture to cool – but don’t let it set completely (i.e., get hard, like a bar of soap)! Then add the other oils, and whip the mixture until it reaches a mousse-like consistency – light and fluffy. Store your conditioner in an air-tight container, and use small amounts on the tips of your hair to reduce the appearance of dry, frizzy split-ends.

7. Banana Milkshake Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 2-3 over-ripe bananas (they can even be brownish) + 1 cup coconut milk + 2 tablespoons honey (halve recipe for short hair)

This homemade hair conditioner recipe is good enough to eat! The coconut milk and bananas add moisture to your hair, whilst the honey traps the moisture and gives your hair lots of shine. Use a blender to puree the ingredients – this is very important, as you want a smooth mixture with no sticky lumps! Massage into your scalp, and leave on for about 15 minutes. Rinse well and shampoo to remove any sticky residue. If you only have bananas in your kitchen, that’s no problem – simply puree them and use the mixture as a hair conditioner. Easy!

8. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (maximum!) + 1 cup water

Apple cider vinegar is a great hair treatment, as it removes product buildup, treats a dry, itchy scalp, and can leave hair looking effortlessly shiny and healthy. It also banishes split ends and frizz, making it an especially attractive choice when it comes to hair treatments. Mix your ingredients together – you can add more water if your hair is sensitive or very damaged – and put it in a spray bottle to spritz wet locks after shampooing. Massage the solution into your scalp for 1 – 2 minutes before rinsing out thoroughly. Apple cider vinegar can be damaging if you use too much or leave it on your scalp for too long, so be diligent when you use it!

9. Olive Oil Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1/2 cup regular hair conditioner + 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

This ancient Greek beauty staple is excellent for your hair. To avoid drenching your hair in oil, add it to some regular hair conditioner. You can use two empty squeeze bottles, and divide the regular conditioner between the two, adding some olive oil to each. Comb the conditioner through your hair after shampooing and rinsing, leave it in for 15 minutes, and then give your hair a final good rinse in lukewarm water. For a more intensive treatment, you can rub pure olive oil into the tips of your hair, leave them for about 10 minutes, and then rinse them.

10. Egg Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 medium egg + 1 tablespoon organic honey + 1 tablespoon olive oil

For soft and shiny hair, try out this egg-based homemade hair conditioner. Eggs are moisturizing and nourishing for your hair as they are full of protein and essential fatty acids. Whisk your egg first before stirring in the honey and olive oil, and apply the conditioner to damp hair. If you try to apply it to dry hair, you will likely find yourself in a sad and sticky mess, so be warned! Leave it in for 5 – 10 minutes, and shampoo very well to remove the smell of raw egg.

11. Aloe Vera Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1/2 aloe vera gel (fresh is best, otherwise from a pharmacy) + 2 tablespoons honey

The vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in aloe vera gel make it a fantastic hair care and beauty product. Refresh and protect your locks with this homemade aloe vera hair conditioner! The ideal source of aloe vera gel is directly from the plant. You can harvest a few thick, juicy leaves, cut them open and scrape the flesh out, and then put it in a blender to get the gel. Alternatively, you can buy aloe vera gel at most pharmacies (it’s often sold as a sunburn treatment). The moisture from the aloe vera gel protects hair from damage, and it also gives it a lovely healthy shine. Leave the conditioner in your hair for 5 – 10 minutes before carefully rinsing it out.

12. Beer Hair Conditioner


Ingredients: 1 cup of flat beer (any brand) + 1/2 cup water + 1 teaspoon jojoba oil

You may wonder why you’re putting beer into your hair instead of drinking it – well, this alcoholic beverage is actually excellent for adding body and shine to your locks! Mix a cup of flat beer with half a cup of water and one teaspoon of jojoba oil (for fragrance and moisture), and apply the conditioner to your hair after shampooing and rinsing. Leave it in for about 5 minutes before rinsing out. Alternatively, you can make a beer rinse, with 1 cup of distilled water, 1 cup of flat beer, 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, and 7 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix all the ingredients together, pour onto your scalp, and rinse off after about 3 minutes.


We’d love to know what you think about our 12 Best Homemade Hair Conditioners! Which ones worked best for your hair type? Let us know in the comments section!

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20 Best Natural Appetite Suppressants Fri, 03 Apr 2015 20:35:45 +0000 Are you currently trying to lose weight for summer bikini season, hoping to fit into your dream wedding dress by the big day, or simply wanting to feel healthier and less tired? Natural appetite suppressants can help prevent you from overeating by keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Ditch the slimming potions and strict dieting regimes, and try these natural and tasty appetite suppressants instead.

Most of these natural appetite suppressants have a low glycaemic index (low GI), which means that they release constant energy slowly over the day, instead of giving you an instant energy boost that crashes quickly and causes you to eat more. Adding them to your healthy diet and regular exercise regime will give great results!


1. Almonds

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Raw almonds are a fantastic healthy snack, as they are a rich source of antioxidants, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. They are also full of fibre and are low GI, keeping your energy levels stable and making you feel fuller for longer. A handful of almonds (4-5 nuts) about 30 minutes before a meal can reduce your appetite, making you eat less and helping you to feel satisfied with less food.


2. Coffee

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In addition to waking you up every morning, a cup or two of coffee a day can help control overeating. The caffeine is a great appetite suppressant, and coffee is also full of antioxidants. Limit your intake to two cups a day to prevent the caffeine jitters, and try to take your coffee black and sugarless for best results. Adding sugar, full fat milk, and cream will only cancel out the benefits of the coffee! If you can’t stomach strong black coffee, add a tiny bit of soya milk or skimmed milk to taste.


3. Ginger

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An ancient remedy for all kinds of digestive ailments, ginger is a fantastic appetite suppressant. It also helps to speed up your metabolism, and you can get your daily dose in one of many forms: try ginger tea, a kiwi fruit, ginger, and banana smoothie for breakfast, a spicy Asian dish containing ginger, or even fruit juice with a bit of ginger in it.


4. Apples

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Whether crisp and sour or sweet and crunchy, apples are great for busting hunger and keeping you healthy. Not only are they packed full of soluble fibre, which keeps you feeling full, but apples also contain pectin, which helps to regulate appetite. Apples are low GI and help to regulate your blood sugar, which means no more feeling dizzy (and feeling starving!) in-between meals. Apples also require lots of chewing, which gives your stomach time to tell your brain that you’re getting full.


5. Avocado

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Creamy and delicious, avocadoes are packed full of healthy monounsaturated fats that make you feel fuller for longer. They are also excellent for your heart, as they contain good cholesterol and they help to break down bad cholesterol. You can add them to salads, eat them mashed on toast with a bit of lemon and black pepper, or eat them straight out of the skin! Just cut your avocado in half, remove the pip, cut a few lines into the flesh of one half, and season with lemon and salt. Then scoop the fruit out with a small fork or spoon – delicious!


6. Cayenne pepper

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Add some spice to your life to speed up your metabolism and reduce calorie intake! Cayenne pepper helps you to burn calories, and eating spicy meals with this ingredient can reduce your overall calorie intake. If you don’t usually eat spicy food, start small and try a mild curry or spicy rice once or twice a week.


7. Eggs

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Start the day with a hearty egg breakfast to banish mid-morning hunger! Scrambled eggs on whole-wheat toast can keep you feeling full and satisfied until lunch, so try to get eggs onto your breakfast menu to help control your appetite. As well as being full of protein, eggs are a great choice over sugary breakfast cereals that cause blood sugar to rise rapidly and then crash mid-morning.


8. Water

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Drinking a glass or two of water before a meal can slightly decrease your appetite, causing you to eat less and thereby reduce your calorie intake. We all have different needs when it comes to water intake (8 glasses a day is not suitable for everyone!), so see what works for you by slowly increasing the amount of water you drink every day. Thirst can also sometimes get confused with hunger in your brain, so when you feel peckish in between meals, try a large glass of water first before snacking.


9. Oatmeal

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It may sound boring, but oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast food for slow-release energy (oats are low GI) and keeping you fuller for longer. Oatmeal also contains the appetite-regulating hormone cholecystokinin, which can curb hunger in some people. Eat oatmeal for breakfast and add appetite-curbing toppings for a super-satisfying meal – try chopped raw almonds, grated apple, and blueberries for a tasty and healthy start to your day.


10. Sweet potatoes

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A delicious alternative to normal potatoes, sweet potatoes are great appetite suppressants due to the presence of a special kind of starch that resists digestive enzymes. This means that the potatoes stay in your stomach for longer, keeping you feeling fuller and decreasing hunger. They also contain beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, which makes them especially healthy! You can make sweet potato chips or wedges, or roast them and enjoy them with a sour cream sauce and a salad.


11. Mint

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Mint is great for digestion, and the smell is very uplifting for your mood. It’s also a good appetite suppressant, keeping hunger at bay. Have a cup of mint tea after meals, and add mint to dishes when you cook. Fresh mint is also great to chew on to freshen breath after a garlicky meal! You can even grow your own mint as a houseplant in your kitchen. Keep it in a sunny place, and water it regularly for fresh mint leaves whenever you fancy them!


12. Vegetable broth

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Low in calories and high in antioxidants and fiber, vegetable broth is filling and light, making you feel satisfied instead of bloated or heavy. Have it as a starter to avoid overeating during mains, or have a big bowl as your main course! For your main, you can make a slightly heavier soup with more veggies and less broth. Add some fresh, buttered bread for a delightful low-calorie feast.

13. Kale and other leafy greens

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Packed full of fiber, iron, and vitamins, green leafy vegetables are excellent appetite suppressants. Kale, Swiss Chard, and spinach are all hunger-busting super-foods you can add to your diet quite easily. Swap watery and tasteless iceberg lettuce for fresh and flavorful baby spinach in salads, use lightly sauteed spinach and feta as a breakfast omelette filler, or make kale chips for a healthy snack.

14. Edamame beans

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Edamame beans (baby soy beans served in the pod) are one of the best low-calorie, filling snacks out there. You can steam them to make them tender, and have them as a snack before dinner or in between meals. You don’t eat the skin – simply pop the beans out of their shells and eat them! You can also order edamame at Asian restaurants as a starter to moderate your main course intake, as they will fill you up and help to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

15. Dark chocolate

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Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean cutting out your favorite foods! If you love chocolate but find yourself often overindulging, try substituting milk chocolate for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids. The bitter dark chocolate taste sends signals to your brain to curb your appetite, and you only need one or two blocks to satisfy the craving. Dark chocolate also contains steric acid, which slows digestion and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. A little bit after dinner makes for a great healthy dessert!

