herinterest.com » Christy Rasmussen http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 14:28:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 10 Signs He Wants You Back http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-you-back/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-he-wants-you-back/#comments Wed, 09 Oct 2013 16:00:37 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3447

Guys are very hard to read after a break-up. They often hold their feelings in to prevent what could be a rejection from your end. If they play it cool and you turn them down, oh well. They acted like they didn’t care anyway. It’s a game, but one played well by guys to protect their heart. How can a girl tell how her ex feels? There are a lot of small and subtle clues. He will basically be screaming that he wants you back, but in little actions instead of words. If any of these ten signs fit, you can guarantee that he wants you back;


Questions New Relationships

If your ex asks about new relationships or new guys in your life, this is a very good sign if you are interested in getting him back. He is trying to see if you have moved on. If a guy doesn’t have feelings anymore, he couldn’t care less if you are with anyone or not. If he asks, he’s wanting you back.

He Talks to Your Friends

If your friends tell you that your ex has been talking to them more and more (and especially if he asks about you), he probably wants you back. Mutual friends are one thing, but people that were specifically your friends are a very important clue that he wants you back. If he didn’t, he would probably more try to avoid them all so he didn’t have the awkwardness that would ensure.

Accidental Run-Ins

Suddenly you start seeing him everywhere. This isn’t by chance. He is making excuses to run into you in hopes of starting up a conversation without looking desperate by contacting you specifically. He remembers where you used to go and he is making sure to show up there because he wants you back. If you are interested in getting him back, change up your routine to see if he still finds you.


 Gives You the Look

You know the look he used to give you before you broke up. There is no denying the look of a man in love and you spot it immediately when he looks at you. The look is probably a combination of admiration, lust, and happiness. Don’t mistake the look, he wants you back. He would avoid eye contact if he didn’t.

Avoids the Bad

If your ex wants you back, he will avoid all talk of any bad times or the break up itself. He does this to forget and to make you forget. This way, only the happy times are remembered. Consider it selective memory on his part, especially if he was mostly at fault and doesn’t want you associating him with that time.

Brings Up the Good

Instead of mentioning any unhappy memories, he will constantly bring up only good memories to try and reignite the flame. Chances are that the two of you had lots of good memories, at least in the beginning. He is choosing on focusing on those moments only to make you think you are missing out on only good memories.


Drunk Contact

They don’t call alcohol liquid courage for nothing. Drunk texts and calls mean that you are on his mind always but that he only has the confidence to text or call when intoxicated. Drunk contact is good because it allows him an out in the morning if you decline his advances. “I was really drunk!” He can claim that it was nothing more than the alcohol talking.

Mentions Inside Jokes

If he constantly texts, calls, and mentions all your inside jokes, he wants you back. Inside jokes are “your inside thing” and only the two of you would find them funny. A guy who doesn’t care anymore will avoid reminding you of them. This is a good sign. Bring up some inside jokes yourself and see his reaction as well.

Calls For Advice

If he cares still, he might call and ask for your advice. It is a subtle way of saying that he still values your opinion and wants to do what you think he should do. This advice could be about anything, but especially if he asks about whether or not to date other girls. He hopes you will say no. If you truly want him back, tell him to date them. It will drive him crazy.


Compliments You Often

“I like that shirt on you.” “You look really great lately.” “Those pants fit you great!” If your ex compliments you often, he is hoping to make you fall for him all over again. Flattery is never for no reason, especially from an ex. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t chance making you fall for him. It wouldn’t be worth the nice words.

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The No-Contact Rule and How it Works http://www.herinterest.com/the-no-contact-rule-and-how-it-works/ http://www.herinterest.com/the-no-contact-rule-and-how-it-works/#comments Wed, 09 Oct 2013 10:00:22 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3453


You know the usual break-up pattern, you cry, text him, beg him to come back, and tell him your feelings over and over again. You just know that once he sees how much you love him, he will come around. If he realizes your dedication, he’s yours again right? Wrong. Women, we are doing the break-up dance all wrong. We’ve all done the begging at one point, but it’s the worst thing you can do in the situation. If you hope to get your ex back, you have a better chance with the no-contact rule. The no-contact rule works much better and makes you look better in the end, no matter the outcome.


What is The No-Contact Rule?

The no-contact rule is just as it sounds. No contact for at least 30 days. This means no texts, no emails, no calls, no “accidental” run-ins, nothing. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you break the rule and send a quick hello text message, you have broken the no-contact rule and it becomes void. For the best chance at getting your ex back, you have to have absolutely no contact whatsoever! This includes checking in on his social media accounts. Just because you are not actually speaking with him, doesn’t mean the constant checking up on him isn’t dangerous for you mentally. Delete or block him if you can’t help but look at his sites.