16. Flax seeds 

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There’s a lot of nutritional power packed into each of these tiny seeds – soluble fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin B. The fiber and essential fatty acids help to suppress appetite and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Add the raw seeds to your oatmeal, your muesli with yogurt and fruit, or add them to your salads, smoothies, and baking recipes.

17. Chia seeds

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These strange little seeds are full of omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, making them great for beating hunger. Some claim that they swell in your stomach, causing you to feel full, but this hasn’t been proven. They do absorb liquid though, so you can soak them in water or milk (even soy milk or almond milk) overnight and then enjoy them for breakfast with some fruit and nuts. Chia pudding is also a delicious healthy dessert!

18. Vegetable juice

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As well as increasing your daily intake of vegetables, veggie juice can be a filling snack in between meals. You just need a blender to make your own veggie juice at home! Try kale, green apple and cucumber, or a tomato based veggie juice for a vitamin C boost. If you’re buying your veggie juice, choose low sodium options to prevent bloating and high blood pressure.

19. Tofu

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Tofu is a bean-curd product made from soy milk, and you can buy it in small firm blocks. In addition to being an incredibly versatile source of plant-based protein for vegetarians, tofu is a fantastic appetite suppressant. Tofu contains high amounts of genistein, an isoflavone (hormone influencing compound) that suppresses appetite and lowers food intake.

20. Salmon

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Salmon is a great lean meat, as it’s full of protein and omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids help your body to regulate the hormone leptin, which controls hunger and satiety. Try scrambled eggs on wholewheat toast with some smoked salmon for a delicious and fulfilling breakfast. Tuna and herring are equally beneficial, so you can add some variety to your meals.

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How to Get Rid of Split Ends Fri, 13 Mar 2015 23:11:57 +0000 Split ends are one of the most common and annoying hair issues, and sadly, they are virtually inescapable. They make hair look untidy, unhealthy, and dry, and drive us crazy when we try to style our hair. What we call “split ends” are actually hair shafts that have been damaged and split partially in two, either due to mechanical stress (harsh brushing, rough towel-drying), heat styling, environmental wear and tear (sea, sun, wind), or chemical stress (coloring, chemical straightening, etc).



Whilst the only real way to remove split ends is to cut them off, there are many ways to prevent them and to make them look better. Find out How to Get Rid of Split Ends below, and say hello to smooth, shiny, healthy-looking hair!


1. Trim your own hair


The only true way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off. You can either have your hair trimmed and styled at the hairdresser,  or you can trim your own locks with a professional pair of hair cutting scissors and a lot of patience. If you follow some guidelines and start off slowly and carefully, you can definitely trim your own hair successfully in between proper hair styling appointments! For tips on how to cut your own hair, click here.


2. Twist and snip


This clever hair hack vanquishes split ends whilst keeping the length and shape of your hairstyle. It’s super-easy to do at home – simply divide your hair into sections, twist each section, and use professional hair scissors to cut any wayward hairs that poke out. It’s very important to use extremely sharp hair cutting scissors, as normal scissors can tear your hair, making your split ends look even worse!

3. Avocado & olive oil hair mask


Reduce the appearance of split ends with a massive dose of moisture and pampering from an avocado and olive oil hair mask. This natural DIY hair mask is very easy to make, and you can find the ingredients in your own kitchen or pick them up at the local grocery store. Mix the mashed fruit of 1 very ripe avocado with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and apply the mask to your locks. Concentrate the mask on the tips of your hair, and leave it to soak in for 15 – 20 minutes. You can cover your hair with plastic wrap for maximum absorption. Then, wash and condition as usual. Your hair should look a lot smoother, and feel a lot softer!

4. Raw coconut oil hair mask


Another excellent DIY hair mask for split ends is coconut oil. It is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, which both help to repair badly damaged hair. You can buy raw coconut oil from most health and beauty shops, and it should come in a jar in a semi-solid form you can scoop out with your finger tips. How much you use depends on your hair type, but in general, 1 tablespoon on your tips is good for a deep conditioning treatment. Leave it in for at least 30 minutes before washing out. Repeat once a week for strong, smooth, and healthy looking hair. If you have greasy roots, avoid getting the oil on the top part of your locks!

5. Proper prevention


Prevention is better than cure, at least when it comes to split ends! With a few pro tips, you can prevent split ends instead of battling with them every day.

  • Be gentle with your hair. Blot it dry instead of rubbing it vigorously with a towel, comb it with a wide-toothed comb when wet instead of brushing it, and avoid very tight hairstyles.
  • Limit heat styling. Only use a curling iron or flat iron when you absolutely need to, and avoid unnecessary heat damage to your hair.
  • Have regular hair trims and treat your hair with weekly DIY hair masks to boost hair health.
  • Ditch hair ties that contain metal parts, and invest in soft elastic hair ties instead.
  • Brush hair from the bottom up, instead of dragging your brush down your hair from top to bottom. Work knots out with a fine-toothed comb before moving on to brushing.


6. Honey mask


Another very easy DIY hair mask is the honey mask. Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it attracts moisture. This is great for hair, as well-moisturized hair looks a lot smoother and shinier than dry, damaged hair. Simply apply honey, preferably raw and organic, to damp hair after shampooing and rinsing. Use a wide-toothed comb to work the honey into your hair, leave it for 10 – 15 minutes, and then rinse out before conditioning as normal. For an extra moisture boost, mix 1/2 cup of honey with 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil, warm up over low heat to combine well, and apply to the hair. Leave on for 20 – 30 minutes for maximum absorption.

7. Vitamin E capsules


If you don’t mind spending a bit of money on yourself, purchase some vitamin E capsules from a pharmacy, and use them to treat your split ends. Simply cut open 2 – 3 capsules, mix the oil with a bit of lukewarm water, and massage the solution into the tips of your hair. Vitamin E smooths the hair follicles, binding the split ends and creating the appearance of flawless hair. Do this once or twice a week for best results!

8. Egg mask


Eggs are also great ingredients for DIY hair remedies. The protein in the eggs helps to strengthen your hair follicles, preventing breakage and extra splitting. To make an egg hair mask, separate the yolk from one egg and whisk it together with one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and one tablespoon of organic honey. Comb your hair out carefully, and apply the mask to damp locks. Work it in from root to tip, concentrating on your split ends. Leave it in your hair for 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning as usual. You should be left with smooth, shiny, and happy hair!


Ultimately, it’s your decision as to how you deal with your split ends. If you need a quick fix and can’t get your hair cut, try one of the great hair masks above. If you want to keep your hair looking great in the long term, regular trimming will prevent split ends from forming and ruining your locks.

The best news is that they can be busted, for good! Let the happy hair days begin!

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15 DIY Hair Masks For Every Hair Type Wed, 11 Mar 2015 20:27:39 +0000 Is your hair looking a little dull, greasy, or frizzy? Remedy your hair issues the natural, cheap, and easy way with DIY hair masks you can whip up in your very own kitchen! We’ve searched the web and found 15 DIY Hair Masks For Every Hair Type, covering normal hair, dry and damaged hair, oily hair, and hair that simply needs a health boost. Find the perfect DIY hair treatment for your needs, and then make a hair mask at home with ingredients from your fridge and pantry. It couldn’t be easier!


Hairs masks for all hair types:

If you don’t have any particular hair needs, why not try a general hair mask that is suitable for all hair types? These DIY hair masks are perfect for making hair extra healthy, shiny, and soft!

1. Avocado, honey & olive oil


You’ll need: 1 ripe avocado (pitted, peeled, and mashed) + 1/2 tablespoon honey + 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

The natural oils in avocados contain many hair-friendly proteins and vitamins, including vitamin E, which nourishes hair and encourages hair growth. Mash up the flesh of a ripe avocado, and add the honey and olive oil. Mix the ingredients until smooth and creamy, and then apply the mask to damp or dry hair. Make sure it’s worked in well, and then seal in the goodness with a plastic bag over your hair. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing, for best results.


2. Banana, coconut, olive oil, & honey


You’ll need: 2 over-ripe bananas, peeled and mashed + 1 tablespoon olive oil + 1 tablespoon honey + 1 teaspoon coconut oil

This hair mask is hydrating and full of antioxidants, and it’s quite easy to make. Blend all the ingredients together (you don’t want lumps of banana stuck in your hair!) with a food processor until very smooth, and then apply the mask to damp or dry hair. Leave it on for about 5 minutes before washing it off.

3. Strawberry, honey, & coconut oil


You’ll need: 200g fresh strawberries + 2 tablespoons olive oil + 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

Make your hair look incredibly shiny and healthy with a simple strawberry hair mask. Strawberries add lots of moisture to your locks, making them look smooth and glossy. Put the strawberries in a blender and blend until smooth, then add the olive oil and coconut oil and mix together. Apply the mask and leave it on for 20 – 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Simple!

4. Yoghurt, honey, & almond oil


You’ll need: 1/2 cup Greek yoghurt or another plain, full fat yoghurt + 1/2 cup honey + 1 tablespoon almond oil

Fight frizzy hair with this great DIY hair mask. Stir the ingredients together, and apply the creamy mask to dry or damp hair. Work it into your scalp carefully, and use a wide-toothed comb to spread it down the length of your locks. Pay particular attention to the tips of your hair, and leave the mask on for at least 20 minutes. Rinse it off, and then shampoo and condition as usual.

5. Olive oil and honey


You’ll need: 1/2 cup of honey + 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

Honey is incredibly good for your hair! It’s full of vitamins and minerals, and it acts as a humectant (a magnet for moisture). Mix some honey with your olive oil, and heat it slightly so it becomes more liquid. You can use any type of honey, although raw, organic honey has the most health and beauty benefits. Work the mixture into damp hair, and then comb through your locks gently with a wide-toothed comb before covering your hair with a plastic bag. Leave the mask on for 25-20 minutes before washing it out. It will leave your hair smoother and softer!

Hair masks specifically for oily / greasy hair:

If you struggle to keep your hair looking clean and oil-free, these hair masks are just for you! Banish limp, lifeless hair with grease-busting hair mask ingredients you will find in your very own kitchen.

6. Egg white & lemon juice


You’ll need: 1/2 lemon + 4 tablespoons white flour + 2 egg whites (separated from yolks)

An egg white and lemon juice hair mask is a great treatment for greasy hair and dandruff, and it’s very easy to make. Start by squeezing the lemon with a fork or a squeezer, add the lemon juice to the egg white, and whisk the two to combine. Add the flour, and whisk again until you have a smooth, slightly thick liquid. Apply the mask to damp or dry hair, from roots to tips, and then wrap your hair up with a plastic bag. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing out.

7. Baking soda, yoghurt, & lemon juice


You’ll need: 5 tablespoons plain yoghurt + 1 tablespoon baking soda + 1 tablespoon lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

Oily and greasy hair can be awful, making your hair look limp and lifeless no matter how you style it. This clarifying hair mask will cut through the grease and remove any product build-up in your hair. Mix all the ingredients together until the solution is smooth and free of lumps, (you may want to strain the lemon juice to remove pips and flesh), apply to your hair, focusing on the roots. Wash off after 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as usual.

8. Apple vinegar & lemon


You’ll need: 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar + the grated skin of 1 lemon

Remove oil, grease, and product build-up with this fantastic apple cider hair mask. The vinegar will balance out your hair’s pH levels, reducing oil production and strengthening your hair follicles. Leave the mask on for a maximum of 15 minutes before washing it out. You’ll be left with shiny, grease-free hair!

9. Parsley, vodka, & olive oil


You’ll need: 100 grams washed and strained parsley + 1 teaspoon vodka + 2 tablespoons castor oil

This unusual hair mask is great for an oily scalp, and it’s highly effective for beating grease. Parsley helps to disinfect the scalp and stimulate hair growth, and it’s easily found in most grocery stores. Start by adding the parsley to a food processor and blending it until it forms a smooth paste, and then add the vodka and castor oil. Vodka is good for clarifying hair, but it can damage colored hair, so leave it out if you have bleached or dyed hair. Apply the mask to your hair, leave it on for 30 minutes, and then shampoo and condition as usual.

10. Oatmeal, milk, & almond oil


You’ll need: 1/2 cup of oats (1 cup if hair is long) + 1 – 2 tablespoons of almond oil + 1/4 – 1/2 cup of milk

This hair mask is a winning combination of hair-friendly ingredients – oats contain vitamin E which is excellent for shiny, soft hair, almond oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid and vitamin E, and milk moisturizes the hair and nourishes your scalp. Mix all the ingredients together (it’ll look just like oatmeal you’d eat!) and apply to dry, tangle-free hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse it out and shampoo. Use the mask once a week for best results.

Hair masks specifically for dry and damaged hair:

Dyeing, bleaching, coloring, and heat styling can all damage your hair, leaving it brittle, dry, and dull. Rejuvenate tired, damaged, and dry hair with these pampering hair masks for a moisture boost!

11. Coconut oil


You’ll need: 1 tub of coconut oil (1 – 3 tablespoons)

Coconut oil is somewhat of a “miracle” beauty and health food, and it’s a fantastic tonic for dry and damaged hair. It contains hair-friendly proteins and fatty acids that ensure hair remains shiny and smooth, and the extra vitamins and minerals ensure a healthy scalp and strong hair that is not prone to breakage. You can buy coconut oil at most health shops, and it can come as a solid or a liquid. Heat solid coconut oil a bit before applying, or simply scoop some of the oil out of the jar and apply it to dry hair. Wrap a warm towel around your head and leave the oil to soak in for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse, wash, and condition as normal.

12. Milk & honey


You’ll need: 1/2 cup full fat milk (room temperature) + 1 – 2 tablespoons honey

Milk and honey is a pampering beauty classic, and for good reason! These ingredients are fantastic for dry hair, as they add tons of non-greasy moisture, making your hair smooth, soft, and shiny. Mix the milk and honey together, heating it slightly if need be, and apply it to your hair from roots to tips. Comb it into your hair with a wide-toothed comb, and leave it in for around an hour. Then simply wash off as normal!

13. Egg, milk, olive oil, & lemon


You’ll need: 2 eggs + 1 cup full cream milk + 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil + 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed leomn juice

This egg and milk based hair mask adds much needed protein, vitamins, and moisture to badly damaged hair. You only need the egg yolks, so separate them from the egg whites carefully, and then whisk then together. Add other ingredients and whisk them together gently until you have a smooth liquid. Apply the mask to damp or dry hair, leave it for 15 minutes, and then shampoo and condition with moisture boosting hair products.

14. Avocado & egg yolk


You’ll need: 1/2 avocado (1 avocado for long hair) + 1 egg yolk, separated from egg white

Whisk the avocado and egg together, or pop them into a blender and blend until smooth. Feel free to use over-ripe avocados, as it doesn’t matter if the fruit flesh is a little bit brown! Apply the creamy green mask to your hair, focusing on the tips and working your way up. Take your time, making sure that every strand is coated. It’s a good idea to comb your hair beforehand, and then use a wide-toothed comb to spread the mask down the length of your hair. Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes. and then rinse out and wash as usual.

15. Aloe vera & argan oil


You’ll need: 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel (preferably fresh, but can be store bought) + 1/2 lemon + argan oil

Aloe vera is known for its hydrating and healing properties, and when combined with vitamin E-rich argan oil, you’ll have the ultimate dry-hair tonic. Mix your aloe vera gel with the juice from half a lemon, and then add 3-5 drops of argan oil. Apply the mask to your scalp after shampooing your hair (i.e., to clean, damp hair), leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse of wash out. Your hair should feel soft and look shiny and healthy.


You can use most of these DIY hair masks once a week, except for the ones containing alcohol, vinegar, and baking soda, as these acids and bases can damage hair if used too frequently. As all the ingredients are natural and most of them are edible, they are easy to find and won’t harm your hair or irritate your skin. You can apply most of the masks to dry hair, but some of them won’t work as well (e.g., the honey and olive oil is very difficult to work into dry hair!). Let us know if you’ve tried them, and what you thought!

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How To Cut Your Own Hair Fri, 27 Feb 2015 00:09:55 +0000 Cutting your own hair at home can save you tons of money, and it gives you more control over exactly how long or short you want your hair to be. Although an appointment with a professional hair stylist is usually your best bet for gorgeous locks, hairdressers don’t always get it right. (I’m sure we’ve all had a terrible experience with a hairdresser at one point or another, and then thought, “Oh gosh, even I could cut my hair better than this!”.) With a few tips and our handy guide on How To Cut Your Own Hair, you can cut your own hair safely and easily, with great results.

1. Do your research


Before you even think about cutting your own hair, it’s a good idea to do as much research as you can. Reading this article is the first step! We recommend watching YouTube videos to see the different methods in action, reading step-by-step articles on trimming your own locks, and asking your hairdresser for tips. Once you feel confident and you’ve decided to give it a go, it’s time to get ready.

2. Get advice from friends

It’s easy to get excited about cutting your own hair and then attempting to do it immediately, but it’s best to chat about it with your friends first. Ask for their advice, and perhaps ask them to be there when you try it for the first time. They can give you their opinions, and help out where needed. They may even have cut their own hair before, and have great tips for you! Organize a place and time to cut your hair so you can get everything ready well ahead of time.

3. Get the correct tools


Whatever you do, never cut your hair with a normal pair of utility scissors, or the kitchen scissors. You will need a very sharp pair of professional hair cutting scissors if possible, or a pair of sharp fabric scissors. The sharper the better, as blunt scissors will damage your hair, causing breakage and split ends. You’ll also need a long fine-toothed comb to keep your hair sleek and tangle-free.

5. Prep your hair for cutting

Although most hairdressers cut hair when it’s wet, it’s best to cut your own hair when it’s totally straight and dry. Wet hair stretches, so it will dry significantly shorter than the length you have originally cut it to when wet. To avoid misjudging how much it shorter it will look, cut it when dry. Start with a thorough wash, with two rounds of shampoo and then a rich conditioner. After rinsing and blotting off excess water with a towel, blow dry your hair straight, or blow dry it and then straighten it with a flat iron. Comb it through very carefully to make sure there are absolutely no knots or tangles.

6. Practice, one inch at a time


The key to cutting your own hair successfully is to take your time, and to start by trimming only an inch or half an inch at a time. If you have thin hair, you probably won’t need to section it off much – maybe only two sections – before cutting it. With thick hair, it’s recommended that you create many sections so you can cut through your hair easily. Pin unused sections of hair up or back with hair clips so you can focus on one section at a time. It’s quite daunting when you snip that first tiny bit of hair off, but once you feel more comfortable with cutting your locks, it’ll feel more natural.

7. Cut sections straight across

Start by stretching out a thin section of hair, combing it carefully, and then holding it tightly between two fingers when pulling down – kind of like a hair straightener! See the image above – she is gently pulling and holding the section of hair down while she cuts it. You won’t be chopping off so much hair though, so only take about an inch or half an inch off, cutting straight across. Don’t worry if it looks too blunt, as you will be softening up the tips in the next step.

8. Cut straight up to even out ends


You’ll notice that cutting straight across at first will give you sharp, blunt ends. Remedy this with the second cutting technique of snipping upwards. Try to hold your scissors completely straight (vertically) and make tiny cuts to the straight lines of hair. This will soften the edges, making your hair look more natural and less choppy. Remember to do this to every section of hair you cut. You may want to leave your hair more blunt if you have fine hair, as it can make your hair look thicker and fuller.

9. Go slowly, combing hair frequently

Your first attempt may take a long time! Comb each and every section of hair before cutting, holding the section taut while you do so. Check each section carefully after cutting, and touch it up if it’s a bit wonky. That way, you will notice any problems before they mess up your entire look. And remember: you can always cut a bit more hair off, but you can’t replace hair, so be very careful when chopping your locks. A mirror is essential, so you can check your progress every few minutes.

10. Inspect!


Hopefully, everything has gone to plan, and you’re feeling confident and happy about what you’ve done. Fluff your hair out to remove excess hair, brush it well, and then take a good look at it in the mirror. Use a large mirror with good lighting, and a small hand mirror to see the back. If you notice any problem areas, simply go back and fix them. Your cut probably won’t be 100% perfect or totally symmetrical, but it will look fabulous regardless of how exactly the lines match up.