Sometimes the no-contact rule is just not possible. There are situations that exes are in that requires contact. If this is impossible because you work together, have children, or some other reason, you have to limit contact to absolutely what is necessary and nothing else. Talk about the kids only if that’s the case. Talk during work ABOUT WORK only if that’s the case. Whatever the situation is, talk about nothing other than the required subject. Do not even ask how they are doing just to be polite. You don’t care. You have moved on, right?


The Chase

In the beginning of your relationship, you both had to work to impress each other. He chased you and you probably did some chasing as well. Somewhere along the way in most relationships, the chasing stops. The fun ends. People stop trying to impress each other and comfort sets in. Comfort is not necessarily a bad thing, but things can get too comfortable. When neither party tries anymore, the relationship goes stale really quickly. Whether or not men will admit it, they love the chase. That is why the no-contact order is brilliant. It creates the chase scenario again. Men realize that you are not chasing them and wonder why. Now they have to chase you instead. Believe me, 9 times out of 10, they will take up the chase again if you show that you are not in any way chasing them.


We Want What We Can’t Have

Every person has a little bit of this inside themselves. We all want what we can’t have. If you are constantly contacting him, he knows that he can have you in a heartbeat. Make him think otherwise. By not contacting him, you make him think that he cannot have you. Then he wants you more. I understand that this seems like a big game. It’s not. It’s the natural way that relationships work. Being too available is a huge turn-off for anyone, men or women. It reeks of desperation and no one wants a desperate significant other. You need to make him think that you are not available to him every minute of every day. You have a life and he may or may not be in it. Make him wonder why he can’t have you anymore. Make him long to have you since it appears that cannot anymore


During the No-Contact

After a relationship in which you were always allowed to contact your love, it’s hard to go to absolutely no contact, especially if your heart is hurting. In a relationship you are more or less addicted to the contact, touch, and love. After a break-up, you go through withdrawals of some sort. You need to find something to occupy your mind instead of letting the withdrawals eat you alive. Try these things during the no-contact order to ensure better success;

1. Better Yourself

Join a gym, take some classes, go shopping, work on quitting bad habits, etc. Take up a new hobby or learn a new talent. Whatever you do, just better yourself in some way. If your ex knows that you are bettering yourself, he will wonder why you aren’t dying in depression over him. “Maybe she wasn’t so in love with me as I thought?” He will work on trying to make you fall for him again.

2. Have Fun!

Go to every party you are invited to. Spend some time at the club (but do not drunk text while there!). Hang out with friends that you have neglected during your relationship. Maybe even go on a vacation. Have as much fun as possible and post those pictures everywhere to show your ex how much fun you have being single. Not only will he wonder when you started having fun without him, but he will also long to have as much fun as you are having. Lastly, he will wonder why he never saw this fun side of you.

3. Date

There are a whole lot of experts that say dating too soon is a recipe for destruction. We disagree. We’re not saying that you have to fall in love and move in with a new guy a week after your break-up, but go on some light-hearted dates. Chances are that your ex will hear about it and wonder how you moved on so fast. This goes back to the chase and it hits the competition bone that all men possess.

4. Look Your Best

Obviously you want to hang out in your pajamas and wallow in your sadness all day long without as much as taking a shower. Break-ups are very hard. It’s understandable. Don’t do it. Even if you plan on staying at home all day, get up, get showered, and look your best. It will make you feel a lot better about yourself whether or not anyone sees you.

5. Keep busy

Fill out your calendar so busy that there won’t be time to contact your ex even if you wanted to. Whether you pick up more hours at work or take up a second job, just find something to keep you busy. A busy mind is not a wandering mind. Don’t let your mind wander into contacting him. Pretend that you are just too busy to find the time in the day to talk to him. You’re very in demand after all.


Tripped Along the Way

 None of us are perfect and it’s okay if you trip up. Ideally you don’t want to fail at this for best results, but all is not lost if you break the no-contact rule. The only problem is that you have to start all over for it to work correctly. You need at least 30 days of no contact for this to work like it should. When you contact him, you show him that he doesn’t need to chase anymore. He got you with ease right? Start over from day one and he will wonder what happened. He might momentarily think he got you back, but then confuse him by going away again.


Mind Changed

Many times with the no-contact rule, a woman will realize that she doesn’t truly want him back after all. With the 30 days away, clarity comes. The rose colored glasses come off and suddenly things don’t look as good as they once did. This is great! Do not think of this as a bad thing at all. You’re a different person than you were during the relationship and break-up period. Move along and continue on as you were doing during the no-contact time. Be sure to tell him how you feel though as to not string him along when you have no intentions of going back to him. Also, in your next relationship, try to not make the same mistakes that were made in this one and use the 30 day no-contact rule whenever a break-up happens.