We recommend trimming about half an inch off your hair each month, and having it professionally styled once a year (unless, of course, you enjoy mixing your styles up several times a year). Soon you won’t even think twice about giving your tresses a quick trim in the bathroom on the weekend!

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8 Ways to Temporarily Dye Your Hair Tue, 24 Feb 2015 17:09:41 +0000 Looking for a hair color change, but not keen on permanent and damaging chemical hair dyes? You can express your creativity with non-permanent, temporary hair dye instead! It’s fun, fleeting, and super-easy to do by yourself at home. There are many temporary hair dyeing methods, but we’ve chosen 8 Ways to Temporarily Dye Your Hair to give you the best options for coloring your locks quickly and reversibly.

The results often vary due to different hair types, colors, and conditions, but all of these techniques have been tried, tested, and proven to give great results if done properly. Temporary hair colors are great for experimenting with new looks at home, trying out a striking look for a party or a night out, or simply for expressing your current mood or your personality. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!


1. Hair Chalking


Hair chalking is one of the easiest ways to add a temporary pop of color to your hair. It’s easy to apply, and it comes off after a few hours (depending on how often you touch your hair!) or when you wash your hair. It works on both light and dark hair, and it won’t damage your locks in any way. You’ll need proper soft chalk pastels – NOT normal chalk, as this will not work. It can get messy, so you might want to wear an old t-shirt and gloves when applying the chalk to your hair. Lasting time: anywhere between a few hours to 2 days.

How to:


Dark hair:

  • Wet a section of hair, and comb through it carefully
  • Wet your chosen color pastel a bit, and then rub it onto your hair in a downwards motion (never up, this will cause dreadlocks)
  • Leave to air dry, and then seal the color with heat using a flat iron or curling iron
  • Style hair and try to avoid touching it!

Light/blonde hair:

  • Keep your hair dry (only wet it if you want a longer-lasting color)
  • Twist a section of hair and then apply your desired color with a dry piece of chalk
  • Seal with heat (flat iron or curling iron)


2. Temporary Hair Color Spray


Temporary hair color spray is a fun way to dye your hair crazy, bright colors. You can use it to change your hair color for a day, and you can even use stencils to spray patterns onto your tresses! Some colored hair sprays contain glitter, making them perfect for fancy dress or parties. The color washes out after one shampoo, so you can experiment with any color you like. If you have very light blonde hair or bleached/dyed hair, the color may stain or come out funny, so you may want to try one of the other temporary hair dyeing methods instead. Lasting time: a few hours, comes out with one thorough wash.

How To:


  •  Shake the can well, and then hold it about 20 cm from your head before spraying the color onto your hair.
  • If you want to use multiple colors, use a paper towel to cover sections of hair to keep them separate – this will allow for more vibrant colors.
  • For long hair, you may need at least two cans for a full head of color.
  • Take care not to inhale the spray, or get it in your eyes!


3. Anastasia Hypercolor Brow and Hair Powder 



Anastasia Hypercolor Brow and Hair Powder is a product made especially for applying temporary color to your hair. It’s a lot easier than chalking, and the bright powder colors are incredibly vibrant on all hair colors. However, applying the colors is time consuming and very messy, so you’ll need to prepare properly to prevent staining your clothing or counter-tops! With the right tools, you will get fabulous results. Lasting time: anywhere between 5-18 hours, and it washes right out.

How To:


  •  Prepare carefully – you will need a leave-in conditioner or hair serum to provide a base for your hair to stick to, hair spray, a brush, gloves, an old towel or t-shirt, and hair clips. It’s best to apply the color in the bathroom as it is a very messy process.
  • Brush your hair out, apply the leave-in conditioner to the tips of your hair, and then divide it into sections. Separate the sections from the rest of your hair with clips to prevent the colors from running into one another.
  • Put on your gloves, drape the towel over your shoulders, and sandwich one of the color discs between your hair section and your thumb. Drag it downwards (never up!) to apply color. Repeat until you get the desired color intensity.
  • Set with hair spray, and style as usual!


4. Eye Shadow


Coloring your hair with eye shadow is a cheaper alternative to buying pricey temporary hair coloring products such as Anastasia Hypercolor or Hair Flairs Color Rub, and it gives an equally vibrant color. It’s best to use eye shadow that comes in small pots or tubs, so you can rub it straight onto your hair instead of mixing a dye. I’d recommend using old eye shadow and not your favourite or most expensive brand, no matter how pretty the color is. It’s a great excuse to use that crazy-colored bright eye shadow you bought a while back and never tried out! Lasting time: A few hours, depending on the amount of transfer. Washes right out.

How To:


  • As you would when coloring your hair with the Hypercolor pots, protect your clothing and skin with a towel over your shoulders, and wear gloves. It can get very messy!
  • Rub a bit of conditioner into the section of hair you want to color, and brush your hair carefully.
  • Sandwich the pot between the section of hair and your thumb, and rub downwards to apply the color. Keep applying color until you’re happy with the result.
  • Use hairspray to seal the color – this may not always work, so experiment with different ways (heat, other hair products).

5. Food Coloring


Using food coloring (the kind that you buy in tiny bottles in the baking section of the supermarket) is an incredibly easy way to dye your hair. It is technically a semi-permanent hair dye, as it lasts for several washes, and may linger for months in light blonde hair. Bear this in mind before dyeing your hair every color of the rainbow, as it may be stuck that way if your hair is lighter and more absorptive! Food coloring works well for a full head of color, as long as you apply it evenly. Lasting time: 1 week to 3 months, depending on hair type and color.

How To:


  • Drape a towel over your shoulders, and pour some food coloring of your choice into a disposable cup.
  • Apply the color evenly using a toothbrush, taking care to keep the color away from the skin around your ears, face, and neck. It may stain, so we recommend protecting your hairline with vaseline before starting.
  • Leave your hair to absorb the dye for 15 minutes.
  • Blow dry your hair, and do not wash it for at least 24 hours. The first wash will probably remove excess dye, so use old towels to prevent staining.


6. Kool Aid


Kool Aid as a hair dye has many mixed reviews. This brightly colored juice concentrate can dye your hair beautifully, but it can also stain hair or damage it – it depends greatly on your hair, and your method. We recommend trying it out on the tips of your hair first, or on only one strand, to see how your hair reacts. That way, you can prevent any hair color disasters! The colors are vibrant and bright, and application is quite easy. Perfect for dip-dying and ombre. Lasting time: anywhere between 1 week to 6 months!

How To:


  • Choose a color (or mixture of colors) of unsweetened Kool Aid or a similar colored juice concentrate and buy at least 3 sachets, less for a subtle color and more for a very bright color.
  • Mix the contents of the sachets into a bowl with very hot or boiling water. Leave it to cool for a bit, as you don’t want to damage your hair.
  • OR, mix Kool Aid in a bowl with a simple white hair conditioner until you get the color you want.
  • Drape a towel over your shoulders, put on some gloves, and dip your hair into the solution, leaving it in the colored water for 2-5 minutes. With the conditioner version, paint it onto your hair with a hair dye brush.
  • Remove hair and blot it with an old towel and/or paper towels. This can be messy!
  • Let hair dry, and then wash it in cold water. If you want your hair to stay extremely bright, you can let it dry and then only wash it after 24 hours.


7. Colored Mascara


Colored mascara is incredibly easy to apply, and it’s well suited to adding colored streaks to your hair, or creating a dip-dyed effect on the tips. You can buy colored mascara at most stores that sell makeup, although the color range is a bit limited. Waterproof mascara delivers the best results as it won’t transfer. Lasting time: one shampoo.

How To: 


  • If you have light or blonde hair, simply apply the color with the mascara wand, using only downward strokes. Allow to dry, and you’re good to go!
  • If you have dark hair, you may need to use a white mascara primer first for the color to stand out. You can even use lemon juice to lighten streaks of hair before adding your color, but bear in mind that the highlights will last much longer than the color that you apply! To create natural highlights with lemon juice, mix some freshly squeezed lemon juice with leave-in conditioner and a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the solution to sections of hair you want to lighten, and then just sit in the sun for a while!


8. Colored Washable Markers


Colored markers are another quick and easy way to temporarily dye your hair. There are many methods to dye your hair with markers, ranging from coloring your locks with the nib to making a liquid dye with the ink, but we have chosen the easiest method for you to save time and messy experiments. Lasting time: 1 week to 1 month

How To: 


  • Prepare with gloves and a paper towel to prevent stains, and wear an old t-shirt.
  • Remove the back of the marker, and pull out the plastic tube that holds the dye-soaked felt.
  • Wearing gloves, cut the tube open and pull the felt out. Then wet it with a few drops of water so that the color will transfer easily.
  • Rub the felt onto your hair in a downwards motion until you get the color you want. You may need to squeeze the color out of the felt onto your hair.
  • Let it dry, and set with hair spray.

These are the best ways to temporarily dye your hair – have you tried any of these methods? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

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20 Cute and Easy Hairstyles (that take less than 10 minutes) Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:45:48 +0000 Sometimes you just don’t have more than ten minutes to do your hair in the morning before work or school/university, so it’s useful to have a few go-to hairstyles that are both easy and trendy. We’ve chosen 20 Cute and Easy Hairstyles (that take less than 10 minutes) to help you out in your mad dash to get ready in the morning. Take inspiration from these simple-but-chic celebrity hairstyles and revamp your everyday look!


1. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Kirsten Dunst flirty pinned-back locks

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American actress, singer, model, and director Kirsten Dunst looks simply gorgeous with her flirty, pinned-back hairstyle. Her wispy blonde hair is romantic and feminine, and we love how she’s loosely pinned a section of hair back with piecey bangs sweeping across her forehead. For a touch of casual glamour, choose a sparkly hair pin or hair slide.


2. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Jessica Alba sleek low ponytail

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Occasional actress and beauty icon Jessica Alba keeps her look simple and professional with a super-sleek low ponytail. She makes this look interesting by securing her ponytail to one side, but you can also wear it at the nape of your neck. Use an anti-frizz serum to tame fuzz and smooth your hair down whilst styling, and keep some handy in your purse for touch-ups in case of humidity or wind.


3. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Emma Watson tousled waves

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English actress and activist Emma Watson looks divine with her collarbone-length tousled waves of hair. This hairstyle is very easy – simply blow-dry hair with a round brush for extra volume, and then use a curling iron to create subtle waves. Wrap large sections of hair around the curling iron on low heat, and then brush out the loose curls for natural looking waves.


4. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Julianne Hough updo with hairband

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American dancer, singer-songwriter, and actress Julianne Hough looks stunning with her platinum-blonde hair in a casual up’do with a hairband. If you struggle with frizzy hair or you’re growing your bangs/fringe out, a hairband is a great accessory as it keeps unruly hair in check. Choose a plain black hairband for a classic look, or an embellished hairband for a look with more personality and color.


5. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Zooey Deschanel messy half up, half down ‘do

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American actress and singer-songwriter Zooey Deschanel looks absolutely adorable with her messy half-up, half down hairdo. We love her carefree, flirty style and the casual beauty of her look. Embrace your hair’s natural texture and ditch the heat styling for this look. Pair this hairstyle with dewy, glowing skin and natural makeup for best results.


6. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Rita Ora loose and wild

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British singer, songwriter and actress Rita Ora looks fabulous with her platinum-blonde locks worn loose and wild. Part your hair to one side for a contemporary and sexy look, and use a bit of hair spray to keep it in place. You can style your second-day hair in a plait or ponytail easy-peasy the next day. If you have a little more time, use a round brush to blow-dry your hair out in thick sections.


7. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Selena Gomez voluminous ponytail

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American actress and singer Selena Gomez wears her long brunette locks up in a big, voluminous ponytail. She sports a puffy bouffant and keeps her hair swept back away from her forehead. Use a volume boosting mousse in damp hair before blow-drying with a round brush, and then tease hair into a bouffant before tying it up in a ponytail. Smooth some anti-frizz serum over your hair to stop it from breaking out into uncontrollable fuzz if you’re prone to flyaway hairs!


8. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Dianna Agron soft and romantic up’do

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Glee star Dianna Agron looks superb with her soft and romantic up’do. We love the wispy texture of her hair and her cheek-bone length bangs. To get her look, tie your hair up in a messy, flat bun or a loose chignon just above the nape of your neck. Add a bit of volume on top for extra sex appeal – you can tease your hair with a comb to add body and texture.


9. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Whitney Port loose side plait

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American television personality, fashion designer, and author Whitney Port is bang on trend with her loose side plait. Casual, stylish, and cute, this hairstyle is perfect for college or a lunch date. Braid your hair loosely for a romantic and carefree look, taking care to secure the plait with a tight mini-elastic towards the tips.


10. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Jennifer Lawrence messy side chignon

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The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence is gorgeous with her messy side chignon. This hairstyle is a lot easier than it looks, and it’s perfect for all occasions. As you would with most up’dos, keep your hair in place with a few discreetly placed pins. Pair your chic chignon with some glittery earrings and a pretty pink lipstick for a striking final look.

11. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Rihanna Fenty bedhead hairdo

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Barbadian songstress Rihanna Fenty looks cool and carefree with her bedhead up’do and quirky sunglasses. This ‘do is super easy to style – spray some dry shampoo onto second- or third-day locks, massage the shampoo into your hair until it feels light and dry, and then pull your hair into a messy up’do. Smooth out your bangs and you’re good to go!


12. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Lauren Conrad romantic half-up ‘do

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American television personality, fashion designer, and author Lauren Conrad looks beautiful with her signature half-up hairdo. Recreate her look in 3 easy steps: 1. curl hair on low heat, 2. gather the top section of your hair and clip/pin it behind your head, 3. use hairspray or anti-frizz serum to tame flyaway hairs. If you have time, you can straighten your bangs out for a more polished look. You can do this with a mini hair straightener.


13. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Emma Roberts mid-length waves

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American actress, model and singer Emma Roberts looks gorgeous with her mid-length waves of dark golden hair. If you have fine hair that usually just hangs straight, try pumping it full of volume and then using a curling iron or flat iron to create big, textured waves. Part your hair to one side for a modern and sexy look, and don’t forget to groom your brows! Emma shows us that flawless brows can really be the “cherry on top” of an already fabulous look.


14. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Allison Williams tousled locks

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American actress, comedian, and musician Allison Williams looks stunning  with her long, tousled locks. The key to this look is super-shiny hair. Keep your hair in good condition and it’ll look superb in any style. Try using a moisturizing hair treatment once a week (e.g., coconut oil), and avoid heat styling as it can damage your hair, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.


15. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Elle Fanning milkmaid braid up’do

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American teen actress Elle Fanning (younger sister to actress Dakota Fanning) sports a chunky milkmaid braid draped elegantly across her forehead. This hairstyle is actually very easy to recreate at home – simply make a three-strand plait with your hair at one temple, and then drape it across your head, pinning it at the other temple. This hairstyle works best with long hair, as you need a fairly long plait to cover your whole forehead.


16. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Kate Hudson soft, beachy waves

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American actress Kate Hudson looks divine with her soft, beachy waves of blonde hair. She wears her fine, wispy hair in a middle parting that flatters her heart-shaped face, and we love the varied tones of her summery blonde hair color. For natural texture, use a sea salt spray on your locks. Simply spray them while damp, scrunch your hair up a bit, and let it dry naturally.


17. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Kim Kardashian chic and feminine bun

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American television and social media personality, socialite, fashion designer, businesswoman, model, and actress Kim Kardashian keeps her look simple and stylish with a chic bun. This hairstyle is both professional and feminine, and it’s perfect for a bad hair day. Simply smooth hair back with a non-greasy hair gel, tie your hair up in a tight bun, and make sure that your makeup is flawless.


18. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Demi Lovato side-swept hair

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American actress, singer, and songwriter Demi Lovato shows off her thick, luscious locks by wearing them in a trendy side-swept hairstyle. The side-swept hairstyle is a popular modern look that creates asymmetry, drawing attention to the face. We love the contrast between Demi’s thick, full waves and the hair pulled back from her ear, revealing her neckline.


19. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Alexa Chung wispy up’do with bangs

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English television presenter, model and contributing editor at British Vogue Alexa Chung looks sublime with her wispy up’do and striking middle-parted bangs. Bangs can be hard to style in a rush, but we have 3 great tips for you: 1. greasy bangs? wash them separately over the bathroom sink for an instant pick-me up, 2. invest in a mini hair straightener to iron out unruly bangs, and 3. get them trimmed regularly to avoid awkward in-between styles that you didn’t anticipate.


20. Cute and Easy Hairstyle: Bella Thorne casual ponytail

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American teen actress, singer, model and dancer Bella Thorne keeps it real with a cute and casual ponytail. Her bangs are parted slightly off centre, and they are just the right length to accentuate her eyes and her cheekbones. She wears her ponytail low, giving it an extra bit of glamour. This is an easy style for second-day hair, as you only need some dry shampoo at the roots to keep it from looking flat.


We hope you’ve found some fantastic, easy hairstyles to try out the next time you’re pressed for time yet determined to look good.

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30 Best Half Up, Half Down Hairstyles Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:21:14 +0000 Stuck for ideas for your next hairstyle? Get the glamour of the up’do and the sex appeal of loose, flowing locks all in one hairstyle with the trendy half up, half down hairstyle. This hairstyle is versatile and feminine, and it suits all hair types and face shapes. Whether you’re indecisive by nature (up? down? How about both?) or simply looking for a new look, you’re sure to find a fabulous new ‘do in our 30 Best Half-Up, Half Down Hairstyles. We’ve hand-picked inspirational hairstyles worn by popular celebrities such as Dianna Agron, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Scherzinger, Kim Kardashian, Emma Stone, and many more, just for you!

Take a look at our choices and let us know which ones are your favorites in the comments below.


1. Dianna Agron Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Puffy bouffant and angelic blonde curls

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Glee star Dianna Agron looks utterly gorgeous with this romantic and feminine half up, half down hairstyle. She sports a puffy bouffant and soft, angelic curls in her honey-blonde hair. Recreate Dianna’s look by teasing your hair with a comb before pulling the top section into a bouffant, and then securing it at the back with a few hair pins. Curl your loose locks with a thick-barreled curling wand, and finish off with some light hairspray to keep everything in place.


2. Nina Dobrev Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Subtle waves with off-center parting

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Bulgarian-Canadian actress and model Nina Dobrev looks divine with her dark chocolate brown hair in a half up, half down hairdo. She wears her hair in a slightly off-centre parting and she sports long, face-framing sections of hair on either side. This half-up ‘do is very flattering for her heart-shaped face, as it draws attention to her eyes and away from her pointed chin. We love her shiny, healthy hair, which makes this look even more striking.


3. Kim Kardashian Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Sweeping, face framing bangs

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Reality TV star Kim Kardashian rocks her signature raven locks by wearing them in a classic half-up ‘do with sweeping, face framing bangs. This hairstyle features subtle volume on top, and super sleek, straight locks that reflect light in a glossy sheen. For extra volume and a healthy shine, try using weekly hair masques (a deep moisturizing kind is ideal) and switching to a volume boosting shampoo. Also try to invest in a high quality hair straightener that you can use to style your hair, and some heat protection serum to prevent styling damage.


4. Jessica Chastain Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Loose and carefree

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American actress Jessica Chastain looks breathtakingly beautiful with her long strawberry blonde hair in a loosely pinned half-up hairdo. We love how subtle her look is, with a bit of volume at the back and long, tousled sections of hair framing her face. This hairstyle is perfect for a romantic first date or an intimate wedding.


5. Claire Danes Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Swept back with extra volume

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American actress Claire Danes looks radiant and carefree with her voluminous, swept back, half up hairstyle. We love this alternative to the classic half up, half down hairstyle as the hair is swept straight back instead of pulled back from the temples. You may need to pin your hair back to keep it in place, and then brush the rest of your hair out for a neat finishing touch.


6. Lea Michele Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Tied back with bold bangs

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Glee star Lea Michele nails three trends in one fabulous hairstyle – half up, half down hair, ombre, and choppy bangs. If you have a high forehead like Lea, opt for long bangs that skim your eyelashes. If your forehead isn’t particularly high, rather go for eyebrow skimming bangs for a more natural look.