What If It Doesn’t Work?

 Depending on the relationship, the parties involved, and why the break-up happened, the no-contact rule might not work. After everything is said and done maybe one or both of you realize that the relationship wasn’t a good fit anyway. Accept that it was not meant to be and move along. Continue on with no-contact as long as you need to move on fully with your heart. Relationships end and new ones begin. With your new skills, new self, and new confidence, it shouldn’t be long until a new relationship comes about. In the meantime, enjoy your freedom! Have fun and be selfish. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and with whom you want to do it with.

Whatever you do, do not rush into a serious relationship just because you don’t want to be alone anymore. This never works out the way you think it will. That is a sure-fire way to be in this same, heartbroken position again. Instead, innocently date a variety of guys. Keep it light. You will get better clarity about what you are truly looking for in a man and what you need out of a relationship. Also, keep up your confidence and independence. No man wants a relationship in which his girl is solely dependent on him.


http://www.herinterest.com/the-no-contact-rule-and-how-it-works/feed/ 10
20 Best First Date Questions to Ask a Guy http://www.herinterest.com/20-best-first-date-questions-to-ask-a-guy/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-best-first-date-questions-to-ask-a-guy/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:00:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3444

Ladies, the typical first date questions are boring. Where do you work? What do you do in your free time? Do you hope to have a family someday? You might want to know the answers to these, but they are boring, cliché, awkward and will not get you a call back. Try these 20 questions for a more fun and memorable first date.



Most embarrassing moment 

Why you should ask;

This question immediately lightens the mood and makes both parties at ease more. Plus it will probably provide for laughs and a window into better stories.


Pet Peeves

 Why you should ask;

Ask this one immediately in case your date’s pet peeve is women paying or something else you planned on doing.


Person you would most like to have dinner with

Why you should ask;

This question says a lot about a person without asking a million boring questions. Plus, it makes me think since they weren’t anticipating answering much beyond where they worked.



 Why you should ask;

Every tattoo has a story and a reason. Some tattoos have hilarious stories and some have sentimental value. Either way, they too say a lot about a person.


Dream vacation         

Why you should ask;

Where a person wants to go in their free time can tell you a lot about them. If they would go to China, they might be more cultural. Greece is more historical. The Alps is more of an outdoorsman. You get the idea.


Dream job   

Why you should ask;

This is a good question that will lead to where they really work without you asking such a cliché question. Also you get to know if they are doing what they are passionate about or not.


Favorite dessert

Why you should ask;

This question has no hidden deeper meaning, but it lightens the mood and maybe you can share one if you have a common favorite.


What would you do if you won the lottery?

 Why you should ask;

Would they donate a lot to charity or spend it sole on themselves? This offers a bit into their soul. If they are shallow and materialistic, it will show really quickly. If they mention paying off bills, it shows financial responsibility.


Where do relax the best?

Why you should ask;

This questions helps tell if your date is high-strung or not. If they can relax anywhere, that is great. If they cannot relax anywhere, that is bad.


Weirdest dream

Why you should ask;

Another “for fun” question that is guaranteed to bring laughs, especially if he reveals that he once had a dream about living with the Smurfs.


Toilet paper roll under or over

 Why you should ask;

No one asks this question on a first date. Your date will remember you for sure. And everyone has a preference.


 Ever been skydiving, bungee jumping, etc?      

 Why you should ask;

This answer will tell if he is into thrill sports or more reserved. Does he take chances or play it safe? Which type of guy do you prefer?


Favorite comedian    

Why you should ask;

A person’s type of humor reveals a lot about them. Does he enjoy raunchy humor or safe humor?



Why you should ask;

This will probably lead to another great story and you will know a more private detail about him. If he shares his with you, share yours with him as well.


What did you do on your 21st birthday

Why you should ask;

It will guaranteed be a great story. Then you can share yours as well for maximum laughter.


What were you like in high school?      

Why you should ask;

This question will tell a lot about who he is now. Sure people change, but do they change that much? That conceited football star might be similar to the man he is now.



Why you should ask;

Guys love to tell about their battle wounds. No matter the story, he will probably exaggerate and make himself a hero out of it. It’s good entertainment.


How many places have you been to?  

Why you should ask;

The more traveled someone is, the better they are at looking at the big picture. Someone who has barely made it outside their hometown city limits sign has a very narrow view of the world.


Morning or night person?

Why you should ask;

No one wants to date the morning people. Unless you are one too.


Do you collect anything?