7. Emma Stone Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Layered locks

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Quirky American actress Emma Stone looks effortlessly stylish with her mid-length half up, half down hairdo. Her layered locks add volume to her fine hair, and her slick side fringe draws attention to her gorgeous blue-green eyes. This is a great everyday look, and it’s very easy to style – simply pull back a section of hair from each temple and secure them together behind your head.


8. Sarah Hyland Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Edgy braid and piecey bangs

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Modern Family actress Sarah Hyland sports an edgy, sexy look with an unusual crown braid and angled, piecey bangs. If you’re looking for a fun and sporty look, then take inspiration from Sarah and add a few braided details to your half-up ‘do. Keep your braids from turning fuzzy by smoothing an anti-frizz serum over your locks before plaiting your hair.


9. Mary-Kate Olsen Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Tousled and braided

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American actress and fashion designer Mary-Kate Olsen rocks a tousled and braided boho hairstyle and funky silver earrings. Give your half up, half down hairstyle some extra texture by braiding sections of hair at your temples before pulling them back and securing them behind your head.


10. Reese Witherspoon Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Pinned back bubble fringe

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American actress and producer Reese Witherspoon looks gorgeous with her medium length blonde hair worn loose and curly with a pinned-back bubble fringe. She shows us that the half up, half down hairstyle can also work with shorter hair, especially if you add some volume and texture with unstructured curls.To get loose, natural looking curls, wrap sections of hair around a thick-barreled curling iron (keep the sections quite loose) on low heat, and then brush them out a bit so they look more natural.


11. Maria Menounos Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Sleek and chic

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American actress, journalist, TV hostess, and occasional professional wrestler Maria Menounos looks effortlessly glamorous with her sleek and chic half up, half down hairstyle. Her hair has been smoothed back and teased into a bouffant, exposing her forehead and adding extra length to her wide face. For an extra slick look, use an anti-frizz serum to tame flyaway hairs and fuzz.


12. Leighton Meester Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Long locks

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American actress and Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester keeps her look simple and classic with her long locks in a subtle half up, half down hairstyle. This hairdo keeps hair out of her face, leaving only a wispy side fringe to draw attention to her well-defined cheekbones. For hair as full and thick as Leighton’s, try using a volume boosting hair styling mousse on damp hair before blow drying your locks with a round brush or curlers.


13. Kristen Stewart Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Sexy twist

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American actress Kristen Stewart looks smoking hot with her sexy half up, half down hairstyle featuring an edgy twist. We love this innovative look with its unique twisted bubble fringe, slicked back sides, and long, loose locks cascading over one shoulder.


14. Amanda Seyfried Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Pinned back

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American actress, singer and former model Amanda Seyfried looks positively angelic with her super straight, pinned back hairstyle. This hairdo may be conservative and simple at a glance, but it’s also very classy and professional. Keep your hair extra smooth and sleek with a silicone free anti frizz spray or serum, and a bit of hairspray.


15. Taylor Schilling Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Pulled back

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Orange Is The New Black star Taylor Schilling keeps her look polished and professional with her hair pulled back from her face and left loose at the back. This is a great look for work as it’s low maintenance, yet still stylish and flattering. If you’re not confident enough to bare your forehead completely, opt for a side fringe or blunt bangs.


16. Lily Collins Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Bouffant and dramatic bangs

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American and English actress and model Lily Collins looks utterly divine with her bouffant hairstyle and dramatic, sweeping bangs. Her bouffant steals the show, and gives her hairstyle a lovely retro-glam feel. We also love her angled bangs, and the extra long, rounded bangs that draw the eye down to her neckline. Your hair needs tons of volume for a proper bouffant, so use volume boosting products and tease your hair carefully for a structured and sophisticated look.


17. Jennifer Love Hewitt Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Sweeping side fringe

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American actress, producer, author, television director and singer-songwriter Jennifer Love Hewitt looks gorgeous with her classic half up, half down hairdo and a sweeping side fringe. The long, straight side fringe draws attention to her eyes and away from her high forehead, making this a great hairstyle for long faces. Wear big statement earrings with your half up, half down hairstyle for extra glamour.


18. Taylor Swift Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Fluffy bangs

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American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift looks sublime with her golden, honey-blonde hair in a romantic half up, half down ‘do. We love her long, fluffy bangs, the natural texture of her hair, and her shimmery, gorgeous eye makeup. This look works so well due to the hair being tied back from the sides (temples), and the bangs covering the ears for a more “put together” look. Her hair has more depth in this style than simply wearing it loose, which makes it an ideal style for fine/thin hair.


19. Eva Mendes Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Loads of volume and texture

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American actress, model and singer Eva Mendes looks fabulous with her sexy and feminine half up, half down hairdo. This hairstyle is full of volume and texture, and we love the long, face framing bangs and carefree flyaway hairs. For a sexy, bed-head effect, skip the anti-frizz serum and use volume boosting hair care products. Tease your hair with a comb first for even more volume and maximum impact.


20. Jessica Alba Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Mid-length waves

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American actress, model, and businesswoman Jessica Alba looks beautiful with her mid-length, wavy hairstyle. She sports a simple half up, half down hairstyle with side parted sections of hair that frame her face. This hairstyle is neat and polished, making it perfect for work, university, or formal business/academic occasions. Note the light chocolate-brown highlights that brighten up her complexion – sometimes a subtle addition can have a large impact on the overall look.


21. Carrie Underwood Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Side fringe and curls

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American country music singer, songwriter, and actress Carrie Underwood looks gorgeous with her perfectly coiffed half up, half down hairstyle. This ‘do is full of glamour with its big curls and a pretty side fringe, and we think it’s a great prom look! Add some sparkly earrings and shimmery eye-shadow for maximum impact.


22. Farah Fath Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Short and sweet

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American actress Farah Fath looks lovely with her short and sweet half up, half down hairstyle. The principle is the exact same, just with less hair – gather a section of hair from each temple, pull them back, and secure them behind your head. Either style your bangs or tease hair up and away from your forehead, and you’re good to go!


23. Bella Thorne Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Clipped back

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American teen actress, singer, model and dancer Bella Thorne looks gorgeous with her light auburn locks worn clipped back in a pretty half up, half down hairstyle. Instead of pinning your hair back you can embellish it with a pretty hair slide or clip. This is especially effective if you have long, thick hair, as the clips keep your hair secure for longer.


24. Eva Longoria Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Slicked back fauxhawk

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American actress, producer, director, activist and businesswoman Eva Longoria looks fierce with her edgy, slicked back fauxhawk. This look works best with very long hair, and especially a long fringe (no bangs!). To recreate this look, you’ll need to separate your hair into four equal sections – one on top (hairline backwards), one on either side (at your temples), and one at the back. Slick the side sections back and pin them securely, leave the back piece loose, and tease the top section so that it stands up in a semi-bouffant. For best results, straighten your hair before styling, and use plenty of hairspray.


25. Hilary Duff Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Headband and bouffant

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American actress and singer Hilary Duff keeps her look current and trendy with an edgy plastic headband and a retro half up, half down hairstyle. Wearing a headband is a very easy way to create a half-up hairstyle – simply tease your hair at the crown, push your hair back and up with the headband, and you’re done! Take inspiration from Hilary and wear some big statement earrings to finish off your look.


26. Jessica Lowndes Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Brunette bombshell

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Canadian actress and pop singer-songwriter Jessica Lowndes looks strikingly beautiful with her long, luscious locks in a half up, half down style. We love her brunette bombshell look, complete with sexy waves and tons of volume. For hair with lots of body, try volume boosting hair care products, and avoid products that contain silicone as this can weigh your hair down, making it look greasy. Finally, use a round brush when blow drying your hair for extra bounce.


27. Nicole Scherzinger Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Funky twists

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American recording artist, actress and television personality Nicole Scherzinger looks stunning with her funky twisted half up, half down hairdo. We love everything about this hairstyle – the rolled twists at her hairline, the subtle layers, her glossy raven black hair colour, and the sleek straightness of her locks. For super-shiny hair like Nicole’s, try adding these hair-friendly foods to your diet: avocado, almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, tuna, and salmon. They all contain good fats which help to keep your hair strong and shiny.


28. Angelina Jolie Half Up, Half-Down Hairstyle: Soft and romantic

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American actress and filmmaker Angelina Jolie is a picture pf perfection with her soft and romantic half up hairstyle. We love her naturally radiant brunette hair color and the soft, silky texture of her hair. For a carefree and undone look, leave a few tendrils of hair loose to frame your face. Pair this dreamy hairstyle with natural, dewy skin and minimal makeup for a youthful and playful final look.


29. Selena Gomez Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Crown braid

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American actress, singer, songwriter, fashion designer, producer, and philanthropist Selena Gomez looks beautiful with her simple-yet-chic crown braid and loose locks. Braided hairstyles are timeless and feminine, and you can tweak them to suit your style and face shape. If you want to recreate Selena’s crown braid, find a YouTube tutorial that shows you how to style it step by step, and practice in front of a mirror.


30. Kate Beckinsale Half Up, Half Down Hairstyle: Swept back

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English actress Kate Beckinsale sports a classic half up, half down hairstyle with a mini bouffant and long, flowing tresses. The swept-back look suits her face as it draws attention to her eyes, and away from her heavy jaw and pointed chin. Keep your hair in place with discreet hair pins, and use hair spray to tame flyaway hairs.


So there you have it – 30 fabulous half up, half down hairstyles to try out at home!

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20 Best Celebrity Makeup Ideas for Hazel Eyes Tue, 28 Oct 2014 22:20:28 +0000 Hazel eyes are the most enigmatic of all the eye colors, ranging from light brown to almost green, and every imaginable shade in between. Make the most of your mysterious and beautiful eye color with our 20 Best Celebrity Makeup Looks for Hazel Eyes. Get inspired by fabulous and stylish makeup looks worn by popular hazel-eyed female celebs such as Sofia Vergara, Mila Kunis, Dianna Agron, and many more. With our help, you’ll soon be a pro at enhancing your hazel eyes with flattering makeup looks specifically for your eye color.


1. Sofia Vergara Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Thick, curled lashes

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Colombian actress, comedian, television hostess, and model Sofia Vergara looks simply gorgeous with her golden brown hair and thick, curled eyelashes. She keeps her look fresh and natural with subtle shimmery eye shadow in the same hue as her medium skin tone, and minimal eye makeup. To get Sofia’s flirty lashes, start by curling your lashes with an eyelash curler. You can warm it up slightly under the hot tap, but make sure it’s not too hot, or you could hurt yourself. Once you’ve curled your lashes, add a few coats of thickening mascara for a soft and sexy look.


2. Mila Kunis Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Soft rose gold

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American actress Mila Kunis looks stunning with her soft rose gold eye shadow and expertly applied eyeliner. Rose gold is a great color for hazel eyes as it’s warm, sultry, and complements the brown tones in your eyes. For best results, apply your rose gold eye shadow on your eyelids and up to your brow line, as well as under your lower lash line. For smudge-free eyeliner that looks chic and professional, use a gel or wax-based eyeliner that won’t rub off as easily. Finally, choose a glossy nude lipstick for a feminine and flirty final look.


3. Christina Ricci Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Silver and sultry

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American actress Christina Ricci looks beautiful with her silver-hued, sultry eye makeup. Grey and silver look fabulous with hazel eyes, especially when you also use a jet black eyeliner and a dark mascara. Only apply one or two thin coats of mascara to your lashes so that you can still see your eye shadow through them. When you have dark, smoky eye makeup, it’s a good idea to keep the rest of your makeup (i.e., lips and cheeks) neutral and muted to avoid overkill.


4. Rihanna Fenty Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Charcoal smoky eye effect

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Barbadian songstress Rihanna Fenty looks phenomenal with her bold charcoal-hued smoky eye makeup. Her dark eye makeup emphasizes her gorgeous, radiant hazel eyes, drawing all the attention to the upper half of her face. For best results, gradate your color from the lightest eye shadow in the inner corners of your eyes to the darkest shadow in the outer corners. Line your eyes all the way around, and apply false eyelashes for a super sexy final look.


5. Dianna Agron Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Shimmery cranberry

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American actress, singer, dancer and director Dianna Agron looks flirty and feminine with her shimmery cranberry colored eye shadow. This dark shade of red is perfect for the festive season, and it’s subtle enough for daytime wear. Apply the eye shadow below your lash line as well as on your eyelids, and apply a coat or two of thickening mascara for a sexy final look. For longer lasting eye makeup that won’t smudge on a night out, try using a primer on your eyelids and under your lower lashes before applying the rest of your eye makeup. Also, carry a small wet towel or ear-bud in your purse to touch up your makeup if need be.


6. Kristin Kreuk Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Golden apricot

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Canadian actress Kristin Kreuk looks striking with her large greeny-hazel eyes and golden apricot eyeliner. Apricot is a warm hue somewhere in-between orange and brown, and it looks great with an olive complexion and hazel eyes that are more on the green side. For best results, try purchasing a chubby eye shadow pencil. It’s easy to apply, and creates lovely thick lines of color. Finally, don’t forget to groom your brows! Tidy up your natural brow shape and fill your brows in if need be, and then set them with a clear eyebrow gel to keep each and every hair in place.


7. Rose McGowan Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Pretty peach eyelids

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American actress and singer Rose McGowan looks gorgeous with her pretty peach eye shadow and soft, fluttery lashes. As Rose shows us, you can experiment with unusual color combinations to find a winning combo that suits your unique eye color. Rose sports a warm milk chocolate brown shade in the crease of her eyelids, and a creamy peach that accentuates her mysterious hazel eyes.


8. Demi Moore Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Thick, jet black lashes

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American actress, filmmaker, former songwriter, and model Demi Moore looks sublime with her thick, jet black lashes. This simple look achieves exactly what it sets out to do – it gives Demi wide open, bright eyes that exude youth and personality. The trick is to keep your eye shadow as natural as possible, and then go all out with the lashes. Use a liquid liner on your upper lash line, and lots of mascara on both upper and lower lashes for extra impact.


9. Heidi Klum Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Flirty doe eyes

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German model, television host, businesswoman, fashion designer, television producer, and occasional actress Heidi Klum looks fabulous with her signature flirty doe eyes. Recreate this classic look by applying white eyeliner to your waterline. This creates a wide-eyed, innocent look which is enhanced by the contrast of her pitch black lashes. Apply a light, shimmery sand-colored eye shadow to your lids and below your lower lash line for extra impact.


10. Hilary Duff Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Super-long, curled lashes

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American actress and singer Hilary Duff looks effortlessly glamorous with her super-long, curled lashes and huge statement earrings. She sports dewy, subtle eye shadow that illuminates her gorgeous skin tone, and a slick of clear lip-gloss that gives her a natural yet stylish look. To recreate her look at home, pay extra attention to your lashes. Curl them very carefully with an eyelash curler before brushing them gently (look for a soft eyelash/eyebrow brush) and then apply mascara. Choose a mascara that doesn’t clump for long, skinny lashes that look fabulous.


11. Lady Gaga Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Natural colors, fierce lashes

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American singer, songwriter, and actress Lady Gaga looks surprisingly vanilla with her natural looking makeup and neutral nails. We love her fierce lashes and her unruly eyebrows – very high fashion and contemporary. Get Gaga’s look by choosing makeup the same color as your skin tone, but in a matte version. Leave your waterline and lower lashes bare, apply eyeliner above your upper lash line, and apply false eyelashes for maximum flirting potential. Easy!


12. Rashida Jones Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Bold charcoal eyeliner

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American film and television actress, comic book author, screenwriter, and occasional singer Rashida Jones looks utterly gorgeous with her bold charcoal eyeliner. Her color choice for her eyeliner is spot on, as charcoal is a bit softer than jet black, and it creates a lovely smoky eye effect. Her eyeliner is extended beyond the outer corners of her eyes in a “cat eye” style that further emphasizes her stunning hazel eyes.


13. Keri Hilson Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Pretty in purple

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American singer, songwriter and actress Keri Hilson mixes it up with a pop of bright purple and long, glamorous eyelashes. We love her daring, funky color choice, and her flawless lashes. For best results, apply a light lavender or lilac eye shadow to your eyelids, and a deeper violet under your lower lash line. Use a black eyeliner pencil on your waterline, and apply a lash lengthening mascara to both your upper and lower lashes for a chic and glamorous final look.


14. Olivia Munn Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Bronze and gold

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American actress, comedian, model, television personality and author Olivia Munn looks breathtakingly beautiful with her bronze and gold dusted eyes. Olivia has quite small eyes, and so these illuminating hues work well to create the illusion of bigger, more “wide-awake” eyes. We adore her flawless complexion and her summery, sun-kissed color palette – gold, bronze, dusty rose, and rich brown brows. Keep this look natural with minimal eye shadow (just enough to apply color), subtle mascara, and bare lower lashes. Apply bronzing powder to your cheekbones and some cream blush to the apples of your cheeks for a gorgeous sun-princess makeup look.


15. Emma Roberts Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Bold black and white

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American actress, model and singer Emma Roberts looks striking and sexy with her bold black and white eye makeup. Her chalky white eye shadow makes a style statement as well as accentuating her dark hazel eyes, and her long, jet black lashes create even more of a contrast. This makeup look is modern and edgy, and it’s a great alternative to classic eye makeup looks.


16. Petra Nemcova Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Soft rose tint

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Czech model, television host, and philanthropist Petra Nemcova looks divine with her soft, rose-tinted eye makeup. Petra has quite small eyes, which is why she’s opted for a soft and misty eye shadow instead of a very dark and heavy one. Similarly, she hasn’t used eyeliner, and she only wears a bit of mascara on her upper lashes. Pair your soft, romantic eyes with groomed brows (not too dark or filled in, just some powder), rosy cheeks, and creamy pink lipstick.


17. Tyra Banks Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Crisp black liner

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American television personality, producer, author, actress, and former model Tyra Banks knows exactly how to make a striking first impression. Here she’s wearing death-defying false lashes, crisp black eyeliner, and a little bit of metallic eye shadow for extra glamour. Use a gel or wax-based eyeliner for maximum wear, and leave your lower lashes bare for more of an “eye-popping” effect. Finally, add some candyfloss pink lipstick, and you’re good to go!


18. Lily Collins Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Luscious lashes

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English-American actress and model Lily Collins looks divine with her bold brows and luscious lashes. She sports luminescent, light eye shadow in the inner corners of her eyes, and thick black eyeliner on her waterline and upper lash line. You can try “tightlining” your eyes to get this look – tightlining involves applying eyeliner directly in-between your lashes instead of on the upper or lower lash line. This is meant to create an “invisible eyeliner” look, where the darkness is there but not a very visible line. You can find out more about tightlining by searching for it on YouTube – there are several video tutorial available.


19. Kate Beckinsale Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Yellow gold

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English actress Kate Beckinsale looks radiantly beautiful with her yellow gold eye shadow and dewy, glowing complexion. Kate has pretty small eyes, and she’s sensibly chosen a pale and shimmery eye shadow to make her eyes look bigger. Her slightly unusual eye shadow choice, yellow gold, is actually incredibly flattering for her hazel eyes, and it’s also an edgy and interesting color. When you’re wearing a pale or light eye shadow, try to keep your lashes subtle with only one or two light coats of mascara.


20. Nicole Richie Makeup for Hazel Eyes: Tawny cat eyes

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American fashion designer, author, actress and television personality Nicole Richie looks glamorous with her tawny cat eye makeup look. This look features several colors and expertly shaded hues that radiate from light in the inner corners of the eyes to dark in the outer corners. We love Nicole’s fierce lioness look, and her serious gold bling in the way of chunky earrings and a huge chain linked necklace.


These are only a few of the best makeup looks for hazel eyes – experiment a little, and you could find the next fabulous look for your eye color!


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20 Best Celebrity Makeup Ideas for Green Eyes Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:29:57 +0000 Green is the rarest of all eye colors, with less than 2% of the world’s population having green eyes. If you have this unusual and beautiful eye color, take a look at our 20 Best Celebrity Makeup Looks for Green Eyes below. We’ve chosen 20 fabulous and flattering eye makeup looks worn by famous green-eyed celebs such as Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart, Rachel McAdams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bryce Dallas Howard, and many more. With the help of our 20 Best Celebrity Makeup Looks for Green Eyes, you’re sure to find a gorgeous new makeup look to experiment with at home.