Why you should ask;

This question offers a little insight into them without asking a million other questions. Also, it opens up the ability to see if you share some interests.


http://www.herinterest.com/20-best-first-date-questions-to-ask-a-guy/feed/ 0
20 Awkward Questions that Guys ask Girls and How to Answer http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 08:00:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3431

Awkward is in the eye of the beholder…at least when it comes to guys and girls. To guys, a question along the lines of how long it takes to get ready isn’t that awkward and most will answer with “five minutes”. However, to a girl, some of these questions are very awkward for a variety of reasons. Be ready for some of these awkward questions with our clever answers!


What happened in your last relationship?

This is awkward because if you answer bashing them, it looks bad on you and the guy might think you will say the same about him someday.

Best answer; “We just weren’t meant for each other.”


How many guys have you been with?

The trouble with this question is that it is never asked out of curiosity.

Best answer, “Enough to know what I’m doing.”


What age do you hope to be married by?

Tell your real friends the truth, tell a guy a generalized answer.

Best answer, “Whenever the time is right. I’m in no hurry.”


Would you ever be a stay at home mom?

Some guys prefer their wives stay at home with the children, while some cannot fathom supporting a woman who is perfectly able to work.

Best answer, “That is something I will have to ponder when the time comes.”


When did you lose your virginity?

Along with the number of guys you have been with, this question is never asked out of innocent curiosity. It is a “feeler” question.

Best answer, “Last week.” Then laugh and change the subject.


Do you want kids?

Guys ask this to size you up. Unless you are in a serious relationship, there is no reason to answer this question right away.

Best answer, “Maybe someday.”


Do you believe in women’s rights?

Discussing this in a serious relationship is one thing. Talking about it in a new relationship or something that you hope develops into a serious relationship is risky.

Best answer, “I believe that everyone has the right to an opinion and I respect all views.”


 Have you been in a lot of relationships?

People who have been in a lot of relationships or very few send out the vibe that something is wrong with them.

Best answer, “It depends on your definition of “a lot”. I’ve been in some.”


Have you ever cheated?

This is an awkward question because if you answer yes, you are automatically assumed guilty of always doing it.

Best answer, “What I’ve done before doesn’t define who I am now.”


How much do you make?

While this should be one of those questions that everyone knows not to ask, sadly people still do ask it.

Best answer, “I make enough.”


What are your thoughts on *insert controversial topic*?

After being in a relationship awhile, this is a perfectly acceptable question. In the beginning, it is awkward.


Best answer, “I think that issue is up for debate. There are good points for both sides.”


How long does it take you to get ready?

Guys ask this question to try to see if you are high maintenance without actually asking you just that.

Best answer, “It depends on the situation.”


How much did that cost?

Guys size up women by how much they spend on certain things.

Best answer, “I got it on sale for a good price!”


Have you dated any of your friends?

If you remained close with any of your ex-boyfriends and your new guy asks, you have to be honest. If he finds out later, it will be a big deal that you lied. Tell the truth, but change the subject quickly.

Best answer, “Yes, but there was no spark or chemistry at all.”


Would you consider a threesome?

You should never say never because some day you might be interested in trying new things. However, starting off a relationship with a man thinking you want to do more than you do is never good.

Best answer, “I am open to consider different things with the right man.”


What do you consider cheating?           

First of all, you should be very careful with a guy who asks this question. He is trying to see what he can get away with in the relationship.

Best answer, “Any kind of betrayal, even just emotional.”


Have you ever been called crazy by an ex?

Considering this is always the go to word of ex-boyfriends, most of us have probably been called crazy.

Best answer, “I’m not really concerned with what people call me. I know who I am.”


Do you pleasure yourself?                      

This question is awkward no matter who asks it, but especially a guy. Truth is that very few people do not so the guy asking most likely knows the answer, he’s just being a dirt bag.

Best answer, “I get my needs satisfied.”


Do you fake orgasms?            

Even if you have even just once in your life, do not answer this question.

Best answer, “I don’t think I would need to with you.”


Does size really matter?

Yes. Yes it does. This question is awkward though because guys don’t want to hear that. Just lie and say no. No harm, no foul.

Best answer, “No.”

http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/feed/ 0
10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-boyfriend-is-cheating/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-boyfriend-is-cheating/#comments Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:44:56 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3170

10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating

You have that uneasy feeling in your stomach. You think your boyfriend might be cheating. Are you just being paranoid or is he truly being unfaithful? If any or all of these signs fit, don’t question your intuition, just go.