1. Angelina Jolie Makeup for Green Eyes: Taupe eye shadow and jet black lashes

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American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian Angelina Jolie looks strikingly beautiful with her natural taupe-colored eye shadow and long, luscious eye lashes. Taupe is a warm, sandy-beige color that suits medium complexions, and it looks very natural in matte. It’s also a soft neutral color, which accentuates the deep green color of your eyes. For maximum impact, curl your lashes before applying two to three coats of lash-lengthening black mascara. Follow Angie’s example and pair your simple-yet-chic eye makeup with bright, bold red lipstick for a super-sexy final look.


2. Rachel McAdams Makeup for Green Eyes: Lovely pale lilac

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Canadian actress Rachel McAdams looks gorgeous with her sea-green eyes and a lovely pale lilac eye shadow. This is a lovely daytime look, and we love the delicate softness of the eye shadow color and the minimal mascara. Recreate this look in three easy steps: 1. apply lilac eye shadow carefully, both above and below your lash line, 2. use a sharp eye pencil to line your waterline, taking care not to make the liner too thick, and 3. apply a coat or two of black mascara. Pair your flirty eye makeup with natural, glowing skin and nude lip-gloss for a romantic and feminine final look.


3. Jessica Lowndes Makeup for Green Eyes: Frosty white eye shadow

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Canadian actress and pop singer-songwriter Jessica Lowndes looks fabulous with her frosty white eye shadow and thick, glamorous lashes. Applying white eye shadow to the inner corners of your eyes and leaving your lower lashes and waterline bare can make your eyes look bigger, so bear this in mind if your eyes are quite small in relation to the rest of your face.


4. Jennifer Lawrence Makeup for Green Eyes: Soft dove grey

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American actress Jennifer Lawrence looks divine with her barely-there dove grey eye shadow and jet black eyelashes. If you have small eyes like Jennifer’s, then stick to pale hues of eye shadow (e.g., grey, pastels, neutrals) as they can make your eyes look bigger. Similarly, use minimal eyeliner and only a single coat of mascara to further create the illusion of bigger eyes. Your eye color alone is striking, so there’s really no need to go overboard with dramatic eye makeup, especially if it will only make your eyes look smaller.


5. Jessica Biel Makeup for Green Eyes: Bold teal eyeliner

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American actress Jessica Biel rocks daring teal eyeliner and long upper lashes that have an enviable curl to them. Teal looks great with green eyes, and Jessica’s modern splash of color gives her look an extra edge. Keep the rest of your makeup understated with cool, muted colors and natural lips.


6. Amanda Seyfried Makeup for Green Eyes: Naturally striking

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American actress, singer and former model Amanda Seyfried looks utterly gorgeous with her simple-yet-chic natural eye makeup look. She has large, expressive green eyes that only need a coat or two of mascara and some subtle shimmery eye shadow for a stunning natural look. Recreate Amanda’s look in three easy steps: 1. apply a subtle, shimmery gold eye shadow to your eyelids and under your lower lash line, 2. curl your lashes carefully and then apply two to three coats of a lash lengthening mascara, and 3. skip the eyeliner, and apply your choice of lipstick. Easy!


7. Bryce Dallas Howard Makeup for Green Eyes: Dramatic winged eyeliner

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American film actress, writer and director Bryce Dallas Howard looks fabulous with her dramatic winged eyeliner, dark auburn bob, and bold orange lippy. We love everything about this look – the flawless shimmery eye shadow, jet black winged liquid liner, bare waterline, and long lashes. Liquid liner is easier to apply than pencil eyeliner, although it can be tricky to master in the beginning. You can also use a “felt tip” style eyeliner which allows you more control and precision when applying liner to your upper eyelids.


8. Hayden Panettiere Makeup for Green Eyes: Sexy and sooty

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American actress, model, singer, voice actress, and activist Hayden Panettiere looks smoking hot with her sexy, sooty eye makeup. She sports thick eyeliner that encircles each eye entirely, a soft smoky eye shadow effect, and long, skinny lashes. Use a sharpened eye liner pencil for clear, crisp lines, and blend your eye shadow very well for a soft and misty effect. When applying mascara, make sure that the mascara wand is evenly coated to prevent clumps and lashes sticking together. If need be, blot excess mascara off of the wand with a clean tissue before applying.


9. Sarah Hyland Makeup for Green Eyes: Copper and rose gold

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American actress Sarah Hyland is radiantly beautiful with her warm metallic eye shadow and thick, sexy eye lashes. She wears a blend of copper and rose gold eye shadow that is very flattering for her green/hazel eyes. Nail this look by applying lighter shadow to the inner corners of your eyes, and darker shadow to your eyelids and the outer corners of your eyes.


10. Michelle Trachtenberg Makeup for Green Eyes: Beautiful bronze eyelids

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American actress Michelle Trachtenberg looks flawless with her glittery bronze eyelids and thick, dark lashes. Her chosen makeup color scheme (bronze, peach, and pink) also works very well with her fair complexion and her dark hair. Finish off this stellar look with big, decorative silver earrings and a trending side-swept hairstyle for extra glamour.


11. Scarlett Johansson Makeup for Green Eyes: Olive green eye shadow

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American actress, model, and singer Scarlett Johansson looks strikingly beautiful with her soft olive green eye shadow and bold black eyeliner. Olive green and copper/shimmery brown go very well together, and they bring out the subtle color nuances of green eyes. Pair your forest-inspired eye shadow with jet black eyeliner and dark lashes for a flirty and subtly sexy final look.


12. Adele Makeup for Green Eyes: Glamorous jet black eyeliner

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British singer-songwriter Adele rocks her signature retro-glam look with glamorous, jet-black eyeliner and bold cherry-red lips. Recreate her look by applying liquid liner to your upper eyelids, taking care to follow the lash line. You can do a winged or cat-eye effect by extending the eyeliner beyond the outer corner of your eyes – for best results, find a YouTube tutorial and practice in front of a mirror until you master this tricky look.


13. Fergie Makeup for Green Eyes: Luscious lashes

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American singer, songwriter, fashion designer, television host, and actress Fergie Duhamel exudes classic glamour with her long, luscious lashes. Her bare waterline and naked lower lashes make her eyes look bigger, and we love her thick, sexy upper lashes. Get Fergie’s look by curling your lashes before applying a lash lengthening mascara. If you want to go all out, try a pair of false eyelashes. Make sure that you test the eyelash glue before applying the lashes (a small dot on your forearm works) to make sure that you aren’t allergic. If the lashes are too long, trim them carefully so that they look more natural. Eyelashes that are so obviously fake that they touch your eyebrows are not sexy.


14. Kate Middleton Makeup for Green Eyes: Soft and flirty

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The Duchess of Cambridge looks utterly gorgeous with her soft and flirty eye makeup. Kate has mastered the subtle daytime glamour look with just the right amount of makeup – not too dark, and yet not too plain or bare. She sports soft and smoky brown eye shadow, and perfectly curled lashes coated in black mascara. You can also use dark brown mascara for an even softer look, and white eyeliner to make your eyes look bigger.


15. Olivia Wilde Makeup for Green Eyes: Dramatic eyeliner and blue eyelids

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American actress, screenwriter, producer, director, and model Olivia Wilde looks strikingly beautiful with her dramatic eyeliner and blue eyelids. Her black eyeliner encircles her eyes completely, accentuating them beautifully. This look can make eyes appear smaller than they really are, so experiment with your liner and mascara to see if it suits your unique eye shape and size before committing to this look for a big night out. You don’t want to look half-asleep in photos! Pair your dramatic eye makeup with dewy, glowing skin and nude lips for a chic and contemporary final look.


16. Evangeline Lilly Makeup for Green Eyes: Forest inspired colors

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Canadian actress and author Evangeline Lilly looks radiantly beautiful with her forest-inspired brown and green eye makeup. She sports a warm chocolate-brown shade on her upper lids, and a deep green eyeliner on her waterline. These complementary colors are very flattering for her olive hued eyes, and her medium complexion. Add some creamy pink blush to the apples of your cheeks, and some pink lip gloss for a fresh and feminine final look.


17. Emma Stone Makeup for Green Eyes: Rose gold and copper

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American actress and model Emma Stone looks breathtakingly beautiful with her radiant rose gold and copper hued eye makeup. Her warm, shimmery eye shadow brings out her jade-green eyes, and we love her honey blonde hair color. It’s always important to match your makeup color choices to your skin tone and the color of your features (hair, brows, and eyes). Getting it right can mean the difference between awkward makeup that doesn’t suit you, and fantastic makeup that makes the most of your best features. Also, certain trends won’t suit you – and that’s totally normal. Feel free to experiment, but also take note of which looks work for you, and which ones don’t.


18. Kristen Stewart Makeup for Green Eyes: Dark and sultry

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American actress Kristen Stewart looks smoking hot with her dark and sultry eye makeup. She rocks an intricately blended mix of dark chocolate brown, black, and charcoal on her upper lids, as well as super long eyelashes. Dark eye makeup can be quite difficult to pull off without looking like you’ve walked into a door, especially if you’re mixing colors for a smoky eye effect. Our best tip? Layering – start with your lightest shade of eye shadow, and cover the largest area with this color. Add darker shades in smaller areas for a very natural looking smoky eye. For example – apply taupe to your entire eyelid (including inner corners of your eyes) up to your brow, copper on your lid and above, and black/charcoal on the lower part of your upper lids.


19. Kate Hudson Makeup for Green Eyes: Subtle glamour

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American actress Kate Hudson looks effortlessly glamorous with her subtle-yet-chic eye shadow and bright, glowing complexion. Light or pale eye shadow can make small eyes look bigger, so use these shades liberally for a “wide awake” and fresh look. Taupe, sand, beige, and gold are all great choices for green eyes.


20. Ashlee Simpson Makeup for Green Eyes: Statement lashes

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American singer, songwriter, and actress Ashlee Simpson looks stunning with her statement lashes and her super-trendy bob hairstyle. She sports light eye shadow in the inner corners of her eyes, and dark, thick lashes that cover the outer corners of her eyes. For perfect lashes, curl your upper lashes before applying mascara. You should curl them in three sections, starting at the roots and ending with the tips. Then, apply a high quality mascara, wiggling and rotating the wand as you go so as to prevent clumps. Alternatively, apply false eyelashes for maximum flirting potential.


So there you go, green eyed girls – some hot new makeup looks to try out at home! Let us know which ones are your favorites in the comments below.

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