1. He Accuses You

If you have never given him any reason to doubt your fidelity and all of a sudden you find yourself defending your faithfulness to him, he might be cheating. This is the number one sign of unfaithfulness. The guilty party blames and accuses to take the heat off of him. Then, when you call him out on his cheating, he can claim that you are trying to turn the tables on him. I cannot emphasize this enough, if he starts accusing for no reason, he is cheating.


2. He Locks His Phone

If he has a lock on his phone and never lets it leave his sight, he might be hiding something. Chances are that thing he is hiding is another woman. Men who have nothing to hide will not lock down their phone tighter than Fort Knox. If he has always had a lock on his phone since before he met you, that might not be a reliable sign, but if it is a sudden thing, this is a red flag.


3. His Excuses are Detailed

He comes home late and his excuse is extremely detailed. “First there was a red car driven by an older lady blocking all lanes for 45 minutes because of a flat tire that took 4 guys to change. When they finally got the new tire on, the old one rolled out into traffic and it took 32 minutes to get it into her trunk.” People who are telling the truth omit unnecessary details. People who are lying throwing in every detail possible to make it seem like they are telling the truth. They overcompensate. If he says traffic was blocked, he might be telling the truth.


4. His Looks Changed Overnight

He decides to go for the clean-shaven look after years of saying he hated that, he grows his hair out but you’ve only ever seen it super-short, he starts wearing cologne or after-shave overnight, etc. People change their looks sometimes, but if it seems to be something he would never do or you think it’s more like he’s trying to impress someone, he might be cheating.


5. His Sex Drive Drastically Changed

Whether he starts having way more sex with you or way less sex with you for no apparent other reason, you should be suspicious. Cheaters who start having way more sex with their partner are doing it out of guilt and to overcompensate. Cheaters who starts having way less sex are doing it because they are getting it somewhere else. Ask yourself if there is any other reason his sex drive changed so much (such as due to medication or illness). If not, there is a reason; he’s cheating.


6. His Interests Changed

Did the man who used to make fun of pop music suddenly become the biggest Justin Bieber fan? Did his music taste change overnight by coincidence or because he is trying to impress someone else? Most likely it’s to impress someone else. In new relationships, people will branch out and try new things to impress their new love. If you aren’t his new love, he’s trying new things to impress someone else.


7. He Walks Away on Phone

If he walks away whenever he gets a phone call or text message, you should be very concerned. There is never an excuse for this behavior and it ALWAYS means he is hiding something. A man never has a good enough reason to hide his conversations. End of story. If he is just walking around on the phone, that’s one thing. If it is obvious that he doesn’t want you to hear, something is wrong….he’s probably cheating.


8. He Has a New Credit Card

If he has been discussing getting a new card for whatever reason and then lets you know that he decided to sign up, no big deal. If you stumble across a credit card that you knew nothing about, big problem. A cheating man will get a new credit card to have the ability to make purchases without your knowledge. He can easily hide a few bucks to pay the minimum payment. Hiding the purchases of dinners, presents, hotel rooms, etc gets harder to hide. If you find a mystery credit card, he’s more than likely cheating.


9. He Starts Going Over Cell Limits

Is he going over his minutes or message limits on his cell? Is this normal? If not, be worried. A man who suddenly starts talking on the phone more than ever or sending more texts than he ever has, is possibly cheating. If he is working on some business deal or has another valid excuse for his sudden phone usage, then you might want to do a little extra investigating. Check out the numbers on his bill. If they all correspond to his story, then you’re good. If not, you have some walking to do.


10. He Starts Working Late

The last one is such a cliché reason to be suspicious, but it’s the #1 lie that cheaters tell, so it’s a cliché for a reason. Thankfully this excuse is easy to check out. Call his work or drop by for a surprise. Bring him a meal to help out with his late night work. Doing this will either ease your mind or prove your suspicions and you won’t come across looking like a crazy girlfriend. Problem solved.

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10 Clues That He’s using you http://www.herinterest.com/10-clues-that-hes-using-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-clues-that-hes-using-you/#comments Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:40:01 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3155

A real man has no ulterior motive for being with you. You could be broke with not a thing to offer and he would still love the real you. Another kind of man uses women. Whether he is using you for sex or money, here are the top clues that he might not be into you for just you;


1. You Always Pay


If he forgets his wallet every once in a while, no big deal. If he seems to ALWAYS forget his wallet, it’s not a coincidence. He’s using you for money. Forget your wallet once in a while and see what happens. If he gets angry, he is not only a hypocrite but he’s practically shouting that he’s into you for something besides your wonderful self.


2. You Never Go On Dates


He claims to just want to stay in, but all that translates to is sex. Staying in from time to time is fine, but when it’s every single night and all you do is have sex, he’s using you for just that. Don’t fall for the lack of money excuse. There are lots of free date ideas. He should want to do more with you if he likes you for you.


3. He’s VERY Interested in Who You Know

If he spends a lot of time hinting that your dad should get him a job, your sister should introduce him to her celebrity friend, or that your boss should see his invention, etc., he might be using you for your connections. Sure, it’s great when one’s significant other knows the right people, but if he won’t stop pushing you for your connections, he is probably interested in who you know more than who you are.


4. What’s His is His and What’s Yours is His

After things gets serious in a normal relationship, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. If in your relationship, you aren’t free to use his things but he uses yours freely, he is probably using you for your things. He should be willing to share if he’s willing to use your things. If not, he’s not into you for you.


5. You’ve Never Met Anyone

If you have been together for months and haven’t even been introduced to as much as his mailman as “my girlfriend”, he is using you. Maybe he’s using you for money or sex or whatever, but he is definitely with you for the wrong reasons. Anytime a certain amount of time has gone by without any introductions at all, there is always something wrong. He isn’t with you for you.


6. He Constantly Uses Your Place

If he has his own place but throws massive parties and get-togethers at your house as if it’s his own, he might be using you for your pad. This is especially true if he barely even gets your permission, invites only his friends, and then bails as soon as the party is over. If he wasn’t using you, he’d throw the parties at his own place. You’re his girlfriend, not his event rental location.


7. He’s Hard to Reach Until Late

You text and call and email that you want to spend the day together, but he never responds. Then, like magic, late in the evening he finally is available to spend time with you….but only for sex. If you can’t reach him during the day, you are basically a booty call even if you do not intend to be one. He isn’t into you for you, he’s into you for your booty. Find someone who wants you at all hours of the day, not just at midnight.


8. You’re Never His Date For Any Event

He goes to his friend’s wedding…without you. He goes to his Grandma’s birthday party…without you. He goes to work functions…without you. If you are new in this relationship, it might be excusable, but after a few months there is no excuse worthy anymore. He’s using you for something. If he was into you, you would be invited to anything.


9. He Drives Your Car More Than You Do

If it’s unclear whether your car is yours or his, he might be using you for it. Sure, you might not have that exciting of a ride, but if it’s better than his or he doesn’t have one at all, he probably likes it a lot. He might even like it more than he likes you. If it seems like every time he comes over, it’s to ask to borrow your car, he is probably not into you as much as he’s into your car.


10. He ALWAYS Needs Something

He calls to say hello, “Oh and can I borrow $20?” He stops by to spend time, “Oh and can I use your Internet?” He drops by your work to see you, “Oh and can you watch my dog this weekend?” If he ALWAYS has an, “Oh and…” he is using you. A respectable man rarely asks for favors and spend more days without that little, “Oh and…” This user is into you for what you can do for him. That’s all.

http://www.herinterest.com/10-clues-that-hes-using-you/feed/ 0
10 Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Man http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-of-an-emotionally-unavailable-man/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-of-an-emotionally-unavailable-man/#comments Thu, 03 Oct 2013 18:35:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3151

You think you can change him because you’re cute, because you’re nice, or because you are good in bed right? You can’t. He might change but only when he’s ready, not when you are. Personally, I’d say to just avoid this type of guy altogether, but stay and play the waiting game if you want. Here are some signs that he might be emotionally unavailable;


1. “I’m Not Ready For Commitment”

Guy say this all the time and instead of taking it at face value, the woman involved assumed that he doesn’t want commitment RIGHT NOW, but that he will soon. “I know if I just stick around long enough, he’ll come around!” No he won’t. He is emotionally unavailable and he probably won’t ever be…at least not for you. Cut your losses. Stop wasting your time with this one when you can give your energy to someone worthy.


2. You Haven’t Met Friends/Family

While this is okay in the beginning, if it’s been a reasonable amount of time and you still haven’t met anyone close to him, he is emotionally unavailable. Men in love and attached are excited to introduce you to their friends and family. They want your approval and also the approval of their loved ones. Unless there is a solid reason why you haven’t met anyone such as you both live across the country from them, move along. This is a major red flag.


3. Everything is in Your Name

You’ve moved in together and share everything but for whatever reason, everything is in your name alone. Now, if he has bad credit, it’s understandable to put things into your name AND his…not just yours. When he has nothing in his name, it gives him an easy out when he needs one. A man without emotional hang-ups has no problem putting things into his name as well.


4. He Never Buys Anything With You

Along with the previous sign, an emotionally unavailable man will never make any joint purchases. He will insist that everything be in one name or the other. Things will be divided into your things or his. Things such as televisions and other semi-big purchases will never be “ours” but instead one or the other. This too allows for an easy out when he needs one.


5. He Doesn’t Know You

If he never asks questions about you or attempts to get to know you on more than a superficial level, he is probably not emotionally available. A man like this will try to keep you distant to prevent both of you from falling in love. If you don’t go beyond likes and dislikes, it’s hard to REALLY be in love. If it seems like you aren’t going past the first date talk, he is probably doing that on purpose.


6. He Doesn’t Make Future Plans

Sure, years from now is hard to plan but a month or two in advanced isn’t too much to ask unless you’re a brand new relationship. An emotionally unavailable man will have problems making plans a week in advanced even. At first that spontaneous, spur of the moment dating will be exciting, but eventually life will kick in and you will want a relationship in which you can plan a date a month in advanced. Find that guy and lose the unavailable one.


7. He Doesn’t “Do” Labels

We’ve all met this guy. “I don’t like to put labels on us. Let’s just enjoy each other and the moment.” In reality, this guy doesn’t want to put labels on the two of you because he doesn’t want the responsibility of the relationship. You know, where he has to be respectful and thoughtful. He’s emotionally unavailable to you. Find a more mature man that will happily call you his girlfriend and eventually wife.


8. He Avoids Emotion

A man in love will have no problem discussing any emotion whether it be sad, mad, or disappointed. An emotionally unavailable man won’t discuss any kind of emotion. Thus; emotionally unavailable. Some men are better at talking about their feelings than others, but all men can talk a little. The man you want to avoid is the one who leaves without discussing anything.


9. He’s Unreliable

He breaks promises, he doesn’t call when he says, he forgets to do things, he forgets dates, etc. He is unreliable. This is a major sign of being emotionally unavailable. They might not seem related, but they are. An emotionally invested man doesn’t want to disappoint the love of his life. He doesn’t want to risk losing her trust. An emotionally unavailable man couldn’t care less. Find a man who is emotionally invested instead.


10. He Never Spends the Night

He might stay until 4 am, but he leaves before morning every single time. Never once has he spent the night has he? That’s because he can’t risk getting attached. If he treats you like a booty call, you’ll feel more like a booty call and less like a relationship. Any man who cares will spend the night. He will WANT to spend the night. Find that man. Lose the emotionally unavailable one.

http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-of-an-emotionally-unavailable-man/feed/ 0
10 Signs He’s falling in Love with You http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/#comments Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:30:01 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3167

It’s very hard to tell if your man is falling in love with you or not because the puppy dog love in the beginning very much imitates true love. The further into the relationship, the clearer it becomes that the nice stuff he does is not just infatuation but true love. Here are some sure-fire signs that he is falling in love with you;


1. You’ve Met Everyone

If you have met his grandma, parents, best friend, and all of his third and fourth cousins, he is probably falling in love with you. A man in love will find events to introduce you to everyone he knows. He will gladly go to his dreaded high school reunion just so everyone can know that you are his.


2. He Says “We”

When a man stops saying “I” and starts saying “We”, this is a good indication that he is in love. If he talks about the future in this tone, he wants to be with you long-term. “We should go on vacation there someday.” A man who isn’t in love will say, “I want to go there someday.” When he says “we”, he is really saying that the two of you are becoming one.


3. He Says, “I Love You”


Some men do jump the gun on this one and say it right away, but most men will hold it in until they mean it…and sometimes longer. A man will only say that when he means it because #1, he wants to be sure you feel it too and #2, he doesn’t want to risk having some girl cling to him that he doesn’t feel the same about. Be forewarned though ladies, “Love ya” is not the same. As silly as the small difference sounds, it makes a big difference. Love ya is for friends. I love you is for real.


4. He Remembers

If he remembers the little things that you’ve mentioned, he might be falling in love. If you mentioned once that you like lilies and he surprised you with them, it’s a good sign for you. If he makes dinner and remembers to leave out the onions that you mentioned make your stomach hurt, he might be falling. Extra points for him if you said these details a long time ago and he remembered all this time. A man in love will pay attention to even the smallest details because he knows that they matter.


5. He Does Things Just Because

He cleaned the entire house or made you breakfast in bed or bought you a present just because? Yes. He’s falling for you. Doing little things just because means that you are on his mind and he is trying to make you happy. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t care and he wouldn’t think about it. He’s in love.


6. He proposes

Duh. Unless he’s trying to get citizenship, this is a no-brainer. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t want to marry you. If he wants to marry you, he’s in love. Again, unless he’s trying to become a citizen. Then, this might not be the best sign. But he might still be in love.


7. You’re Automatically Invited

When he makes it clear that you are automatically invited to wherever he is invited, he is falling in love. If he’s going to a wedding, Christmas Party, or whatever and implies that you will be his date to everything, you’re good. He’s in love.


8. He Holds Your Hand Everywhere

If he isn’t afraid to hold your hand everywhere you go, he is falling in love. This gesture speaks to everyone that the two of you are together. An arm around the shoulder can be for friends, but holding hands is pretty universal. If he does this around friends, family, and strangers than he isn’t holding anything back. He wants the world to know. He isn’t hiding that he is taken.


9. You’re Always the Main Event

Whether you are at a fundraiser or a New Year’s Eve Party, he only has eyes for you. His eyes are not wandering around the room, they are locked on you. This is a very good sign of his feelings. Sure all people look around from time to time no matter how much in love, but if you are the main event in his eyes, he is in love.


10. He Has Your Stuff at His House

This little sign speaks volumes for two reasons. First of all, it shows that he doesn’t have other women at his house. If he did have other women around, he wouldn’t want your stuff there. Second of all, it shows that he is moving towards being completely committed. He is saying that he knows you two are moving towards a serious future together.

http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/feed/ 0
Top Ten Places To Meet a Man http://www.herinterest.com/top-ten-places-to-meet-a-man/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-ten-places-to-meet-a-man/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:02:40 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3137

Ladies, let’s move along from the bar/club scene and meet a better quality of men. Sure, maybe there are some upstanding men to be met at these places, but chances are that most will be duds. Here are 10 better places to meet a worthy man;



1. Mutual Friends

Ask some of your friends if they know any available great catches! Your friends know you better than anyone else. They will know if their boyfriend’s buddy, co-worker, or distant relative will potentially be a good match. Also, don’t miss out on any event thrown by friends such as Super Bowl Parties, Christmas Parties, etc. Unless it’s a Tupperware Party, there will be a single fellow or two there!


2. Outdoors

Whether you go to the lake, park, beach, forest, or any other outdoors place, there will be plenty of great single guys around. Most men enjoy being outside whether they are skiing, hiking, swimming, etc. Any kind of outdoor physical activity is usually a great bet to find a variety of available men.


3. College Class

English 101 might be filled with only 18 year old single men, but more advanced classes or hobby-type classes will be filled with single men that are a bit more mature. Check out classes on something like photography or guitar lessons. Not only will there definitely be single men worth snagging, but you will also learn a new skill in the process.


4. Grocery Store

This one is surprising but plenty of women meet single men at the grocery store all the time. To up your chances of snagging a date, don’t go to the store in your yoga pants and sweatshirt straight out of bed. Dress nice, fix your hair and make-up and not only will you feel more confident but you will catch the eye of every single man in the place.


5. Gym

If you go to the gym often and don’t meet lots of single men working out, you are doing something wrong. Meeting a man at the gym is almost too easy. They will be everywhere! Basically you will have too many to choose from, or so it will seem. While the grocery story suggestion was to look your best, the gym look is a bit different. If you show up looking like a beauty queen, it will appear that you are JUST there to meet a man. Try to balance looking good and looking like your actually there to workout. And do workout as well, it’s very sexy to see a woman who takes care of herself.


6. Library

There are plenty of things to browse besides books at the library, such as single, intelligent men! Men go to the library for a variety of things; to read the paper, hang out on their laptops, research something they are interested in, or just to check out a new book. To fully take advantage of this opportunity, get a library card and experience the library for yourself. Who knows who you might bump into while browsing the latest best-sellers.


7. Volunteer Events

A great place to meet a kind-hearted man is at any kind of volunteer event. Unless he has some kind of hidden agenda (such as meeting a kind-hearted single gal), chances are that he is a self-less person. One exception of this is if he needs to get some community service hours in as a result of a crime.


8. Your Personal Hobby

Do your thing. Whether it’s the theater or politics, anytime you engage in something that you are passionate about, you will ooze attractiveness and any single men around will notice. Another good thing about meeting men at places you are passionate about is that you will automatically have similar interests to share. While opposites sometimes attract, similar tastes help to cement a bond.


9. Sporting Event

If you’re serious about finding a single man quickly, frequent local sporting events. No matter where you are, you will be able to find something. High school football games even work. If you go to a sporting event, there will be more single men than you know what to do with. A word of caution though, if you pretend to be an avid fan and you’re not, you may be stuck going to every sport with your new man should you snag him.


10. Work

Many successful relationships began as co-workers. It’s pretty obvious why; you spend a lot of time together, get to know each other in a less stressful environment than a first date, and probably share a lot of interests depending on your field. Meeting men at work is usually a great idea. A word to the wise though, be careful. Never date a superior or someone you supervise and be prepared to leave or suck it up should the relationship go bad. It’s awkward as heck working with an ex. Have a back-up plan.

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